Chapter 1,479 Isolated Island

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Of course, if Zhao Cheng is heading towards the destiny of becoming a Third Generation Venerable, the end of this route will definitely be extremely powerful.

It is far more powerful than it is now.

All kinds of disasters in the real world are nothing more than dust to him.

Any overlord-level civilization outside the original time and space, any returning immortal power, will be like ants.

After all, a fragment of Tianyuan directly caused the undetermined future to collapse in the future in this dimension of time and space. It had a strong foundation for existence and became the second "now".

Even, based on the infinite earth transformed from Tianyuan's dimension fragments, in the future time and space, countless strong men will be born, among them not only immortals, but even eternities!

This is only what Zhao Cheng knows. As for whether there are monsters that have touched the beginning of eternity, Zhao Cheng cannot be sure.

However, Zhao Cheng can be sure of one thing, that is, in the future life, there will definitely be no life certificate at the beginning.

Because once this happens, it means that the fog between the present life and the future life has been penetrated.

Dimensional time and space should not be divided into two parts as it is today, but should belong to the current "anchor point" and be melted into one.

In other words, as long as the fog does not penetrate and the anchor points are not unified, there will be no life form in this dimension that can prove the origin.

After all, Yuanshi is to trace itself back to the moment when the dimension was opened, and let its own aura grow exponentially with the opening and expansion of dimensions, so that the aura can spread all over. Only in this way is it the Yuanshi.

However, Yuanshi is the apex of this dimension, but it is by no means the apex of the great civilization of "Tianyuan".

In the dungeon, when Zhao Cheng used the special Dao Zun method to cut off the calamity in a different way, he also studied two outsiders.

Because Gu and Yu are not important figures in their civilization, they are just ordinary individuals in their civilization.

However, if we break it down, the status of Yu in civilization is a little higher than that of Gu.

Gu Zhong was a complete commoner, while Yu was considered an elite above ordinary civilians.

It is naturally impossible for two ordinary individuals to know the core secrets of their own civilization.

However, a little common sense between the two of them opened Zhao Cheng's horizons.

Before that, Zhao Cheng thought that the dimension of time and space was already the apex and could accommodate everything.

Countless multiverses, parallel time and space, the past and the future, everything together outline the strings of dimensions. The aggregate of these strings is the dimension of space and time.

But dimensional space and time is not the limit.

The Tao is created out of nothing.

Dimensional space-time is this "being", but it is not the only being.

In nothingness, there are countless dimensions of time and space. From the viewpoints of ancient and Yu civilizations, they believe that every dimensional moment is a sea, which is the so-called sea of ​​boundary dimensions.

Every sea is like an isolated island. When the technology to cross dimensions is not mastered, the dimensions are unsurpassable and exhaustive, including matter, energy, information, laws, order, avenues, souls... everything.


But if one masters the technology of crossing dimensions, a higher concept will emerge, which is an infinite world built by countless oceans and countless isolated islands.

This not only means that the dimensions are infinite, but also means that the distance between the isolated islands is infinite. If we cannot recognize the dimensions beyond it and cannot transcend "nothing", then it is impossible to cross that dimension.

Of course, Zhao Cheng has already suspected the existence of the infinite world. After all, his Daluotian basic module has clearly stated that the ten pillars are the ten pillars of the current boundary sea. There will be differences in different boundary seas.

Maybe more, maybe less.

Therefore, there may be a broader world outside the dimension.

It's just that that world is not a higher-energy world.

In terms of energy level, dimension is already the limit of "being" and is the opposite of "nothing".

There is nothing, higher energy levels than infinite sets of boxes.

What's more, the higher you go in practice, whether it's higher or higher, it actually doesn't mean anything.

What determines height is not the level of energy, but cognition.

Becoming stronger is also a process of constantly expanding your cognition.

The civilizations behind Gu Heyu are two, with the same assembly line, creating countless powerful individuals, allowing them to explore the infinite world in various ways, so as to obtain various precious "data" to explore "transcendence"

A semi-transcendent civilization.

Of course, it is only civilization that is powerful, not all individuals. Even Gu and Yu themselves are nothing more than "consumables" belonging to civilization before they become powerful enough.

It's just that their civilization has moved away from the lowest level of exploitation of life and labor force, and has turned to a high-end exploitation of "possibility".

The civilization of the two of them is generous and cruel. What is generous is that it will give individuals various opportunities to grow, but this kind of giving is not unlimited. The civilization will allow the individuals below to see a little bit of the higher things.

Beautiful scenery, but that little bit is something that countless individuals may not be able to reach even if they try their best.

There seems to be an upward path, but in fact there is an invisible ceiling unless "mutation" occurs.

Either drown to death unwillingly, accept your own limits, waste your life in vain, and finally rot in infinite time, or just like in ancient times, try your best. If you can condense the immortal Taoist fruit, you can immediately become the mainstay of civilization.

No longer an ordinary consumable.

For a semi-transcendent civilization, immortality is just the starting point.

According to the knowledge Zhao Cheng had previously acquired, in the most glorious era of Tianyuan, the divisions of mortal realm and fruit tribulations, immortality, still belonged to the realm of Tao. Although there was Tao and Fruit, the fruit was not yet mature.

As for semi-detachment, it is the realm of tribulation.

As the "cub" of the Dimension Demon God, even if he doesn't practice, as long as he "adults", he will be in the Fruit Realm.

At the same time, the fruit state has a very strange characteristic, that is, as long as there is the possibility of achieving results, it is destined to achieve results.

This is part of the so-called curse of eternal reincarnation.

When he owns the panel, he has already determined the results and guaranteed results.

And what the fruit carries is calamity.

Only effects can fight against effects, and only tribulations can fight against tribulations.

If he embarks on the path of becoming the third-generation venerable of Tianyuan, he will certainly go smoothly and quickly become a powerful man who dominates the infinite world, even stronger than the civilization behind Gu Heyu.

But at the same time, this is also a path that has locked its upper limit.

Once the path is achieved, there will be no regrets. Once fate is accepted, it will be difficult to escape.

This chapter has been completed!
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