Chapter 129 This elixir will help you choose!

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Guo Lin took out a small bottle and put away the false appearance pill he had refined.

Under normal circumstances, it is most appropriate to use jade bottles to store elixirs. The jade bottles can prevent the loss of medicinal properties to a certain extent.

But if you don’t have that condition, you can only use ordinary bottles.

However, with its energy sealing the medicinal properties, there is no need to worry about the loss of medicinal properties before the energy is consumed.

After putting away the fake appearance pill, he walked out of the closet and walked towards the outside of the Taoist temple.

Since the fragments of the Evolution Bagua Disk suggested a good destiny, he naturally wanted to meet the female devotee for a while.

Under the ancient ginkgo tree.

A tall, elegant girl was leading a group of members to play with a set of radio equipment.

She and the team members had shock on their faces.

When she received the arrangement from Bureau Chen, she was a little confused about what the sound of trees was and why she was asked to bring people up to the mountain to record it.

You must know that it is very laborious to bring those equipments.

When she really listened to the sound of the trees, she knew why she was asked to record the sounds.

After living in Youcheng for so long, she had no idea that there was such a magical ginkgo tree on Qingfeng Mountain.

There were a lot of tourists gathered around. They were all attracted by seeing the video of Ancient Ginkgo being popular a day ago.

These tourists were also completely shocked by the ancient ginkgo. Its beauty made tourists take pictures one after another and upload them online.

Therefore, the popularity of ancient ginkgo has become even higher.

Naturally, tourists who come here are also shocked by the sound of the trees.

But the shock was obviously not limited to this ancient ginkgo tree. Someone suddenly exclaimed: "Look at the news about Qingfeng Temple on the Internet. This Qingfeng Temple not only has this ancient ginkgo, but also a very shocking Huangshan pine. That Huangshan pine

The effect of the shooting is amazing.”

This aroused the curiosity of all tourists, who took out their mobile phones to check online.

Chen Li, who was under the ancient ginkgo tree, also heard this and subconsciously took out his mobile phone to check the video. Soon, he saw the Mount Huangshan pine that the tourist was talking about.

With just one glance, he was shocked to discover that the Huangshan pine in the video was actually more spectacular and more ornamental than the ginkgo tree, and the effect in the video was extremely good.

Obviously, this is a Mount Huangshan pine with attributes of camera-worthy 2, ornamental 2, and spectacular 2. It was discovered by tourists, and then it was filmed and uploaded to a short video platform by tourists.

After watching the video, Chen Li couldn't conceal the excitement on his face.

I originally thought that the appearance of this ancient ginkgo tree was enough of a surprise, but who knew that there was actually an ancient tree in Qingfeng Temple.

He even felt that if the ancient ginkgo didn't have the sound of singing, it would be worse than the Huangshan pine just from the video.

If Sun County saw this video, I'm afraid he would jump with excitement.

The tourists around were obviously attracted by the Mount Huangshan pine in the video, and they left the ancient ginkgo one after another and headed to the place where the Mount Huangshan pine was located in the video.

Chen Li also wanted to go and see the Huangshan pine, but before he was done, he also said to the elegant girl with a good figure: "Meng Yao, how is the collection of the sound of trees singing?"

"Bureau Chen, the editing has been finished, you can listen to the effect." Li Mengyao said, took two headphones, put one on herself, and handed the other to Chen Li.

Chen Li took the headphones and put them on too.

The person next to me was already operating an instrument and pressed play.

In an instant, the pure sound of tree chirping, which had been recorded and edited with no noise, rang in the headphones.

Although the melodious sound is not as pleasant as that produced by ancient ginkgo, and the pleasant effect is also much weaker, this magical effect is still there.

Chen Li had a happy face,

This can also be used.

In the future, those who want to listen to the authentic, full-effect sound of the singing tree can only come to Qingfeng Temple in person.

