Chapter 71 The story of East End begins

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"After the incident at St. Samuel's Cathedral, Backlund's situation worsened one after another."

"Because many of the main members of the Loen royal family were assassinated, they launched a backup plan and continued to accelerate the expected progress. On the other hand, the underground evil spirits who are Ince Zangwill's back-ups are also showing signs of escaping. Perhaps, it will not happen.

I'll be gone completely in two days."

"Now Zangwill has lost all opportunities and can only rely miserably on the Aurora Society, hoping that the evil god's conspiracy can be the final bargaining chip for his comeback."

"Unfortunately, this is destined to be in vain..."

The old quill pen he was writing with was roughly pinched by one hand, and the words were erased.

The pen tip was pushed too hard and almost broke the paper.

"In the abnormally active state of the True Creator, Mr. A of the Aurora Society became even more fanatical. He believed that the time for Backlund's divine descent was about to come, and contacted Ms. Despair of the Witch Sect to prepare a plan."

"However, as the prepared host of the Creator, Lanruth is keenly aware of the danger."

"At the East End Pier, he kept killing ordinary people with bounty warrants, trying to attract the attention of the church and escape from control."

"Coincidentally, during this process, Lanerwus accidentally learned from one of the gangsters who wanted to save his life that he knew a powerful extraordinary person."

"In the name of a gangster, Lanerwus sent an invitation letter to the paralegal Yager Drest, who met Triss Chike."

"This is where Backlund's story begins."

At noon on Thursday, the sky over East Balam Pier was overcast.

At this time when the pouring rain was about to fall, pedestrians on the street were all coming and going in a hurry, leaving only the drunkard vomiting in the corner and the homeless homeless man in the distance.

Yager got off the carriage, lowered the brim of his beret, and stepped over several pools of unknown liquid.

After signing an agreement with the Red Angel Medici a few days ago, Green was responsible for the follow-up matters of rescuing the evil spirits, while he was browsing the history of the Fourth Age and sorting out the gains from the last trip to the manor.

The pocket watch seems to be related to an ethnic group called the "Blood Tribe".

But before he could find the result, an unexpected letter called him out of the office.

According to the signature, it came from the little gangster who led him in the East District a few weeks ago.

"I know you are very busy, but there have been new developments in the matters we discussed before, and we need you to come to table 34 of the Dock Union Tavern in the East District at noon."


He was very convinced that his investigation in the Eastern District had been completely completed and there was absolutely no possibility of any advancement.

What's more, how could an uncultured gangster write such a polite letter?

So, out of curiosity, he came.

Yager walked through the streets and entered the dock union tavern.

The tavern was bustling at noon, with a large number of workers and sailors who had just finished the morning shift gathered.

Table No. 34 is located in one of the few booths in this pub.

"Thank you." The young man in a shabby windbreaker said to the waiter who opened the door for him.

The waiter nodded and closed the door.

At half past twelve noon, Yager stood alone in the reserved room.

Because the customer base is all ordinary people in the East District, the decoration of the Pier Union Tavern is extremely simple. The width of the cubicle is less than ten feet, and there is only a narrow greasy table in the center.

What's even more uncomfortable is that because it's right on the corner of the street, this room also has a garbage dump that leads directly to the trash can below.

Even if the iron door is closed tightly, the strong sour smell of garbage still permeates the room, and there is still a trace of rotten smell hidden inside.

Surprisingly, there is no one here.

Yager frowned.

Did Williams not come? Or had he left?

In the small room, the black-haired young man briefly scanned the room and did not find any suspicious items left behind. There was nothing here except oil stains.

Only the shoddy candle in the center of the table was burning smellily.

In the small house, the only window was open, letting in the salty and humid sea breeze...

Will there be anything over there?

Yager took off his beret from his head, placed it on the table, and then slowly walked over there.

The window is facing the gap in the building next to it. The heavy rain is approaching, and the path near the Dock Union Tavern is almost empty. There seems to be no one except for the garbage on the ground.

Scanning from a distance, this is all Yager can see.

However, just as he appeared in front of the window, half of his body flashed past the corner of the path and hid behind the wall of the building!

The broad figure projected on the ground proved that the other party had not left.

Under the dim light under the dark clouds, the shadow was not clear, but it could still be seen that the figure was much taller than the normal Loen people. Judging from the ratio of other buildings and the shadow, the person casting the shadow was close to two meters.

Someone is watching here!

What's even more unreasonable is that spiritual vision showed that he was an extraordinary person.

In front of the window, the black-haired young man subconsciously frowned.

Today's appointment is full of weirdness.

The impoverished East District gangster reserved a room in a tavern, and there was an extraordinary person monitoring him in the distance...

It's hard not to suspect that the Hongmen Banquet was aimed at him.

But since someone is monitoring the inside of the room, it means that the person who sent the invitation did not leave the room empty accidentally, but intentionally.

What was left for him inside?

The table is very clean. The chairs are very clean. The floor has nothing but oil.

Yager's eyes moved to the only special iron garbage channel.



The iron door was pulled open with force, and the old embroidery marks rubbed against each other and made a sharp sound.

Following the sound, a lot of "surprises" rolled out from the other side of the iron gate.

Countless scarlet flesh-like objects flowed out!

There were intestines, kidneys, roughly chopped bone fragments, and even a broken eyeball.


After the bright red appeared, he immediately reacted and jumped on the table, trying to preserve his ability to leave gracefully.

But there was still a lot of blood splattered on the shoe.

Yager frowned, standing on the square table, condescendingly watching the bloody scene gradually appearing in front of him.

The iron door was completely opened, revealing a crushed corpse that had been stuffed into the garbage disposal channel. Then there was a ferocious head.

It landed on the ground with a "thud", dragging its blood-adhered hair and slowly rolling outward.

Its left eye has been completely gouged out, with scars rolling over it. The eyelid of its right eye has also been torn, and only half of its eyeball is staring at the sky in a twisted manner.

The good news is that the head does not belong to Williams, but may be that of another longshoreman.

The broken arm on the side exposed the white bony stubble and had traces of calluses.

Its mouth seemed to be filled with something.

Yager jumped down from the table, stepped accurately on the gap where there was no blood, and slowly squatted down.

He put his fingers into his mouth filled with blood, then grabbed something and slowly took it out!

The first is a strange scarlet crystal, which smells of sin and malice. It should be the legacy of a certain mid-sequence extraordinary person.

Under its influence, his fingertips felt the wriggling throats around him, even though the body had been broken into countless pieces.

Mutations have already occurred.

Then, he touched a piece of parchment soaked in blood.

The blood-soaked front reads:

"Take it to Sixth Street, East Balam Quay,"

"Otherwise your identity will be reported to the church, the royal family, and MI9 at the same time."

This chapter has been completed!
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