Chapter 51 Serial Murders

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The long table above the gray mist was silent.

The Hanged Man, Justice, and Yager, who was looked at expectantly by Little Sun, looked at each other and shook their heads in ignorance: "We don't know."

The god hanging upside down? It doesn’t seem to be one of the true gods.

At this time, Mr. Fool, who was sitting upright, lightly knocked on the table.

"It is the Fallen Creator."


This phrase immediately aroused the attention of Yager, who has PTSD from roaring. The deafening "Get out of the earth" is still fresh in his memory.

"Is the Fallen Creator related to the True Creator?" he asked.

"Both become one."

The Fool nodded in response.

Upon hearing this, the members of the Tarot Society in Backlund immediately connected the statue with the gods worshiped by the Aurora Society.

He is the evil god who mass-produces madmen.

The rumor that Aurora will consume its followers and members has become famous far and wide. Every time they act, they always leave a few cannon fodder corpses on the scene.

However, Yager found that Little Taiyang frowned, as if he was uncomfortable with the term "degenerate".

He was thoughtful.

According to this observation, Mr. Sun seems to be very special. His voice is that of a teenager, but his stature is very tall, and everyone agrees that he does not need to submit Russell's diary.

The most important thing is that his language is different from others.

I originally thought it was just because Yang Yang was not from the Loen Kingdom. After all, he didn't know much about the languages ​​of this world. However, the "Silver City" that Yang Yang mentioned just now did not exist at all on the country's territory map he had newly learned.

Not to mention the real statues they discovered during their exploration, which would have been blocked by the Orthodox Church if they existed around Loen.

Could the place that exists in memory but not on the map be the original person or his own hometown?

"This is our name for this god." Alger, the Hanged Man, explained after observing for a week.

"The forces that believe in Him, the Aurora Society that Mr. Bishop mentioned before, control the extraordinary path of 'Secret Prayer', 'Listener' and 'Hermit', which will include the 'Shepherd' you mentioned before."

Little Sun Derrick's expression was visibly full of worry and panic.

This is not for this discovered temple. The surrounding area of ​​Silver City is already full of dangers. In addition to the real statues, they have also discovered other strange statues.

He was panicking because the "Shepherd" was in the sequence of the recently promoted Silver City elder named Wei Ya, and the other party was acting increasingly weird.

Most people with similar influence are not righteous gods.

However, most of the city-states they discovered in the past were destroyed by the evil gods...

Could it be that Silver City will also follow suit?

He ended his speech worriedly, and his tall body actually showed a slumped look.

The rest of the Tarot Club looked at each other and made guesses in their minds.

"By the way, since we are talking about the Aurora Society..." The Hanged Man struggled for the entire meeting, and finally prepared to remind Miss Justice and the others of this important incident, "A few days ago, a certain person from Backlund A violent explosion occurred in the rich man's mansion, and the church believes that this was committed by a cult organization similar to the Aurora Society, the Rose School of Thought."

"And the member who caused the current situation is the agent of the evil god mentioned in the oracle last time."

Perhaps the explosion in which George III destroyed Kilgor's body completely affected the investigation, and the church strangely combined the speculations of the Rose School with the evil apostles.

"The prisoners may still be operating in Backlund, so everyone needs to be careful these days."

For the sake of his own position in the Tarot Society, and for the sake of Miss Justice, a crucial member, there would be no accidents, the Hanged Man made this news public for free.

However, only Zhengyi thanked him without too much thought, emphasizing that he would definitely remind people around him to be careful.

Klein and Yager each made their own judgments in their minds.

Especially Klein, because he knew that Mr. Bishop was the culprit of the explosion, he smoothly connected various negative conclusions between Yager and the church.

The blood lines all over his body that he saw when we first met him, his weird fighting style, and his appearance that remained unchanged even as he listened to his murmurs.

By the way, the bishop seemed to want to cause trouble with the Church of Night before...

If it weren't for the identity setting of The Fool and the World, Klein would be physically trembling by now!

Who did he recruit?

Klein felt that he was struggling under the pressure of the strong.

It seems that the bishop is relatively respectful because he looks like the true God. If he finds out that he does not actually have this person, will he feel deceived and then tear him into pieces in anger?!

He must not reveal his secret!

Simulating the Internet of the past, Klein sent a crying cat emoticon in his heart.

Silence gradually fell above the gray fog. At this point, today's party has come to an end.

The Fool concealed the turmoil in his heart and laughed softly: "That's the end of this party."

"Do your will."

The members at the long table saluted one after another, ending the Tarot session.


In the real world, Yager walked out of the paid restroom on the roadside and met Lawyer Edmund who had been waiting nearby for a long time.

"Let's go and see the scene." Seeing his figure, Edmund stood up from the rusty bench and picked up his cane again.

The top of his cane was inlaid with a pure gold horse head, which was obviously of great value and was incompatible with the bleak atmosphere on this road.

This is the edge street of Zhongcheng District, only a stone's throw away from the East District next to it.

The streets are tidy but not clean. There is a faint pungent smell of low-quality tobacco in the air, which is very different from the long-lasting fragrance of hydrangeas in the neighborhood where the Minsk office is located.

Usually, people who have just left the East End live here.

The crime scene they need to visit here is a small red house opposite. An eye-catching yellow warning tape has been pulled up on the left half of its garden, and large pieces of broken glass can be seen on the ground.

They came from a hideous hole in the second-floor window.

"According to the police report, the murderer of Miss Tracy broke out of the window from there." Attorney Emond pointed to the broken glass window.

According to the police report, the case was a homicide. The murderer broke into Miss Tracy's home in the middle of the night and brutally killed her.

The victim's family approached the Minsk office and spent huge sums of money to ask them to send the criminal to the execution ground.

But at present, the identity of the other party is still unknown.

Yager looked around carefully for a moment and frowned: "The width of the window should be three feet."

Converted using the units of Klein's time, it's about one meter.

From the outside, all the glass on this large window has been broken and fallen, and even the iron window frame is twisted and broken to varying degrees.

"Could a normal-sized adult really break the window like that?"

Lawyer Emond, who heard the inquiry, shook his head: "This is also a suspicious point in the police report, and they haven't solved it yet."

"The current speculation is that the prisoner may have been carrying something that impacted the window frame like this, perhaps a shield or something like that."


Yager observed the gap and secretly rejected this answer in his heart.

The window frame was bent and deformed at all angles, but it was not completely removed by external force. It looked like it was caused by the impact of a certain elastic object.

"In fact, this murder is not special." The old lawyer lowered his voice and continued, "Just this morning in the Hillston area, a murder case in which the victim was a young woman also occurred.

The detective revealed that the police internally believe that the murderer is the same person."

This chapter has been completed!
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