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97. Chapter 97 Corrosive acid rain

 Chapter 97 Corrosive Acid Rain

Wang Tao planned to go out with Han Rui today, but it started to rain heavily outside last night, so he canceled his travel plan.

Although rain will affect the perception of zombies, if it rains too much, it will also affect people's actions and perceptions. It may even be life-threatening. After all, too much rain will cause flood disasters.

So for safety reasons, Wang Tao decided to postpone it for one day.

After Han Rui got the news from Wang Tao, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She was really embarrassed to be alone with Wang Tao. Although Wang Tao would definitely let her go with him in the future, she could only delay it for one day now...

Wang Tao, a committee member, has no specific work, and he is not willing to bother studying the development of the base, so he is relatively free when he is in the base.

Wang Tao's plan today is to eat, exercise, sleep, and play games with his sister-in-law.

No need to leave the house, live the life of an otaku in the post-apocalyptic world.

But while Wang Tao was exercising, Ding Yuqin's exclamation suddenly came from upstairs.

"Wang Tao, come and see!"

Wang Tao came to the second floor.

Ding Yuqin was behind the sliding door of the balcony, pointing at things on the balcony.

Wang Tao followed Ding Yuqin's gaze and narrowed his eyes immediately.

"This is...Pothos?"

There were originally several pots of pothos on the balcony. This plant likes to be exposed to rain, so Ding Yuqin did not move it in.

But now the size of these green radish is obviously much larger than before! The leaves are as big as lotus leaves!

"It's the green radish...it, why did it become so big..."

Ding Yuqin couldn't believe it.

These plants have grown in size before, but they all grew slowly and not so obviously. Unlike this pothos, which grew so big overnight!

And it’s not just green radish. Wang Tao looked outside and found that the leeks in the yard had also grown in size, two or three times larger than before!

Wang Tao's brows frowned deeply. It's the end of the world now, and the occurrence of this kind of situation is not necessarily a good thing...

He opened the sliding glass door and reached into the rain.

After feeling it carefully for a while, Wang Tao quickly took his hand back, his face looking a little ugly.

"There's something wrong with the rain! I feel very uncomfortable!"

Not only did he feel psychologically uncomfortable, the most important thing was that Wang Tao saw that he was losing blood!

It takes about a drop of blood every minute!

"Wang Tao, what's wrong with you?"

Ding Yuqin saw Wang Tao's ugly face and asked worriedly.

"This rain is poisonous!"

Wang Tao couldn't explain it, mainly because he didn't know the reason, so he gave an easy-to-understand explanation.

"Poisonous?" Ding Yuqin was startled. She quickly grabbed Wang Tao's arm and pulled Wang Tao into the room. "Then don't touch the rain!"

Feeling Ding Yuqin's concern, Wang Tao shook his head:

"Sister-in-law, you don't need to be too nervous. It's not very toxic, as long as you don't come into contact with it for a long time."

Wang Tao looked at his hands again, and there were no wounds or anything like that on them.

"Sister-in-law, please don't go out until the rain stops."


Wang Tao and Ding Yuqin closed the doors and windows of their home, and then he contacted several other committee members and told them that the rain was poisonous.

Wang Tao still doesn't know what the blood loss situation is like in the rain. Is it a fixed drop of blood every minute? Or is it a small amount of blood loss in the early stage and more and more blood loss later? Or is it a drop of blood when the first contact is made and no blood loss later?


All of these situations are possible. Therefore, Wang Tao cannot say how toxic this rain is without testing it.

After communicating with several other committee members, he discovered that the rain was not only toxic!

"This rain seems to be corrosive. After my car was soaked in the rain all night, the outside of my car is rusty!"

"Some of the flowers and plants planted in front of my gate have grown up, but some have dried up as if they have been sprayed with pesticides..."

"A soldier reported to me that the zombies outside seem to have become more rotten..."


After communicating with each other for a while, no one could say whether the rain was good or bad. We could only wait until the rain stopped to see.

