Chapter 154 Curse from the Past

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'As we approach the Red Moon, the line between man and beast will become blurred. The Great One will appear, and we will be given babies.'

In Klein's memory, this sentence refers to the descendants of Ulton who will come after the blood moon.

But the mechanism in front of me doesn't seem to mean exactly that.

Under the inscription of this sentence are six empty bronze grids that can be turned.

The strange thing is that although the entire Holy Grail world has the same effect as above the gray mist, which can directly transmit information regardless of language, the spaces in the grid can only be completed with letters.

Klein became the only person who knew what it was.

He frowned and stared at them confusedly.

Next to him, the rather straightforward Derrick replied blankly: "Man and beast. You mean those out-of-control monsters?"

After arriving in Yanan, no one among them has not seen the out-of-control beasts everywhere.

"After the blood moon rises, people will be transformed into monsters?"

Forsi carefully completed this sentence, but she quickly denied it in a hesitant way: "No, no, what happened to the baby?"

"There are no babies here either."

"I think the six spaces below represent the note we have?"

"Except Mr. Bishop."

She once again made a small subconscious move, biting her nails, and analyzed tangledly.

When Alger mentioned the note, he immediately patted Emlyn and Klein seriously and asked them to take out their parts and check them with everyone.

They do have them.

'You wander the forbidden forest, waiting for redemption and fools to take the bait.'

This is Emlyn's.

'My stomach is so weird. I don't feel good.'

'No, who are you?'

This is Klein's.

Looking at his note, Klein suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, and his hair stood on end!

But this was not just because he saw these words for the first time;

During the verification, he found that everyone's identities matched those of the only Yharnam survivors in the Bloodborne story!

Audrey, the aborigine who is waiting for the survivors in the Orton church.

Alger, a local who is suspicious of everything.

The nun of the Crazy Faith Healing Church, Forsi.

The memory is so confused that he thinks the hunter is his son's grandmother, Derrick.

The half-mad beast who deceives passers-by, Emlyn.

as well as--

He himself is a prostitute pregnant with the son of the ancient god Ulton.

What do you mean by arranging this identity for me?

Wait, no, he doesn’t want to give birth to an heir of an ancient god!!!

Klein's eyes widened in horror, and he pressed his stomach involuntarily, trying to confirm that there was nothing inside except lunch.

"What do you think this agency will correspond to? I've never seen them."

After reading everyone's identities, Alger's frown deepened and he stared at the six spaces above uncertainly.

"Baby. Belly"

Emlyn looked at Klein strangely, hesitating to speak but hesitant to speak.

Even Forsi and Derrick couldn't help but look over and looked up and down silently.

Their glances caused great harm.

Audrey blinked her eyes and watched with pity as Mr. World, who had always been 'taciturn', jumped uncontrollably during the observation.

"It's just status!"

Klein clenched his fists.

The mixed-race cheeks he specially pinched were visibly red, but his lips were slightly white, betraying the firmness in his words.

Although he said it was just his identity, he actually still had some unknown premonitions.

The child of the ancient god Ulton couldn't really find him, could he?

The Kos parasite that sneaked away with him was startled by his big movement, and slowly crawled a little further on his shoulders.

"Ahem, okay, I think it's more important to unlock the mechanism now." Alger glanced at the 'world' incomprehensibly, and obviously had a weird guess.

"Does anyone want to try the password first?"

"Whether it's correct or not, I think it's more important to try first."

His words finally brought everyone's attention back to the organization.

In the bronze space is a series of knobs with various English letters on them. From Klein's perspective, they are obviously meant to be pieced together into an English word.

The other people looked at each other in shock.

There is a language barrier, so of course they have no chance to switch.

"Let me do it."

Klein sighed and walked to the front.

He started by randomly turning a few letters.

no response.

The huge gears and the bronze handle extending above were silent.

Perhaps, it will only change when the correct password is entered.

This is a good thing, at least, it means that they have unlimited room for trial and error, and they will not be called to the police and attracted a group of priests to hunt them down after accidentally twisting the wrong one.

Klein and Alger looked at each other and nodded to each other.

"Then let's each try everything we think of." Alger turned his head and suggested to everyone, and received unanimous approval.

Unfortunately, since none of them knew English, they tinkered for a long time without causing the slightest reaction from the gear.

Klein, on the other hand, bowed his head in thought after many failures.

A six-letter word related to blood moon? This is really embarrassing for a person who has never touched English since graduating from college!

Baby newborn? No, it’s seven letters. Nightmares or dreams aren’t right either.

Suddenly he had an idea.

"Wait, let me try again."

Klein took a few steps forward and squeezed into the middle.

He slowly twisted the grid to connect the letters together, and gradually pieced together a word——


The clock on the top of the central church suddenly made a sudden movement.

The complicated and delicate dial seemed to be some kind of mechanism, rotating rapidly, with the crisp sound of gears moving, which spread throughout the riddled Yanan.

The pointer above is spinning rapidly in the opposite direction!

Yager and Green looked up in surprise.

After many hardships, a few seconds ago, Yager finally pressed the sickle into Lawrence's neck and cut off the still moving head of the beast.

The setting sun casts a sad light on the scene.

The clothes were completely soaked with blood and dripped downwards, showing the intensity of the battle just now.

Even Greene, who had been taking advantage of every opportunity next to him, lost his strength again, with cold sweat streaming from his forehead, and a lingering fear in his eyes as if he had escaped death several times.

The battle was very difficult.

Fortunately, despite this, they finally won.

Behind the magma beast's head, which slowly closed its eyes, were the dying Maria and Ludwig.

It's about to end.

But the clock doesn't seem to think so.

Illusive murmurs came from my ears, seemingly mixed with strong malice, but they were about to dissipate:

"Therefore a curse was given to them."

"Including their descendants and their descendants to all generations."

"Curse all those who are heartless and unjust."

Along with the murmurs, dark lines were pulled out from the defeated old hunters, condensing into strange black shadows, standing under the sunset!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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