Chapter 118 The presumptuous request received by Edwina

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Yager's request is destined to be granted.

After all, the demigods are already on board, so is there any room or necessity to refuse?

Saying 'no' means living with the torn butt of your own gun.

Suppressed by overwhelming strength, the three deputies followed Edwina and nodded in agreement. They led the rest of the bosuns out of the conference room as stiffly as countless penguins.

Then he immediately ran away——

"Everyone, hurry, hurry! Suspend everything! Suspend!!"

"Transport all the jewelry salvaged previously to the conference room!"

"Within three minutes! Hurry!!!!"

Just a few people roared with the momentum of thousands of troops, and by the end of the sentence they were even hoarse and broke their voices.

The sound echoed off the light-colored deck made of pine.

The serious and anxious tone instantly caused the sailors who heard it to hurriedly abandon their current work and join the queue to carry items.

Viewed from a distance, this ship, which was originally as quiet and delicate as Vice Admiral Iceberg himself, suddenly became chaotic following the sound, and stopped at the very center of the boundless Sunia Sea.

But the people making these changes don't care.

Yager, the source of all evil, gently put the long sword back into the scabbard. With the crisp sound of the buckle closing, the long sword and the dark black scabbard on his back merged into one, forming a single sword.

A heavy and terrifying weapon!

It seems that with just one swing, someone can be smashed against the wall.

The owner of the long sword had no intention of taking it back.

"Won't you take me to your captain's cabin? Miss Vice Admiral Iceberg." He asked very politely.

Edwina's jawline tightened and she took half a step back: "Of course, please."

The two walked out of the conference room one after the other.

There was no one outside this second-floor room above the deck. Looking down from the railing in the aisle, one could see sailors coming and going, hurriedly carrying boxes of jewelry collections.

"I don't know what your name is, sir?" After a moment of silence, Edwina, who was leading the way, spoke carefully, "I am Edwina Edwards. I heard from Daniz that you are from the Church of the Night? Maybe,

There shouldn't be any conflict between us."

"In fact, I come from the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom."

"This is my certification document. We will contact you every half month."

She took out a dark green certificate from the pocket of her beige coat. On the front, the black emblem of the Church of Knowledge was printed.

In fact, her words are also very skillful.

While mentioning that they are all members of the Zhengshen Church, they also emphasized that the church is still in contact with her and will try their best to save their lives.

As expected, after hearing this, Yager was slightly stunned: "Knowledge Church.?"

"But aren't you one of the seven 'pirate generals'?"

Edwina immediately explained: "Our church wants to monitor the situation at sea, so it sent me to integrate into the pirate group and collect in-depth intelligence."

"As far as I know, there are several other churches that have similar behavior."

Her tone sounded sincere and real.


No wonder the ship's program is so non-piracy, it turns out to be the power of an official organization.

With some sudden realization, Yager nodded slightly in response.

But there is actually no difference to him——

Could it be that because you are a member of the church, the Navy will not offer a reward?

Ha! You have to give it even if you don’t give it!

All in all, it was an official bounty, and he had no interest in killing the crew members on the ship, so this would not change anything.

Wait, but this shows that Vice Admiral Iceberg may be more trustworthy than imagined. After all, she and the pirates are not on the same front.

"Are there many pirates passing by the Rhoside Islands?" he suddenly asked.

Edwina looked at him doubtfully: "It's not that little."

"The Rossed Sea Area is an important part connecting various sea areas. Whether you are going to Bayam or the merchant ship area closer to the sea, you need to pass through here, so there is no shortage of ships coming and going."

"The rest of the pirate generals, and even the Kings of the Five Seas, sometimes appear here."

Lieutenant General Bingshan replied truthfully.

Then, she heard a completely unexpected answer——

The strange demigod showed a familiar smile again:

"I see."

"Then, after you guys finish this, let's act like we were stranded accidentally."

"Then send a telegram to all the pirates nearby and say."

"I am Iceberg Lieutenant General Edwards. My ship ran aground on the rocks. As long as you are willing to come to help, I will give you part of my treasure."

On the other side of the sea, Captain Ireland's White Onyx.

After the "Victory" sailed away, the White Onyx, as a steam-powered ship, became the fastest means of transportation in Damir Port.

Naturally, Anderson also chose to board the ship.

He stood on the deck, pacing anxiously, not knowing what he was waiting for.

To his right, Gehrman Sparrow, who was also riding the White Onyx, looked at him from a distance.

In fact, they are not familiar with it.

From Klein's point of view, although he did not find the one belonging to Anderson on the reward order, as one of the celebrities in the sea, the identity of the other party could easily be found out.

‘The strongest hunter’, or as some people say, ‘the strongest hunter below demigod’.

Like his identity, he is also a bounty hunter.

But the opponent's strength is obviously sequence five.

This makes the telegram Anderson sent in the bar extremely suspicious. What needs Sequence Five to deal with so anxiously? It must be a big trouble.

Anyway, Gehrman Sparrow has no interest in participating.

Therefore, Klein rationally kept a distance from the hunter and did not socialize with him.

"Where are you going? Are you also disembarking at the Rhoad Islands?" Captain Ireland, who came out to smoke while the sea was calm, casually chatted with Hermann.

"Probably. I haven't completely determined the location yet. After all, I am an adventurer." Gehrman said with a gentle smile.

"Yes, adventure," Captain Ireland took a puff of his cigarette, "I also longed for this when I was young. But when I grew up, I discovered that this is not that simple."

"Wish you good luck."

"By the way, let me tell you that because there are sufficient supplies and there seems to be no storm recently, we will head directly to the Rossed Sea. We will arrive in about three or four days."

"I hope you have the tools you need for your adventure."

"Okay, thank you for informing me." Hermann thanked him politely.

The two said goodbye calmly, both looking very relaxed and enjoying the beautiful moment of this sunny afternoon, which was in sharp contrast to Mr. Anderson Hood who was about to turn into a spinning top in the distance.

Klein glanced at him with pity.

'May the goddess keep him from fainting.'

He slowly walked back to the edge of the railing, enjoying the sea breeze comfortably.

At this time, the White Agate was still sailing towards the Rossed Sea without knowing anything.

Apparently, there will be a less friendly ship waiting there

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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