Chapter 13 Oracle

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Compared to Zhengyi and Little Sun, who were simply shocked by Yager's explanation, Alger, the Hanged Man, had more on his mind.

For example, Mr. Fool did not deny the bishop when he heard him speak, which in itself means that the bishop's words are highly credible.

In this case, he urgently needs to obtain this part of knowledge, because the God of Steam and Machinery and the Lord of Storms he believes in are both one of the seven great gods, and their states definitely overlap.

He vaguely felt that he had encountered the essence of the church.

The Hanged Man's speculation was not wrong. Although Klein's silence also showed that he was very shocked, he did agree with the bishop's statement.

In the diary he read, Roselle once mentioned the extraordinary changes that occur in high-sequence strong people, as well as the extraordinary characteristics that can be passed on to their children in their later years. These all represent the changes in the life forms of extraordinary people as their sequences increase.


Based on this, Klein himself had long guessed about the origin of the gods.

"Okay." Under the expectant gaze of the Hanged Man, Yager agreed to the deal without hesitation.

Similar to Alger, Yager also urgently needs to understand the distribution of forces and the logic of behavior in this world. For him, it is completely acceptable to exchange partial and detailed knowledge.

And the oracle is definitely information that he has no access to.

"Which part do you want to know?" He went through all the information he got when he looked at the God of Steam and Machines in his mind.

Mainly the sequence of potion recipes and real names.

Alger's hand hidden under the table clenched his fist in joy, and his originally slightly hostile attitude had softened a lot: "As long as the intelligence value is similar to mine."

"For example...about the sequence to which the God of Steam belongs?"

He tried it carefully.

"Okay." After comparing the value of the information for a moment, Yager nodded.

It doesn't look bad from his perspective.

At this time, Miss Audrey next to her suddenly interrupted apologetically: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bishop, Mr. Hanged Man, can I pay to attend?"

She didn't have enough knowledge to exchange, but as one of the richest wild Beyonders in Backlund, she could use another purchase method.

"I am willing to pay each of you a thousand pounds for these two pieces of information, and an additional thousand pounds to Mr. Bishop for the knowledge you generously shared with the Tarot Society."

She grasped each other nervously with her hands, hoping that her money offensive would not be rejected.

She was completely overthinking it.

Two thousand pounds? Two thousand pounds!

The Countess gave the tentacle monster a critical hit with money.

With this huge sum of money, Yager can get rid of his current life without any savings and have enough time to find the mystery of his past.

For example, hiring a fleet to go out to sea to explore his hometown, a foreigner.

He replied firmly: "I have no problem."

On the other side, Alger, who needed funds to purchase the magic potion formula, did not refuse: "Okay."

"Thank you very much!" Audrey clasped her hands together in surprise and made a crisp sound.

Alger paused and looked at Yager: "Then, let's just make the transaction public?"

It would be too pitiful to shield the innocent little sun alone.

"Okay." Yager sat up straight.

"Let me tell you first." The Hanged Man, who was familiar with the Fool's notarization, did not hesitate this time and went directly to the topic.

"Last Wednesday, the Lord of Storms, the Goddess of Night, and the God of Steam and Machinery simultaneously dropped secret oracles in Backlund."

The first sentence of The Hanged Man's message sent the Tarot Society into silence again.

"Although the specific content obtained by the three churches is slightly different, the target is the same."

"Find the shadow lurking in Backlund, the absolute opposite of reason, the agent of the evil god walking in the world."

"God's punishment will come upon Him."

Alger's tone was low, creating an atmosphere of impending crisis to the extreme.

This is definitely a big event for Backlund.

For a moment, both Klein and Audrey, who were both in Backlund, were lost in thought. Only Little Sun was left on the long table in the Tarot Club, still looking around blankly.

Of course, there is also a tentacle monster whose identity is unknown.

last Wednesday?

Yagelton, who seemed to be thinking but actually doubting his life, felt bad.

This timing is very coincidental, very coincidental, and even somewhat coincidental.

For example, some true gods looked at him on this day.

As a "human" whose head can turn into tentacles, he has a very good self-awareness of being a public enemy and can take the initiative to take action.

There is a 90% chance that this "agent of the evil god" is him.


Yager took a deep breath.

"So will the church take any action this week?" Audrey, who had finished thinking across the long table, couldn't help but ask.

Alger shook his head: "I don't know. I have been at sea recently, and someone within the church informed me of this news."

"But what is certain is that the Cardinal of the Church of Storms in Backlund," he couldn't help but glance at Yager, who had the same code name, "the 'Singer of God' Ace Snake will lead this time." action."

"I understand, thank you very much, Mr. Hanged Man." Audrey held the silver pendant on her chest, seeming to gain some sense of security.

When she was going back, she asked her father about the situation in the church.

Great, now one of the opponents is known.

Next to her, Yager thought expressionlessly.

The Church of Storms dispatched the archbishop, so the other two churches that received the oracle will not be much different. They should both dispatch their respective bishop-level combat forces.

In the next few weeks, high-level warriors will be hunting him down.

I don't know why, but compared to fear, Yager felt a little bit excited.

He took a deep breath to contain his strange emotions.

The form is no longer completely human, and the psychology cannot be abnormal anymore.

"Your information is very useful, thank you from the bottom of my heart, Mr. Hanged Man." After making sure that no one at the long table was ready to communicate, Yager opened his mouth to state this part of his transaction.

"The authority of the God of Steam and Machinery is related to civilization. Sequence 9 of the sequence he is in is the 'generalist'. When he is promoted, he has the tendency to continuously learn the knowledge developed by civilization."

Considering that the oracle mentioned by the Hanged Man was closely related to him, he included some detailed information in his narration.

"Sequence 0 is the 'perfect one'."

The title of Sequence 0 made the Tarot Club quiet again.

When true gods are also part of the promotion, their ethereal aura of gods is no longer intimidating.

Alger nodded and silently digested the conversation.

Compared to the name of Sequence 0, Mr. Bishop's interpretation of the God of Steam seems to be more helpful.

There is a tendency to keep learning when being promoted. Does this mean that learning itself can help the promotion of extraordinary people of this sequence?

He recalled the strong bookishness of the members of the Heart of Machinery and rubbed his chin a few times.

Apart from the Hanged Man, the person with the most confused thoughts in the Tarot Club is Mr. Fool on the high platform.

Klein Pupil Earthquake.

Generalist, this is the sequence where Emperor Roselle belongs!

No matter how many titles the emperor had in his later years, 'The Perfect One' was not one of them. Rather than for his knowledge, Roselle was more famous for the laws and systems he compiled.

Could it be that Emperor Roselle also changed the sequence as he mentioned in his diary?

But why?

Connecting with the unduplicated authority of the true gods, Klein felt that he had seen the terrifying truth.

This chapter has been completed!
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