Chen Li thought about it, and also told Li Mengyao: "Mengyao, please ask someone to collect the equipment. We will also tell Taoist Guo about the news, and then go and see another Huangshan pine."

"Okay, Bureau Chen." Li Mengyao nodded.

But he was very curious about the Taoist Guo that Director Chen was talking about.

She had heard the name of Director Guo from Director Chen more than once. It seemed that Director Guo had a very magical ability, which made Director Chen both respected and awe-stricken.

This made her feel incredible. After all, Director Chen's status generally did not require this.

"Cut the recording separately and put away the equipment." Li Mengyao also ordered the team members.

She and Chen Li listened to the recorded sound of the trees again.

Then, her phone rang with two messages in succession:

"Mengyao, are you free tonight? I'll treat you to dinner!"

"Beautiful Li, let's show you some face tonight and have dinner together!"

These are invitations sent by two members of the opposite sex.

Looking at the two invitations, she was really confused. Maybe she was too greedy, or maybe she couldn't see her true intentions clearly.

But she really has difficulty choosing, whether it's things or people.

One of them has known each other since high school, and now they realize that he is a handsome gentleman in the eyes of women. He has achieved success in his career and has a promising future.

Women all look forward to such a boyfriend.

One is the hero in her heart. She can't forget the scene of the other gang fighting with the two gangsters blocking her way. Even if her nose was bleeding, she still told her to leave quickly.

I heard that he later mixed up in society and got tattoos on his body. People who knew him said that rudeness and brutality seemed to be synonymous with him.

But she never forgot the throb in her heart. When they met again, he seemed different from what others said.

The most important thing was that she could feel an inexplicable sense of security when walking with him.

She was also pushed by her family. It was because of her difficulty in making choices that she had been pursued by many opposite sexes, but she was still single at this age.

Now she also wants to find a boyfriend, but she really doesn't know how to choose.

She is not a playboy woman, nor is she a woman who likes to hang out with several men.

She really doesn't know how to choose.

Once you choose, she will definitely love you...

Now she really hopes that there is some god in this world who can solve her doubts and guide her on a path.

Not only is it difficult to choose, she is now also afraid of regretting if she makes the wrong choice, and she is also afraid that choosing one person will hurt another person.

When the group packed up all the equipment and Chen Li was about to go find Daozhang Guo, he found that Daozhang Guo had already come towards them.

"Taoist Master Guo." Chen Li immediately bowed respectfully and followed the local customs. He had learned this after coming to Qingfeng Temple so many times.

"Daozhang Guo." Li Mengyao greeted him with a bit of surprise on his face.

She had seen the video of this Taoist Master Guo on the Internet before, and he seemed to be much younger than the video.

She really couldn't imagine what ability the other party had at his age to make someone with Chen Bureau's status be so awe-inspiring and respectful.

Guo Lin returned a greeting to the two of them, and then looked at the tall, elegant girl in front of him.

This is the protagonist of Good Karma.

He didn't know the reason why the fragments of the Evolution Bagua Disk were triggered, but he knew there must be a reason for it.

Li Mengyao seemed to feel Guo Lin's gaze, and was a little confused and embarrassed. She didn't know why the Taoist priest was staring at her.

If a man were to stare at her like this, she would definitely feel an unknown fire, as if she had never seen a woman before.

But for some reason, when she was stared at by this young Taoist priest, she felt that there seemed to be something profound in his gaze.

She wondered why she felt this way.

Guo Lin saluted Li Mengyao again with a smile: "A good believer, I am destined to commit the peach blossom and the double dragon evil. Are you confused, tormented, painful, and difficult to make a choice? I don't know whether you should choose someone elegant or someone else?


"Ah??" Li Mengyao subconsciously widened her eyes when she heard this, and said in disbelief: "Taoist Master, how did you know?"

She never told anyone about her recent troubles, not even her family or best friends.

It's something outsiders shouldn't know.