Then Ren Jie started broadcasting to the entire base - there are loudspeakers installed in some fixed areas in the base to receive the committee's information. The sound of the loudspeakers is not loud, but there are people around, and then the message is transmitted to the surrounding people through these people.

With people, we can broadcast to the entire base.

Ren Jie informed all the survivors not to go out, but to stay at home and try not to get wet in the rain. This rain seemed to be a problem.

As for the specific problems, such as the speculation that it is toxic or corrosive, Ren Jie did not say.

Wang Tao thought Ren Jie had forgotten to mention it, but soon he realized that his situation was too small - the rain was getting heavier and water had begun to accumulate in the base. In order to drain the water, he had to organize manpower. Ren Jie

Let the survivors put on raincoats and go drain the water!

"We can't tell them that the rain is poisonous for the time being, otherwise if they don't drain the water out of fear, our base may be flooded..."

Ren Jie explain.

No one else, including Wang Tao, said anything.

Although it sounds a bit unethical, as the saying goes, good deeds are not worthy of public service. Ren Jie considered this from the perspective of the entire base, and there is nothing wrong with it.

When organizing manpower to drain the water, someone had to keep an eye on it, so Wang Tao went there in person wearing a raincoat.

Considering that the rain is corrosive, Wang Tao did not drive his own car. He has two cars, a new energy off-road vehicle and a diesel pickup truck. However, these two cars were placed in the indoor garage and were not exposed to the rain.


There are actually quite a few vehicles in the base, and Wang Tao directly requisitioned an off-road vehicle belonging to the staff on duty.

Several other committee members had already passed by first. Before Wang Tao went, he turned to the teachers' apartment.

When Wang Tao entered the teacher's apartment, he happened to see Sun Weiguang holding a walkie-talkie and talking to others, and Wang Tao shouted.

"Sun Weiguang, where is your wife Han Rui?"

Sun Weiguang was startled. After seeing Wang Tao, he subconsciously replied:

"She, she is at home..."


Wang Tao went up without saying a word.


Sun Weiguang opened his mouth, he didn't know if he should go home.

Although she still lives with Han Rui, she has already slept separately. Han Rui doesn't talk to him much, has a very cold attitude, and treats him as an ordinary roommate.

At some point, Sun Weiguang still felt a little uncomfortable. After all, Han Rui was his wife. The two had lived together for some time, but now they were like strangers...

It was clearly promised that there would be no memory of the medicine afterwards, but Han Rui knew everything about it! Fake medicine is harmful to people!

But most of the time, Sun Weiguang is happy to be quiet. If he hadn't been unable to apply for a house now, he might have just moved out and lived with Ou Yingying.

When Han Rui heard the sound of the door opening, she thought it was Sun Weiguang, so she didn't pay attention.

Until she felt a tall shadow blocking the light outside the window.

Han Rui looked up and was immediately startled.

"You...why are you here!"

Wang Tao frowned immediately.

"Han Rui, what is your attitude? As a member of the base, I have personally arranged work for you. You don't welcome it?"

"No, I mean..."

Han Rui wanted to explain, but after thinking for a long time she didn't know what to say. She immediately lowered her head and sighed.

"Commissioner Wang, if you have any tasks, just ask..."

Of course Wang Tao was not really angry, he was just teasing her. So he smiled and said:

"You come with me to supervise other people's drainage. In addition, I need you to help me sense something."


After Han Rui put on her raincoat, the two of them walked out. As soon as Wang Tao opened the door, Sun Weiguang, who was lying on the door, almost fell down.

"...What are you doing?"

Wang Tao has a black streak on his head.

"Ahem, I just didn't stand firm..."

Sun Weiguang quickly explained awkwardly.

Han Rui walked out without even looking at Sun Weiguang.

After Han Rui went downstairs, Wang Tao left, but he glanced at Sun Weiguang and said:

"Your hobbies are quite special..."


After both of them left, Sun Weiguang hurried in and smelled the smell in the room.

"You really didn't do anything?"

