161. Chapter 161 Promoted to Colonel and Acting Commander

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 Chapter 161 Promoted to Acting Head of School

Of course Chen Ziyun would not know whether the more than 7,000 puppet troops that had come from northern Shanxi would cooperate with the Harada detachment to withdraw.

Facing the more than 7,000-year-old puppet army, Chen Ziyun felt a little headache.

After all, he now has four companies of troops, facing such a large number of puppet troops, he has no advantage at all.

Even if Chen Ziyun's previous ideas of guerrilla warfare were followed, there would be no big trouble now.

Among the more than 7,000-year-old puppet army, there are hundreds of mechanized infantry and a large number of cavalry units.

Whether these troops can maneuver quickly will pose a fatal threat to Chen Ziyun.

Even though the mountain artillery attached to the two artillery companies can be dismantled and transported, their speed is definitely faster than that of the mechanized infantry and cavalry units.

If those troops were to launch a combat attack against Chen Ziyun's troops with all their strength, then Chen Ziyun's troops would definitely be very dangerous.

Chen Ziyun raised his binoculars to observe the situation of the Jaap troops, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

At that moment, Chu Yu, the company commander of the guard company, quickly arrived to report.

The Eighth Route Army sent messengers over to report directly whether they wanted to evacuate the battlefield.

After Li Yunlong commanded the troops to finish fighting in the hilly area, he led the troops directly to the south to disperse and hide, so as to avoid the Lunar Army's air attacks.

But at midnight, Li Yunlong got the urgent message from Ding Wei and Kong Jie.

Brigadier Chen has arrived at Yangcun. After learning that Li Yunlong led his troops to attack without authorization, will Brigadier Chen be furious?

While Ding Wei and Kong Jie stabilized Brigadier Chen, they quickly contacted Li Yunlong and asked him to return immediately with the troops.

After Li Yunlong got the news, was he trembling with fear?

As the saying goes, whatever you worry about will come to you. Lao Li was most afraid of being caught by Brigadier Chen.

It turned out that the battle on his side was not over yet, so Brigadier Chen grabbed his pigtail!

Li Yunlong did not dare to delay. On the one hand, he sent messengers to contact Chen Ziyun's troops, and on the other hand, he organized the troops to return to Yangcun quickly.

By now, Li Yunlong had led his troops to withdraw from the battlefield and quickly advanced back towards Yangcun.

At this time, Lao Li no longer wanted to keep the spoils of war. He just wanted to keep his position as leader of the new regiment. He was satisfied.

After all, it is a serious question whether it is possible to lead an attack without permission.

Especially now that the new regiment is responsible for the peripheral security of the general headquarters, that matter can be big or small.

Speaking more seriously, there is no problem even if Li Yunlong is beaten to the end.

"The troops fighting there were the New 1st Regiment of Yangcun Eighth Route, and now they have withdrawn directly."

"There are their troops fighting alone nearby, and now there are a large number of puppet troops coming from the north to help."

"Commander Chen, why don't we avoid the danger for the time being and evacuate the battlefield first, and then look for opportunities to launch combat operations?"

"After all, they don't even have a thousand troops now. If they are surrounded by the puppet troops, they may be dead."

Chu Yu and Zhang Wu looked at Chen Ziyun. They hesitated for a while and then directly made suggestions.

Chen Ziyun put away his telescope and immediately made adjustments according to the combat situation.

The artillery battalion immediately dismantled the mountain artillery and prepared for transfer, while the guard company and cavalry company provided cover.

Li Yunlong has left with his troops, and there are no troops nearby to cooperate with them in the battle.

Facing such a large number of puppet troops, Chen Ziyun naturally could not confront them head-on.

So he was ready to move and asked the Yue puppet army to attack them, and the troops quickly moved towards the mountains to the west.

The messenger immediately began to convey Chen Ziyun's combat orders, and Liang Guoping's artillery battalion quickly dismantled the mountain cannon.

Of course, the cavalry company troops are still near the warning and are closely monitoring the actions of the puppet troops.

Time passed bit by bit, and at around seven o'clock in the morning, Chen Ziyun once again received a message from the Independent 48th Brigade.

At this time, Chu Yunfei had already received the message from Wei Junru and knew that the main force of the Shanxi Yue Army had begun to retreat.

After learning about the incident, Chu Yunfei immediately contacted the commander of the First War Zone.

After some communication, he quickly contacted Chen Ziyun and begged Chen Ziyun to immediately lead his troops back to the 48th Independent Brigade.

That time, Chen Ziyun commanded the troops to attack and asked if he could support Wei Junru's troops in fighting in the Zhongtiao Mountain area.

Now that the main force of the Yue army that attacked there has retreated, Chen Ziyun's troops naturally have no need to stay and fight there.

