Chapter 800

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Chapter 800

In other words, in the next three months, I will not have a place to stay, but after three months, I may go to jail...

Old Mrs. Xiao was crying so hard that she was out of breath and almost convulsed several times.

After the people from the court gave the warning, they didn't say anything more to them, got in the car and left.

The four members of the Xiao family could only sit helplessly on the roadside of their home, guarding a pile of tattered furniture and clothing and daily necessities, crying secretly.

At this time, they were completely helpless.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the house leaked and it happened to rain.

Several security guards from the villa property rushed over and said to them: "You guys, please take your things and move out of our villa area as soon as possible. Don't affect the appearance of our villa area here."

"What did you say?!" Xiao Changqian cursed angrily: "I have lived here for almost twenty years, and you say that I affect the appearance of this place? You want to kick me out?!"

The other party said coldly: "I'm sorry, I also received a notice saying that you are no longer the owners of our place. Since you have lived here before, you must also know that our community is under closed management and outsiders are not allowed to enter. Yes, so please leave as soon as possible."

As he said that, he pointed to a lot of things on the roadside and said: "Please move these things out as soon as possible. If you don't move, our property management will assume that these are abandoned items and can be disposed of freely."

Xiao Changqian was so angry that he trembled all over and cursed angrily: "It's too much to bully others! I will fight with you!"

Several strong security guards immediately stepped forward and pushed him, yelling: "What do you want to do? Do you want to take action? There are more than a dozen people in our security team, how many can you beat?!"

Xiao Changqian was immediately frightened.

Xiao Hailong from behind angrily cursed: "Be careful, I will call you to complain!"

The security guard sneered: "Complain against us? We are doing everything according to the rules. What qualifications do you have to complain about us? Let me tell you, you are not the owners of our community now. If you still stay here and don't leave, I will call the police to arrest you!"

"You..." Xiao Hailong wanted to curse, but when he saw the other person's aggressive posture, he suddenly stopped.

Xiao Changqian knew that it was useless for him to stay here now, and he was indeed unreasonable. The house had been sealed up. Naturally, he was not the owner of the community, so it was natural for him to be kicked out.

So he could only sigh and said to a few people: "Pack up your things, only bring the useful and valuable ones, leave the rest here and let them deal with it on their own!"

Xiao Weiwei cried and said: "Dad, where can I go now!"

Xiao Changqian shook his head and lamented: "I don't know either, but it's not a problem to continue to stay here..."

Xiao Hailong also cried, wiped his tears, and said: "Dad, how about we go and beg my second uncle... apologize to him, admit our mistake, and beg him to take us in, my second aunt's Isn’t it said in the circle of friends that her villa has ten bedrooms? Just ask them to give us two bedrooms. Let me and my husband sleep in one, and let Weiwei and grandma sleep in one..."

Xiao Changqian's face was uglier than a bitter gourd, and he sighed: "What you said is simple. Who is your second aunt? You haven't figured it out yet? It's too late for her to see our joke. How could she be so kind as to take us in and give us Room to live in!”

Old Mrs. Xiao, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly stood up and said through gritted teeth: "Go to Tomson First Class! Even if I die today, I will die at the door of Tomson First Class! If Xiao Changkun and Ma Lan don't take us in, I will sue them.

Abandon the care of the elderly!”

This chapter has been completed!
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