Chapter 345 The Covenant of Reincarnation

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Spring is here, the snow has melted, and the ground has begun to freeze.

The gurgling water flows down from the mountains in Xizhou and merges into the Tao River.

Wang Daxu wore a warm folded axe, mink sleeves, and a scarf. He held the favorite heavy ax of the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty in his hand, carried a bow and arrow on his back, and walked on the land that belonged to him.

Along this ancient river, there are a total of four hundred acres of land that belongs to him.

One hundred acres of it were cultivated by Qiang people last year.

The remaining 300 acres were due to his capture, or to be precise, of taking over Nido Baozhong, the general of the Western Bandits, and rewarded him to the commander after he achieved military exploits.

Except for these three hundred acres of land.

He also recommended him to the commander and the newly arrived magistrate of Xizhou.

Therefore, Wang Daxu now has an official status as a third-class official.

He went from a low-ranking young general to a top-ranking military minister!

There was even a "Xizhou Didao Zuo Inspection" dispatched.

Under his command, there are more than two hundred Han and Tibetan archers at his disposal. Now when others see him, they all have to call him "Wang Inspector".

If he were a herdsman from the Qiang tribe who didn't know the system of the Song Dynasty, he would even lie down on the ground and compliment him: "Wang Taiwei."

Of course, his boss, the former commander of the Tianwu Army, Xiang Zongji, was also promoted.

The military minister rank has been promoted from the right servant of the ninth rank to four levels in a row, and has climbed to the top of the junior envoy - the Dongtou enshrinement officer.

Above the envoys, there are the chief and deputy envoys of various departments, commonly known as the ambassadorial rank.

Moreover, he is still Wang Daxu’s immediate boss, and is newly assigned as: Quanxizhou Didaodu Inspection Envoy!

The main task is to command the Han and Tibetan archers inside and outside Didao in Xizhou, protect the safety of Didao, and protect pilgrims of all ethnic groups going to Zisheng Temple on Mobang Mountain.

And provide some paid services to these pilgrims.

Such as accommodation, food, drinking water, etc.

Wang Daxu walked on the land that had been cultivated and planted with kapok seeds.

His mood was extremely happy.

He seemed to have seen that this summer, the place was full of kapok and blooming.

I also saw the harvest scene in autumn!

Unfortunately, the kapok seeds given to him by Xiang Zongji were only enough to plant a hundred acres.

There are three hundred acres of land left, which will be cultivated this year. We can only plant some beans and millet first.

The soil in Xizhou is poor and the yield is not expected to be much high.

But, just think about it, these four hundred acres of land belong to him.

And it can be passed on to future generations. Wang Daxu was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

After looking at the most precious kapok field, Wang Daxu called the village head over.

"Guo Zhuangtou..."

"It's very hard for you to take care of these kapok fields!"

"When the cotton is harvested, I will not treat you badly!"

Zhuangtou was a middle-aged man in his thirties. He was a man who had grown kapok and was found by Wang Daxu through his connections with Zongji.

In order to hire him, Wang Daxu spent a lot of money.

A month's wages are three copper coins, and food and accommodation are also included.

Even in Bianjing City, this price is high.

In a place like Xizhou, the price is sky-high.

Here in Xizhou, if a Qiang people are willing to provide food, accommodation and five hundred iron coins, those Qiang people will be happy.

In exchange for copper coins, it might not even cost a hundred cents.

But there is no way!

There is a shortage of people who can take care of kapok in the entire Xihe Road!

It would be great if you can hire someone!

Moreover, the farm head hired was indeed dedicated.

Since the kapok was sown, he has led the Qiang people to do all the watering, fertilizing and composting.

Wang Daxu saw this and knew that his money was not in vain.

"Don't worry, Boss, I will take care of these kapok fields carefully..." Guo Zhuangtou said with a smile: "Even for other fields, Boss, you have to pay more attention to them!"

"We must hurry up and clear the land, don't miss the farming work..."

"Yeah!" Wang Daxu nodded: "I understand!"

He is in Bianjing, but he has been tending vegetables in the vegetable fields with his parents since he was a child, so he has certain agricultural knowledge.

Therefore, he also planned dozens of acres of vegetable land.

When the time comes, you can grow some seasonal vegetables and sell them for some money.

In other areas, beans, millet and other crops that do not require much soil are grown.

Next year, in reverse order, plant beans in the ground planted with kapok this year, plant kapok in the ground planted with beans, and plant vegetables in the ground planted with millet...

