Chapter 401 Fruit trees in the courtyard

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 Not long after, Shen Bingyue came back and changed into a turtleneck and down jacket, but her chest still looked round, which made Ding Jilin shake his head. There was nothing he could do about it because he was so talented, so he couldn't be too demanding.

"Can't you go home empty-handed?"

When going downstairs, Lin Xixi held Ding Jilin's hand and said, "How many boxes of Feitian Moutai can I carry to my uncle?"


Ding Jilin had a black line on his head, "My parents are ordinary people, and they have two boxes of Maotai. You are not afraid of scaring them. Just bring two bottles, and then bring a box of cheaper wine."

The kind that costs 500 or 600 yuan a bottle will do. My father is willing to drink that kind of wine. As for Maotai, he is really reluctant to drink it, because it is cheap for relatives."


Lin Xixi smiled and said, "Then just bring six bottles of Maotai and two boxes of Wuliangye."


Ding Jilin was speechless. Isn't six bottles a box? Is it because I'm not good at arithmetic?

In the end, she listened to Lin Xixi's words and put a box of Maotai and two boxes of Wuliangye in the trunk of her Pamei. Although Ding Jilin said she didn't want it, she was actually quite happy in her heart. It took her dad a long time.

There was good wine to drink.

"What should I buy for my aunt?"

Lin Xixi sat in the driver's seat, frowning.


Shen Bingyue, who was in the back row, laughed and said, "You are almost going to be your daughter-in-law, and you don't even know what to give me?"

"How would I know..."

Lin Xixixia's cheeks fluttered and she said, "Then this is my first time as a daughter-in-law!"

Ding Jilin thought deeply, "If it hadn't been for the first time, something would have gone wrong."

Lin Xixi immediately punched him lightly and said with a smile, "Nonsense!"

Ding Jilin smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Let's wait until we get there. I can take my mother to the town to buy anything. In fact, I don't know what she likes."

"Okay, let's talk about it when we get there!"

Lin Xixi slowly started the car. At this time, another ideal business car in the base also started. The car driven by Lao Qin was accompanied by an old man and two young bodyguards, a total of four people.


Lin Xixi frowned, "You still have bodyguards?"


Ding Jilin said, "Be obedient and let them follow. I told Lao Qin and the others to watch from a distance. Don't enter my house. Don't disturb me. They can take turns to go to the town restaurant for dinner at noon."


Lin Xixi smiled and said, "Would it be too unfair to Lao Qin and the others?"

"Don't feel wronged."

Ding Jilin waved his hand and said with a smile, "When I told them that I would give them a subsidy of 1 per person for going out today, these guys were almost overjoyed."

Lin Xixi and Chen Jia laughed so hard that their branches trembled with laughter, and Shen Bingyue also laughed like a barbell.
> Enter the address to start navigation.

Not long after, Lin Xixi's white Panamera drove on the streets of the city, following the same trajectory as the demon clan in the game, heading south and entering Wujiang District. Hengshan Town is a small town under the jurisdiction of Wujiang District.

, it’s quite far away from Xianlin base.

Along the way, the scenery is nice.

As the strongest prefecture-level city in China, Suzhou's urban greening is quite good, and even the construction of the towns below is also very good. Looking at the scenery along the way, Ding Jilin felt emotional.

"It's a pity that the season is wrong. It would be great if it was autumn. The ginkgo trees, maple trees, gold and red intertwined along the way. The autumn scenery is absolutely unique."

"It doesn't matter."

Lin Xixi drove the car and said softly, "Life is long, and we have plenty of time to live a good life. In spring and autumn, we can just choose a day to visit our uncles and aunts. If we never come back, they will feel very lonely."


Ding Jilin nodded. This is the best thing about Lin Xixi. Although the wealth of her birth family is unimaginable for ordinary people, Lin Xixi has a good personality, is excellent in dealing with others, and is willing to consider others. These qualities, Ding Jilin has already known since she was a student.

Very clear.

Chen Jia also looked out the window.

She felt a little uneasy. Lin Xixi accompanied her brother home. Her identity was very simple. She was his girlfriend and the future daughter-in-law of Lao Ding's family. But what about herself?

On the side, Shen Bingyue has no such worries. I just came here to have a meal and travel to the countryside.

Hengshan Town, Ding Jilin’s home.

When Bai Pamé slowly slowed down, Lin Xixi's beautiful eyes widened and she looked at every detail carefully.

"just in front."

Ding Jilin stretched out his hand and pointed, "The house in the third row, the one next to the roadside is my house."


Lin Xixi narrowed her beautiful eyes and said, "Not bad!"

It's really good. Although the old house was built more than ten years ago, it has a three-story building with white walls and black tiles. It is next to a road, and the road is full of ginkgo leaves.

Beside the highway is a small lake as clear as a mirror. This lake carries Ding Jilin's childhood memories, such as fishing and shrimp fishing, bathing and swimming, picking water chestnuts, etc. There are so many memories here.

In fact, Ding Jilin's family conditions are not bad. After all, Ding Gong is also a hard-working person, and his mother is a middle school teacher. It is considered a naturally well-off family.

Paramela slowly drove off the road and stopped steadily in the parking space in front of the Ding family's old house.

In front of the door, two old men were already waiting.

