Chapter 604 Everything is going as this person said!

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When Lord Shengwu heard Li Yingqiong's words, he subconsciously looked around, especially the old man and the monk just now.

Everything the person just said came true.

Now he wanted to see if this monk and old man would say the same thing.

Almost as he was thinking about it, he saw the monk standing up: "In that case, I am willing to do something for all the donors."

The next moment, the old man also came out and said: "In that case, I will take this last step together with the three fairies of the Emei Sect."

As the two of them talked, they also walked towards the three girls of the Emei Sect.

Lord Shengwu was really surprised now.

Who is this person?

Why was he so accurate?

Or maybe everything will develop as he said.

Now we are really divided into 5 groups and each enters inside.

There are many legends about this man in Hangzhou City, and even Lord Linbao and Shushan Sword Master would visit him on the mountain. It seems that he really has some very miraculous abilities.

"Your Excellency, which group should we follow now?" Shengwu Zun asked in confusion.

"Of course I am paired with the most beautiful girl." Guo Lin said with a smile.

No need to hesitate about this.

Shengwu Zun immediately started sizing up the three girls from the Emei sect.

Which one of these is the most beautiful?

Naturally, his aesthetic vision is that all three girls are too thin, and they should be more beautiful. Only plump beauties who feel fleshy to the touch without looking too fat are beautiful.

But it didn't matter, he felt it was right to follow this person closely this time.

At this time, Li Yingqiong also came out again and said: "Everyone, since there are already two Taoist friends who want to enter a passage together, let's go in now and pass this test as soon as possible and enter the interior of Mangcang Mountain. As for which Taoist friend you want to follow?

Make your own choice.”

In fact, to the three of them, it doesn't matter what these ordinary cultivators are like.

If possible, she wouldn't even want to say hello to these people, she could just do it on her own, and that way she wouldn't waste any effort.

It's just that the Emei Sect has now become the righteous leader of the Ten Kingdoms region, and their image is still needed, so they have this skill.

In this case, these monks can get things after entering the mountain, and they can also publicize their reputation of Emei.

This plays a huge role in their reputation.

Naturally, this premise is that these monks should not have any inappropriate thoughts and ideas about what they like.

Li Yingqiong had already walked into one of the passages as he spoke, as did the other four people.

As the five people entered one passage, others followed and entered one of the passages one after another.

Guo Lin didn't move and waited until the end.

Lord Shengwu did not move, and was also waiting.

"Aren't you leaving?" Guo Lin asked.

"Your Excellency, go first." Shengwu Zun said with a smile.

Guo Lin smiled, didn't say anything, and walked directly towards the road where Zhou Qingyun entered.

"So this one is the most beautiful." Shengwu Zun understood.

Guo Lin didn't explain much. According to the content in Shushan Swordsman, this girl is indeed the kindest one.

He is also the only one who is not annoying.

After Guo Lin and Shengwu Zun entered the passage, they found that the surrounding scene had changed. It no longer looked like a mountain forest, but another valley.

But this valley is bigger, and it seems extremely dark in the distance, covered by some kind of sky, as if there is no way out.

It really is like a stone wall fantasy.

"Hey, there is a magic medicine here." A monk said in surprise, and saw him running towards a blue herb, which made Qian Ran envious.

That is a good spiritual grass that can be used to refine a level-breaking elixir that allows people to break through the golden elixir.

This discovery made everyone excited and began to search around.

"Aren't you going to find the spiritual grass?" Guo Lin looked at Saint Martial Lord who was still following him and said...

He had already started exploring the surroundings himself.

In the game, there are many herbs that can be found in this fantasy world, and now it is obviously possible in reality.

Although these spiritual herbs and elixirs are of no use to him, they are definitely of great use to Xuan Yang and the others, and may allow them to break through to the golden elixir realm.

It didn't take long for Guo Lin to find a spiritual grass, which seemed to be the Tiansu grass that could increase the power of the golden elixir.

He didn't hesitate, stretched out his hand to pick it, but found a spiritual sword suddenly flying towards him, thrust directly in front of him, and shouted: "I want this spiritual grass."

That was a man in white, a monk at the peak of the Golden Core.

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards Guo Lin.

Guo Lin smiled at that moment and unleashed all his momentum. The Nascent Soul-level power made the man in white startle, and his figure suddenly froze.

He almost stopped and looked at Guo Lin in shock.

"Sorry, I was careless." The man in white hurriedly saluted Guo Lin, trying to clear up the matter.

Guo Lin waved his hand directly, grabbed the opponent's spiritual weapon long sword in his hand, and then erased the mark on the opponent's spiritual weapon long sword.

At that moment, the man in white spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned extremely pale as the spiritual weapon was taken away from him.

Guo Lin, however, had already put the long sword into his magic bag.

Since it is a gift delivered to your door, there is no way to refuse it.

"You!" Seeing this, the man in white vomited another mouthful of blood, his face full of annoyance.

Why are you so impulsive?

"Humph!" Guo Lin snorted coldly, and directly knocked the man in white away dozens of meters, rolling to the ground.

This time, he didn't dare to do anything and hid further away in embarrassment.

When this happened, everyone else also looked at Guo Lin. Inexplicably, the people around him moved further away. After all, no one wanted to search for spiritual herbs around a Nascent Soul. If the other party took a fancy to it, it would be in vain.

Not to mention Kung Fu, I still can't beat him.

Guo Lin looked in one direction and keenly noticed that a gaze had been staying on him.

It was that girl Zhou Qingyun.

At this time, the girl also looked at her curiously.

Zhou Qingyun was indeed very curious. After all, a Nascent Soul cultivator suddenly appeared. The key is that this person was too low-key. He seemed to have the idea of ​​hiding his strength just now.

If it weren't for the man in white, the other party wouldn't have revealed his power, right?

On the contrary, the man in white rushed towards the opponent, and his embarrassed look was a bit ridiculous.

Seeing that the other person was also looking at her, she flew up and landed in front of the other person.

"Nvxia Zhou is so polite." Guo Lin smiled and hugged Zhou Qingyun.

On the Fairy Sword side, the cultivating girls prefer to be called fairies, but on the Shushan Swordsman side, they prefer to be called heroines, heroes, etc.

"Fellow Taoist, you are polite." Zhou Qingyun returned the greeting and said, "Fellow Taoist has such strength. If you have any difficulties in this next test, please help me."

"I will help Zhou Nuxia." Guo Lin agreed casually.

If it were Li Yingqiong and Yu Yingnan, I am afraid they would not say this politely at this time, but would have a condescending tone.

At this moment, the voice of Saint Martial Lord sounded, and he seemed to be competing for a spiritual flower.

Seeing Guo Lin looking over, he quickly pointed at Guo Lin and said, "This person and I are together."

These words made the man opposite him stunned. He glanced at Guo Lin, gritted his teeth, turned around and flew towards the other side.

Obviously, no one wants to stroke that tiger's beard at this time.

Lord Shengwu took the spiritual grass and came to Guo Lin's side again: "Your reputation is good for you. If you say this, I will give you face."

"Actually, it's easy for you to defeat the opponent with martial arts." Guo Lin said.

"There is no need to fight and kill things that can be solved with one sentence." Shengwu Zun said with a smile.

This scene actually attracted Zhou Qingyun's attention, and he looked at Lord Shengwu curiously.

She found the character of this rough and arrogant man very interesting.

But who are these two?

There was really no one she had ever heard of who could compare with these two.

Almost as they were talking, the surroundings suddenly began to vibrate, and it was obvious that something had happened.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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