Chapter 28 Queen Mother Gao: Misunderstanding

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The distance between the Academy of Sciences and Jiying Hall is almost infinite.

Because the Bachelor's Academy is the only official office in the entire imperial city that allows the back door to be opened to the forbidden area.

The back gate of the Academy, also known as the north gate, is directly connected to Jiying Hall through a cloister.

In other words, it may be more convenient and faster to go from the Academy to the Jiying Hall than from the Academy to the Privy Council.

In fact, this is also true.

To show his solemnity, Zeng Bu specially changed into court clothes, held a jade bag, and under the guidance of Zhang Shiliang, he walked out of the north gate of the Academy and arrived at Jiying Hall in only a few dozen steps.

As a Hanlin scholar, Zeng Bu was naturally very familiar with the past of Jiying Palace.

This hall was formerly known as Daming Hall. During the Ming Dynasty of Renmiao, it became Jiying Hall.

The reason is that this hall has always been the place for imperial examinations in the Song Dynasty.

Every year, Jinshi from all over the world would gather here, and the emperor would personally encourage his younger brothers and so on.

In addition, this hall is also the place where the kings and ministers hold the Great Yan Festival in the Spring and Autumn Period of the Song Dynasty every year.

The emperor will be here personally giving the ministers a drink.

Behind the Jiying Hall and to the north are the Longtuge Pavilion, Tianzhang Pavilion and Baowen Pavilion.

There are collections of imperial texts and personal edicts from Taizong, Zhenmiao and Renmiao respectively.

Therefore, this palace can be said to be the place where talents from all over the world gathered in the Imperial Song Dynasty, and it was also the place where the works of the ancestors of the Song Dynasty were displayed.

When he arrived at the Jiying Hall, Zeng Bu raised his head and saw that behind the throne of the Jiying Hall, a curtain had been raised, and strings of bead curtains had fallen, blocking his sight.

But you can vaguely see the figure sitting behind the curtain.

Zeng Bu knew that she was the empress dowager of Baoci Palace, the mother of today's emperor.

So, he quickly came forward with the fluorine and bowed respectfully: "Your Majesty, Hanlin Scholar Bu, I would like to ask if Her Majesty the Empress Dowager is okay!"

"I'm fine!" A slightly older female voice came from behind the curtain: "Bachelor, no gifts, but a seat!"

Then the ministers brought a red wooden pillar and placed it in front of Zeng Bu.

Zeng Bu bowed again and then carefully sat down. The Queen Mother behind the curtain asked: "I have heard that the bachelor is good at administering the Spring and Autumn Annals?"

Zeng Bu quickly held the fluorine and replied: "I dare not say 'good governance' before the empress's kindness!"

After a pause, Zeng Bu said again: "If I am aware of the profoundness of the Spring and Autumn Annals, Deng Bowen, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, should be the first among the courtiers!"

This is a fact - Deng Runfu was good at governing the Spring and Autumn Period. He was erudite and talented, and his writing was exquisite. No one in the country had any objections.

This is also the dignity of a scholar-official - to be respectful and give in, to show that one does not value fame and fortune.

Of course, this is also because Zeng Bu understood that Deng Runfu had no chance - otherwise, it would not be Zeng Zixuan who was in the Hall of Heroes in this episode.

Sure enough, when Empress Dowager Gao heard Zeng Bu mention Deng Runfu, she immediately shook her head: "Deng Runfu is a villain!"

Zeng Bu was startled by Empress Dowager Gao's straightforward and unsparing expression. He could only lower his head and repeat: "Besides Academician Deng, among the ministers, the most important ones are Shangshu Youcheng and Zhongshu Shilang.

Li Bangzhi!"

"Bang Zhi governed the Spring and Autumn Annals, and the Shangshu was very careful and precise. His articles were elegant and highly praised by the world. Officials also praised them: the articles were close to the imperial edicts! In the past, it was recognized by the world that after Sun Xueshi, only Bang Zhi

The article is comparable to Jia Yi and Yang Xiong'"

"Master Sun?" Queen Mother Gao inside the curtain asked, "But the former scholar Sun Zhu?"

"Empress Shengming!"

Empress Dowager Gao immediately sighed with emotion: "Bachelor Sun Zhu, I have heard his name for a long time!"

"In the old year, Duke Han Zhongxian once praised Sun Xueshi's article and said: Weeping and weeping, discussing world affairs, today's Jia Yi!"

