Chapter 131 Bayam’s xenophobia

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Despite all the reluctance, Daniz was finally given to the evil stranger for free and became a guide in Bayam.

He walked dejectedly at the front, leading the way to the hotel.

And when a group of people left the bustling dock area, the streets in the center of the city suddenly became narrow.

The stagnant water carries the fishy smell of the sea and accumulates in the gaps in the ground. On both sides of the road are densely populated simple stalls, selling handmade products with Bayam characteristics, mostly blue and red beads, with strange inscriptions on them.


However, when Yager and Klein walked by, one or two vigilant glances would sneak in from behind the old windows or door panels nearby, and then suddenly close when the two of them looked over.

They are all brown-skinned aborigines.

"They don't welcome outsiders very much, either?"

After the window next to him was closed for the fourth time, Yager asked Daniz in front.

The word 'also' is used very well.

It accurately illustrates the difficult history of foreigners from Loen to the Rhoad Islands being as unwelcome as ever.

"Oh, yes."

Daniz looked back at the two of them, finding a rare psychological advantage.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "This is an area inhabited by indigenous people. Not only are there no outsiders, but there are also very few people of mixed blood with Loen. If you want to come here, the best way to dress is a tabara shirt, and the color needs to be all blue or

all white."

"Your shirts and windbreakers are completely useless. And top hats. The locals never wear these. At most, one or two people wear headscarves occasionally."

"It's okay here. If you go further in, you will be severely ostracized and hostile because of your obvious Loen appearance and clothing. You will be like a bad wolf that sneaks into the flock of sheep, unable to hide its existence at all."

"Are the special parties and hotels in this area?" Yager frowned.

Considering this was on the street, he did not directly say the word 'extraordinary'.

"Yes." Daniz tilted his head to think about it, and then gave an affirmative answer, "The party you mentioned won't start until Wednesday. I suggest that during this period, you can go to other information dealers first.


"I know both of them. They are both very well-informed about local news."



Yager and Klein next to him nodded and agreed to this proposal.

Their reactions made Daniz feel that he was inexplicably placed in the position of an errand boy again:

'Why do you feel like I'm at the bottom of the team again?'

He glanced at the unfamiliar Gehrman Sparrow angrily: 'Obviously I am a big pirate! How can I be just a follower?'

Sensing his gaze, Klein from behind suddenly turned his head: "What?"

The cold and crazy feeling that was vividly performed under the character of 'Faceless Man' instantly made Daniz's mind go blank, and his momentum immediately began to stagnate again.

The corners of Yager's mouth twitched silently:



He yelled twice before the pirate in a daze came back to his senses from trembling.

"Ah?" Daniz then turned his head.

You said you go around provoking people you can't afford to offend.

Yager sighed inwardly.

Although Detective Sherlock is not very strong, he is still much better than Danitz. Moreover, in terms of the speed of upgrading, it is the fastest he has seen since he came to this world.

In less than two months, the initial evaluation of "hardly capable" turned into "quite acceptable."

"Since we need to disguise ourselves, let us know you best and buy us two sets of clothes." He commanded.

"I'll go.? Oh, okay, okay." Daniz looked at Yager, then turned to look at Gehrman, who had an obviously cold face. He hesitated to speak, hesitated to speak, and finally said

He weakly agreed.

"What about the money?"


After a suspicious silence, Yager slowly spoke again: "I remember that you still have four properties in Bayam."

"Ah, ah, okay, I'll just pay!"

Daniz's voice faded away in grief and anger.

Great, now the disguise is done.

Yager withdrew his gaze with satisfaction, and walked into the hotel he had arrived at, under the admiration of Klein looking at the capitalist next to him.

The hotel is next to the only small square in the neighborhood, and there are people coming and going around. Although the looks are not friendly, the facilities are very clean and tidy.

It can be seen that Edwina also did a lot of homework when giving this address.

Perhaps he was afraid that poor living conditions would cause Yager to return to the ship.

Under the respectful welcome of the boss, the two of them sat at the dining table in the hall, ordered some local food, and waited for Daniz to return while resting.

Without disguise, it would be really difficult for subsequent plans to make progress.

The main purpose of Yager's coming here is the local extraordinary gathering point in Bayam that 'Lieutenant General Disease' revealed to her during the interrogation process.

According to her, someone in this party had sold her a lot of information on the Rhoside Islands. He was very familiar with the power situation and extraordinary rumors here, and he was the biggest intelligence dealer in the surrounding area.

This is very helpful for clarifying the news about Bansi Port.

More importantly, the islands related to the Apostle of the Moon given by Amon are also in this sea area.

As for Tracy herself.

She is now released by Yager to go fishing.

After all, even under Vice Admiral Disease, there are still three deputies outside, not to mention possible members of the Witch Church.

That would be a huge reward.

Thinking of this, Yager took a sip of hot tea with satisfaction.


At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the small square outside the hotel.

The natives living around suddenly started running around in a hurry, and a semicircular circle quickly opened up in the dirty square filled with various street stalls.

The thin, dark-skinned indigenous child followed the woman and poked her head in that direction.

'Is anyone coming out to perform?'

Yager quickly raised his head with interest and looked over there through the window——

In just a few tens of seconds, the square became crowded with people, but it also had a strange tranquility. Countless pairs of tired eyes looked towards the center, as if they had swept away the numbness that life had brought to them.

Under the gaze of everyone, a wheelbarrow slowly drove out from behind a dilapidated wooden door covered with moss and shellfish.

On the unicycle was a very ordinary-looking old man.

He is no different from all the ordinary Byam workers around him. His face is full of wrinkles, his clothes are shabby, and his eyes are like dead water under his wrinkled eyelids.

But what's different is that he is holding an ugly little puppet in his hand.

The pale, low-quality white paint, the cracked wooden surface, and the horrifically hideous makeup!

The structure is hideous and the paint is peeling off. It looks like a prop that crawled out of an under-budgeted third-rate horror film.

But what was even more unexpected was that under the gazes of the eyes, the puppet suddenly opened its big red lips, revealing a dark and hollow mouth:


"Welcome to our small evening theater again. Hehehe, let me introduce myself again. I am Rick."

"Today's play is, The Miracle of Thunder."

"As always, if you are not willing to open your eyes to feel beauty and appreciate the miracles beyond human beings - the curse of the Storm Ruler will pass through the Sea of ​​Death and come to you in your sleep!"

A distorted sound like a wild cat's nails scratching against a wooden board came from over there.

Because I have to prepare for the exam recently, I can only do double updates starting from today. When the exam is over at the end of the month, I will ask for monthly tickets for additional updates.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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