Sun Weiguang felt a little disappointed for no reason...

After Wang Tao and Han Rui got into the car together, they said to her:

"I want you to feel the plants that are getting bigger..."

"Plants that get bigger?"

Han Rui was a little confused. She really didn't notice which foods had grown in size. However, when Wang Tao drove the car next to some enlarged plants, Han Rui's eyes widened.

"This...is so big!"

Looking at the bushes that had obviously grown a lot, Han Rui exclaimed.

"Use your powers to feel if there is anything special about these plants."

Han Rui closed her eyes, and after feeling it carefully, she shook her head.

"No, I can't feel it..."

Wang Tao breathed a sigh of relief when Han Rui said she couldn't feel it.

He was afraid that these plants would mutate into the man-eating plants in the movie. It seemed fine now. As long as Han Rui couldn't sense it, there shouldn't be any danger, at least for the time being.

The car came to an area with serious water accumulation. Wang Tao sat in the car and stared quietly at the survivors wearing raincoats and holding shovels to clean the pipes.

He came here to keep an eye on him. One was to prevent the survivors from being put in danger, and the other was to see what was going on with Yu's blood loss.

The raincoat could not cover the entire body of the survivors, especially when they were still working. Soon, the words [-1] began to appear on the heads of these survivors.

Wang Tao observed it, and found that it was almost the same as his own. They all started to lose blood in about a minute. However, only those with full health were losing blood, and those with residual health were not.

Han Rui looked at the survivors working in the rain, and she subconsciously wanted to open the door and go out. But Wang Tao locked the door.

"What are you going to do?"

Wang Tao asked a little strangely.

"I'm going to help..."

Han Rui said quickly.

Hearing this, Wang Tao was speechless and glared at Han Rui.

"Sit down."


Han Rui's face suddenly became stiff. She felt that Wang Tao was a little too cold.

Wang Tao suddenly said again:

"This rain is poisonous."

"..." Han Rui was stunned for a moment. So Wang Tao cared about her? But soon, she looked worried again, "Then they..."

"Don't worry, as long as I'm keeping an eye on you, there won't be any problems."

After Han Rui struggled for a while, she still wanted to go down.

"Watching them working in the rain, I can't do it here..."

Han Rui's previous job made her develop the habit of leading by example. Wang Tao said that the rain was poisonous and that there was not much danger, so she felt that she still had to help.

This time Wang Tao didn't stop him and let Han Rui go down. He couldn't do it himself, but he admired this kind of person. Moreover, he could also observe the situation of the superpower in the rain.

The health of the survivors is generally around 100, and those who come out to work also have full health, so there is naturally no danger at the beginning.

After about ten minutes, Wang Tao saw a negative status appear below the health bars of these people.

[Corrosive acid rain: The body is slightly corroded and can return to normal after resting for a certain period of time]

Whether the survivors are full of health or have residual health, they will basically appear in this state at this time. Those who have not appeared for the time being are those who are covering up more tightly.

Twenty minutes later, one of the survivors expressed that he felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to take a rest. Wang Tao naturally agreed.

However, there are still some people who persist. After all, this is an extra task. The more you work, the more food stamps you will receive.

After thirty minutes, some people wanted to take a break.

After forty minutes, most people said they wanted to rest and felt a little uncomfortable.

After fifty minutes, everyone present except Han Rui said they wanted to take a rest. They said they were a little flustered, short of breath, and very uncomfortable.

At this time, just when their blood volume dropped by half, the negative status on their heads also changed.

[Corrosive acid rain: The body is moderately corroded and can return to normal after a long rest]

Wang Tao asked all this group of people to go home and rest, and then replaced the next group of people.

He feels that for ordinary people, this has reached their limit. If it waits until severe corrosion... it may be difficult to recover, or it may be a disaster.

Han Rui is different from them. Han Rui also has a corrosive state on her head, but she has 240 blood, so after deducting 50 blood, she still has 190, and she is still in a "mildly corroded" state.

