119. Chapter 119 Devastating blow (please subscribe)

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 Chapter 119 Devastating blow (please subscribe)

Within the Northwestern Iron Triangle of Shanxi, Ding Wei is unique in his strategic vision and his commanding ability is not weak.

The New Second Regiment quickly attacked. They advanced directly to the area north of the battlefield. The main force of the regiment directly attacked the northernmost Moon Army troops.

The Moon Army divided into four groups and launched an encirclement operation. The northernmost one hundred Japanese troops were completely out of the mortar range.

The other three groups of troops were otherwise outside the range of the Moon Army's mortars, so Ding Wei made the most correct choice.

The two infantry battalions attached to the regiment were directly under the machine gun company, and they quickly launched attacks from the flanks.

One hundred Japs carrying a heavy machine gun were preparing to attack, but they were directly hit by flanking fire.

Light and heavy machine guns and grenade launchers fired one after another, and dense bullets and grenades were fired at the Moon Army.

The captain of the Yue Army who was commanding the battle showed a surprised expression. Did he not expect that so many troops would appear on the flanks?

"Bagaya Road, No Eighth Route Army, they should not be stationed in Yangcun, how could they appear there."

"The light and heavy machine guns quickly launched fire suppression, and the rifle legs and grenade legs quickly found bunkers."

"Don't let them get close, the horses are sending flares, contact the troops on the left and right!"

The captain of the Yue Army rushed to Dongda to give orders, and the Japanese troops responded immediately.

They assembled light and heavy machine guns to launch fire, but as their firepower was exposed, the New Second Regiment gathered fire to suppress it.

A large number of soldiers advanced rapidly, and Ding Wei even personally commanded the battle.

The first artillery company, which had established a complete defensive position, soon discovered the fighting on their north side.

After seeing the Eighth Route Army attacking Cuoyue Army, a Shanxi orogenic cannon immediately turned its muzzle.

One grenade after another started shelling, and the Shanxi-Sui Army artillery began to provide fire support to the New Second Regiment.

Because under the command of Chen Ziyun, the Eastern troops of the 358th Regiment fought jointly with the Eighth Route Army several times.

Therefore, the artillery troops mistakenly supported the Eighth Route Operation, and there was no longer much resistance.

What's more, they also knew that if the New Second Regiment stepped in at this time, it would not be able to help them deal with the threat of the Moon Army.

With the support of a Jin orogenic cannon, Ding and Wei seized the opportunity.

The two infantry battalions advanced rapidly, while the machine gun company provided fire cover from behind.

After several battles of the new second regiment, the troops are basically completing their running-in. With the replacement of weapons, their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

Now their two infantry battalions launched an attack, supported by mountain artillery and heavy machine guns.

A hundred little devils were beaten and suffered casualties one after another, and more and more bodies fell to the ground.

Although the captain of the Yue Army continued to command the defense, they did not have any bunkers. Facing the firepower of the New Second Regiment, they gradually lost their ability to resist.

As the combat strength of the Moon Army was less than fifty, Ding Weidong issued the combat order, and the soldiers' offensive gradually weakened.

It was at that time that the Lunar Army troops on both sides had already discovered the danger of the Lunar Army in the far north.

When troops such as the Xiangcuobi Jinsui Army were in danger, Coco would stand still and watch the friendly troops being annihilated.

Some troops from different sides even directly dug holes for the wrong side in joint operations, hoping to use the Moon Army to eliminate the wrong side.

The Moon Army troops are not very united as a whole. If one of their troops is in danger, other troops will definitely provide frantic support.

The two hundred little Japs on the left and right found the signal flare, and the two captains who were directing the battle immediately rushed over with their troops to help.

As the two hundred little Japs quickly advanced towards the north, Ding Wei deployed two battalions of the New Second Regiment and quickly launched a containment and blocking attack against them.

Otherwise, one battalion would continue to besiege dozens of little Japs to serve as bait to attract the reinforcements of the Moon troops.

Around 4:50, the 2nd Battalion of the New 2nd Regiment in the east was under the control of the 2nd Battalion, and the 3rd Battalion fought successively with the Moon Army troops on the left and right sides.

Ding Wei decisively ordered the machine gun company to spread out to support the second and third battalions, otherwise the first battalion would immediately annihilate the encircled Moon troops.

Fierce gunfire continued, and the three Jin orogen cannons provided no artillery support.

They constantly adjusted their shooting angles and launched artillery attacks on the Moon troops at different locations.

At the same time, the three infantry platoons assigned to them also began to organize light machine guns to launch fire, and intercepted the Lunar troops in front.

At five o'clock, the New Second Regiment completely wiped out the Hundred Moon Army in the north.

Ding Weifu did not even clean the battlefield, and quickly commanded the first battalion and other troops to start encirclement and annihilation operations against the Moon troops on the left and right sides.

"On Bagaya Road, mortars advance and launch shelling to support the infantry in combat."