What's more, now that Li Yunlong's troops have withdrawn, are they alone? The Yue puppet army has received a large number of reinforcements.

Once the two sides start fighting, Chen Ziyun's troops will definitely suffer losses.

"All ministries are ready to withdraw to their bases, and the artillery battalions will immediately set up artillery positions."

"Before we evacuate, please give the little devil a big gift."

"According to the time, the puppet army reinforcements will arrive there soon."

"Give them a gift first, and then we will evacuate quickly."

After Chen Ziyun read the message sent by Chu Yunfei in detail, he immediately issued the order.

To be honest, Chen Ziyun was somewhat unwilling to leave the battlefield like that.

After all, if the Harada detachment is not the Sato detachment, they will be hit to a certain extent and not completely annihilated.

With the current supplementary capacity of the little devils, they will not be able to quickly restore the formation of those troops.

The Moon Army had military depots in different occupied areas. Those military depots not only had various weapons and ammunition, but also a large number of soldiers.

This is also the reason why the Moon Army combat troops were obviously severely damaged, but they were able to quickly recover their strength within a short period of time.

Of course, whether it has been 40 years or not, whether the little devils want to carry out the south-east war and prepare to fight on two fronts will be affected to some extent.

I want to know that in 1937 and 1938, the little Japanese army always carried reserves to replenish the brigade.

If some divisions are hit tomorrow, the losses can be replenished immediately in the morning, and they will be restored to full strength by tomorrow.

Moreover, whether the additional soldiers of the Little Devils have been strictly trained, and whether they have certain combat capabilities.

For example, most of the Jinsui Army and other armies could not recruit strong men to supplement them. Those strong men had not even fired a bullet when they arrived on the battlefield.

Even if the Eighth Route Army has local weapons to replenish its troops, their main force does not have much ammunition.

Not to mention those local troops, they are also faced with a lot of soldiers added to the combat troops, and they don't have much live-fire shooting experience.

Such soldiers will definitely reduce the combat effectiveness of the unit to a great extent.

Therefore, I want to bring a blow to the little devils, but I want to fight a war of annihilation as much as possible.

Only by fighting a war of annihilation can the combat effectiveness of their troops be affected.

Otherwise, they will be able to restore their combat effectiveness quickly if they need to be replenished.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the reinforcement troops dispatched by the Mongolian Army met with the Harada detachment.

It was at that time that the artillery battalion, under the personal command of Chen Ziyun, directly launched a violent bombardment.

The forward artillery observation post set up by the observation team transmitted data, and five Type 94 mountain guns and six Bofors mountain guns conducted direct shelling.

Eleven mountain guns fired at the same time. After passing the test firing and verification firing, they directly launched a covering artillery bombardment.

After a short period of time, hundreds of rounds of artillery shells were fired at different areas.

After the bombardment ended, the artillery was immediately dragged away by mules and horses.

By nine o'clock, Chen Ziyun commanded the troops to withdraw from the battlefield and began to withdraw towards the 48th Independent Brigade station.

When Chen Ziyun's troops carried out the artillery bombardment, reinforcements from the Mongolian army did not enter the position, so the puppet army Ye Yi suffered hundreds of casualties.

Moreover, five Type 94 mountain guns accurately fired at the Lunar Army command structure, and Lieutenant Colonel Sato of the Sato detachment was killed on the spot.

"Baga Ya Road, the damn artillery unit of the Shanxi-Sui Army, sooner or later he will make them pay a heavy price."

"When Dongji and his troops came there to launch combat operations, they must find them. He begged to capture their officers and cut off their heads himself!"

"Those bastards, he will never let them go if they are wrong, he will let them know how powerful the imperial troops are!"

Colonel Harada knew that there were casualties in the troops again, and that Lieutenant Colonel Sato was killed, he gritted his teeth and said.

The Mongolian army stationed in Buluo no longer had any fighting spirit, so at half past nine, their troops withdrew in despair toward northern Shanxi.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the independent ninth brigade strengthened its heavy weapons and quickly rushed along the railway for reinforcements.

With the arrival of the independent mixed ninth brigade, the Lunar Army troops began to strengthen their defenses, but they did not take the initiative to attack.

As for the First Army, we should immediately contact the military station in Jin Province and quickly and independently form the third brigade to replenish the losses.

At the same time, the First Army Headquarters also began to report to the Front Army Headquarters, and they reported in detail the situation of the Sato detachment.

Of course, Nakasa Sato is now dead, and all faults can no longer be investigated.

Now the area to the far north has gradually returned to silence.

And in western Shanxi, at the headquarters of the Second War Zone Commander.

Yan Laoxi was wearing reading glasses and standing in front of the map with an incredulous expression on his face.

He looked at the location of Yuan Ping City and Xin County on the map for a while, and then looked at the document with his legs.