Wang Tao guessed that if the blood volume dropped within 10% of the total blood volume due to corrosive acid rain, there would be no problem. It would simply be a small deduction of blood.

When the blood volume drops by 10% of the total blood volume, a mild corrosion state will occur, and the body will begin to feel uncomfortable.

When the blood volume drops to 50% of the total blood volume, it will become moderately corroded. At this time, the body will feel very uncomfortable and cannot work.

As for how much blood volume severe corrosion means, Wang Tao still doesn't know. After all, it's impossible for him to actually use the lives of survivors in the base for experiments.

But now he has roughly understood that 50% of the blood volume corroded is a warning line. He cannot be in the rain at this time, otherwise his life may be in danger.

Regarding the principle of this "corrosive acid rain", Wang Tao speculated that it may be that after these corrosive acid rain falls on the human body, it will accumulate in the body. When the accumulation reaches a certain level, blood will be lost. The more it accumulates, the more obvious the negative state will be.

If the accumulation exceeds the limit of your body, you may die.

So this is why, when first exposed to corrosive acid rain, only those with full health will lose blood, but those with residual health will not - this blood loss is based on the upper limit of blood volume, not based on the current blood volume.

It feels a bit similar to the impurities in the body after fusing the zombie crystal core...

"Han Rui, come here!"

After a group of people changed outside, Wang Tao called Han Rui up.

Han Rui got into the car obediently.

"how do you feel?"

Wang Tao asked:

"It's a little uncomfortable, and my heartbeat feels a little abnormal, but I can bear it..."

Han Rui covered her chest and looked a little unhappy.

"I'll touch it."

Wang Tao reached out directly, but Han Rui dodged it.

"There are so many people outside!"

Han Rui subconsciously covered her chest, her face turned red.

"You mean, it can be done when no one is around?"

"No one can do it! Wang Tao, we, didn't we agree to just pretend that nothing happened..."

Han Rui didn't dare to look directly into Wang Tao's eyes.

Wang Tao said with an innocent face:

"Huh? What you're talking about is...that night when you took the initiative to hug me? I almost forgot about it, why did you bring it up again?"


Han Rui had never seen such a shameless person. She decided to ignore Wang Tao.

Wang Tao smiled and didn't care. He just teased Han Rui a little and had to do business.

The drainage system of Mizusawa University is actually quite good. Except for water accumulation in some places, water from other places can flow to the river north of the university.

There are several rivers in Shuize County, which is also the origin of the name Shuize County. One of the longest ones is right behind Shuize University. However, this river does not have much water, and there were some signs of drying up before. Now it can drain the heavy rain into

In this river.

It took a day for the survivors to finally fix the drainage. In fact, some drainage pipes and ditches were blocked before, so they just had to clean them.

With Wang Tao watching, no survivors are in danger. At most, they are moderately corroded and can recover by taking a rest.

When Wang Tao distributed food stamps to these people, the survivors were very happy. Although they were a little tired and uncomfortable today, their income in one day was as much as in a normal week! It was still worth the effort!

After Wang Tao saw that there was nothing wrong with Han Rui, he sent him home.

Then Wang Tao went to the top floor of the complex and discussed with several other committee members the issue of corrosive acid rain.

Wang Tao told everything he saw. Of course, it was processed to a certain extent. He would definitely not tell about his ability to see health bars.

Everyone is very upset about this corrosive acid rain.

If the rain in the future is like corrosive acid rain, doesn't that mean they can't go out on rainy days?

Even if it’s dangerous on a sunny day, it’s extremely dangerous on a rainy day!

Although you can wrap yourself tightly and try not to let your skin be exposed, it is still very risky after all!

Of course, this is for ordinary people.

For people with a lot of health, they still have a big advantage. For example, Wang Tao, with his 1,200 health, can stay in the rain for ten hours without any problem...

Everyone couldn't discuss anything for the time being, so they could only wait until the rain stopped.

But the heavy rain lasted longer than everyone expected, lasting three full days.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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