73. Chapter 73 Zombie Virus

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 Chapter 73 Zombie Virus

"The car is nice! A rare tram!"

As Wang Tao drove his car slowly toward the base, the soldier following him outside the car took the initiative to speak.

"It's okay. You still have to go to a place with less people, otherwise the tram won't work."

Wang Tao shook his head.

"That's true! If we really encounter a large wave of zombies, no car will be able to do it..."

The soldier nodded sympathetically.


Wang Tao took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, smoked one and handed it to the soldier.

Seeing the cigarettes, the soldier was a little moved, but he still shook his head and refused.

"Are your rules so strict?"

Wang Tao was a little surprised. This is the end of the world, and he still abides by the rules?

The soldier scratched his head.

"That's not true. You have to pass the inspection first to make sure that everyone and everything in your car is fine..."

"Oh I see!"

Wang Tao suddenly realized that it was not that the rules were strict, but that they were very cautious and wary of strangers.

Wang Tao understood, so he put away the cigarette.

Soon, the car entered the checkpoint inside the base.

"Dear survivors, please get out of the car and get checked."

Wang Tao and Han Rui got out of the car together, and two people wearing white protective clothing came to Wang Tao and Han Rui with flashlights.

"Take off the mask and look at me."

Wang Tao took off his mask and looked at the person in front of him.

The other party took out a flashlight and shined it into Wang Tao's eyes, then stared at it carefully before making an OK gesture to the person behind him.

Han Rui also checked it out, and there was no problem either.

Then these people asked Wang Tao and Han Rui to wait, they were going to check the car.

Wang Tao asked curiously:

"Can you tell by looking at your eyes that you are infected with the zombie virus?"

One of the people in white protective clothing explained:

"People infected with the zombie virus will have white pupils and some black bloodshot eyes in the whites of their eyes. The more severe the symptoms, the deeper the infection. If you encounter such a person in the future, you must not relax your vigilance."

"So that's it..."

Wang Tao has never been in contact with people in the incubation period of the virus before, so he has no chance to discover such details.


At this time, the person who was checking the trunk of the car suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

Others and the surrounding soldiers came over curiously - if there was danger, they would not make such a sound, but would shout "danger" or "suspicious object".

Wang Tao was a little surprised at what they found. He remembered that except for some food, he didn't put anything else in his car.

"I'll go, there's so much food and cigarettes!"

Suddenly, a soldier spoke subconsciously.


Wang Tao took two steps and saw something that surprised everyone.

Isn't it just some food with a short shelf life from a convenience store? It may be a bit too much, but he has a big appetite, so he shouldn't make such a fuss. As for cigarettes, he doesn't smoke himself, and many of these cigarettes are

He touched the corpse's loot because he wanted to see if he could exchange it for some other supplies after entering the survivors' base.

Han Rui also saw the food, and she swallowed subconsciously. She hadn't eaten for two days.

"What's wrong with this?"

Wang Tao asked.

"No problem! I'm just a little surprised that you brought so much food and so many cigarettes... cigarettes are a good thing!"

The soldier spoke sheepishly.

"That's right, haha, I'm lucky too, I picked them all up on the road."

Hearing this, several soldiers rolled their eyes.

Considering Wang Tao's burly figure and the bloody weapons in his car, who would believe that these things were picked up by luck?

Of course, there is no denying the factor of luck, but Wang Tao must have killed a lot of zombies. Especially among those cigarettes, many of the cigarette boxes still had blood stains on them.

"Does anyone want these cigarettes?"

Wang Tao picked up a box of cigarettes covered in blood.

The cigarette box was stained with a lot of blood, but the inside was clean. Adhering to the idea of ​​not wasting, Wang Tao naturally took the cigarette.

But he did not deliberately clean the outer boxes of cigarettes, but put these poor-looking cigarettes together alone.

"Of course, this kind of cigarette is a hot commodity in the base! Are you worried about zombie viruses? You don't have to worry about that. Previous experiments by the government have shown that zombie viruses will lose their activity 72 hours after leaving the host, that is,

It's not poisonous. If you're worried, just leave the cigarette for more than three days..."

"Huh? Is there such a thing?"

Wang Tao was surprised.

"This is all obtained by experts after experiments, but the Internet was disconnected at that time, so there was no way to deliver this news to every survivor..."

A soldier explained.

"Then this is better than I imagined..."

Wang Tao was a little happy. Then these things with blood stains could be collected in the future. Of course, he wouldn't have to do it himself. After all, he was a little uncomfortable, but he could trade with other people.

Judging from the appearance of these people, there should be a trading market or something like this in this survivor base, and there should be no worries about selling things.

The car was quickly inspected. This inspection was not as detailed as Wang Tao imagined. Basically, it was to see if his eyes were normal and to see if there were any zombies hidden in the car. As for blood stains, weapons and the like, there was no inspection. Even

None of them found the pistol in the car.

"Okay, you're all fine, you can go in. But you need to register, and then you all have temporary status now. If you want to redeem your permanent status, go to the administration building..."

The soldier gave the explanation and then let him go.

Han Rui next to her finally breathed a sigh of relief. She had been tricked by survivors before. Although she believed in this Shuizhe survivor base, she hadn't fully come in after all. Now that she saw that she hadn't been made any trouble, she was completely relaxed.

Come down.

Wang Tao did not leave in a hurry, but took out several boxes of blood-stained cigarettes and handed them to the soldiers and inspectors respectively.


"This is our first meeting. Please take good care of me from now on."

Several people collected their things calmly.

"Haha, we are all survivors struggling in the apocalypse, and we should take care of each other!"

At this time, the soldier who was chatting with Wang Tao at the beginning moved closer to Wang Tao, and then whispered:

"I think brother, you are also a capable person, so let me tell you, you'd better apply for a permanent residence status. The base is recruiting people now, and it can be done easily. This status will have many benefits. In addition,

You should also know that everyone in our Shuize Base has to work. I personally recommend that you apply for a job as a base guard or a hunter, especially the latter..."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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