Repeating this cycle, plus composting and fertilizing, can maximize soil fertility.

Then he took Guo Zhuangtou to the wasteland being reclaimed.

A dozen Qiang people were cultivating the land with tools such as iron hoes and shovels bought by Wang Daxu.

Seeing Wang Dashu coming, these Qiang people quickly stopped what they were doing and knelt down to kowtow to him.

Wang Daxu waved his hand hurriedly and said in half-baked Qiang dialect: "I, the Song Dynasty, are not happy to kneel down and worship... You all should get up... work hard, I will not treat you badly!"

As a native of Bianjing, Wang Daxu has been familiar with the rules of Bianjing since he was a child - you must be paid for work!

What's more, these Qiang people are really hard-working, and their wages are very low!

In addition to food and accommodation, five hundred iron coins per month!

Moreover, they don't pick at all.

As long as you have something to eat, that’s fine!

Beans, bran, highland barley, wheat...

Eat whatever is available.

I almost ate it during the off-season, so I had no complaints at all.

If you can give them a meal of highland barley rice and a bowl of wild vegetable soup with salt during the busy farming season, they will be very satisfied. If you take them hunting in the mountains and share the hunted wild animals with them, then you will be grateful.


It's not like people from Bianjing. If they ask someone to do work and don't entertain them with good food and wine, they will lose face on the spot!

The Qiang people all cheered when they heard what the Song master said.

In their eyes, Wang Daxu is an honest man and treats them well.

Not only do we not deduct wages, but we also pay them on time.

It also keeps them full!

This is a beautiful thing that they could not even think of in the tribe in the past!

Wang Daxue listened to the cheers of the Qiang people and couldn't help but reach out and touch his beard.

But my mind couldn't help but drift back to Bianjing City.

"I don't know if my brother, Daqiang, went to Dengzhou to pan for gold. Can he find gold?"

"I don't even know how my mother and wife are doing at home..."

"Da Lang, San Lang and Si Niang, are they safe?"

As he thought about this, his homesickness became more intense.

At this time, on the road in the distance, a light horse came galloping towards me.

"Inspection!" It was a Tibetan patrol officer under Wang Daxu. He came to Wang Daxu, dismounted from his horse, and bowed: "Xiang Qian's military order ordered our troops to escort the Tibetan pilgrims to Zisheng Temple!"

Wang Daxu took the general's order, opened it, and immediately said: "Immediately order all the troops and follow me out to clear the way!"

Xizhou is surrounded by Lanzhou, Hezhou and Taozhou.

However, the roads are not completely safe.

On this road, there will always be some restless tribes, bribed by Western thieves, or people who are too poor to stand it and want to get rich.

Last winter, the son of a Tibetan leader was intercepted and killed on the pilgrimage.

Xizhou was furious when they heard the news - for almost half a month, Didao was filled with cavalry on horseback searching everywhere.

This is also the reason why Wang Daxu was sent for inspection - his predecessor was raped by Lieutenant Gao of Xizhou City for this very matter!

Wang Daxu immediately went home and mounted his horse, then summoned the nearby Han and Tibetan archers and set foot on Didao.

Soon, they encountered a Tibetan team of one hundred or ten people.

Those Tibetan people wore a kind of woolen clothing called "Pulu", and their hair was braided into small braids. Some of them even came on white horses.

In the middle of the team, there was a group of slaves driving ox carts, each of which contained a large wooden box.

Wang Daxu did a rough count and found that there were at least thirteen or four bullock carts!

Wang Daxu slapped his tongue: "My mother!"

"I'm afraid this pilgrim team has a lot of background!"

Hurry up and take the people with you to open the way ahead.

The pilgrimage of Tubo nobles from the Qing and Tang Dynasties is now a major pillar of Xizhou's economy!

Apart from anything else, the various things they offered to the Buddha's Tooth Relic just for the sake of comparison could support countless merchants in Xihe.

Wang Daxu once witnessed a ceremony in which the Tubo people offered the Buddha's tooth relic.

Pieces of expensive silk were delivered to the pagoda for free, and wrapped in the silk were Buddha treasures made of gold, silver, and agate.

What is burned in the incense burner is all valuable sandalwood and maybe even ambergris!

And the things donated to the monks at Zisheng Temple were equally expensive.

There are more than a dozen barrels of sesame oil and ghee alone!

At that time, Wang Daxue was so dizzy.

I can only sigh deeply - the Tubo people are really rich!

This time, the Tibetan pilgrimage was even more extravagant than the last time he saw it.