At that time, in response to late marriage and late childbearing,

, so the old couple had children relatively late. Now Ding Jilin's father is nearly 60 years old and has retired. Although his mother still looks good-looking, her face also has wrinkles and signs of time.

After the old couple saw this white car, they were a little nervous, fearing that someone had parked the wrong car. This car looked like a high-end sports car from side to side, and it must be very expensive.

They only know that their son was expelled from ecg, and they don't know what happened now. They don't even know that Ding Jilin has already gone crazy in the national server with the ID of "Wei Wu Legacy".

In fact, the old couple sometimes take a look at the rankings of "The World", but they only know that Ding Jilin's ID in "Conquest" is Baiyi Qingxiang. Without seeing this ID, they felt that Ding Jilin had failed the rankings. There are so many talents in China.

It was not easy for his son to get ahead, so he didn't say much for fear of putting more pressure on Ding Jilin. ??


Ding Jilin opened the door from the passenger side and said with a smile, "Mom, Dad!"

"I'm home!"

The old couple smiled and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xixi, Chen Jia, and Shen Bingyue also got off the car.

For a moment, the old couple were dumbfounded. They all looked like fairies descending to earth... Ding Gong couldn't help but glance at his son. Although my son is also good-looking, these few... seem to be...

It's still a bit unworthy of him, especially the one walking in front. He has such a good temperament. Ding Jilin grew up in a rural area, so I'm afraid he's a bit too high to reach, right?


Ding Jilin took the initiative to introduce, walking up side by side with Lin Xixi, "Dad, Mom, this is the college senior I mentioned to you before, Lin Xixi, who is also my current boss."


Ding Gong looked confused. The most beautiful one was really Lin Xixi. Suddenly, the old electrician didn't dare to associate Lin Xixi in front of him with his future daughter-in-law. Isn't this too beautiful?

"Hello uncle, hello aunt!"

Lin Xixi smiled and nodded.

The old couple also nodded nervously.

Ding Jilin pulled Chen Jia in front of him and said, "Dad, Mom, this is my... god-sister whom I met outside. Her name is Chen Jia. She is smart and sensible. I will bring her here for you to see."

Chen Jia's pretty face turned red, and she imitated Lin Xixi and said, "Hello, uncle, hello aunt!"

"Okay, okay!"

The mother smiled and nodded, this girl is also pretty.

Then, Shen Bingyue stepped forward and said with a smile, "I am Ding Jilin's colleague, Lin Xixi's sister, my name is Shen Bingyue, uncle and aunt, I am here to have a meal..."

Rather sincere.

"Okay, everyone, come in."

The old couple opened the door, while Ding Jilin turned around to move the wine from the trunk. Lin Xixi wanted to help, but she was too weak and ended up
Ding Jilin moved with his father. Looking at the wine in Ding Jilin's arms, the old electrician asked in surprise, "Maotai?"

"Yeah, one box."

Ding Jilin lowered his voice and said, "Xixi gave this to you. Drink it slowly. There are also two boxes of Wuliangye. Give it to you after you finish it!"

For a while, the old electrician said it was too expensive, but he was already happy!

It's an old house with a relatively large yard in front of the three-story building.

This spaciousness is unimaginable for people living in the city.

In the yard, several chickens were tied up, and edamame with vines were placed beside them. They must have just been bought from the vegetable market in the countryside.

Ding Jilin saw it in his eyes and was looking forward to it. The edamame roasted chicken made by his mother tasted so good. Lin Xixi, Chen Jia, and Shen Bingyue probably also took it orally today.

Soon after, the old couple started to get busy, and the old electrician started to kill the chicken. He picked up the knife and dropped it, the blade was cold.

The old hen that was still alive was jumping around in the yard, spilling countless blood.

Lin Xixi and Chen Jia wanted to help, but they were blocked. The old couple did not give them a chance to help.


Ding Jilin looked at a few bare small trees in the yard. These trees were less than a person tall. They should have been planted just this year, so he smiled and asked, "What kind of trees are these?"


The old electrician glanced at it and said with a smile, "They are all saplings from my old brothers. The one in the middle is a cherry tree, the one in the middle is a peach tree, and the two outside ones are pear trees."

tree and persimmon tree.”

He smiled slightly and said, "They were planted this fall. Your mother just said that when you and Xixi bring your children home in the future, we as grandparents won't have much to offer, but there are still fruits grown in the yard."



Ding Jilin nodded and smiled, with mixed feelings in his heart.

On the side, Lin Xixi smiled faintly. The most touching thing in the world is the love of parents. She was originally a person who wanted Ding Ke to the end, but the words of the old electrician made the seal in Lin Xixi's heart loosen, as if... she was born with Ding Jilin.

If you have a child, it can be considered a relatively happy thing to bring your child back to visit your grandparents often, right?

She could even picture it.

At noon, there was a table of delicious dishes, all of which were authentic farm dishes.

Ding Jilin opened a bottle of Maotai and drank some with his father. As he drank, he got a little high. He said to Chen Jia who was standing beside him, "I'll take you fishing in the afternoon? Let's eat fish soup in the evening."

Chen Jia nodded repeatedly.

"Is that okay?"

Lin Xixi smiled and said, "What if we can't catch it?"

Ding Jilin looked solemn, "Then I can only secretly go to the vegetable market to buy a few..."

This chapter has been completed!
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