Chapter 920

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Chapter 920

Mrs. Xiao snorted coldly: "You still have the nerve to ask me, what did you do wrong? I tell you, as long as people like you are alive and breathing, it is wrong. Your only right choice is to die quickly.

, don’t waste air in this world!”

Ma Lan felt as if her ears were about to be pulled off. The pain was excruciating, but she did not dare to show any disobedience. She could only swallow the bitter water in her stomach, thinking that if she persisted, she would be able to do it if she persisted.


After I get out, in less than ten days, this bad old woman will also be released. By then, this bad old woman will have no place to live, no place to eat, no place to drink, and she may end up dead on the streets. At that time, I may

I have a chance to take revenge on her! 78 Chinese version first released

Doesn't this bad old woman think she's going to be locked up in there for more than ten years?

She also wants to take the letter written by herself and live in her own Tomson first-class villa. It is simply a fantasy!

She would have never imagined that she would never be imprisoned here for more than ten years, and that she would be released soon!

The moment the prison guard comes and lets me go, I believe this bad wife will be stunned, dumbfounded, and even feel very painful, depressed, and angry!

Maybe I'll be so angry that I'll die on the spot.

Mrs. Xiao really didn't expect that Ma Lan might be let go. She only thought that Ma Lan might stay in prison for the rest of her life.

That's why she always regarded the letter written by Ma Lan as a treasure, because with this letter in hand, she only had to wait for more than ten days to be released, and then she could live in a large mansion owned by Tomson.

Oh my god, Tomson Yipin, how could I have dared to think about it before?

After living in Tomson Yipin this time, I said that it would be impossible to move out again, and I would die in a mansion like Tomson Yipin.

She is a rather feudal and superstitious person and feels that only by dying in such a mansion can she join a richer family in the next life and enjoy a lifetime of glory and wealth.

At this time, the prison guard from the detention center walked over.

Mrs. Xiao then reluctantly let go of Ma Lan's ear. She had just used all her strength to pull Ma Lan's ear until it was extremely red and swollen, and there was even some tearing and bleeding at the base of the ear.

Ma Lan burst into tears of pain, but when she saw the prison guard, she was so excited that she almost went crazy.

The prison guard is here, the prison guard is here to let me go!

I am finally free!

I can finally return to Tomson Yipin's mansion, have a hearty meal, and sleep peacefully!

For more than two days, apart from licking two mouthfuls of porridge on the ground, I haven't eaten anything, I haven't slept well, and I have a fever. This feeling is simply too painful. 78 Chinese version is the fastest updated computer version


So Ma Lan couldn't wait to leave here quickly and leave here forever.

The prison guard strode to the cell, opened the door, and said, "It's time to relax, everyone should line up and go to the playground!"


Ma Lan's extremely excited heart suddenly hit rock bottom.

Are the prison guards here to take everyone out for a break? Isn't she ready to let herself out? Haven't the few police officers discussed whether to let her out?

This chapter has been completed!
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