Chapter 827 Evolution

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From the perspective of the two observers, the light in the eyes of the machine driven by Zhao Cheng flickered for a moment and then went out.

It seems that he has completely given up the struggle.

For this kind of thing, the subjective perception of two observers is reasonable.

Because in terms of size, the difference is definitely more than 200,000 times.

The so-called planet-sized does not refer to a living planet, but as huge as a star.

The gravity brought by the huge volume alone caused some distortions in space and time.

And if you look closely, you will find that this "star" seems to be made up of countless machines, with infinite hatred!

Zhao Cheng knew the origin of this star at a glance. It was none other than the aggregation of countless light spots he saw on the map.

Its composition is not the former victors who used mechas to conquer the stars and enjoy endless glory, but a group of "failures" and a group of "consumables".

Any technology requires a long experimental process from proposing a theory to finally obtaining results.

The same goes for mecha technology.

From the germination of technology, to the first generation of finished products, until the demise of the empire, mecha technology has changed for more than a hundred generations.

And every generation of technology, especially the kind of leap-forward, subversive, human experiment, is an unavoidable embarrassment.

Moreover, this experiment cannot use ordinary people. The mental strength and life force of ordinary people are too low. Using ordinary people as test subjects has no value at all.

At the beginning, the empire's laboratories used strong men among the prisoners, but gradually, there were not enough prisoners, so they began to secretly arrest martial arts masters and masters of the force...

When the matter was revealed in the follow-up, the empire did not cover it up at all. It directly revised the constitution to identify strong people who did not join the empire's establishment as ***, and those who were related by relatives had the responsibility to report, otherwise they would be jointly and severally

Same crime.

If we were still in the Cold Weapon Age, such strict rules would definitely be opposed by everyone in the world, but in the Empire Age, there is an absolute separation between the high-end military force and the bottom.

In a word, how can your decades of hard work compare to what countless wise men have devoted their energy and wisdom to developing over hundreds of years at a huge cost and resources?

What's more, there are also advanced technologies from prehistoric civilizations.

When the combined strength of all the people at the bottom is unable to shake the top at all, absolute hegemony is born!

The power gathered by the resistance army that was born at that time was enough to subvert the world in any previous era. The people in the resistance army thought so too, but in the end, the empire just sent a

The latest thirteenth generation machine can fight one person against one army, completely crushing the resisting forces to death.

At that time, the Royal Knights formed by the empire had a total of seventeen such machines. Every knight in the Knights had passed countless will tests and ideological tests and was absolutely loyal to the emperor.

In the face of absolute power, the so-called will, the so-called faith, the so-called passion, and the so-called sacrifice are just a speck of dust in the great era and cannot change the future at all.

The blood and tears of countless people, the bones and blood, resentment, and anger are just a tragic wail, buried in history and buried in the years.

In the end, there was an extremely brief sentence in the history books.

In a certain year, a rebellion broke out. The empire suppressed the rebellion within a short time, and the world was convinced.

Later, the shape of the empire changed completely. Everything belonged to the emperor, and the meaning of all existence was to serve the emperor.

Originally, everything that had happened in the past would be buried by time, and the hatred of the past would not leave any traces. The Imperial people in the later era would have long forgotten this insignificant episode.

But when the doomsday appears, all of this will be unearthed from the long river of history.

Of course, the reason why it can be excavated is because the transformation of the mecha road itself has extraordinary characteristics.

Although they failed in terms of characteristics, some of the mecha's characteristics were fused with the losers' thoughts.

It may not be a big deal if one or two people fail, but when the number accumulates to a certain level, it becomes particularly scary.

The empire's technology has been changing for more than a hundred generations. Even the empire's scholars don't have accurate figures for how many human experiments have been conducted and how many people have died.

All I know is that the remains of the failed experimental subject are piled high with a waste star.

The remains of the bodies were piled up specifically, not as a souvenir for the empire, but simply because mechas were mostly made of high-energy materials and contained powerful energy radiation. If they were thrown away on a living planet, they would pollute the environment.

Life is undoubtedly a precious resource. If you pollute the environment, you are destroying His Majesty the Emperor's private property. If you are discovered, you will be held accountable.

Under the power of doomsday, the losers of these eras returned to the world with their hatred for the empire, and their desire for power made them "devour" each other and unite together.

In fact, driven by strong obsession, special structures that evolved in the direction of time and space began to appear on their bodies. If they were given enough time, they might be able to evolve structural modules that could travel through time and come to the world.

Past timeline, complete your revenge!

If that timeline, that time, hadn't been destroyed by the apocalypse.

Undoubtedly, the special monster in front of him once showed Zhao Cheng the diversity of doomsday, or in other words, the wonders produced by the combination of doomsday and life.

If the power of doomsday did not have such strong pollution and would forcibly distort life, it would simply be a universal energy source in a relative sense!


A corner of the starry sky was shaking at this moment, seemingly unable to carry the abomination's powerful energy and mass.

According to Zhao Cheng's calculations, it only took a total of 1.32 seconds for the opponent to arrive from a position of 300,000 light-years away.

This ability has undoubtedly exceeded the limits of the empire's previous technology.

Based on the imperial technology that Zhao Cheng knew, it would take about three days to complete an ultra-long-distance subspace shuttle of this quality.

With this in mind, Zhao Cheng couldn't help but glance at the panel.

With this dungeon difficulty, is it appropriate for him to get it after clearing the first dungeon?

How can anyone just open the world map and be faced with the final boss?!

The panel understands that pressure is power.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng's ears heard a huge siren from the mecha, reminding him of the danger. The latest website:

This chapter has been completed!
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