211. Chapter 211 Japanese and puppet army food crisis

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 Chapter 211 Food Crisis of the Moon and Puppet Army

"Contact the aviation unit and ask them to dispatch reconnaissance planes to search for the whereabouts of the Eighth Route Army."

"At the same time, please request the troops participating in the battle on the front line to mobilize search troops to find the location of the main force of the Eighth Route Army."

"It was rare that they all mobilized and gathered together. They wanted to completely annihilate them no matter what the situation was."

"Contact the Yamamoto Special Agent Team. He has already dispatched relevant equipment and personnel to him. I hope he can achieve amazing results that time."

Lieutenant General Commander Yoshio Shinozuka came to the map and said with a serious expression on his face.

By now all the troops that should be assembled have been assembled, and they have received a series of reinforcements.

In particular, whether the reinforcements coming from Hebei Province can be equipped with a certain number of combat vehicles and armored vehicles.

Those armored vehicles are invincible, and it is very difficult to destroy them.

At the same time, Yamamoto Kazuki's special agent team has gradually played a greater role.

With the arrival of reinforcements, the targets of the special agents will naturally be different from those of ordinary combat troops.

The First Army Headquarters allocated code-breaking personnel, radio detection vehicles and other personnel and equipment to the Yamamoto Special Forces.

Yoshio Shinozuka begged the Yamamoto special forces to use those personnel and equipment to quickly locate the Eighth Route Command Organization and then attack quickly.

Due to the battle south of the Zhengtai Railway, the First Army had great ambitions and attempted to completely annihilate the 129th Division.

Of course, they didn't know whether Commander Liu or Brigadier Chen were capable of commanding a large corps and fighting.

Shinozuka Yoshio wanted to annihilate them, which was not an easy task.

What's more, in the area to the north of Taiyuan, there are troops such as the 48th Independent Brigade and the New Regiment.

Those troops are like time bombs, posing a fatal threat to the little devils at any time.

After the deployment was completed, Yoshio Shinozuka looked towards the north to the location of Xin County.

He had received reports a few days ago that the troops stationed in Mongolia for reinforcements had been attacked, and the 7th Division of the Puppet Mongolian Army had been almost completely annihilated.

According to Yoshio Shinozuka, there must be no problem if thousands of puppet troops retreat to the hilly area to contain the troops of Chu Yunfei, Chen Ziyun, and Li Yunlong.

"Please keep in touch with Xin County at all times and notify him quickly if there are any changes."

"Although Chu Yunfei's 48th Independent Brigade and Li Yunlong's new regiment were hit one after another."

"But these two forces should not be underestimated. Do they have strong combat capabilities?"

"If they despise them, then the only way they can do that is to cause them a lot of trouble."

Yoshio Shinozuka pointed to the location of Xin County on the map and said with a serious expression on his face.

"Hi, Commander Kadou." Chief of Staff Kusuyama Hideyoshi immediately agreed to come.

Do those little Japs in Bu Nao know that the troops of Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong were successively bombed and fought one after another against the independent fourth brigade and troops stationed in Mongolia?

These two armies achieved certain results, but they themselves also suffered heavy casualties.

For several days, those troops did not make any offensive moves.

Did the First Army Headquarters make a clear judgment? They analyzed whether the two armies had no attack capability except for a short period of time.

The Section Chief of Section 1 has even proposed that after encircling and annihilating the 129th Division troops, troops can be quickly transferred to the north to encircle and annihilate those two troops.

At present, the First Army Headquarters believes that there will be no accidents in Xinxian County, and their attention is completely focused on the Zhengtai-Taiwan Railway.

Moreover, the second section also immediately dispatched intelligence personnel to secretly contact Qian Bojun and Zhang Fuli, hoping that they could bring the troops back.

The little devil had offered them a price for the group leader and deputy group leader before, but did they increase the price this time?

I asked Qian Bojun and Zhang Furun to come with their troops, and the Yue Army would give them the positions of brigade commander and deputy brigade commander.

At the same time, they will also be given luxurious houses in towns such as Taiyuan in Shanxi Province, as well as related oceans of gold bars.

Of course, if Qian Bojun and Zhang Fuli can directly kill Chu Yunfei and Chen Ziyun, then the price offered by Yuejun will be even greater.

Did the little Japanese intelligence officers begin to look for opportunities and prepare to negotiate with them?

As for the Moon Army, it is completely unknown whether the overall strength of the 48th Independent Brigade has been greatly improved after being supplemented at this time.

