Chapter 129 Where did the wild dog come from?

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 At night, the two returned to their residence.

Ding Jilin's mood was extremely complicated. In the past, when he was still in ecg, Wu Jun's attitude was quite negligent, but it was far from what he is today. Today's Wu Jun already looked like he was tearing his face and stopped pretending at all.

He is Wei Zhengyang, Li Zhuomo's man. You can imagine what the attitude of everyone in today's ecg is towards him, but it doesn't matter. As soon as Xiaozhu left, ecg had already carried out a major purge, and Wei Zhengyang squeezed him away.

He killed everyone in Ding Jilin's faction and left behind a group of his own fans.

To put it bluntly, some bosses just want a bunch of obedient dogs, but not those who really have the ability to expand territories.

Let’s not think about Wei Zhengyang’s cognitive level. He will die sooner or later anyway!

"elder brother."

On the side, Chen Jia placed the fruit plate in front of Ding Jilin and said softly, "Tell me about the ecg? I was in school before and didn't pay much attention to your past."

"It's nothing actually."

Ding Jilin frowned, and then briefly explained his experience in ecg.

After listening, Chen Jia gritted her teeth and said, "Isn't this just the proverbial cunning rabbit cooked by a dead lackey?"

"Roughly the same."

Ding Jilin said, "I just didn't expect them to do it so brilliantly..."

"elder brother."

Chen Jia held his hand and said, "Tell me, what to do, how to take revenge, I will listen to you!"

Ding Jilin couldn't help but laugh, "No rush, no rush, I've been through it for so long, don't worry, let's get a firm foothold in "The World" first, and then we will slap ECG in the face step by step. I want to make ECG and Wei Zhengyang open their eyes."

Just watching, watching how a waste they abandoned stood on top of the world and how the ecg was turned into ruins!"


Chen Jia smiled and nodded. At this moment, she and her brother's thoughts resonated, and she finally had a real reason to become stronger in the game.

After eating the fruit, go online to level up!

Suzhou, ecg base.

In the training hall, there were high-end gaming chairs. Wu Jun put on a gaming helmet and went online with Li Zhuomo. Wei Zhengyang was already online. Hearing the noise outside, he said, "Hurry up and get online, get ready to go to the fourth floor."


Wu Jun transformed into a senior mage in the game and suddenly appeared beside Wei Zhengyang. He frowned and said, "Boss, I met someone when I went out to eat just now. Who do you think he is?"


"Ding Jilin!"

"Is there such a coincidence?" Wei Zhengyang frowned and asked, "He also went to dinner? Who was he with?"

"Still with that female fan."

Wu Jun showed an obscene look and said, "Damn...
… His female fan is super awesome, she’s real. Not only is she pretty, but she also has a great figure. Those two lumps on her chest… Damn it…”

He gestured with his hand and said, "It would be so satisfying if I could touch it."

"Go out!"

Wei Zhengyang laughed angrily and said, "Have you fucking never seen a woman?"

Li Zhuomo also laughed: "Wu Jun, please listen to my advice and don't invest too much energy in women, otherwise you will suffer big losses with women sooner or later with your young personality."

Wu Jun repeatedly raised his hand and said, "Thank you for your advice, sir."


Wei Zhengyang smiled and said, "If you really like that girl, there is no chance. No club has announced the signing of Ding Jilin yet. I guess he is probably going to be cold. What is the value of a star player who is cold? Wait.

Let's see, that female fan will leave him sooner or later, won't your chance come then?"

Wu Jun grinned, "Then I will wait slowly. For that kind of top quality, I have a lot of patience!"

"Okay, don't be so damn poor. Go to the fourth floor and challenge yourself to level 69 monsters, so that you can reach level 60 as soon as possible."

"Okay, boss!"

Death Dragon Swamp, fourth floor.

Ding Jilin attracted 200+ biting monsters and danced his sword wildly, killing them like crazy. After all, the biting monsters are level 69 legendary monsters, so the drops are quite good. There were piles of junk equipment and a lot of gold coins. Ding Jilin recently

He tried his best to save gold coins, and then returned the gold coins of Wangyoujun, Bu Yehou and others with interest.

It's one thing whether others want it, but it's another thing if you don't want to pay it back.

While he was refreshingly clearing monsters, he was also concerned about Chen Jia's side, so he talked to Jiang Yan and said, "How is Chen Xiaojia's performance on your side? It's not holding him back, right?"

"No, how could it be? Let me show you."

The next moment, Jiang Yan switched to video communication and showed Ding Jilin the scene on her side. Outside the dense group of monsters, two great mages, Chen Jia and Qin Meng, kept raining down merciless ice and rain of fire and fire at every turn.

A pyroblast or something like that increases the damage, killing a group of legendary monsters and making them cry for father and mother.

"did you see it."

Jiang Yan pursed her red lips and said with a smile, "In our team statistics, Chen Xiaojia's output ranks third, very close to Qin Meng. Qin Meng's level, his combat effectiveness is much stronger than Chen Jia's!"


Ding Jilin knew this very well. Qin Meng was in the top ten of Lin'an City's level list, while Chen Jia's level was still a little lower. Moreover, Qin Meng's equipment was carefully selected and built by Jiang Yan. Ding Jilin prepared the equipment for Chen Jia.

Quite perfunctory, Chen Jia's combat effectiveness is at least better than others

The price dropped by more than 25 points.

