Chapter 97 Will Asceptin’s Warning

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The name "Vampire" sounds full of mystery. The moment it is spoken in Rune language, it reminds people of the noble and handsome count in the gloomy castle in "Dracula" by Russell the Great.

Unfortunately, Emlyn clearly doesn't fit this definition.

Although he looks exquisite, he unfortunately does not reach the average IQ of extraordinary people. This is clearly reflected in his various deeds in Harvest Church and in life.

Just like now.

With Emlyn lowering his voice to no avail, the only other two people in the living room clearly heard the important message, 'Apostle of the Moon'.

Klein couldn't help but become curious.

Which existence does this refer to? Literally, does it mean the original moon favored one?

It sounds like the mastermind behind the game Bloodborne, the Moon Elf.

He strangely failed to connect several familiar images of someone in his memory with the game.

Because he mentioned the source of blood, his thoughts went in another direction.

Speaking of which, since Benson and the others also came to Backlund, he had better make Sherlock Moriarty disappear as soon as possible and fabricate a new identity.

It's better to just call him Hermann.

Klein continued to think, secretly applauding his decision with satisfaction.

What he doesn't know is that maybe, in a few weeks, he will sigh for his current decision, regret it, and cry bitterly...

Unfortunately, now, Detective Moriarty is still busy maintaining the appearance of politeness and did not go over to ask the 'Apostle of the Moon'.

Even everyone in the living room knew he heard it.

"Yes, this is related to my mission." A few steps away, Yager lied calmly, "The church is hunting down the cult apostle. Do you vampires have any clues about this?"

He deliberately included targeted and implicit accusations in his words.

"Of course not!" Emlyn White said decisively immediately.

As expected, he was irritated by the suspicion in the 'Nighthawk's' tone.

"We have always kept ourselves clean and will not have anything to do with cults. The rules of our vampire clan strictly prohibit violating the laws of Loen!"

"Besides, your investigation direction must be wrong."

"According to the records of the blood race, the Apostle of the Moon has always been very friendly to rational Extraordinary people, and even ordinary people, and often responds to prayers. It is impossible for him to be related to the recent tragedy in Backlund!"

"In fact, this is illustrated by many of the legacy antiques we have."

Emlyn added proudly and arrogantly, consciously striking back hard at the Church of Night's poor investigative capabilities.

But Lord Nibais seemed to have warned him not to mention it.

It doesn’t matter! The person he revealed was someone he had already told before, and Lord Nibais also said that bygones are bygones!

His bright red eyes glanced left and right guiltily.

"I understand." Yager next to him nodded slowly, with a warm attitude.

Because the result of getting a huge amount of information with just one question was quite satisfactory to him.

It would be great if Green and Emlyn could combine together at some point.

It doesn't need to be more, as long as they are divided equally, he can get two normal allies at the same time!

He looked at vampire White again with eyes that looked at rare creatures: "Then can I know the details of the patterns of these antiques?"

Patterns? It should not fall within the scope of the ban.

Emlyn, who was offended by the gaze, hesitated for a second, and then chose to continue answering:

"Okay. They are also similar in style to your pocket watch. I strongly suspect that your piece was lost by a vampire!"

"However, besides us, the Abraham family also has many similar carvings."

"You know, some of them worship the moon too."

Emlyn explained that apparently after Yager left last time, he honestly helped with the investigation.

I don’t know if it was because the gold pound brought him a new doll.

And the new terms he mentioned really piqued both Klein and Yager's interest.

Family of Abraham.

One of the great nobles of the Fourth Age.

The family that Mr. "Gate" belongs to.

The look in their eyes instantly became intriguing.

But just when a few people were about to continue this topic, the door of the consulting room that was closed in front was suddenly violently knocked open, and Dr. Allen stumbled into the living room in panic.


"He came to me! He came again!"

Allen almost fell to the ground, barely holding on to the chair next to the dining table to prevent him from falling hard on the tiles.

The expressions of the people who were chatting in a relaxed manner immediately turned serious. They rushed towards the fearful doctor and helped him to the sofa.

The deep red sofa in the White Clinic is softly sunk, and the soft touch often plays a role in soothing patients' emotions, but it was not effective during Dr. Allen's multi-day mental crisis.

His body was still trembling slightly.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Klein held his right arm.

Allen's panicked voice sounded in the living room: "Help me, protect me, Sherlock, I need to hire you!"

"Two pounds, no, four pounds!"

"Because I haven't slept well these past few days, I accidentally fell asleep for a while while browsing the medical records."

"Then I saw him again!"

"This time, this time is different. It turns out that I have always had the same dream, but this time there is a change."

"Will Auceptin was sitting in the woods of Backlund Cemetery, in front of a birch tree with a ring of waist peeled off, and he was looking at me."

"He looks very...very serious."

"Then, he told me -"

"Run away."

"Can you protect me, but at the same time, go see the birch tree?"

Dr. Allen's breath exhaled a circle of white mist in the slightly cold Backlund air today, covering his eyes that couldn't help but move anxiously.

His strange experience immediately made the three of them frown.

Nightmares, and new warnings, the extraordinary factors in this matter seem to have changed again.

Run away quickly? How can it be run away quickly? Why?

Especially Klein, his movements became hesitant.

The silver-white giant snake, at first, he thought it was the legendary "Mercury Snake", the monster's first sequence.

What made Will's attitude change so much?

Klein nodded immediately and said in a solemn tone: "Don't worry, I will protect you with all my strength."

"But...I advise you not to go to the cemetery."

"Since you haven't had a bad relationship with Will Asceptin before, I was wondering if he was reminding you?"

Dr. Allen was stunned, and suddenly felt that this made sense: "What should we do?"

"I think it's better if we take you to the nearest church first and then go to the cemetery to help you take a look."

He used "we" seemingly casually.

It doesn’t work without “we”.

After all, if it really is the Mercury Snake...

Mr. Bishop, please save me!!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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