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"Sir, this is the peace agreement given to you by our Pope. We, the Pope, hope to handle this matter peacefully!"

As he spoke, the red archbishop respectfully handed a letter to Ye Wuhan.

The peace agreement sounds nice, but in fact it is just a begging for peace.

Ye Wuhan opened the letter and read it. There were nothing more than various reasons for the two sides to live in peace. The death of Grand Duke Knut, and even the demise of their family, the injuries of the Twelve Holy Knights, and the deaths of the two Platinum Knights,

The Holy See will no longer pursue the case, and the two sides will live in peace from now on.

"Let me go, the Holy See didn't take revenge, but just sued for peace?" The people waiting were shocked again. Everyone understood that suing for peace sounds nice, but in fact it is a proactive show of weakness.

The Holy See, which is the leading authority in Europe, actually asked for peace from a young Chinese man. This was something they had not expected at all.

What does this mean?

This shows that the Holy See is not confident in dealing with Ye Wuhan, or has no confidence at all. Even the Pope is not sure about dealing with Ye Wuhan, so he took the initiative to seek peace, lest the glory and glory of the past be destroyed.

"This young man is so awesome." Everyone looked at Ye Wuhan in shock.

Ye Wuhan casually opened the letter and read it, then put it away and said, "Okay, I understand what your Pope means. If you have nothing to do, please come back."

The red archbishop who was about to leave suddenly came back after taking two steps. He bowed his head to Ye Wuhan and said, "Mr. Ye, I have a gracious request. Can you allow me to discuss two moves with you?"

Ye Wuhan knew that he was dissatisfied, so he smiled slightly and said: "Of course there is no problem in sparring, but there is no need for two moves. In my opinion, one move is enough!"

After listening to what he said, the cardinal looked extremely ugly. What does this mean? It means that he is sure to deal with him in one move.

You want to know who he is? The Cardinal Archbishop, the supreme No. 2 figure in the Holy See, and at least one of the top five masters in the entire world, is so belittled, how can he lose his face?

"Okay, let's use one move, sir, be careful!" the red archbishop said with a sullen face. To be honest, he was not convinced. If the Pope hadn't said he wanted peace, he wouldn't even ask for peace. You can deal with me with one move.

?Who do you think you are? Not even the Pope can do that.

Because he felt stuffy in his heart, he showed no mercy when he took action.

He made a cross with the staff in his hand, and then pushed it out suddenly. Visible to the naked eye, a black hole appeared in the void, sweeping towards Ye Wuhan with the force of collapse.

He used all his strength with this stick. He didn't believe that Ye Wuhan could catch it. How old was he? How strong could he be since he had been practicing martial arts since he was born? He always felt that the Pope was a little too careful. Today he

We need to prove that the Pope's decision is wrong.


The force of collapse swept toward Ye Wuhan, and it seemed that even he was about to collapse in.

There is no doubt that everything that collapses will be reduced to nothingness under the scepter.

"As expected of the Cardinal Archbishop, the one who controls the whole of Europe. This staff is too powerful." Everyone who saw it sighed. It can be said that the Cardinal's staff is stronger than the combined attack of the twelve Holy Knights yesterday.

Everyone was nervous with their hearts in their throats. Can that young man take the responsibility?

After all, in everyone's opinion, he was too young after all, and even the king was worried about Ye Wuhan.


Ye Wuhan finally moved, and he punched out at the opponent's attack casually.


Under his punch, the collapsed black hole collapsed instantly, and Ye Wuhan's hand was firmly connected with the opponent's scepter.

With a muffled groan, the scepter rolled back, and the red archbishop's fat body flew out. He rolled twelve times in the air before barely landing.

After landing, he took another six or seven steps back before he could barely stabilize his body. His throat felt sweet and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

In order not to be embarrassed, he forcibly suppressed the blood.

Looking at his hand again, he was shaking suddenly. Although he managed to hold on to the scepter and prevented it from flying out in embarrassment, the tiger's mouth was cracked by the shock. His energy and blood flowed backwards, and he almost couldn't breathe.

one move!

With just one move, the red archbishop was beaten to the point where he lost the ability to resist.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the red archbishop has been defeated. If he continues to fight forcefully, he will definitely lose. If he does it by force, it will only bring embarrassment to the Holy See.

On the other hand, the night was cold, the wind was light and the clouds were light, as if he hadn't moved at all, as if what he just swatted was not the red archbishop, but a fly.

With one blow, the judgment was made, and the difference between strong and weak was very obvious.

"Let me go, this man is really too strong. The majestic Cardinal is a powerful figure in the whole of Europe, but he can't stop him?" Everyone who saw him was shocked. No one expected that the Cardinal was so weak.

Obviously, many people thought that the dignified No. 2 figure in the Holy See could defeat the opponent, but now it seems that obviously he cannot.

And everyone even felt that Ye Wuhan didn't seem to be trying his best.

"Sir, I admire you for your cleverness. Please take your leave!"

The red archbishop turned and walked away with a gloomy face. Only when he was far away did everyone see clearly that there was blood on the spot where he had stood.

"The red archbishop is actually injured?" The person he saw was even more shocked. He was injured in one move, and the opponent seemed to have not tried his best. How strong must this young Chinese man be?

Needless to say, other people, even the queen, had little stars twinkling in her eyes. It was true that women admired the strong, and even she felt that her daughter had made the right choice.


Here, Ye Wuhan flicked his hand and the letter was in the king's hand, "Can you rest assured now?"

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

The king hurriedly let Ye Wuhan in. He didn't expect that Ye Wuhan would be so strong, let alone that the Holy See would stop. This was not their style at all.

In fact, as the strongest person in the East and the West, Xue Zhujun once fought against the Pope in private. The Pope took the initiative to find him when he was traveling. He hoped to prove that Western martial arts were better than Chinese martial arts.

But the Pope was defeated in that battle, and Xue Zhujun was definitely the number one in Chinese martial arts at that time.

Later Xue Zhujun died.

It was only in the past two days that the Pope learned about the death of Xue Zhujun. As the strongest opponent, the Pope was naturally concerned about Xue Zhujun's death. When he inquired about it, he found out that it was a young man named Ye Wuhan who did it.

Soon this young man was associated with a name like Sirius in the information the Pope had.

In the past two days, the name of the person who opposed the Holy See was also named Ye Wuhan. When the Pope investigated, he was shocked. This person turned out to be Ye Wuhan who killed Xue Zhujun with his own hands, that is, the Sirius from China.


This chapter has been completed!
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