Of course, Empress Dowager Gao was particularly impressed by the people Han Qi had praised.

As a result, her impression of Zeng Bu became very good.

He is indeed a gentleman who does not care about himself but makes inferences about others. He is worthy of being the younger brother of Zeng Gong. He has a good family background!

He said casually: "I respect a scholar very much for his ability to recommend virtuous ministers and humbly submit to the world. However, today, I invite you to come here not for state affairs, but to inquire about family matters!"

Zeng Bu quickly stood up and bowed prostrate, saying: "I am sincere and frightened, so I report to Her Majesty the Empress Dowager: There is no family affairs in the Tian family, and the family affairs in the Tian family are state affairs!"

Empress Dowager Gao nodded and said: "What the bachelor said is true, but I am being rude!"

This is what she does!

"However, to be fair to the bachelor, today I came to consult the bachelor about the prince's studies in Yan'an County!"

When Zeng Bu listened, his heart pounded, as if thundering.

However, his concentration and Qi-nurturing skills have already been developed.

He is no longer the upstart in the court during the Xining years who found it difficult to maintain his composure when hearing others praise or criticize him.

So, he held the fluorine and bowed again: "The prince's study is really a major event in the world. How dare you, minister, to overstep it? Please also ask the empress to convene the important ministers of the three provinces and two governments to discuss it!"

Zeng Bu was a smart man. After a few exchanges with Empress Dowager Gao, he roughly guessed what the Empress Dowager would like to hear.

I still don’t know where it is, so I can’t do it as I like?

Empress Dowager Gao said: "Although what the bachelor said is good, what the bachelor doesn't know is that this matter is really a private matter!"

"The prince is the prince of Yan'an County. He is handsome and eager to learn. He seeks knowledge at the old man's place. The old man then gave him the book "Spring and Autumn" to study with the prince. The prince is smart, handsome and sage. Although he is only ten years old, he can already read the scriptures of the saints.

, asked the question of a child, dedicated his body with a book, worshiped and thanked, saying: "My great mother is so glorious and kind to the world, and I sincerely worship and ask for it."

!" When Empress Dowager Gao said this, especially when she talked about the prince's admiration and admiration for her, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her face was extremely rosy.

She deliberately took this opportunity to tell Zeng Bu these words.

Then let Zeng Bu spread the word.

To promote her good name, she also promotes the prince's reputation for being handsome, eager to learn, pure and filial and seeking knowledge!

After Zeng Bu heard this, his whole body was like clockwork, and he immediately prostrated and bowed: "The prince is so eager to learn, and so filial to his empress. I would like to congratulate my ancestors, your majesty, and the empress dowager!"

"This is the blessing of our ancestors!" Empress Dowager Gao said proudly: "It is also the good education of the officials!"

At this moment, Queen Mother Gao felt really sorry.

It’s a pity that the two Zhidaos who died in the fire!


I originally thought that the two Zhidao officials were as traitorous as Wang Anshi.

Unexpectedly, under their guidance, the prince was not only filial, studious, intelligent, but also knowledgeable and courteous.

If they are still alive, Empress Dowager Gao will definitely reward them heavily.

Although they unfortunately died in fire and water, Empress Dowager Gao decided to give them and their families preferential treatment.

At least, at the very least, his children should be promoted to officials and their fathers and ancestors should be commended.

"However, I am a generation of women and children. Although I have some knowledge of the meaning of the scriptures, I am afraid that I will deviate from the meaning of the saint... I heard that the bachelor is proficient in the true meaning of the saint in "Spring and Autumn", so I specially invited the bachelor to come here to help me. Solve the prince’s doubts and answer the prince’s questions… I also invite a bachelor, don’t refuse!”

After all the words have been said, if you continue to give in and refuse, you are ignorant of good and evil.

Zeng Bu immediately paid homage and said, "I would like to obey your Majesty's will!"

His heart was even more excited.

He seemed to have seen the position of prime minister waving to him!

To correct an error in the previous article, Fu Bi was indeed dead at this time! My memory was wrong, and I always mistakenly thought that Fu Bi was still enjoying his time in Luoyang!

Thanks to: Wei Yang, I finally have time for the reward of 1,500 starting coins, thanks to the Decameron for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thanks to book friend 20220721203915044 for the reward of 100 starting coins!

This chapter has been completed!
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