Chapter 99 Explosive Opening Ceremony

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time flies.

The day of the new year celebration of station B will soon come.

Friends who came home from get off work and school in the evening came to the computer as soon as they finished eating and clicked on the official live broadcast room.

At this time, there were still more than ten minutes before the celebration started, and the barrages were already pouring in like a flood.

"Come on, come on, I don't know what kind of show will be held this year."

"I hope it can be better than the New Year's Eve party. The content this year is really boring."

“Haha, the New Year’s Eve party does make my butt more attractive every year.”

"Especially those skits, which always have a preachy feel. They are obviously comedies but they still have to be sensationalized. It made me lick my toes with embarrassment."

"This has been calculated. It's better than everything being turned into dumplings."

"Let's make dumplings together! Yue~"

The audience talked a lot and joked about this year's New Year's Eve party, which was very lively.

Rather than sitting in front of the TV and watching programs that have been watched countless times, today's young people prefer to have fun online.

The program will not be subject to too many restrictions.

In just over ten minutes, the popularity of the live broadcast room skyrocketed to more than 5 million, heading straight towards the 10 million mark.

Seeing that the opening ceremony is approaching, the audience is also looking forward to it and begins to speculate on the program that will be used as the opening ceremony this time.

Even major anchors came to the scene and sat in the dark venue with the audience, waiting for the opening ceremony to start.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, what program do you think will be used to open the show this year?"

In the rows of seats closest to the stage, an anchor from the dance area asked Ouyang Xiao next to him.

"I don't know. The official information is very closely guarded this time, and I heard that the opening was temporarily changed. Only the official people behind the scenes know about it."

Ouyang Xiao was currently wearing a customized Thunder Wolf Dragon suit, holding a white sword, and was ready to perform on stage.

In addition to celebrating the arrival of the new year, this New Year's Eve celebration will also arrange performances for last year's most popular movies and animations.

There are dancing, singing, games, musical instruments, etc.

And she was also fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the choreography of the "Monster Hunter CG Movie" as the protagonist.

But even for such a well-received movie, it was placed relatively in the middle.

She really couldn't think of any more popular content that could deserve such a high-profile position as the opening ceremony.

"You actually changed the opening at short notice? Doesn't it mean that once the program is set, it can't be changed?"

Hearing Ouyang Xiao's answer, several people around him couldn't help but be surprised.

Only an older up owner looked solemn and said, "It's just a way of saying it can't be replaced. If the person who replaces the show is high enough, he may be replaced directly."

"Isn't this a top singer or movie star coming?"

Several people couldn't help but speculate, and couldn't help but look at the dim central stage.

Just at this time.

The lights on the stage suddenly came on.

A beam of light, like sunlight shining into the deep sea, shines from top to bottom onto the stage below.

Netizens who were watching the live broadcast were shocked.

"Here it comes! The opening ceremony is coming!"

"The lighting effect is good, it's even better than last year."

"I still can't tell what program it is."

"Wait, there seems to be music!"

Suddenly, the audience fell silent and stared at the center of the stage.

Then, a melodious flute sound began to sound on the entire stage, like a wisp of sea breeze caressing the face.

On the originally empty stage, there was also a wave of waves, which gradually formed the shape of a huge ship's bow.

Even the surroundings of the stage were created like a blue sea with rough waves.


"It's actually the Titanic?!"

At this moment, all the audience were shocked and their eyes widened.

And the flute sound they heard was not flute sound, but a very rare Irish tin whistle, an instrument with a sound similar to a flute.

When the musician holding the Irish tin whistle was illuminated by the light, a figure slowly descended directly above the stage light beam and stood on the bow of the ship.

Then the theme song of Titanic - My Heart Will Go On - was sung along with the music and background.

every night in my dreams

i see you, i feel you

that is how i know you go on

far across the distance

and spaces een us

you have come to show you go on

The melodious and melodious voice constantly echoed on the stage.

It reaches everyone’s ears through the live broadcast room, allowing them to be immersed in it unconsciously.

Pictures from the movie also appeared in my mind, the huge cruise ship sailing on the sea, and the scenes that happened on the cruise ship.

When the music reaches its climax, the singing becomes high-pitched and passionate.

They seemed to see the sinking of the cruise ship and the desperate story unfolding in that cold sea. The scene clips from the movie were also played on the big screen on the stage, which was shocking.

As the last long coda fell, the audience finally came to their senses and looked at the stage in disbelief.

“It’s really the Titanic theme song!”

“The official actually bought the copyright to Titanic!?”

"The opening scene was so explosive that it made my scalp numb."

"I just finished watching the movie, and the scenes from the movie are still flashing in my mind."

"It's amazing. I didn't expect it to be like this at all."

"Xiaopo Station is awesome!! (Poyin)"

Whether on site or in the live broadcast room, many viewers have already seen the movie "Titanic" and are even more aware of its terrifying box office.

But I totally didn’t expect that this year’s opening would include such a blockbuster performance.

Don't say anything else.

Just this opening ceremony.

That's enough for them to give this party a 10 points.

"Wow! Sister Xiaoxiao, it's really the movie you participated in!"

In the audience, the girl sitting next to Ouyang Xiao couldn't help but exclaimed.

Other anchors also cast envious glances at her.

Ouyang Xiao's participation in "Titanic" is no longer a secret, which is why she can sit with so many well-known anchors.

Even her own live broadcast room became popular because of this incident.

The number of followers has soared from just over one million to nearly two million.

"No, I just played a supporting role and didn't have many lines." Ouyang Xiao said modestly.

She never thought at the time that this CG movie would be so popular.

Even she was shocked when she first heard the news.

It really fulfilled the idea she had been insisting on.

Just hug Honghuang’s thighs.

Nothing is impossible.

From now on, she will be a die-hard fan of Honghuang Games!

And at this time.

Behind the stage.

When the people in charge looked at such a heated scene, Su Peng couldn't help clenching his fists with an excited look on his face.

He knows that with the success of this opening ceremony and the achievements he has accumulated in the past, no one can stop him from rising to the top!

This is a huge gamble on my future.

He bet correctly!

Six chapters will be released first, and the rest will be updated during the day. Thank you for your subscription and support!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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