Now the Taoist priest in front of me actually said it so accurately.

Somewhat incredible.

"Good believer, there are always different fates in this world!" Guo Lin naturally saw the surprise on Li Mengyao's face.

However, he did not answer the other party's words. Instead, he took out a false appearance pill and handed it to Li Mengyao with a smile.

"This elixir will be helpful to believers. Take it when you don't know how to make a choice, and don't panic. When you get the results, believers can come to Qingfeng Guan again, and everything will return to the way it was before."

Li Mengyao looked at the pill in her hand in astonishment, with confusion and shock on her pretty face.

Taoist Master Guo not only saw through her worries, but also gave her a pill that he said would solve her worries.

She seemed to be experiencing a fantasy story, and wanted to ask for more information, but found that Taoist Guo had turned around and left, and could only look at Chen Li for help.

"Believe me, Taoist Master, go back and give it a try!" Chen Li was also a little surprised.

He understood the meaning of Guo Daochang's words.

Li Mengyao is being pursued by two men, and now she doesn't know how to make a choice. Now Daochang Guo actually gives her a pill, saying it can help her make a choice.

It's incredible that a pill can have such an effect.

He did not doubt Daozhang Guo's words.

If Taoist Guo said yes, then this elixir must be OK.

Next, Chen Li took people to the place where the Huangshan pine was located. When they arrived, a large number of tourists had gathered here, taking pictures of the Huangshan pine with their mobile phones and cameras.

Chen Li also saw the Huangshan pine. It was indeed shocking and full of ornamental value. It was also at the level of ancient and famous trees.

But they had no idea about this Huangshan pine before.

It was as if he had been completely hidden before, and now he was born with Daozhang Guo.

Li Mengyao obviously had no intention of appreciating the Huangshan pine. The words of the young Taoist priest and the pill kept appearing in her mind.

It wasn't until she came home from the mountain that she took a bath to calm down and think carefully about what happened on the mountain.

But just after she calmed down, she received two more messages one after another:

"Mengyao, are you busy today?"

"Beautiful Li, it's already dinner time. It's time to have a delicious meal."

After looking at the two messages, she was conflicted again. She knew that she shouldn't be like this. She should choose to be with one person and keep a distance from the other person.

But with this thought, she became entangled again and had difficulty choosing, which made her want to pull her hair in confusion.

This also made her subconsciously take out the elixir given by Taoist Guo.

At the same time, she also thought of Bureau Chen's words, which said that the other party believed in Director Guo.

Thinking of the conflict that had caused her some pain, she inexplicably chose to believe Taoist Guo, put the pill in her mouth and swallowed it.

Just after taking the elixir, she raised her head and looked in the mirror, her expression turned extremely ugly.

She panicked and saw that wrinkles were visible to the naked eye on her face, and her skin also became wrinkled.

It was as if her life was being stolen away quickly and she became pale.

In a short period of time, she seemed to have aged by ten or twenty years, from a woman in her prime to a middle-aged woman.

Li Mengyao was frightened to tears by this scene. What woman doesn't cherish her beauty?

After her legs were almost weak from fear, she immediately remembered the words of Taoist Guo: Don't be surprised if you take the elixir. When there are results, go back to Qingfeng Temple to find him, and everything will be restored to its original state.

Is this all caused by the elixir?

But a pill can have such a strange and terrifying effect?

Is this why Director Chen is in awe of Director Guo?

Thinking of this, she immediately forced herself to calm down and waited for a while before looking at the mirror again.

After taking a deep breath, she took out her phone.

She understood Daozhang Guo's intention in giving him the elixir, which should provide her with an opportunity to test her sincerity.

She opened WeChat, first pulled out the invitation from 'Charming Lin Xiannan', and replied with a message: "Something happened to me, can you come to my house?"

After some time, she made another invitation from Lin Apao, and responded with the same message: "Something happened to me, can you come to my house?"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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