Chapter 79 It’s over before it even begins

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At the East Balam Pier, Yager, who was completely wearing a blood-colored vest, silently looked at Leonard across the way, tremblingly uttering the words "We surrender."

The reference of this "we" is very clear.

The church members with a poetic and romantic temperament shone with a temperament similar to Amon that he had seen in the church last time.

It was the angel who was absolutely deceived.

That's why he took a little risk and rushed out to chop the Creator into pieces.

"If I say that I am the Night Blessed, will the church not investigate me?" Yager flicked the sickle and folded the protruding handle, turning it into a short-handled weapon again.

He began to worry about how to deal with it.

"What? You, no, are you?" Leonard asked blankly, "Maybe not."

When did their Church of the Night have such a violent favored person? Aren’t they all auxiliaries?

It would be more reliable to say that you are the favored one of the storm next door.

"Of course." On the opposite side, the questioned Yager once again took out the scarlet emblem of the night from his pocket.

The emblem exuded a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere as always, but it looked very strange when it was covered with the remaining flesh and blood of Lanervus.

There is no doubt that it is the aura of a goddess.

Leonard, who has been a believer in the Dark Night for more than 20 years, felt a trance from the bottom of his heart for the first time.

"Well, in short, I'll leave this matter to you. It's best to put the matter of solving Lanerwus on yourself, and don't expose the traces of my visit. Do you understand?"

The black-haired young man gave orders without any conscience.

Then he seemed to remember something, lowered his head slightly, and leaned into Leonard's ear.

"Otherwise I'll have to ask Monocle to say hello to you."

Leonard, along with Pales Zoroastrian in his body, showed a frightened expression, and his already dilated pupils almost lost focus!


'Meng ah ah ah ah!'

Seeing the other person's speechless expression, Yager nodded with satisfaction.

I don’t know what Green did to these two poor people this week.

A few minutes later, after explaining the follow-up, Yager smoothly put the matter behind him, left the bloody scene, and set out again on the road back to the Heart of Machinery.

As for the clothes stained with blood.

Well, this is all the result of the battle between the 'Desire Apostle' and Leonard, that's it.

The heavy rain was still falling, and it seemed to be more dense than a few minutes ago. The doors and windows on both sides of the street were tightly closed, showing the fear of the residents.

Sometimes, people's trembling prayers can still be faintly heard.

Just as Yager crossed the street corner, layers of gray fog suddenly enveloped him, and a figure with clasped hands was outlined in front of his eyes.

It's Detective Sherlock Moriarty.

An anxious illusory voice sounded in his ears: "Mr. Bishop, do you have any powerful extraordinary items that I can lend? Or, can I pay a price to ask you to help me get rid of a few cultists immediately?"

"I can trade you a blasphemous tablet of information!"

Desecrating the slate?

Yager paused in his walking steps and raised his eyebrows in a submissive manner.

When Medici paid the price of the contract a few days ago, in addition to explaining the various extraordinary items and history of the Fourth Age, he also mentioned a blasphemous card that appeared beside him due to the extraordinary law of aggregation.

It is said that it was made by Russell Gustav.

Belongs to the 'Red Priest' path.

According to his current research, this stone tablet is very useful for understanding the extraordinary. If he can happen to get the one related to the moon or night.

"Which way is it?" Yager asked before the gray mist.

"I don't know the details. However, I am sure that its current location is in the Russell Memorial Exhibition in the center of the city." Klein gritted his teeth and directly said this information.

Because the desperate lady in front of him already has bad tendencies.

There is no time for further discussion.

"I promise to get it over within three days. The current situation is very urgent! The Aurora Society may plan a second attack after the arrival of the gods!"

Aurora Society?

you again!

After a brief thought, Yager nodded silently.


Once after another, there will be no end.

Aurora Society, you make trouble every day, and you deserve to have your gatherings treated as achievements and presented to the Church of Dark Night!

Klein breathed a sigh of relief and put down his clasped hands. His eyes were still fixed on Mr. A and the lady next to him who were kneeling and crying not far away.

What exactly is their plan?

However, even if he didn't know the specific content, Klein could be sure that they would cause widespread casualties in the Eastern District.

Mr. A's success in assassinating the ambassador shows that he is at least a mid-ranked person.

He waited solemnly and anxiously for the support Mr. Bishop agreed to.

Speaking of which, the Bishop's support speed should be very reliable. He still remembered the incident where the other party suddenly appeared in the carriage.

There should be some kind of teleportation skill.

Come on, come on.

Klein always looked behind him.

It was indeed coming from behind. A figure soon appeared at the corner of the street...

Came over!

A black-haired young man bathed in blood quietly turned into the alley from the corner of the street, even his long black eyelashes were stained with bits of flesh.

It was Mr. Bishop who agreed to the request.

The strong smell of blood on the opponent's body was mixed with the breath of the true Creator, making what he just did self-evident -

Good guy, you killed Zhenzao too, right?

It didn't even work to teleport, it just ran over here!

You arrived at the venue just in time!

The four words "It turns out to be you" kept looping in his mind. Klein's eyes widened unconsciously and became round.


Yager, who had just arrived, looked at a certain detective's "Cat is surprised.jpg" expression and tilted his head in confusion.

Why this expression?

A few minutes ago, he turned on the teleporter and found that Sherlock was next door...

Teleporting is slower than walking.

At the street intersection in the East District, two people looked at each other in bewilderment.

However, this is not the most striking scene here.

A few meters away, next to the wailing Mr. A, the slim and graceful desperate lady had already raised her hands.

Invisible extraordinary fluctuations came from her body.

It contrasts with the ominous fog that envelopes the East District.

The air seemed to be condensed into particles in an instant, causing the respiratory tract to sound a painful alarm, and every rise and fall was as suffocating as if you were swallowing your breath!

Klein quickly covered his throat and made a sharp cough involuntarily.

"Cough cough cough... cough..."

Mucus seemed to be coagulating in his mouth, and the next second, Klein involuntarily vomited out a piece of green blood!

"History will remember this moment!" Ms. Despair's clear voice revealed the ferocity and malice of a witch.

Her confidence made her not even bother to turn around to check the source of the coughing sound.

Ms. Despair raised her hands high, exposing her fair and rosy arms from her black robe. Her hood fell down, revealing her alluring face.

Her lips are round and the tip of her nose is straight, like an elf who has fallen into the mortal world.

"The big smog incident in Backlund..."

Then, a short dagger was nailed directly through her smooth forehead!

The terrifying speed and force caused it to make a sharp cracking sound in the air.

A trace of blood dripped from the beautiful head of Ms. Despair.

Her eyes widened and she stared in disbelief at the sky that began to spin in front of her.

The back of Ms. Despair's head was stained with a large patch of terrifying scarlet, and the sharp tip of the knife poked out from her golden hair.

The body fell weakly.

Yager walked out from behind the wet wall in the east area. Evelin raised her head and aimed at the weak woman who was still trembling slightly on the ground.


Her hopeful eyes seemed to be saying.

"Bang bang bang!"

The black-haired young man fired three shots in a row without any expression, brutally beating the beautiful head into a ball of exploding minced meat!

Only the headless graceful body was left on the ground.

She is dead.

He died under the gaze of Mr. A and Klein, whose pupils shrank in shock.

'This is the end of the Backlund smog incident.'

This should not be considered out of context. Considering that there are indeed relatively few updates, I will try not to leave any urgent plot behind in the future and work hard to change the climax.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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