Chapter 410 Bathing in Thunder

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The endless ocean is ever-changing.

Zhao Cheng only wore a pair of swimming trunks and swam in the sea. Even the fastest fish could not be one-third faster than Zhao Cheng.

In the water, Zhao Cheng's speed was more than 100 meters per second, nearly 400 kilometers per hour, and this was when he was not sprinting at full strength.

He was not in a hurry. The reason why he soaked in the sea was simply to have fun, or to complete some of his previous thoughts.

Many people think that myths should be lofty, like gods and Buddhas, desireless and heartless, like clay statues of gods.

But Zhao Cheng does not regard himself as a god. He is still the boy he was before. The only change is that he is no longer a weak one, but a strong one who can ride the wind and waves and not be afraid of all difficulties.

He no longer has the slightest fear about the future and the world. It is no longer like before. Occasionally, in the dead of night, he would be wrapped in a quilt and huddled in the corner of the bed, shivering, fearful and hesitant about the future.

I feel like a complete loser.

Now, such a mood is gone. He rides the wind and waves, and even the turbulent sea is conquered by him!

But his dreams about ideals, about the future, and the adventures in his dreams did not disappear as Zhao Cheng became stronger, but instead transformed into powerful action.

When Zhao Cheng's life condition stabilized, he walked out naturally and didn't want to wait any longer.

The future is changing rapidly and the possibilities are endless. He doesn't think about the future, but just grasps the present.

When I was young, I always thought about raging horses in bright clothes and wielding swords across the world, but how many people killed their horses and sold their swords, and ended up doing nothing.

They say life is a journey and a practice.

Zhao Cheng's trip was undoubtedly a journey of spiritual practice.

There was no reason. He probably felt that it was time for him to do this, so he did it.


There is an infinite ocean in all directions, with no end in sight, and the originally bright world suddenly becomes dim. The weather at sea is like this. There is no fixed number. One moment it can be sunny and calm, and the next moment there are dark clouds.

Densely covered and surging waves.

There's a wave! There's thunder!

The thunder struck down one after another, seeming to overturn the heaven and the earth and tear some into pieces. But in the face of such power, Zhao Cheng did not want to dive deep to escape. After the transformation of the Stairway of God, his current body, even if

You can survive without breathing, but your explosive power will be greatly affected.

Even, his skin can obtain oxygen directly from the water, which is the so-called fetal breath.

But Zhao Cheng had no such idea at all. His mood seemed to be dancing with the thunder of heaven and earth, and the huge waves. Some kind of spiritual information poured into his spiritual world, refining him.

the spirit of.

But unlike the calm moment, everything is changing at this moment, the wind and thunder are sudden, and the surging mental information seems to be turbulent and violent.

To sum it up, it’s good enough!

Under such a situation, Zhao Cheng felt that his heart became more energetic, and the heart in his chest was beating violently.


The waves crashed down, but Zhao Cheng jumped up and went up against the waves, directly smashing them into pieces.

The thunder struck down, but Zhao Cheng not only did not dodge or fear, but even walked towards the lightning strike, as if he was going to survive the "thunder disaster" with his body, just like the carp that was about to jump over the dragon gate in the legend.

Some powerful myths are easily struck by lightning, but their own life magnetic field is too strong, attracting lightning to strike them.

However, as long as you restrain your own life magnetic field and live a low-key life, there will be no thunder disasters. In ancient times, there was a saying about avoiding three disasters, and some of them are not empty talk.

Not all myths dare to fight the thunder with the body. The power of thunder is not in direct contact. It is carried by the body. If you are not careful, the body will be damaged.

But Zhao Cheng is not afraid at all. He has absolute confidence in his heart. He is confident that all the changes in the world can no longer destroy him.

This is true for Yang, and so is Thunder!

Throughout the ages, countless people have been afraid of thunder, but he chose to do the opposite.

"Such big thunder and big waves. It seems that when our ship crashed that day, the weather was similar to today."

On a small desert island in the distance, several people looked at the dark clouds and thunder in the distance and talked about it.

The weather at sea was patchy. Where Zhao Cheng was, it was clearly a doomsday scene, but on the deserted island here, the sky just got a little darker, and then there were waves and strong winds. The difference was huge.

They had been living on the deserted island three years ago. Fortunately, they had an expert in wilderness survival among them. In addition, they also had a few supplies on the ship, which were swept over by the waves with them. Only then did they cross over.

The most difficult moment has passed.

However, even so, it is extremely difficult for them to send a distress signal to the outside world.

Sos' big mark machine on the ground lit wet wood every day, artificially creating thick smoke, just in the hope of being discovered.

But even so, three years have passed and no one has discovered this place. Obviously, this place is too far away from the main channel.

"With such a big wave, the tide should rise later. When the wave subsides, there should be a lot of harvest by then."

A man held up a pair of binoculars with only half of them left, looking at the place where wind and thunder were raging in the distance, and made a judgment.

This telescope is also one of those supplies.

And at this moment, a thunder flashed in the distance, and the person who was far away was immediately shocked.

"Jace, what's wrong?"

"You weren't frightened by thunder, were you?!"

The companion next to him joked that the person speaking was actually a Yanhuang man.

A group of people from all over the world gathered together in trouble. The disaster actually eliminated the barriers between races.

"No, no, no..."

"I just seemed to see a person, like a fish, jumping up directly from the sea, smashing the waves into pieces, and then lightning struck the person, making his whole body glow, as if he was absorbing the energy of lightning.


A white man named Jess said excitedly.

"How is that possible? You didn't sleep well at night and are blinded, right?!"

"We are at least thirty kilometers away from that side. How high do we have to jump if we want to be seen from here?!"

"It has to be twenty or thirty meters anyway. Even the most capable fish in the sea cannot jump that high."

Companions retorted.

But Jace didn't reply, but stared blankly into the distance with his binoculars, his whole body trembling.

So, among his companions who noticed something was wrong, someone quickly grabbed the telescope and looked into the distance.


"Could it be a god..."

Jace murmured for a long time, then knelt down and prayed in the direction of the dark clouds. But this time, his companions did not refute, because they also had the same idea.

In all these years, they had never heard of, nor did they think that someone could bathe in thunder. Yes, they were not struck by lightning, but bathed in it, at least from their perspective.

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