Chapter 697 Copy Refresh

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And this incident happened on the day after the Ascension to God incident. As soon as the plan was released, it was immediately implemented without any deliberate delay.

By the third day, the dark world hidden under civilization was hidden. In fact, as for part of the dark world's business, the three major overseas organizations were also involved in the early years.

After all, it is huge profits.

But, what does a little money mean to Shinhwa?!

If they give it up, they give it up. What they seek is the great road.

Therefore, even before this motion was proposed, they had already completed a round of self-purge. Those who deserved to be killed, those who deserved to be given up, and all the elites were sorted out again.

In a sense, they are also rebelling against themselves.

But they are myths and can suppress the situation. Although they rebel, they have nothing to do with the overall situation.

Why is the Dark World so difficult to beat?!

On the one hand, they are dogs raised by certain people, and when they are beaten, it depends on the owner.

On the other hand, because many people are doing trouble while wearing vests, once they are hidden, they cannot be found.

But now, these two problems are not problems. The World Federation has all the information about these people.

To be precise, most of the information on the entire human race should be in the database of the World Federation.

If the World Federation is compared to a civilization development game, and the Civilization Council is the player, Zhao Cheng's move is undoubtedly a trick for the players.

But this point has no impact.

For civilization, if it interferes too much, it is naturally not a good thing, but it does not mean that it cannot interfere at all. If it is controlled well, its interference will be helpful. If it is not controlled well and goes too far, it will be harmful.

Talking about toxicity regardless of dose is also a hooliganism.

This time, it is undoubtedly the personal stage show of the One World Federation. The darkness is exposed to the sun, and the hero representing justice makes a judgment in front of everyone.


"The general trend, the general trend, yes, now you are the general trend, from top to bottom, it is indeed unstoppable!"

"I collect illegal money and protect bad people, but at least my family has a good life and I can send my son to a good life outside.

At university, my wife can be glamorous..."

"I am a bad person, but young people, beliefs and ideals are subject to decay. In my early years, I was full of passion and justice, hoping to achieve something, but what was the result?!"

"It is true that some people will not decay, but most people will. The World Federation has just entered the next cycle of history."

"I don't know if your gods will die, but myths are humans and they are mortal. Will their descendants, their descendants, follow their path?!"

"If the myth is like this, what about the others?!"

"Tell me a joke, why can't a general's son become a marshal? Because a marshal also has a son."

"Everything you do is meaningless!"

"For the future of mankind, what a noble term? But first there is a home, then there is a future..."

"Let's just leave this matter to me. I confess frankly. Those are all ***."


As he spoke, there was a gunshot, blood spattered, and the middle-aged man who spoke committed suicide with a pistol.

"Captain, this..."

Several clerks were a little stunned. They didn't know whether it was the sinner's words that shocked him or the other party's brazen suicide.

"We are only responsible for arresting people. Since the person is dead, we will take the body back. As for whether there is anyone behind, that is not our responsibility."

The person leading the team was relatively calm, but his eyes flickered a little.

Undoubtedly, what the middle-aged man said was not empty talk, but a practical explanation of his own ideas.

In this world, is there another bad person who is born a bad person?!

Maybe, but definitely very few.

But then why

Are there so many bad people in the world?!


Similar things are not unique here, but are happening in many places.

Some things, once opened, will kill someone, not just one or two, but many people.

At the same time, after three days of high-intensity meetings, a plan called the "Human Civilization Leap Plan" has taken initial shape.

This plan divides the leap of human civilization into several steps.

The first step is to attack the evil forces first, use the softest persimmon to establish prestige, win people's hearts, and train troops by the way.

The second step is to expand this matter to make the hostile forces compromise. This is probably because if I don’t continue to investigate, you won’t either.


After all, the purpose of the World Federation is to get things done, not to kill people. Killing is a means, not an end.

The more you control the power of life and death, the more you have to restrain your bloodthirsty desires.

Because if you really want to kill them all, it will be easy to do bad things and make the enemy share the same hatred.

The third step is to start liquidating various resources, which is a repetition of the first step, but in a different direction.

If you do this several times from all directions, the strength of the opponents will be reduced to a freezing point.

As for what the world shape will be like in the end...


"This citizenship system is indeed the most perfect system I have ever seen, but there are many perfect ideas in the world. Things that are too perfect cannot be implemented."

In a courtyard, a dozen old people were basking in the sun and looking at the documents in their hands. Li Nichang was sitting in the highest seat.

As for Li Qingmeng's father, he just waited on the sidelines and did not speak.

"In those days when the sword swept across the world, how many people threw their heads and blood. You can't chill people's hearts!"

An old man opened his mouth and spoke calmly.

But it is reminding Li Nishang, we all know that you are right, and we also know that this is a great thing for mankind, but only those who have a family, only those who have a family have a country, and only a country has human beings. Changes can be made, but

The compensation must be enough so that the people below won't get upset.

They are all people who have experienced war. Now that they are older, they have a clearer view of many things.

