Chapter 1325 Chase

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The boat has disappeared.

"Let me go, what's going on? Is it buried by yellow sand or some other reason?"

Although it felt strange, Ye Wuhan did not go back to look because he found that the terrain on both sides was somewhat similar to the jade slip map records.

But it was just a feeling. As time went by, the desert had already changed, and it was not even one tenth similar. What's more, the picture he was holding was a fragment of the picture and was not complete at all.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound next to him. Ye Wuhan turned around and saw that there were several shrubs on the edge of a wind-laden sand dune.

A three-toed jerboa was scratching at the sand and gnawing at the roots of shrubs.

Perhaps Ye Wuhan's arrival disturbed him. The jerboa ejected more than three meters away and fled to the other side of the sand dune.

Ye Wuhan wanted to take a look at him, but the little thing disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on? You are running too fast." Ye Wuhan felt that his eyesight was extraordinary, and it was difficult for ordinary things to escape his eyesight. He hurried over to check, but he couldn't find anything after searching for a long time.

I noticed that there was no jerboa within a few dozen meters.


Ye Wuhan felt that it was so strange. Even if it escaped into the sand, Ye Wuhan felt that his consciousness could scan a few meters under the sand, so that he would not be unable to find it.

At this time, his consciousness scanned a cave, which was the size of a fist. Ye Wuhan suddenly realized that the three-toed jerboa must have escaped into the cave, and the cave must be very deep.

It was just a jerboa. As the saying goes, all things have spirits. Ye Wuhan didn't want to disturb its life, but just when he wanted to withdraw his consciousness and leave, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Ye Wuhan, who had already taken a few steps, suddenly turned back. He continued to scan the entrance of the cave with his spiritual consciousness, and extended deeper into the entrance.

This time he made a discovery. He found that the cave was connected to a hollow area. There seemed to be a bluestone floor inside, and the hollow area was quite large.

Ye Wuhan was convinced that this was not the cave of the three-toed jerboa. How could its cave be so big? There was clearly a cave underground.

Realizing this, Ye Wuhan became excited, and he quickly took out his engineering shovel and started digging the jerboa's hole.

This excavation was incredible, and he dug more than 20 meters. At the end, he dug out a neat large piece of bluestone spread under the yellow sand. Moreover, the bluestone seemed to be coherent. In the piece he dug out,

There is a hole in the middle of the bluestone, and there is the scent of a three-toed jerboa on it.

Ye Wuhan's spiritual consciousness swept through the hole, and it was pitch black below. It was an underground space, and on the ground of this underground space was the ancient blue brick floor.

"Sure enough, it is a different kind of cave. It can't be an underground ancient city buried by yellow sand."

Realizing that there was an open area below, Ye Wuhan became even more excited. He dug the hole harder and expanded it. Feeling slow, Ye Wuhan simply took out the dagger and twirled it directly on the bluestone, digging out one by one.

The water tank is thick enough for a person to jump into the hole.

After digging the hole, Ye Wuhan scanned it with his spiritual consciousness for a moment, and after confirming that nothing was found, he jumped directly in from the dug hole, and then carefully looked at the underground world.

Ye Wuhan discovered that this seemed to be a passage, with ancient city walls on both sides, but many places had collapsed. Under his feet was a ground paved with blue bricks, and on both sides were once popular and now in the desert.

The desert Populus euphratica, which is rare to see, is actually alive with its iron-stemmed branches. Some trees are so thick that even three people cannot hug them.

Everything was full of ancient meaning and mystery. Ye Wuhan walked a few steps along the green brick floor and saw the three-toed jerboa hiding under a poplar tree.

Seeing Ye Wuhan approaching, the three-toed jerboa quickly ran away again, this time completely getting into the hole in the wall, which should be its nest.

Ye Wuhan ignored the jerboa. He continued to walk forward along the blue brick floor. He walked about seven or eight hundred meters. When the bluestone floor came to an end, a half-opened stone door appeared in front of him.

There are still weathered rocks that have become disfigured on both sides.

The more Ye Wuhan looked at the wind-eroded rocks, the more familiar they seemed. How could it be similar to the place marked on the jade slip? Where exactly is this place? It couldn't be a historic site, could it be some kind of treasure, then this map of the jade slip

Isn't it a treasure map?