"I'm afraid, it's only more generous than the Tubo leader last time!"

Wang Daxu would not know that the people he escorted would be treated politely even when they arrived in Bianjing City.

Because the person who came was none other than Wen Xixin, one of the six chiefs of the Tubo tribe and the chief of Miaochuan who was canonized by the Song Dynasty.

Wen Xixin naturally had no time to pay attention to a small inspection that opened the way for him.

He rode on a white horse and looked at the customs of Xizhou.

Although Xizhou seemed to be the territory of the Tubo people in the past.

But that’s the land of the land!

What does it have to do with the Wen family?

For Wen Xixin, he wished that the Song army would push forward all the way and seize all the territory of Xisiluo!

And Wen Xixin came to make a pilgrimage this time.

The people who accompany Wen Xixin also have extraordinary origins.

It was Xiang Zonghui who was holding the money bag on Xihe Road now.

Xiang Zonghui is now fatter and darker than when he was in Bianjing City.

This time Wenxi Xinneng came to perform the pilgrimage, it was actually Xiang Zonghui who promoted it.

Xiang Zonghui is naturally very concerned about his political achievements.

"Mr. Wen, please look, Mount Mobang is just ahead..."

When the team turned a bend in the river, Xiang Zonghui immediately pointed to a mountain that appeared on the distant horizon and introduced it to Wen Xixin: "The tooth relic of the Buddha is enshrined on the mountain in the Zisheng Temple built by the imperial decree.

On top of the pagoda...there are sixteen eminent monks who stay in the pagoda day and night, studying Buddhism day and night..."

"Good!" Wen Xixin raised her head, looked at the mountains in the distance, and nodded: "I can finally fulfill my father's last wish!"

As he spoke, he shed tears.

Xiang Zonghui smiled and introduced Wen Xixin enthusiastically: "To be honest, sir, the emperor has sent the eminent monk from Bianjing, Zen Master Zhiyuan, the master of economics and strategy, to preside over Zisheng Temple..."

"Master Jinglue? Zen Master Zhiyuan?!" Wen Xixin was finally moved: "But the one from back then?"

Xiang Zonghui nodded.

Wen Xixin immediately sighed: "Even I have heard of Zen Master Zhiyuan's Buddhist teachings even in Qingtang!"

For the Tubo people, they probably still cannot understand the real eminent monks.

But monks like Zhiyuan are good at packaging themselves and bragging about themselves.

That is simply their natural enemy.

The great reputation Zhiyuan created when he was in Xihe is still spread among various tribes in Tubo.

So Wen Xixin replied to Xiang Zong: "Uncle of the Han family, can you please ask Zen Master Zhiyuan to pray for your late father and perform a religious ceremony?"

Xiang Zonghui grinned and said, "No problem!"

Wen Xixin is the current God of Wealth on Xihe Road - from last year to now, Wen Xixin has sold as many as 3,000 horses to Xiang Zonghui.

In addition, he also bought tens of thousands of kilograms of tea and thousands of pieces of silk from Xiang Zong.

The entire Xihe Road is now in debt to others - he alone has completed 30% of the annual horse purchase amount on Xihe Road!

Just a ritual prayer?

Naturally, everything is answered!

"Thank you so much, uncle of the Han family!" Wen Xi was suddenly moved.

When Wen Xixin and Xiang Zonghui arrived at Zisheng Temple on Mobang Mountain, they met in person the Zen Master Zhiyuan. However, under the guidance of the Zen Master, they worshiped the tooth relic of the Buddha enshrined in the pagoda of Zisheng Temple.

Wen Xixin felt that he had been baptized from body to heart.

Zen Master Zhiyuan is like a truly enlightened person who has penetrated all living Buddhas. His words seem to contain Zen ideas and Buddhist principles, making him feel like a spring breeze and making his whole body feel extremely comfortable.

And when he requested Zen Master Zhiyuan to perform rituals and pray for his father.

Zen Master Zhiyuan suddenly recited: "Amitabha!"

Then he directly told the birthday and death anniversary of his late father.

This is something only the Wen family knows!

Wen Xixin was immediately impressed by the Buddhist teachings of Zen Master Zhiyuan, and now he bowed his head, saying that as long as his late father's soul could be saved and blessed, he would be willing to find whatever treasure the Zen Master wanted.

Zhiyuan looked at Wen Xixin in front of him with a pious expression.

He bowed his head again, sighed, and solemnly said: "Amitabha!"