"The Royal Association Army troops are advancing with all their might to assist the First Squadron in breaking through from the front."

"Contact the brigade headquarters and request artillery support from the artillery team!"

After Major Takeda received the report, his face was ashen and he decisively issued the battle order.

Five mortars quickly moved forward, preparing to shell the New Second Regiment.

More than 100 puppet troops also directly participated in the battle, quickly supporting the 100 little Japs fighting on the front.

There was fierce fighting there, and the puppet troops were obviously at a disadvantage.

The three mountain artillery pieces of the Jinsui Army continued to support the operation, and grenades accurately hit the Moon Army troops.

The morale of the New Second Regiment in Dongdong was high. At this time, the number of Japs they had annihilated was about to exceed 200.

Although the troops responsible for protecting the Shanxi Orogenic Artillery were transferred from the 5th and 6th Battalions of the 358th Regiment.

But even if Chen Ziyun spoke in person, the two battalion commanders would not dare to neglect. The troops they deployed were not the most capable troops.

Those infantrymen relied on their tenacious defense to temporarily block the attack from the Japs in front.

At five o'clock, the Yangcun New Regiment launched combat operations.

When Li Yunlong saw the fighting on the flank, he immediately dispatched Sun Desheng's cavalry company to attack.

At this time, all the infantry commanded by Major Takeda were thrown into the battlefield, and he personally commanded five mortars for the bombardment.

Sun Desheng commanded a cavalry company of more than a hundred people to rush over and catch them off guard.

Major Takeda took out his southern leg gun and wanted to fight back, but Sun Desheng waved his saber and cut off his head!

The artillerymen of the Lunar Army looked at the cavalry troops and found that they had no ability to resist at all.

The cavalry company fired a burst of fire, and the artillerymen were easily eliminated. Five 90MM mortars were the spoils of the new regiment.

"Boom, boom, boom." The five mortars in Bu Nao were not easy to capture.

At this time, Moriki Tsuneichi's artillery team directly launched an artillery bombardment.

Six mountain guns and six field guns kept shelling.

Sun Desheng's Cavalry Company and Kong Jiexin's Second Regiment were shelled and suffered certain casualties.

The battle on the north side continued, while on the south side, Sun Xiong commanded three mountain cannons and ran directly to the Yangcun cliff.

Major Beichuan, who had commanded the puppet troops for more than seven hundred months, pursued them relentlessly, but before they even reached the cliff, they were hit by fierce firepower.

Three Jin orogenic guns concentrated their shelling, and a new group of grenade launchers deployed on the cliff started firing one after another.

A dense barrage of grenades was fired at the puppet troops, which caused certain casualties to the puppet troops.

Li Yunlong found out that the artillery unit of the Jinsui Army came to his territory, could he risk his life completely?

"Da Biao, with a company, a machine gun company, and an artillery platoon, rush to support the cliff battle."

"Pillar, the two infantry cannons let go of their legs and fire. Even if they shoot out all the shells, it will be fine."

"Then can the artillery troops who have supported us several times arrive at our territory, we must not let them suffer any harm!"

"Commander, contact Sun Desheng's cavalry company. After they withdrew, they quickly went into battle on the cliff!"

"In a word, no matter how much casualties and losses Bu Cong has suffered and how much ammunition has been consumed by B C, we must do our best to ensure the safety of those artillery troops."

Li Yunlong stared and directly gave the battle order.

For a time, the new regiment completely let go of its legs and feet on the cliff, and the troops that joined the battle on the cliff were able to hit hard with bullets and artillery shells.

The Yue puppet army commanded by Major Kitagawa suffered more than 200 casualties in a short period of time.

He gritted his teeth and commanded the troops to continue the attack, while contacting the artillery team for support.

But if the new regiment strengthened its fighting force on the cliff, those troops cooperated with the three Jin orogenic cannons to block their attacks time and time again.

At six o'clock, the artillery team that the Japs had been shelling also stopped.

Because at that time, the 358th Regiment's guard company and cavalry company posed a threat to the artillery team, causing them to be forced to transfer.

It was at that time that the more than 600 puppet troops commanded by Major Takeda in the north were completely annihilated by the New Second Regiment!

The New Second Regiment was united with the First Artillery Company, and subsequently received support from the New First Regiment's Cavalry Company.

They completely annihilated the Moon puppet troops at the cost of more than a hundred casualties.

The three Jin orogenic artillery pieces quickly began to withdraw after the battle, because they had used up all the shells they carried.

The troops of the New Second Regiment immediately cleaned up the battlefield. Seeing the light and heavy machine guns, rifle grenade launchers and grenade launchers all over the ground, Ding Wei's heart beat faster.

"The brigade commander Ge Dong, the Eighth Route Army in the Yangcun area has added more troops. They should have two regiments of more than 2,000 troops there."