Moreover, neither Chu Yunfei nor Li Yunlong wanted to completely annihilate thousands of puppet troops in the hilly area.

Time is passing, the area south of the Zhengtai Railway.

At four o'clock in the morning, inside a village near the Taihang Mountains.

Commander Liu began to meet with Brigadier Chen, and the two immediately discussed and deployed based on the current situation.

After formulating a detailed battle plan, they came to the map and looked at the location of Xin County.

"The Tongpu Railway was severely damaged. Is that battle beyond their imagination?"

"Commander, Li Yunlong has a lot of questions. I can't say whether he can command the operations."

"The current strength of the new regiment is not weaker than the earliest main field regiments."

"The role they played that time is really unimaginable."

Brigadier Chen looked at Mr. Liu in front of him and said with an emotional expression on his face.

"Whether Li Yunlong has any merit, he will personally ask for credit after the battle."

"Of course, don't brag about that thorny one. He can get things done by praising him. He can fight well, but his ability to cause trouble is better than fighting."

"We are asking for transfers one after another, so we don't need them to come over. Let them stay and fight in Xin County."

"Wrong. Kong Jie's independent regiment can also join the battle. Let them advance towards Xin County and be commanded by Li Yunlong."

"Our two regiments, added to the 48th Independent Brigade, are enough for the little devils in Xin County to drink a pot."

"Did Chu Yunfei and Chen Ziyun's troops help a lot that time?"

"The fourth brigade was independently formed, and more than 10,000 troops were stationed in Mongolia as reinforcements. Without them, I really can't imagine the consequences."

Commander Liu nodded, he recognized Li Yunlong's commanding ability.

Originally, I planned to dispatch a new regiment to support the battle there, but now the situation has changed.

Based on the situation in Xin County, Commander Liu made adjustments again.

Not only did he leave Li Yunlong's new regiment in Xin County, he also specially transferred the Kongjie Independent Regiment there.

Commander Liu's thoughts are self-evident. He hopes that the two regiments can join forces with the 48th Independent Brigade to continue to cause big troubles in Xin County.

As for the battle of the 48th Independent Brigade, Commander Liu highly praised it.

After all, can they contain more than 10,000 puppet troops in Xin County?

If there is no independent 48th Brigade to contain it, the puppet military base of more than 10,000 months will be a great threat whether it is on the Tongpu Railway or on the Zhengtai Railway.

"No, Commander." Brigadier Chen saluted and agreed to come east.

Immediately afterwards, Brigadier Chen quickly dispatched messengers to immediately contact the Kongjie Independent Regiment.

For a time, the commander of Hebei Province asked whether the battlefield should be at the Zhengtai Railway. The little devils gathered more than 20,000 troops to prepare for an encirclement and pincer attack.

In Xin County, it has been quiet for several days, and there is still no fighting between the two sides.

The five infantry brigades of the Moon puppet army, in cooperation with artillery, strictly defended the hilly area in the east, and they continued to strengthen their positions.

Two major generals of the Moon Army, Mitake Tsuda and Kenzo Harada, met one after another, and they continued to discuss.

As night fell and the lanterns began to turn on, kerosene lamps were lit at Harada Kenzo's headquarters.

Tsuda Mitake came to the headquarters with a solemn expression, and he looked towards Harada Kenzo.

Whether the First Army Headquarters currently has arrangements, Kenzo Harada will conduct unified command of operations.

But whether Harada Kenzo could win the battle, all the thousands of puppet and Mongolian troops were annihilated.

Since the defeat in this battle, Tsuda Mitake's attitude towards Harada Kenzo has changed a lot.

He certainly wouldn't care about the casualties of the puppet Mongolian army, but he felt that Harada Kenzo's capabilities were not much stronger than his own.

"Harada-kun, their position has been reinforced repeatedly and is now very complete."

"But there's one problem: they don't have much food."

"Although they continue to restrict the food of the puppet Mongolian troops, their troops are still experiencing great consumption."

"Please tell me if we can't get replenishment for a few days, it won't be long before they don't have any food."

"Once the Jinsui Army on the periphery adopts a long-term siege strategy, they can trap them to death without attacking."

Tsuda Mitake looked at Harada Kenzo and said with a solemn expression on his face.

The 48th Independent Brigade is now besieging the puppet troops from all sides. They are indeed safe and secure in the hilly area.

Is there not much food available in the hilly area? The puppet army is now in a shortage of food.

