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Chapter 549: Some weird new ways!

Chapter 549 It’s a bit weird! A new way!

In Qingfeng City, more and more liver cancer patients are arriving here, eager to learn about the registration methods for the second and third phases of clinical treatment of liver cancer drugs.

Naturally, more reporters like Kolya arrived here and began to inquire about the flame badge!

This was the case for Kolya, and she also found a few familiar colleagues to gather in a coffee shop to share her news.

Don’t think it’s true that all fellow journalists on the film are competitors.

Sometimes there is tit-for-tat for exclusivity.

But some news cannot be exclusive, and there will be a lot of reporters.

At this time, what everyone is thinking about is not exclusiveness, but getting the news as quickly as possible. As long as they have a spot in the first round of broadcasts, the task is completed.

Otherwise, you will basically be left with nothing to do or be criticized by the leader.

Therefore, often at this time, some reporters will join forces to exchange information and strive to get the news in real time as quickly as possible to avoid falling behind.

For example, this time, there are too many reporters paying attention to the Fire Badge Thieves, and the number of reporters arriving in Qingfeng City is still increasing.

In this case, journalists who know each other will naturally gather together.

"Do you have any news?" Kolya asked.

She came earlier, but there was really no news at all.

Several other reporters also sighed and spoke one after another:

"I don't have any news either. The other party's whereabouts are too secretive."

"If it hadn't been secretive, the Holy Fire Badge would have been caught long ago."

"Yes, if it was so easy for us to find their whereabouts, then FBA would have caught them long ago."

"The key is that this city is so magical. The more secretive the opponent is, the harder it will be to find him once he's pinned down."

This is their consensus.

Almost as soon as several reporters were thinking this, several surprised sounds rang out in the coffee shop:

"The police station released news saying that a big gang of thieves was caught."

"Well, it seems to be called the Holy Fire Badge. It's so funny when you watch the news video."

"Yes, even with the thieves, he drove his yacht into a patrol boat and was immediately arrested."

"This is an international thief, and even the FBA can't catch them?"

“This FBA is too good.”


"???" Kolya and the other reporters were stunned when they heard these words, and immediately searched for relevant news. It didn't take long before they saw a news release from the Wana United District official.

In the news, I saw two yachts and patrol boats capsized in the sea, as well as people arrested one by one. They were members of the Flame Emblem of Qatar.

This was apparently captured by a patrol officer's body camera.

Even though there is a snow-white exposure above these people's heads, they can still be seen clearly.

Reporters like Kolya naturally knew what was going on. The information displayed above the head of a person who was frozen was affected by special energy. Therefore, it could not be photographed with a mobile phone and would only appear like snowflakes.

Therefore, the result is very obvious. Just as they expected, the people with the Holy Fire Badge were immobilized as soon as they entered Qingfeng City.

Even if a yacht collides with a patrol boat, you can imagine the scene.

It was nothing more than that it was suddenly frozen, unable to operate the yacht at all, and then it ran straight into the patrol boat. This embarrassing thing happened.

In the news video, there are several sets of pictures, which are photos taken by members of the Flame Badge at the police station.

These photos were done very well, and the snowflake-like exposure on the tops of the Flame Emblem members' heads was cut out.

For Kolya and the others, they only need to be sure of one thing now, and that is that these members of the Holy Fire Emblem are real.

Therefore, Koliya immediately sent the video to an email address. At the same time, she also called Kevin's number in Beautiful Country.

Kevin is the one who collects data and analyzes it, and he is usually the one who supports Kolya's actions behind the scenes.

At this time, Kevin was also chatting with several colleagues in the company, and the topic was naturally inseparable from the Flame Badge Thieves.

"Kevin, Koliya has been there for a while, why is there no news about the Holy Fire Emblem?" someone asked.

"If the Fire Emblem was caught so quickly, are they still the Fire Emblem?" Koliya asked in return.

