Chapter 750 Concubine Xiao's Crisis

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I only saw holes on it. What did this mean? It meant that the hidden weapon had been shot inside. Because the hidden weapon was too small, it was extremely difficult to find, and she had to dig in.

"Brother-in-law, just hold on!"

Concubine Nalan Xiao gritted her teeth and started scraping again. Large pieces of flesh and blood were scraped off, even to the bones. At this time, Ye Wuhan's head was covered with cold sweat. If it hurt, could it not hurt?

However, in order to prevent his sister-in-law from worrying and even not daring to take action, he remained calm and persisted without saying a word.

Looking at the black wound and the beads of sweat on her brother-in-law's head, Concubine Nalan Xiao burst into tears of distress. She didn't know that her brother-in-law looked calm on the surface, but in fact he must be in great pain.

This means that this man is upright and someone else would have been unable to hold on long ago.


Concubine Nalan Xiao whimpered, and the scrape on his body hurt her heart. She could no longer move her hands, her little hands were trembling so much.

"Concubine Xiao!"

Ye Wuhan opened his eyes again. He raised his hand to support her pretty chin, looked into her eyes and said firmly: "Keep going, brother-in-law, I believe you can do it, and you will definitely be able to find the hidden weapon. You have to understand,

The fact that the hidden weapon is in his body is his greatest pain. You can only get rid of the hidden weapon before your brother-in-law can be cured. Do you understand?"

Concubine Nalan Xiao bit her lip and nodded vigorously with tears in her beautiful eyes. Of course, she also knew that she could not be soft-hearted at the critical moment. The more inked and soft-handed she was, the greater the pain her brother-in-law would bear.

Most importantly, her brother-in-law's eyes encouraged her, gradually calming her mind and making her eyes firmer.

Just like that, with the encouragement of her brother-in-law, Concubine Nalan Xiao inserted the knife into the flesh again and scraped off the black flesh piece by piece. To be honest, every time she scraped off a piece, the tip of Nalan Xiaofei's heart trembled with pain.

His lips were bitten and bled without even noticing.

But Concubine Nalan Xiao did not dare to slack off at all. While treating the wounds, her eyes were also fixed on finding the location of the hidden weapon.

Finally, her eyes saw an object the size of a grain of rice at the wound. Its shape was like a miniature plum blossom. It was this small object that was emitting black energy, corroding flesh and blood, and devouring the surrounding vitality.

Concubine Nalan Xiao is also practicing, and because she took the Tianzhiguo, her five senses are much sharper than ordinary people, otherwise she would not be able to detect it at all.

This thing seems to have been injected into the bones, and even the bones around the concealed weapon have turned black, which shows how overbearing its toxicity is.

"Brother-in-law, I found it!"

Concubine Nalan Xiao exclaimed in shock, with a hint of joy between her eyebrows.

But after she finished speaking, she heard that her brother-in-law did not respond. Concubine Nalan Xiao quickly raised her head and looked at her brother-in-law.

But at this moment, Ye Wuhan's lips were tightly closed, his hall was darkened, and his face had turned livid. He seemed to be speechless.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you? Don't scare my sister-in-law, you must persevere!"

As soon as she was frightened by him, Concubine Nalan Xiao was so frightened that her face changed color and her knife almost didn't fall to the ground.

"Concubine Xiao, don't stop." Ye Wuhan finally managed to squeeze out another sentence. At this time, the poisonous gas was spreading, and he might fall into coma at any time. Moreover, he had to exert all his strength to suppress the poisonous gas, and it was brewing even with every word.

It took quite a while.

Seeing that her brother-in-law had spoken and knowing that he was still alive, Concubine Nalan Xiao was extremely excited. She knew that she could not waste any more time and must stand firm.

She first used a towel to quickly and gently wipe the sweat from Ye Wuhan's forehead, and then said: "Brother-in-law, just hold on a little longer. I will scrape your bones to remove the poison. Don't worry, I will definitely remove the hidden weapon."