Chen Ziyun commanded more than 2,000 troops, where he severely damaged the Sato detachment and the Harada detachment, causing about 6,000 casualties to them.

Of course, the document records in detail whether the results of the battle were obtained with the cooperation of the Eighth Route Army, but Yan Laoxi automatically ignored the word "No."

In his mind, his Shanxi-Sui Army troops took the initiative to attack the northern section of the Tong-Pu Railway and gained a lot!

"The first battle at Cangyunling, the two battles at Yangcun, and the battle at Yuanpingcheng in Xinxian County, who can say that the Jin-Sui army will not fight the Japanese?"

"Wei Junru, known as the Tiger General, commanded hundreds of thousands of elite troops. He did not want to retreat to Zhongtiao Mountain and relied on the favorable geographical location to hold on."

"Can he advance to the Sui army? In battle after battle, they can not only fight defensively, but also take the initiative!"

"Even the Eighth Route Army's special skills in guerrilla warfare, they can perfectly demonstrate it!"

"Those people in the capital will say that if the troops in the second theater of war can't roam without attacking, they won't be able to preserve their strength, and they won't dare to fight against the Japs."

"There is a rumor going around among the little devils that they were wrongly paid to the Jin-Sui Army, so they begged to hit their helmets with a wooden stick and they would be wrongly paid."

"Would you like to see if he can block the mouth of Youyou with such a victory that time?"

Yan Laoxi took off his reading glasses, looked at the staff members around him, and said with a proud expression on his face.

At this time, he also found Chu Yunfei, the brigade commander of the 48th Independent Brigade, who was born in Huangpu, and Chen Ziyun, who commanded the battle, graduated from the Army Artillery College.

In Yan Laoxi's eyes, they were no longer regarded as disciples of the emperor, they were regarded as their fellow countrymen and generals of the Sui Army of the Eastern Jin Dynasty under his command.

The results of these battles will belong to the Jinsui Army!

And those military achievements can stop everyone's mouths.

In the future, if anyone asks whether his Jin-Sui army will not fight the Japanese, then he, Yan Laoxi, will use his military exploits to respond powerfully.

Even if he didn't contact the little devil privately, those military exploits were enough to make Yan Laoxi toughen up in front of the little devil.

"We fought several times and annihilated tens of thousands of Moon troops. Such a result is truly unimaginable."

"Sir Yan, is Chen Ziyun really a warrior? Who would have thought that he could achieve such results?"

"If they had discovered his capabilities earlier and given him enough attention, his Jin-Sui Army would have become famous throughout the world."

"Is it true that such a general is rare? He suggested that Chen Ziyun be rewarded heavily. I believe that Chen Ziyun will be completely loyal to Commander Yan in the future."

"Why do you say they are all from Jin Province? Sir Yan, are they really emotional? Those two fierce men will be used by you. Jin Province knows how to control them."

The staff members stood beside Yan Laoxi and praised him one after another.

Yan Laoxi came to the table and thought for a while.

"Qingbo, I'm making plans right now. He wants to personally request credit for the 48th Independent Brigade!"

"At the same time, he directly contacted the commission in his name. The independent 48th Brigade is directly under three independent infantry battalions and should be expanded into regiments."

"He asked to personally recommend Chen Ziyun to be the leader of the school league. He has the ability and deserves such a position."

"Our commissioner will always think of some fantastic things if he mistreats those miscellaneous troops."

"If a brigade is under one regiment and directly under three infantry battalions, why don't we give the two regiments the designations?"

After taking a deep breath, Yan Laoxi looked serious and immediately called Chief of Staff Chu Qingbo.

"No, Sir Yan." Chu Qingbo rushed to agree to Donglai without any hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, the Second Theater Command Headquarters quickly started generating electricity.

Soon, the relevant agencies in Yuan Te Peidu successively received messages from Wei Junru, commander of the first theater, and Yan Laoxi, commander of the second theater.

Two theater commanders simultaneously recommended Chen Ziyun as regimental commander. Such a thing instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Not long after, relevant messages were reported layer by layer, which had alarmed the famous principal.

"Chen Ziyun, he has the impression that he is the one who captured the flag of the third regiment of the Moon Army."

"Wrong, he is not a graduate of the Army Artillery College, nor is he his student."

"Okay, I really didn't expect that they could achieve such results."

"Chu Yunfei of the 48th Independent Brigade also rejected his Huangpu students and gave them another regimental designation."

"Let Chen Ziyun be the acting leader and see what surprises they can bring to him."

The principal personally gave instructions that the 48th Independent Brigade was directly under the jurisdiction of three independent infantry battalions and the 11th Reserve Regiment was expanded!

And Chen Ziyun was promoted to the acting leader of the 11th Preparatory Regiment on campus.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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