"The troops commanded by Major Takeda were completely annihilated. The troops commanded by Major Kitagawa attacked on the cliff south of Yangcun. Their combat strength currently amounts to more than 500 people."

"In addition, hundreds of Jinsui troops were attacking behind them, and they had more than 300 elites who directly threatened their artillery positions."

"Brigade Commander Ge Dong, now their combat strength has been severely depleted, and all the units have suffered almost a devastating blow."

"They... they should quickly gather their troops back and put them into a defensive state with all their strength!"

"Otherwise, once the 358th Regiment increases its troops to attack, their troops will be annihilated."

At the Yue Army Brigade Headquarters, the Lieutenant Colonel and Chief of Staff came in a hurry and said with a panic expression on his face.

Katayama Shoutaro stood in front of the map and looked at the map coldly.

He just wanted to beg to shut up, but at that moment, a chief of staff ran over in a panic.

"Brigade Commander Ge Dong, it's not good, the Shanxi-Sui Army troops have sent troops to advance towards them again."

"Eight field guns have begun to launch suppressive shelling, but if they do not shell, their advance will be temporarily blocked."

"Once those troops are divided and marching, it will be difficult for eight field guns to stop them."

"The brigade commander, do they...do they want to move in quickly?"

The captain's staff officer looked panicked and looked at Shoutaro Katayama and asked.

The battlefield situation was changing rapidly, and Chen Ziyun discovered that the Eighth Route Army's troops in the Yangcun area had increased.

The New Second Regiment attacked from the north, and he decisively delivered the order eastward.

Zhang Fuli's third battalion stayed in the highland area, while Shi Yuji's fourth battalion advanced to the front line for defense.

The troops of the 5th and 6th Battalions quickly attacked, and the two battalions launched operations from the south in front of thousands of people.

Of course, the Japs reacted quickly. Eight field guns with a range of more than 10,000 meters immediately launched bombardments to suppress their attack.

Of course, the eight field guns can suppress it temporarily, but cannot shell for a long time.

What's more, it's past six o'clock now, and the sky has suddenly turned pitch black.

"Request aviation support to provide support and cover the rapid withdrawal of various units."

"The ministries gave up fighting and gradually retreated to the artillery positions to defend themselves."

"The reserve infantry, cavalry, and Bu Xin have to pay heavy casualties. We must make every effort to ensure the safety of the artillery."

"Contact Moriki Tsuneichi and ask him to command all artillery units and build positions to launch artillery operations."

Katayama Shoutaro's face was solemn, and he decisively issued the battle order.

"Hi, brigade commander Ge Dong." Lieutenant Colonel and Chief of Staff immediately agreed to Dong's visit.

At 6:40, bombers arrived on the battlefield one after another.

That time, the Japs dispatched four bombers.

The four bombers successively missed the position of the New Regiment in Yangcun, and launched intensive bombing on the position of the 358th Regiment of the Shanxi-Sui Army.

Aerial bombs fell one after another, and deafening explosions continued to sound.

Huge craters appeared on the ground, hot air waves spread in all directions, and the temperature on the battlefield instantly increased.

The shock wave quickly spread in all directions, and all warriors outside a certain range were affected.

The puppet army troops quickly retreated to the artillery position with the help of aviation cover.

At 7:30, after the Japanese bombers left the battlefield with low-altitude strafing, the puppet troops gathered together.

Up to now, the puppet troops have suffered a devastating blow.

The Eighth Mixed Brigade of the Imperial Association Army currently has less than 500 combat troops.

Commander Huang of the 15th Regiment of the Imperial Association Army was killed in the shelling.

The Moon Army was independently formed into the Fourth Brigade, with a full strength of more than 5,000 troops. Currently, including all troops, there are more than 2,000 troops.

The machine gun brigade has 24 heavy machine guns remaining and has lost 12.

Mortar Battalion, with twenty mortars remaining, sixteen were lost.

Excluding the seriously wounded, the Moon and puppet troops have less than 3,000 troops that can move!

At this time, the troops of the 358th Regiment of the Shanxi-Sui Army were commanded east by infantry and artillery commander Chen Ziyun, who was watching them with eager eyes.

More than a thousand troops from the Fourth and Fifth Battalions established positions on its south side.

The third and fourth battalions of a thousand troops established positions on its west side.

The 800-man troops of the Second Battalion, Artillery Battalion Guard Company, and Cavalry Company built positions on the north side to seize the commanding heights.

The artillery battalion's first company and second company's twelve 75MM mountain guns, with more than 300 remaining rounds of artillery shells, also built artillery positions and prepared for bombardment.

On the east side of the Yue puppet army, there is the Yangcun area, where are the troops of Li Yunlong's 1st Regiment and Ding Weixin's 2nd Regiment.

So those two regiments currently have about 2,000 troops.

Looking down at the entire battlefield at this moment, the puppet troops were completely surrounded. They were in a very dangerous situation.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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