"This aspect is naturally not a problem. We have a large part of the say in the civilized parliament, so naturally we want to favor our own people."

Li Nishang nodded. She is not a holy lady who pursues false equality for everyone. Of course, good things should be given to her own people first.

In fact, not only her, but also all the members of the Civilized Parliament did this.

This is human nature.

If it were truly selfless and everyone was equal, then it would definitely be an outcome in which all his subordinates would be alienated from their morality.

As for Li Nichang's preference for herself, it is naturally the quota to join the Civilization Council and the quota for citizens.

Here, the foundation of the Civilized Parliament stems from the regulations set by Zhao Cheng. The Civilized Parliament enjoys the highest rights. This is undoubtedly unshakable. To waver is to challenge Zhao Cheng's authority and challenge all members of the Civilized Parliament.

And who are the members of the Civilized Parliament now?! If you challenge them, you will get tired of living.

If you want to join the parliament, you must either become a myth and automatically become a member of the parliament, or you must achieve great achievements.

How much merit is considered merit?! This is naturally decided by the parliament!

Obviously, Li Nichang had already discussed this matter with Tianzhu and others.

As for the quota of citizens, it is naturally not about ordinary citizens, but is related to the future distribution of resources for all mankind.

Nowadays, citizens are roughly divided into five grades. In the Eastern world, they are five, four, three, two and one, and in the West, they are D, C, B, A and S.

Ordinary people are the lowest fifth level, or D level.

D-level treatment means that everyone will receive a 50-square-meter house, free medical care, and basic food, which is based on three meals a day and twenty yuan yellow coins per meal, plus water, electricity, transportation, entertainment, and travel.

These add up to one thousand each month


It is worth mentioning that this refers to things given for free without working, which is the bottom line of civilization.

And this is just the beginning. With the development of civilization, this lower limit will continue to increase.

At higher levels, as the citizen level increases, the total resource amount for basic benefits will increase tenfold.

As for the way to upgrade, you can earn merit points by making useful contributions to society, such as pioneering technology or useful works, learning various aspects of knowledge, passing exams, and then reaching the realm of swordsmanship.

In short, the more powerful a person is, the more resources he will undoubtedly enjoy.

And this strength does not look at others but only itself.

The assessment method is to leave it to artificial intelligence to make a decision.

This means that it is inevitable to achieve full surveillance coverage in public places.

Now that everything is new and everything is undecided, the quota of citizens has become a compensation for part of the profit-making class in the old world.

This is also a choice based on weighing the pros and cons.

Resources are only going to become more and more abundant. If certain forces are pushed to their limits now, the people who will be most seriously injured in the end will be the ordinary people.

At the same time, the citizen system also solves the job problem.

All the tedious work is done by the machine itself, achieving full automation.

In the future, there will naturally be places where people are needed, such as scientific research, education, and some things that machines cannot complete.

At that time, there was competition for jobs, those who were able were promoted and those who were not were demoted.

Position is also one of the sources of merit.

As for public security issues, the future will definitely use robots and computers. Before the technology reaches that point, there will be competition for jobs, and then interviews and psychological evaluations will be done by programmers.

During the enforcement period, the entire process is transparent and is still judged by procedures, and the enforcers are only responsible for execution.

If the prisoner is dissatisfied with the outcome of the trial, he will be handed over to the Federal Judicial Panel for a harsh sentence. This is also the only place where he can learn the law in the future. At the same time, the people involved will be temporarily detained.

And if there are still objections to the result, the case can be retried twice and handed over to different judicial panels. If there are still objections.

That is, it will be judged directly by the civilized parliament.

In this case, if the crime is unreasonable, the sentence will be increased, starting from twenty years.

To do this, in order to prevent someone from deliberately doing this, even if there is a huge injustice, we are not afraid of these twenty years. This is the last bottom line of a civilization.

Even ordinary people can reach the highest level.

Of course, if the civilized parliament also becomes corrupt, everything will stop.

But if we really get to that point, there is no point in talking about it.

Such a system is undoubtedly the best for ordinary people and mythical beings. At the same time, if there is no problem of corruption, it will undoubtedly be a truly humane paradise.

But for this, many myths don’t have a good solution.

Some people think that this can be left to procedures, but with the development of the times, procedures will one day be eliminated. If the law is to be reformed in the future, what should we do?!

What is perfect now may not be perfect in the future.

But if the highest decision-making is handed over to people, it will still be back to the original point, and people will be corrupted.

Zhao Cheng, on the other hand, saw everything and just nodded.

At this time, Zhao Xiaoxiang had been in a coma for three days. As for Zhao Cheng, it was not that he did not want to find a solution, but that the simulator fell into a three-day cooling period because of the extra-dimensional body coming to reality.

As for the reason, it was naturally to prevent Zhao Xiaoxiang from dying suddenly, which would only make things more troublesome.

After that, Zhao Cheng consumed 8,000 source points, and immediately, the eight-day cooldown time immediately returned to zero.

A series of copies were refreshed.

This chapter has been completed!
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