He was actually embarrassed to say that Kolya might have fainted from flying, but he also said that there was a God in that city, and that the Holy Fire Emblem would be immobilized immediately if he went there.

If other people find out about this joke, why not be laughed at to death??

While he was thinking this, the phone rang suddenly. It was Koliya calling. He looked at the others and immediately said: "Koliya's phone number, there should be news over there."

The others immediately fell silent.

Kevin also put the phone on speakerphone and answered the phone.

Koliya's voice came: "Kevin, the Holy Fire Badge was arrested here in the Wana Union District. I sent a news video to your email. Make sure it's them. Once confirmed, release the news immediately."

Kevin and others were stunned when they heard this.

What the hell?

Fire Emblem Caught?

How can it be?

The other party had just made an announcement, saying that the reward would be completed before the night in the Wana Union District passed.

The words have been released, and if I tell them now, I will be arrested.

Isn't this too fast?

Kevin also immediately opened his mailbox, and sure enough there was a news video in it, showing people who were arrested one after another.

Other colleagues also gathered over to check.

"These people are the Fire Emblem?"


"It must be fake."

Kevin thought so too, but the professional code still asked him to investigate immediately. He naturally had his own methods, even FBA had sources of information.

Naturally, the source of this information is also because of the relationship with the company boss.

But as the investigation progressed, their faces were all filled with disbelief, because Kevin discovered that these people were actually the ones with the Holy Fire Badge.

Is there such a thing?

Aren't you talking about the top three thieves in the world? They just announced that they were going to Qingfeng City, and they were caught in the blink of an eye.

What about this game?

"Breaking news quickly," one shouted at the same time.

This is big news.

Kevin did not hesitate and immediately found the company leaders and broke the news.

Not only them, several news companies in the beautiful country also published the news.

Even several other big countries are the same.

After all, this time there is a reward of 1 billion US dollars, as well as the drug for the treatment of late-stage liver cancer. Not only people in the beautiful country are paying attention, but people all over the world are paying attention.

But as soon as this news came out, the dark web, the entire international community, and those who made bets exploded.

Isn’t this a joke??

You were one of the top three thieves, and you were caught in such a careless manner?

The capture of the Holy Fire Emblem was naturally known to other people who accepted the mission. Although I don't know the specific circumstances, the scene of the capture of the Holy Fire Emblem is really sketchy.

This made many people who took the task very disdainful. Can this kind of mistake be made?

Many people think that the Flame Emblem is dead because it has been out of mission for too long. At least they will not make such low-level mistakes as secretly operating and colliding with a patrol boat.

This includes the Dark Forest Bandits.

As the number one robber group in the world, they are the only robber group more powerful than the Fire Emblem, so their action time will not be much slower than the Fire Emblem.

In the sky approaching Qingfeng Temple, a transport plane quickly approached the sky of Qingfeng City.

At this time, you can see that there are some figures in the cabin who are ready and ready. They all have a special double wooden logo on their clothes.

That's the sign of the dark forest.

They are the world's largest thieves group, the Dark Forest.

"Hahaha, the latest news." One person suddenly laughed: "The Holy Fire Badge was planted and has been captured by Qingfeng City."

This made everyone else look over. They were old enemies with the Flame Emblem and had been competing with each other.

Now when they heard the news, they were naturally surprised.

"What's going on?" asked another person,

The man just now mocked: "When they sneaked into Qingfeng City, they actually collided with their patrol boat, flipped into the water and turned into a drowned rat before being caught. It's so funny, watch the video."

In an instant, a video was circulated and everyone in the dark forest couldn't help but laugh.

Are you still going to compete with them?

At this time, a middle-aged man said: "Be prepared, we will be here soon. The Holy Fire Badge has been planted. From now on, our Dark Forest will be a legend."

Upon hearing this, the others immediately got ready, because the middle-aged man was their leader Kuroki.

Dark Forest and Fire Emblem are different.

