Chapter 637

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Chapter 637

After giving the order, several bodyguards with training backgrounds immediately rushed forward, grabbed the man, and punched and kicked him.

Next to the man was an old lady in her seventies. Seeing them beating her son, she cried and shouted: "Please stop beating him, can't we leave?"

The head bodyguard cursed: "What the hell have you done? You don't know how to show appreciation!"

After saying that, he kicked the middle-aged man aside, took out a thousand yuan, threw it in the man's face, and cursed: "Get out of here!"

The old lady was crying while struggling to pull her son up. The people around him were extremely angry when they saw this scene. But seeing the other party's fight and driving so many luxury cars, they knew that the other party was not someone to be trifled with.

Lord, so I can only swallow my anger.

Several bodyguards came over with money and gave one thousand yuan to everyone they met, plus three words: "Get out of here!"

Some people took the money and ran away quickly. Some people were a little more courageous and didn't want their money, but because they couldn't afford to offend them, they had no choice but to leave in anger.

At this time, a waiter from Jishitang heard the noise outside and stepped out. Seeing this scene, he immediately asked: "What do you do? Why are you beating people?"

"Hitting someone?" The head of the bodyguard frowned and said, "We are from the Wu family in Suhang, we just want to teach a blind thing a lesson."

After that, he looked around at everyone again and cursed: "Why don't you get out of here quickly? Are you itchy? I won't treat others here today. If you don't get out of here, I won't be polite!"

The clerk asked angrily: "Are you going too far? Do you know the rules of our Jishi Hall? You have to queue up to see a doctor!"

Wu Xin said coldly: "The rules of Doctor Shi are made for these poor people, not for our Wu family. In Jiangnan, what our Wu family says are the rules! Today these people must get out because they are not worthy to appear with the Wu family.

In the same place!”

"You..." The guy was very angry and blurted out: "Why are you so unreasonable? You are too overbearing!"

Wu Xin said coldly at this time: "Boy, if you dare to talk to the Wu family like this, I'm afraid you will get tired of living!"

The waiter said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone: "Jishitang is the place where God Shi heals the sick and saves people. Everyone who comes here must abide by the rules set by Doctor Shi!"

"Divine Doctor Shi?" Wu Xin snorted and said, "In front of the Wu family, Divine Doctor Shi must also obey the rules of my Wu family. If you don't believe me, just let Divine Doctor Shi come out on his own!"

In fact, Wu Xin deliberately wanted to appear arrogant and domineering. It would be best to make Shi Tianqi feel conflicted with the Wu family. In this case, Shi Tianqi might refuse to treat his younger brother, or deliberately hide his secrets.

In short, what he wants to do is to prevent his brother from being cured as much as possible.

Wu Donghai had been silent before, and when the bodyguards came out to drive people away, he didn't say anything either, because he felt that this was the Wu family's usual style of doing things.

When the Wu family goes out, they never allow ordinary people to be like them, let alone to be with them.

Even if the Wu family goes out to visit a store, the bodyguards will definitely clear out all the customers in the store, allowing the Wu family to browse freely.

They have long been accustomed to enjoying this kind of transcendental treatment, so even if they come to Shi Tianqi to see a doctor, they don't want to be in the company of these ordinary people.

However, Wu Xin's attitude at this time seemed a bit excessive in Wu Donghai's opinion.

He felt that Wu Xin could target these ordinary people, but he should not target Shi Tianqi.

This chapter has been completed!
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