But due to the dual disadvantages of level and equipment, Chen Jia's total output is almost equal to Qin Meng. This is quite an exaggeration. To put it bluntly, race is still important!

"Ice cream..."

Jiang Yanli smiled lightly, and the heavy nun emperor suddenly became a little squirmy, saying, "Chen Xiaojia's spell damage is really very attractive. You see... you are a Sanren now, and you usually fight every day and don't have time to take care of Chen Xiaojia. Why don't you

Let's do this, after my Fengqi Guild establishes an alliance, you can arrange Chen Xiaojia with me, and I will give him a deputy leader Dangdang!"


Ding Jilin's eyes widened, "You Jiang Yan, have you poached me?"

He slapped his thigh, "No need to talk! Chen Xiaojia is a trump card in his hand, which will be of great use in the future. Ba Tian, ​​you better think more carefully about others, just let me go."

Jiang Yan chuckled, "Okay, okay, I know you have far-reaching plans, but it is definitely a wise move to let Chen Xiaojia stay with me to level up during this period. Her leveling up speed will definitely not be slowed down." ??


Ding Jilin nodded, "By the way, if she gets her equipment...remember to take more care of it."

"I know, Momojiji!"


After hanging up the communicator, Ding Jilin continued with several shoulder chops, killing the last few biting demons nearby!


A ray of golden light rained down, and he reached level 64. The upgrade speed in the Death Dragon Swamp was quite impressive! After he happily added strength to all 5 freely allocated attribute points, he was about to go forward when he found that on the left

A group of people appeared.

It's someone from ecg. The national server is so small, but we met so quickly!

Wei Zhengyang was dressed in top-notch heavy equipment, level 58, from Fengling City. Li Zhuomo beside him was a higher level, a level 59 swordsman, and was equipped with top-notch equipment, which was only slightly inferior to Jiang Yan's level.

Wu Jun, whose ID is Mr. Qingfeng, is level 58. He is dressed in a top-notch mage outfit. He seems a bit bossy and doesn't seem to take anyone seriously at all.

In addition, there is an assassin whose stealth state was detected by Ding Jilin at a glance from 20 yards away, Mr. Jing Xiang, Liu Qi, the rookie king of the ECG club, and a super assassin rated S-level by L.

These people are the core and main force of Guanghan Palace, and the reason why the people of Guanghan Palace think highly of themselves is actually inseparable from hard power.

Among this group of main players, Li Zhuomo, Wu Jun, and Liu Qi are all genuine S-level players, and Wei Zhengyang is A+. In addition, there are several S, A+ players. This kind of lineup is already quite scary.

After all, it is quite outrageous for a guild to have three S-level masters at the same time.

"Hey, friend!"

Wu Jun took a few steps forward with his staff in hand. He pointed the staff at Ding Jilin lightly and said with a smile, "We from Guanghan Palace plan to practice leveling here. Can you please move a little bit? Thank you."


Ding Jilin frowned and said nothing.

"What, you don't want to?"

Wu Jun smiled and said, "If you don't want to, you will suffer the consequences~~~"

Ding Jilin frowned and said, "Where did the wild dog come from? What do dogs call here?"


Wei Zhengyang and Li Zhuomo took a step forward at the same time, their brows furrowed.

Wu Jun sneered, "Why, you want to masturbate our ecg as if it were the Aotian Divine Realm? Do you have the ability?"

"Wind God."

Wei Zhengyang smiled faintly and said, "We at ecg have no intention of targeting you, but we really need to level up in this area. Please forgive me. You can't have such a big map and you can stop hundreds of us all by yourself."

Don’t you have to play?”

While Wei Zhengyang was speaking, several high-level knights had already stepped forward to protect Wei Zhengyang and Li Zhuomo. In addition, many Taoist priests were also pressing forward under the guard of soldiers and assassins.

Guanghan Palace has only one goal, which is to protect Wei Zhengyang and Li Zhuomo in a two-man fight. Since both of them have learned the Ice Slash, as long as one of them can freeze Ding Jilin, they will basically win.


Ding Jilin smiled, and as soon as his body stepped back, he switched to Jing Ke's form, and immediately disappeared into the wind, having already activated his "Follow the Wind into the Night" form.

"Everyone be careful!"

Wei Zhengyang's eyes turned cold, and he said solemnly in the team channel, "Wei Wu Yifeng has a surly temperament. He jumps up and down in Lin'an City, making Aotian Divine Realm unable to do anything about it, but it doesn't matter, our Guanghan Palace can teach him how to behave!!"

Li Zhuomo raised his sword and frowned and said, "Protect the Taoist priest. As soon as Wei Wu Yifeng shows up, attach the amulet to him. In addition, aim the stun arrows of the senior archers before shooting. Don't fire firecrackers in the air. It's okay if you can't hit anyone."



Wu Jun was holding the staff, and surrounded by four knights, he still felt chills down his spine. He never thought that Wei Wu Yifeng would really dare to take action, and once he did, the person most likely to target him would be himself.

As a result, Wu Jun was not disappointed.


Suddenly, a wisp of ice burst through the air and suddenly appeared in front of Wu Jun. The moment the Ice Slash fell, he directly took drugs to cancel the back shake + level A + break the barrier, and completed the Ice Slash in a short period of 1 second.

Cut + flat a + barrier breaking triple attack!

"You fucking..."

Wu Jun was shocked, his chest had been stabbed to pieces.

This chapter has been completed!
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