With excitement, Ye Wuhan examined it for a long time, and after confirming that there was no danger, Ye Wuhan carefully stepped forward and pushed the stone door.

The stone door is very thick, and it didn't move even after pushing. It may be that the bottom is stained over time.

Ye Wuhan poured some real power into his hand, pushed hard, and creaked! The stone door actually opened.

A damp and decaying smell spread across the floor.

Ye Wuhan knew that there would be ambushes in some places where treasures were hidden. He waited for a moment to confirm that there were no traps, and then walked in cautiously.

This should be a stone chamber. He used his full eyesight to observe inside, and at the same time, just in case, he also released his spiritual consciousness.

Ye Wuhan soon determined that this was an almost completely square space. There was a bronze statue in the middle on the opposite side, and right above the bronze statue there was a bead that was still shining brightly. It seemed to be a

The priceless luminous pearl.

Under the illumination of this luminous pearl, you can see that the surrounding stone walls are all square holes, except for a circle at the door.

Ye Wuhan noticed that there was a small bronze Buddha niche in each hole, but there was nothing else.

Ye Wuhan felt that this was most likely a temple that was respected by people. Otherwise, why would there be so many bronze statues and Buddhist niches?

The luminous bead on it looks like a luminous pearl. In fact, Ye Wuhan knows from his experience that it is not a luminous pearl, but a shape similar to a luminous pearl polished with fluorescent stone.

Although it is not a luminous pearl, it is still good for lighting.

Seeing that there was nothing of value, Ye Wuhan was a little disappointed, but as he continued to scan with his spiritual consciousness, Ye Wuhan discovered something puzzling.

There is obviously a problem with the two arms of the Buddha statue in the middle, because one arm of this Buddha statue is thicker than the other. If he does not have spiritual consciousness, he will not be able to detect this subtle difference, because in ordinary people

To the eye, the two arms are basically the same.

He didn't think it was an oversight in the production, but he felt it was intentional.

So Ye Wuhan came to the Buddha statue. After observing it for a moment, he suddenly broke off the left arm of the Buddha statue. He first turned to the right without any response, then twisted it violently to the left. There was a boom, a sound came from the left, and Ye Wuhan

Han took a look and saw that a hole appeared out of thin air on the ground near the wall on the left.

"Haha, there is indeed a mystery!"

Ye Wuhan was a little proud of his reaction. He easily took down the fluorescent stone above the Buddha statue, and then came to the entrance of the cave, so that it would be better illuminated when he went down.

This thing isn't worth much, but it's good for providing light in the dark. It's much better than being completely blind.

Ye Wuhan used his consciousness to scan into the entrance of the cave. There was a row of stairs going down. He felt that there should be no danger, so Ye Wuhan took the fluorescent stone and followed the stairs into the passage.

After all, it was a strange place and too weird, so Ye Wuhan didn't walk very fast. He walked for a while and took a look. After walking for about half an hour, the stone steps reached the end. A tunnel appeared in front, surrounded by stone walls.

It is completed, and on both sides of the stone wall, every twelve meters or so, there will be a fluorescent stone inlaid on it.

Obviously this is also for lighting, providing light for people to walk in the tunnel.

As Ye Wuhan walked forward, he collected a few fluorescent stones for later use. However, he did not take them all, but kept most of them. Maybe he would come back later.

He has divine consciousness, but his divine consciousness is not released all the time.

This time Ye Wuhan sped up a bit. After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the tunnel reached the end. After exiting the tunnel, there was another valley-shaped passage in front of it. The ground was full of sand and gravel, and there was siltation on the ground. But

One end of the passage is closed, and the other end leads to nowhere.

Ye Wuhan always felt that this was used by the temple to evacuate and escape in case of accidents. However, due to the passage of time and changes in the earth's crust, one end of the passage collapsed and was blocked.

Out of curiosity, Ye Wuhan continued to walk forward along the unsealed end. At this time, there were no fluorescent stones inlaid on both sides. He could only use his consciousness and walk forward holding the fluorescent stones.

Suddenly Ye Wuhan stopped because he heard what seemed like the sound of water flowing. After listening for a moment, he was convinced that the sound of running water was coming from the front, so Ye Wuhan accelerated his speed.

This chapter has been completed!
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