Chapter 107 One Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety Six

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This is the highest quality item that Zhao Cheng has ever found in the treasure chest. It is actually between blue and purple.

So Zhao Cheng was about to click on it. Immediately, a miniature version of the human figure composed of lines appeared in front of Zhao Cheng.

This human figure is motionless, but if you look closely, you will find that there are many light spots on this human figure.

In addition, next to the human figure, there is also a note that there are one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six sperm holes in the human body, and only the King of the Era can penetrate them all.

I have studied all my life and collected a lot of martial arts, but in the end I could only locate the number of 960 sperm holes. It seems that some of the holes are wandering, but thinking about it, even if they wander, there must be rules. I just lament that time has passed.

, it’s hard to achieve full success.

Obviously, this diagram only has 960 confirmed positions of the sperm holes. As Zhao Cheng focused on the points on the human body model, annotations immediately popped up.

Tai'a: It is strong on the outside and brave on the inside, and strong on the inside. If it is condensed, it can increase physical strength. Tianjing: The hole for eyesight. If it is condensed, it can improve eyesight.

...Zhao Cheng looked at several fine holes in a row and found that the effects of many fine holes were similar. The effect of concentrating one or two at the same time might not be strong, but when many fine holes are superimposed, the effect will change qualitatively.

Condensing the Jing Kong is obviously a subsequent cultivation process on this path. Even now, following this illustration, Zhao Cheng looked at the two secret books he had obtained before. There are many key points in them that seem to stimulate the Jing Kong.

Although this thing is not what Zhao Cheng lacks the most, it is the first chapter for beginners of martial arts here, but in terms of value, it is definitely far beyond the first chapter.

With this thing, the idea of ​​how to turn boxing skills into sword skills seems to be clearer.

"Two strengthening stones and two simulation points are double benefits. Although the effort spent is not directly proportional to the benefits."

"However, I can take the first kills of the other three elite monsters first. The three first kills are thirty simulation points, and there are three treasure chests. The minimum guarantee is thirty-six simulation points, and six yuan.

Counting the two strengthening stones from this treasure box, there are only eight strengthening stones left to strengthen the Sky Tribulation to 5."

"That's right, I can slow down for a few days. I was able to forcefully kill Quan Chi because during this period of time, I have become familiar with the opponent's boxing skills. I am not familiar with the other three monsters. If I go there rashly, the probability of being killed is not high."

Xiao, my basic swordsmanship is not far away from level 15. In fact, the safest thing is that my basic swordsmanship reaches level 16. By then, I should be able to advance to level 2 when I become a master of swordsmanship. At that time, I will be sure of success.


"With my current cultivation speed, it will only take about ten days." Zhao Cheng was calculating in his mind. After that, Zhao Cheng took a short rest, and then dragged his injured body to find trouble for the heartless man Steel Fist·Slaughter. This monster

It's the closest. It takes ten minutes to rush and another ten minutes to rest.

Because Zhao Cheng was in poor condition, he did not squeeze out the remaining value of the opponent this time, and directly hacked the opponent to death with three swords. After the chop was completed, Zhao Cheng vomited blood again.

As for time, an hour has passed by this time, and Zhao Cheng's time here is running out.

Zhao Cheng did the following calculations. With the speed he could still maintain, he had a chance to get to the boxing monster Li Jie before the end. Adhering to the principle of not wasting, Zhao Cheng, who was physically and mentally disabled, finally arrived. After that, he coughed up blood and waved.


Nowadays, when dealing with a monster of this level, even if it is disabled, it is not difficult to hack the opponent to death. However, after being hacked to death, he will vomit more blood.

Because there was not much left in the world, Zhao Cheng stopped fussing and just sat on the ground with his long sword on his knees, quietly waiting for the end of time.

"It seems that I have never appreciated the moonlight in this world like this." Zhao Cheng looked at the moon in the sky and thought to himself.

"I just don't know whether this blood moon, just like the real moon, will last for eight or nine hours, or only for a short period of time." Such thoughts flashed through Zhao Cheng's mind, and then he suddenly became silent.

A lot happened that night, because in reality, basic swordsmanship had already reached the tenth level, and breathing had completely changed to the rhythm of breathing techniques, so for a while, Zhao Cheng did not practice breathing techniques before going to bed.

It was no longer necessary. This time, Zhao Chengcheng woke up at five o'clock in the morning, half an hour earlier than the previous five-thirty.

Nowadays, the sleep time he needs is getting shorter and shorter, and he can fully regain his energy in more than four hours.

Regarding this, Zhao Cheng had previously imagined that he would sleep for five hours, get up and practice for an hour, and then continue to sleep. This way, he could practice four times a day and double his efficiency.

But in fact, this idea is not feasible. The recovery effect of sleep is indeed not bad, but it is not as good as imagined. In addition, people's emotional strength cannot be fully restored by sleep.

At five o'clock, Zhao Cheng got up and started practicing his sword. After practicing, he first took a pill of Sanbao Health Pill, and then a pill of Concentrated Bu Yuan Pill, and then sat quietly for a quarter of an hour before washing up.

At this time, the time was barely six o'clock. The concentrated Bu Yuan Pills here were something Zhao Cheng had just started taking recently. This was not medicine, but more like a compressed biscuit.

This thing is small in size, digests quickly, and has sufficient nutrition. It can effectively supplement the nutrients needed by the body.

During this period of time, Zhao Cheng, because his mental strength was strong and his level of swordsmanship at the mental level was too high, his physical vitality improved rapidly and even stimulated his physical development.

In just over half a month, Zhao Cheng's height jumped by two centimeters. Under such circumstances, even if his appetite increased greatly, his nutrition was still not enough.

Therefore, he still takes three pills of concentrated Bu Yuan Pills a day. This product is far cheaper than Sanbao Health Pills. One pill only costs one point.

One pill can guarantee a healthy adult's daily activities. Zhao Cheng took three pills a day and still ate normally without gaining weight at all. So many nutrients were absorbed, which shows how fast Zhao Cheng's body is strengthening.


Zhao Cheng came to the living room. Even though he was separated by the door and the thick wall, he could still clearly hear his parents' sleeping breathing and steady heartbeat.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng also heard that Zhao Xiaoxiang was breathing according to the rhythm of the breathing method. He was obviously awake and practicing his sword.

This time, the opponent is no longer hot for three minutes. He practices every day and has persisted until now. He even practices once at night.

The process of practicing swordsmanship is not easy, but very hard, which is why most people don't persist.

Therefore, during this time, Zhao Cheng corrected the opponent's sword path every morning and evening. As for breathing, he could just practice it according to the tutorial. There was nothing he could do to help. He could only help the opponent in terms of strength.

Take fewer detours.

Swordsmanship, after all, depends on the individual. If you don't have that intention, even if you are a descendant of a sword master, it will be difficult to achieve anything if the saint teaches you by words and deeds by your side every day.

This chapter has been completed!
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