“It’s rare for a donor to be filial!”

"The poor monk is a monk. He doesn't care about anything in this worldly world, and it's unnecessary..."

"The poor monk only needs the benefactor to agree to one thing..."

"Please speak frankly, Master Zen..." At this time, Wen Xixin was almost completely convinced.

He couldn't help but be convinced!

Who is Zhiyuan?

When he was young, he was able to deceive the royal family, scholar-bureaucrats, and even Wang Anshi and Fu Bi in Bianjing City with his mouth and disguise!

Later, when we arrived at Xihe, we were in a state of panic going up and down.

Nowadays, the wisdom has accumulated over the years, and the Dharma is even more profound.

If you bluff a devout person like Wen Xixin, you will naturally be able to catch him.

He folded his arms and sighed, saying: "The old monk has been practicing for more than seventy years in this world..."

"However, I still have not been able to comprehend the true Dharma of my Buddha and have not become a Buddha... I just lucked out and achieved the status of Arhat..."

Wen Xi's eyes were filled with shock - A living Arhat?! How is that possible?

But looking at Zhiyuan's appearance, it doesn't look like it's fake.

This is a truly eminent monk, with superb Buddhist teachings! Even miraculous - when we first met him, just by touching his hand, he told his age, and even accurately told that he had been wounded with a knife on his back.


So, I could only lie down and listen respectfully.

"So, the old monk once preached before the Buddha..."

"If you don't realize Bodhi, I swear you won't return to heaven!"

"Therefore, the old monk only has one request for the donor..."

"After the old monk passes away, he will be reincarnated as a benefactor..."

"I hope that in the future, with the support of the benefactor, I can return to Zisheng Temple and practice Buddhism for another lifetime!"

After saying that, Zhiyuan looked at Wen Xixin calmly and asked, "I wonder if the donor is willing?"

Wen Xixin was shocked.

Reincarnation? Rebuilding?!

So, he bowed again with great reverence: "Disciple is willing to respect the master's teachings!"

"After reincarnating the master, protect the reincarnated body of the master and return to Zisheng Temple..."

"It's just that the disciple doesn't know how to find the reincarnation of the master?"

Zhiyuan lowered his head and said, "There is something miraculous about it!"

"When the donor sees it, he will know that it is the reincarnation of the old monk!"

Wen Xixin's heart skipped a beat.

Breathing quickly followed.

Although he couldn't judge the authenticity of what the eminent monk in front of him said, whose whole body seemed to be surrounded by Buddha's light.

But his intuition as a leader already knew that this was a good thing!

The eminent monk was reincarnated and rebuilt his life under his rule.

He protected the reincarnation of the eminent monk and returned to Zisheng Temple.

For the Wen family, this is like adding a talisman.

At least, for his family's rule, this is equivalent to the approval and authorization of the Buddha.

It doesn’t matter if it’s Ali’s bones or another one of Zanpu bloodline coming from the snow mountain in the future.

The dominance of the Wen family can no longer be shaken!

From generation to generation, the Wen family will become the sacred protector in the eyes of all Tibetan people through the bond with the reincarnated Arhat.

So, regardless of whether it was true or not, he worshiped sincerely: "Disciple, please follow the master's teachings!"

"How good! How good!" Zhiyuan put his hands together and praised: "Today's destiny will bring good results in the future!"

After saying this, Zhiyuan closed his eyes.

Wen Xixin raised his head and saw this master. His face was full of compassion, and there seemed to be Buddha light flowing on his body.

Little did he know that this was all carefully prepared by Zhiyuan.

A few days later, when Wen Xixin left Zisheng Temple, he was completely immersed in the Buddhist teachings and principles that Zhiyuan had instilled in him.

He was also completely immersed in the shock that Zhiyuan brought to him.

Whether it is psychological shock or objective reality needs.

All of this made Wen Xi feel extremely pious.

So, when going down the mountain, the great leader of the Qingtang Dynasty, after arriving at the foot of the mountain, kowtowed nine times to Zisheng Temple in front of everyone, and also swore an oath in public: "I hope the day when the master passes away will be

, was born in my Wen tribe, the disciples should respect and protect the reincarnation of the master, return to Zisheng Temple, and practice for another life..."

One of the six tribes of Tubo, the leader of the Wen tribe who once welcomed and protected Zusi Luo, publicly endorsed the future reincarnation of the eminent monk of the Song Dynasty, the Wen tribe of the Qing Tang Dynasty.

This chapter has been completed!
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