They chose to parachute in from the sky. Moreover, at night, they had good cover and could jump into some places in the city. When the time came, they would complete the mission, leave the city, and be taken away by the helicopter that had been prepared long ago.

They had already purchased the detailed map information of Qingfeng City, and they had also chosen the final landing point of the skydiving, which was the rooftop of the Qingfeng City Police Building.

In the dark night, no one can imagine.

Finally, late at night, the transport plane made a special sound, which was a prompt for parachuting. In an instant, the members of the Dark Forest jumped out one by one and quickly landed towards the city below.

As they descended rapidly, Qingfeng City was in sight. They followed the planned route, drifted directly towards the police station, and then opened their umbrellas.

At this time, there were only a few on-duty officers left in the police station, and they didn't pay attention to the situation in the sky at all.

Kuroki and the dark members landed on the rooftop of the police station.

But before they could show their joy of landing safely, they all froze in shock. They found that they couldn't move.

"How is this going?"

"Why is this happening?"

"I can't move anymore."

No matter how hard these people try, they simply cannot control their bodies.

The longer this went on, the more panicked they became. I don't know how long it took, but footsteps sounded, and the police officers on duty came on patrol for routine duties.

As soon as the patrolling police officers entered the rooftop, they looked at the scene in front of them in shock.


When Qingfeng City entered its second day, various Western countries had already begun to enter nighttime.

On the international Internet, the matter of the Holy Fire Badge has been fermented. Everyone knows that the Holy Fire Badge was planted in a small joint district of Wana, which has also completely embarrassed the police systems of some major countries.

After all, the Holy Fire Emblem was being passed around freely under their noses.

Naturally, more people began to think that Fire Emblem had not taken action for too long and had made mistakes that it should not have made.

But soon a new news was broadcast, which made everyone even more stunned.

"The Dark Forest Bandits were captured in the Wana Union District. They parachuted into the Qingfeng City Police Station and threw themselves into a trap..."

The top-ranked Dark Forest is even more carelessly planted in the Wana Union District.

This makes everyone unbelievable.

It seems a little strange.

Why are the first and second-ranked thieves so careless in places like this?

As time went by, more and more details came to light. Someone sent out news that all the people who took the reward and went to Wana Union District seemed to have been in trouble, and no news came out about any of them.

And indeed it is.

Because they were coveting a reward of 1 billion U.S. dollars, everyone wanted to act quickly, fearing that others would be the first to do so. Therefore, on the first night, no one knew how many people sneaked into Qingfeng City, but there was no doubt that they were all arrested, and then they were arranged by Zheng Kai.

After being caught by human training, he was interrogated overnight and imprisoned in the locked area of ​​the Demon Locking Tower.

This inexplicable situation quickly brings back memories.

Many people who knew the situation broke out in a cold sweat.

There's something weird about Qingfeng City.

In fact, many people who had accepted the mission but had not yet set off were so frightened that they gave up on the mission.

The morning at Qingfeng Temple was still very beautiful. Guo Lin got up early and entered the locked area of ​​the Demon Locking Tower.

Naturally, he knew very well that there were many more criminals last night. Moreover, these international thieves had more serious sins than those in the Wana Union District, and they would provide more meritorious deeds.

Guo Lin came to the crystal in that special area again. The surface had already gained a lot of merit power. He stepped forward and once again exported the power of merit into the fragments of the Evolution Bagua Disk.

The power of merit this time is obviously much greater than before.

As the power of these merits poured in, the special rule power contained in the fragments of the Evolution Bagua Disk became active again and began to rapidly absorb the power of these merits.

It's just that if you want to completely repair the fragments of the Evolution Bagua Disk, even if you provide such merit every day, it will still take a long time.

"Wow, all the criminals in the joint area + those international thieves caught by fishing are still not enough." Guo Lin murmured to himself, and suddenly thought of a good way to harvest the power of merit: "In that case, use this method

, it should be possible to repair the rule power of the fragments of the Evolution Bagua Disk with the power of merit as quickly as possible.”

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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