After saying that, Concubine Nalan Xiao took a deep breath to calm herself down, then inserted the knife in and continued to scrape his bones carefully.

To be honest, her brother-in-law didn't even say a word while scraping the bones to remove the poison. She didn't know how he persisted.

Concubine Nalan Xiao was irresistible when she got serious. The main reason was that she was afraid of her brother-in-law's pain just now, so she was always soft-hearted and dared not take action. Now that she has stabilized, it will be much faster.

Soon, she carefully scraped off the hidden weapon and put it into the bottle prepared nearby. Then she smoothly and carefully scraped off the black bones layer by layer.

Concubine Nalan Xiao was so serious that the blood rubbed onto her smooth thighs and flowed onto the bed sheets, and she didn't even notice.

Finally, the flesh and blood corroded by the hidden weapon and part of the bones were scraped off by her, and the red buds of flesh and blood were exposed. Concubine Nalan Xiao let out a sigh of relief. She gently cut off the sweat on her forehead with her arm, and then

He took the powder and carefully applied it on the wound for his brother-in-law.

"Brother-in-law, what do you think?" Concubine Nalan Xiao asked tentatively.

"Okay, Concubine Xiao, continue!"

With her brother-in-law's encouragement, Concubine Nalan Xiao was overjoyed and hurriedly helped him bandage the wound. Then she didn't have time to rest and continued to help him treat the next wound, probably on his waist.

After handling one, her confidence has greatly increased now.

Here, Ye Wuhan breathed out a soft breath, and his brows relaxed. Even after dealing with a wound, he became much more relaxed. For him, although the wound looked ferocious now, he felt more relaxed than before.

He felt much better before. He no longer had to spend his energy to suppress this poisonous energy, and his energy was greatly relieved.

No matter how deep the flesh and blood is, it is nothing to him. It will be cured soon. What he fears most is that the poison source remains inside. That is the real trouble. As long as the poison source is gone, he can take care of the remaining poison himself.


Concubine Nalan Xiao secretly glanced at her brother-in-law and saw that his brows had relaxed a little. Concubine Nalan Xiao felt as if she had been given a shot of cardiotonic, and she was working even more vigorously.

With the experience of treating the first wound, the next two wounds went much more smoothly.

Finally, when night fell, Concubine Nalan Xiao finally took out all three hidden weapons, scraped off the corroded muscles and bones to expose the clean parts, and then helped him apply anti-toxic powder and bandage the wounds.

Finally, Concubine Nalan Xiao was so tired that she sat down on the bed.

While his forehead was covered with fragrant sweat, his eyes were shining with tears of excitement. This healing process was like a mountain that was difficult to climb for her. It was so arduous for a girl like her, but she finally

Completed successfully.

"Brother-in-law, how do you feel now?" Concubine Nalan Xiao asked while wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"I feel much more relaxed, Concubine Xiao, my brother-in-law needs to refine the residual poison now, please help me." Ye Wuhan said in a weak voice, scraping the bones and flesh, and scraping three places, he was still poisoned.

This situation takes a huge toll on people's energy. Because of the overdraft of energy, Ye Wuhan is now extremely weak.


Concubine Nalan Xiao hurried over and helped her brother-in-law sit cross-legged on the bed.

"Concubine Xiao, don't worry, my brother-in-law will be fine. You should also take a rest." Ye Wuhan smiled weakly at his sister-in-law, then he held a spiritual stone in his hand and closed his eyes, absorbing the spiritual energy supplement.

At the same time, it also uses energy to stop bleeding and refine residual poison.

It would be easier for him next time, but Concubine Nalan Xiao would not rest, but she would hold her cheek in her hand and look at him. Her brother-in-law was not well for a moment, and she was not worried for a moment. After all, his injuries seemed too serious.

As time passed, Ye Wuhan finally completely refined the remaining poisonous energy in his body. Because of the spiritual stone, his true energy was effectively replenished.

This chapter has been completed!
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