Chapter 43 Who is it? Send the church to me

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Late at night, after finally finishing his notes, Klein came back from the police station exhausted.

Church personnel and police showed extraordinary interest in his five-minute experience at the gate of Caping. Whether it was the color of the railing or the demeanor of the security dog, they were committed to understanding everything.

If he had not chosen to report to the church in the afternoon with Old Kohler, who was an absolute ordinary person, he would have been interrogated in the prison of Steam Church instead of being transferred to the police station.

Several times, he felt that he was an extraordinary person, and even his identity as Klein Moretti was in danger.

Fortunately, he finally came back safely.

The desolate empty room welcomed his arrival.

"Alas." Klein threw his windbreaker jacket on the shelf at the door and fell down on the sofa. "Why am I so unlucky again..."

He stared blankly at the ornate chandelier above his head.

After coming to Backlund, he first offended Ambassador Intis for five pounds, and now he was involved in the assassination of a rich man in the East End because of the entrustment of Mr. Bishop.

The difficulty of the dungeon jumped from low sequence to demigod difficulty.

Moreover, judging from the way the church members reluctantly let him go while holding the eighth version of the confession, it seemed that even the cardinals from major churches who rushed to the scene had not caught the culprit.

I don’t know which cult organization dared to do such a thing.

Klein found himself inexplicably caught in the whirlpool of an extraordinary crisis, and covered his face in grief.

He, the 'yellow and black king of good luck', never seems to have good luck!



Thinking of a cult organization, in the brightly lit living room, a young man wearing a double-breasted vest suddenly sat up from the sofa.

The experience of being attacked while investigating Ambassador Intis came to mind.

Someone is not going to attack him tonight...

Looking at the thick curtains behind him and the red-lit night, Klein's hair stood on end. If he were compared to a cat, the cat's fur would definitely have exploded.

It seems that it is not impossible.

He climbed down from the sofa tremblingly, closed the curtains, moved to the bathroom, walked four steps backward and entered above the gray mist.

At the moment when the gray fog enveloped him, he still thought adamantly:

‘This is not from the heart, this is a strategy to deal with the matter. It just so happens that after the divination, the gold pound that Miss Justice sacrificed in the afternoon can be settled with Mr. Bishop.’

'Oh, there's also the bishop's commission.'


A few blocks away, Yager received a late-night transmission from the Tarot Society.

Countless murmurs floated in his ears, seemingly coming from someone who had difficulty speaking clearly and could not identify a single word. In the void, gray mist covered him from top to bottom, bringing him back to the long bronze table of the Tarot Society.


Opposite his seat, a thin young man with a face covered by mist appeared.

"Good evening, Mr. Drester." Detective Sherlock Moriarty's voice came from behind the fog.

"Good evening." Yager nodded.

The strange thing is that even though it was almost early in the morning, the clothes of the two of them were still neat and clean, their expressions were awake, and they showed no signs of getting ready for sleep.

Borrowing the sequence ability, the Fool with double vests ignored the false gray fog cover and quietly peeked at the screen.

‘Mr. Bishop doesn’t look like he’s sleeping either? Is he just a night owl, or did something happen tonight?’ Thinking of today’s commission, he secretly guessed in his mind.

On the long bronze table, to the left of where he was sitting, were two finely stitched cowhide bags, obviously from Miss Justice. The bulging purses showed that they contained a large amount of money.

After controlling Sherlock's vest, Klein sat in the Fool's seat and coughed twice:

"Good night, Mr. Bishop."

"This is Mr. World, the new member of the Tarot Society, my favorite."

"He and Miss Justice begged me to transfer the promised reward to you through me. Maybe you can receive it after you leave?"

Yager turned his head, briefly responded to the Fool's greeting and said: "No problem, thank you."

However, he was still very interested in this at the last party, but now his expression was indifferent and his mood showed no fluctuation.

Oh, it's just Green's reward.

The young man who had just washed away the blood on his body thought expressionlessly.

Although the evil neighbor next door finally reduced the price to 2,500 pounds under his bargaining, most of the remaining mission fees from Rosago still need to be saved to wait to go to sea and explore his hometown. part of the assets.

After all, according to his investigation at East Balam Pier, a trip may require hundreds of pounds of funds.

Hmm, but I heard that you don’t have to spend money to be a pirate and you can make money back...

Yager's thoughts silently wandered off track.

"This is Mr. Bishop." On the other side, the Fool hypocritically introduced Yager's code name to his vest.

'World' Sherlock Moriarty smiled and said: "Thank you."

"Mr. Bishop, I have completed part of your commission."

After a series of self-questions and answers, he finally got to the point: "Mrs. Liv's daughter in the East District is located in another commission, the mansion of the rich Kapin. There was a violent and extraordinary conflict in the mansion in the evening. The specific circumstances are unknown. .But I confirm that at least Liv’s daughter has returned home safely.”

"As for matters related to the Viscount, I am still investigating."

"Okay." Yager replied.

So Liv's little daughter Daisy is indeed one of the fainting girls in Cappin's mansion.

Fortunately, nothing happened to them.

Wait, why did Detective Moriarty know she was home?

"Were you at the scene of the conflict?" he asked in surprise.

"Oh, yes, I happened to meet him when I went to investigate the commission in the afternoon." Klein said, "Are you there too?"

What happened in the evening had not yet been published in the newspaper, so logically speaking, no one should know about it.

Yager rubbed his hands unnaturally on the bronze table: "Yes, I happen to be nearby."

It's just the one inside the house.

"Ahem, do you know how the church handled this matter?"

"I'm not very sure either." After meeting each other, Klein didn't hide anything.

"Actually, there was just a commotion in the mansion when I first went there, so I went to notify the people in the Heart of Machinery."

"As a result, when we arrived again, the mansion collapsed violently. The church took care of the rest, and I was taken to the police station for questioning."

"I heard that until now, the cardinals have not caught the criminal." Xiao Ke sighed, "The cultists in Backlund are really too rampant."


Yager looked at Klein with an evil look.

'I went to notify the Mechanical Heart.'

This sentence echoed in his mind, reminding him of some church personnel who arrived in an unusually timely manner.

When he followed Green into the sewer, four demigods appeared directly.

Okay, so it turns out that this guy stabbed me in the back!

This chapter has been completed!
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