Even if the puppet Mongolian army can only eat one meal a day, there is no guarantee that the little devil will have enough to eat.

If we continue to go east like that, the Yue puppet army will not have any food to eat.

"He has noticed that and quickly contacted the military headquarters."

"The military headquarters is currently focusing on fighting on the Zhengtai Railway, so it is temporarily unable to provide them with support."

"The Lord came to me that time and asked me to discuss the matter. He was going to send troops to move north to open up the connection with Yuanping City."

"They can get corresponding food from Yuanping City to ensure that they can stay there for a long time."

Harada Kenzo pointed to the location of Yuanping Castle on the map and said calmly.

Tsuda Mitake frowned, looking worried.

After all, they are stationed on high ground. Once the Jinsui Army attacks, they can take advantage of the terrain to launch an effective defense.

But if they want to leave the highlands and open up the connection with Yuanping City, they will have no advantage.

Once it is hit, the consequences will be disastrous.

After all, their total strength is only about 6,000 people now. If casualties continue to occur, they might not be able to annihilate the entire army with that little strength.

"Tsuda-kun, I don't need to worry. Don't forget, whether it's the Jinsui Army or the Eighth Route Army, they have all been severely damaged."

"If they had the ability to attack, they would have already launched an attack. Now, can they just stay nearby?"

"There aren't many of their troops in the north, and they can easily break out from there."

"And they can contact the Yuanpingcheng Independent Mixed Third Brigade and ask them to dispatch troops to transport supplies."

Harada Kenzo looked relaxed. He felt that the troops of both sides in Xin County were equally matched.

Although the Jinsui Army and the Eighth Route Army have surrounded their troops, he believes that those troops currently do not have strong combat capabilities.

"If that's the case, they might as well join forces to form an independent third brigade and ask them to transport supplies."

"When they transport the relevant supplies, they will send troops to attack and transport the supplies to the hilly areas."

"Although the Jinsui Army and the Eighth Route Army suffered casualties, they are not capable of continuing to fight."

"Harada-kun, they must be careful when mistreating them and not be careless in the slightest."

"Otherwise, their troops will be at risk of being shattered at any time."

Tsuda Mitake looked at Harada Kenzo in front of him and said with a serious expression on his face.

Harada Kenzo frowned, showing a slightly displeased expression.

He glanced at Mitake Tsuda coldly, but didn't say anything more.

Immediately afterwards, the two major generals of the Moon Army began to generate electricity and contact each other to form an independent third brigade.

After the Third Independent Brigade received the message, they made arrangements immediately.

The baggage team directly under the brigade dispatched more than 200 baggage troops to immediately transport relevant materials and quickly transport them to the hilly area.

Did the reinforcement troops stationed in Mongolia store part of their ammunition in Yuanping City, and has it been transported here together with food and other supplies?

But their actions would definitely not be hidden from the troops of the 120th Division fighting in Yuanping City.

After learning the news, the 120th Division quickly contacted the New Regiment to report the situation.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Li Yunlong got the news.

Does the new group currently have a radio and can they communicate with all parties?

Knowing that Yue puppet troops were transporting supplies to Yuanping City, Li Yunlong quickly gathered his troops.

At 10:50, a new group of troops marched towards the area north of the hills.

As for the mobilization of the new regiment, the 48th Independent Brigade of the Shanxi-Sui Army quickly became aware of it.

Chu Yunfei began to analyze with Fang Ligong and others, and they paid close attention to the whereabouts of the new group.

It wasn't until after one o'clock in the morning that Chu Yunfei learned the specific situation.

"Brigade, according to the information they obtained, the Moon Army transported a batch of supplies from Yuanping City."

"The reason why the new regiment was mobilized must be for that batch of supplies. They have troops fighting in Yuanping City, so they can get the news in time."

"Looking at it this way, even if the Moon puppet troops in the hilly area have enough ammunition, they won't have too much food."

"Brigade, is this a good opportunity? They can lure the snake out of its hole and then quickly attack it."

Fang Ligong pointed to different areas on the map and said with an excited expression on his face.

Chu Yunfei nodded. He immediately arranged for the communications troops to generate electricity and quickly contacted Chen Ziyun, the leader of the 358th Regiment.

He knew that if that was an excellent opportunity, he had to take advantage of it. They could easily annihilate the Qiulingyue puppet army.

And even if the Moon puppet army cannot be annihilated, they cannot allow the Moon puppet army there to receive supplies.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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