Chapter 89 Lilith’s Will

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The heavy stone door of the Harvest Church slowly opened with a creak, revealing the sunshine and the sky beyond that Emlyn White had not seen for a long time.

But this does not symbolize freedom.

The white steps leading out were blocked by two dark figures. Bishop Utravsky almost occupied the space at the door, and half a step away was the hateful young man who had been threatening him with a puppet.

There is absolutely no chance of escape.

Emlyn rubbed his hair casually, and looked at the strange 'Night Believer' with an angry look in his deep red eyes: "What do you want me to see?"

"Let me remind you that most of the things in the world that blame us vampires and say they are 'antiques' left behind by us are mostly poor imitations made by swindlers."

"If you, the Church of Dark Night, can't tell the difference..."

Yager sidestepped past Bishop Utravsky who was blocking the light in front of him, walked to Emlyn, and neatly took out the golden pocket watch that he had collected when he appeared in this world.

In the sunlight, the cover of the pocket watch shines brightly, and even the feather pattern engraved on it is clearly visible.

"it is this."

Emlyn was stuck on his next words.

"...Ah, this seems to be true." The vampire rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

The soft luster of the shell illustrates its high value.

He took the pocket watch awkwardly, approached the carvings on it with his feminine and innocent red eyes, and blinked.

After carefully looking at it for more than ten seconds, Emlyn said hesitantly: "It is indeed from the Fourth Age. Judging from the carving, the content should be about praising the grace of the moon... The style seems to belong to Her Majesty the Queen's royal painter at the time, Feidi.

His Excellency Duke Nan."

"The elders of our vampire clan also collect many of his works." He explained with pride.

Because he usually stays at home, and it is not his turn to educate the vampire newborns, Emlyn has learned the history for so many years without anyone talking to him, and it is only today that he has the space to popularize it.

So he unknowingly leaked tons of information.

"We vampires also have many powerful Beyonders!" Emlyn puffed out his chest and angrily accused Bishop Utravsky next to him, "So just wait, someone will come to rescue me!"

The priest who had been standing on the steps once again had a compassionate expression on his face and drew a harvest symbol on his chest.

"I'm waiting."

His unworried expression once again aroused Emlyn's anger, and the two argued again about "Why should a law-abiding vampire be imprisoned?"

To be honest, compared with some nominal believers of the night, Mr. White can indeed be regarded as a pillar of Backlund's society.

Yager, the real outlaw, raised his eyebrows silently from the side.

He was not optimistic about the reinforcements Emlyn mentioned...

After all, Bishop Utravsky seems to be from the Medici path, and is mainly responsible for war power.

He is probably one of the most capable Extraordinaries in Sequence Five.

But those "elders" of the Vampire Clan are very interesting.

According to the information given by the Goddess of Night, it is not particularly rare for vampires to survive for several eras. Perhaps one of the elders Emlyn knows is one of them.

He thought in his heart, his half-closed eyelids covering the malicious intent in his dark eyes.

Speaking of which, since the "Apostle of the Moon" should be himself, can he use the vampire's magic potion to verify which sequence he belongs to?

"I understand." On the surface, Yager continued to nod and took back his pocket watch, "Have any of your elders experienced the Fourth Age? Can you help me find the flow of Duke Ferdinand's works?


Medici didn't know the origin of this pocket watch, but he had seen it before, and it was said that it was dropped by a stupid thief.

Judging from this, it should have been stolen from a certain vampire's collection.

"Also, I want to buy the 'Medicine Master's' potion formula from you. I wonder if you are willing to sell it?"

"I will pay gold pounds for both commissions, according to the market price."

The black-haired young man changed his original rather tight style and felt the convenience brought by money.

In Backlund, the gold pound is invincible.

Sure enough, when Emlyn, who had a frown on his face and wanted to refuse without mercy, heard this, his words suddenly turned around.

The beautiful doll costumes in a shop window in the city center came to mind...

Emlyn's eyes lit up.

"I can give you the formula." However, Bishop Utravsky from behind interrupted. He had also sold the formula to Klein before.

This proposal was immediately rejected by the vampire.

"No! You are not short of money! My house is empty because of you, and I still need to hire someone to take care of it!"

Emlyn raised his voice and condemned.

"I'll sell them all to you for five hundred pounds!"

Late at night, after selling the potion formula to the informant with the Nighthawks certificate, Bishop Utravsky seemed to have obtained some information, or maybe he finally decided that his vampire posed no threat to society and decided to release him.

Emlyn was overjoyed and returned to his lovely little home with the gold pound that the informant brought when he came again that night.

But he was immediately called away again.

"My grandfather hopes to meet you." He remembered Audra, who held banquets next door every day, saying at that time.

Standing on the second floor of the banquet hall, Emlyn looked dissatisfied at his compatriots dancing indulgently below and curled his lips, completely unable to understand their persistence in staying up late and falling in love.

What does this mean?

He took a sip of the scarlet liquid from the goblet.

Don't get me wrong, although there are many vampires in Backlund who can even organize a banquet like tonight, they all abide by the law. Today's food was obtained by the Audra family who run the hospital through bloodletting 'therapy'.

Just when Emlyn was thinking about the host of the banquet at the alarm clock, Audra happened to walk over: "White, my grandfather is awake."

Emlyn put down the goblet slightly awkwardly and straightened his collar: "Okay."

Audra's grandfather, Nibais Audra, was one of the vampires who lived in the Fourth Age that Yager hoped to know.

The long years have made Lord Nibais become decayed and unable to move, and he had to lie in a black iron coffin in the middle of the gorgeous room to spend his last days.

The heavy coffin made of black iron is engraved with various symbols and magic signs representing the moon.

"Emlyn White, do you know why I summoned you?" In the dark basement of the mansion, an old voice came through the coffin partition.

"You want to protect the glory of the blood clan and punish the Harvest Bishop for me." Emlyn answered without hesitation.


The room suddenly became silent.

Obviously, the vampires in the coffin did not have this idea, and some stupid young people were too straightforward.

Even the elders didn't expect this.

However, after the old voice choked for a moment, he immediately relied on his hundreds of years of experience and skipped the topic with a smile: "This is one of the purposes, but it is not for me to help you."

"I just received a revelation from my ancestor."

"He says the end is near. You, Emlyn White, are the key to it."

"Pray to the 'Fool', that is, the Fool whose name has been circulated recently. This will bring opportunities for the revival of our blood family! It can also achieve your own goals."

"But be careful! The founder's decree is that it is forbidden to reveal information about the Apostle of the Moon to anyone! Including this 'Fool'."

Emlyn's expression at the door suddenly changed from doubtful to stunned, and he whispered almost blankly:


"But, but. I already said it today."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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