269. Chapter 269 Yan Laoxi finally got tough for once

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 Chapter 269 Yan Laoxi finally got tough for once

After the North China Front Army Headquarters learned the news that the battlefield observation group had been annihilated, Commander Tada Shun was very angry.

He made deployments overnight and arranged for the 27th Division directly under the front army to quickly advance towards Jin Province to join the battle.

There were hundreds of officers in the battlefield observation group, including Major General Hattori.

As they were annihilated, the losses to the North China Front were very heavy.

Such a result was unacceptable to them. Shun Tada and Chief of Staff Yukio Kasahara discussed and decided to launch the attack with the 27th Division as the main force.

This time they want to completely annihilate the Eighth Route Independent Detachment and the 48th Independent Brigade of the Jinsui Army.

At the same time, the three bomber squadrons began to quickly enter combat status.

After daybreak, they will immediately launch bombings.

A reconnaissance aircraft squad will also be deployed on the battlefield to monitor the movements of the independent detachment and the 48th Independent Brigade at any time.

"In this battle, no matter how many casualties we pay or how long it takes, we must completely annihilate the independent detachment, the 48th Independent Brigade."

Hundreds of little Japanese officers, as well as major generals and several junior officers!

Yan Laoxi almost didn't need to imagine, he could know how angry the Japanese army was at this time.

"Even if they have six divisions, one Japanese division is enough to completely defeat them."

"This Li Yunlong is so bold, there is nothing he dare not do."

Chen Ziyun and Li Yuanchun set up an artillery headquarters to uniformly command these artillery units for operations.

"Almost all the troops that the First Army can mobilize at present have begun to mobilize. They are obviously going to launch a large-scale retaliatory operation."

As for Commander Liu's arrangement, the headquarters directly approved it without any hesitation.

"If they are defeated and the morale of the Japanese army is high, they will also defeat the Seventh Army."

After all, with the loss of hundreds of little Japanese officers at one time, the Japanese army will never give up easily, and they will definitely take crazy revenge.

"The general headquarters has sent a message. They are still very confused about the little Japanese's troop mobilization."

Master Liu looked at the map and quickly made arrangements.

Deafening explosions continued to sound, and for a time Lancheng and Jingle City were completely covered in gunpowder smoke.

"This time they have indeed stirred up a hornet's nest. According to the information we have, a division of troops from Hebei Province has been dispatched urgently."

The seventh battalion troops set up defensive positions deep in Jingle City and were also the reserve team of the 358th Regiment.

It is worth mentioning that the machine guns on the six destroyed Xiaoguizi Type 95 tanks had been removed.

The 23rd and 24th artillery regiments of the artillery headquarters under the direct command of the commander's department rushed to the front line.

"I don't know what his thoughts are. It's just to use the fight against the Japanese army to consume local troops like us."

The regiment is directly under the mountain artillery company and is directly assigned to the fifth and sixth battalions for combat operations.

"Chu Yunfei, Chen Ziyun, and Li Yunlong, these three people are really amazing."

"In order to concentrate their troops, the little devils even voluntarily gave up some unnecessary occupied areas."

"Otherwise, the First Army will suffer more heavy casualties in the future, and even a large number of occupied areas may be recovered."

After Chu Yunfei was strengthened by the 24th Artillery Regiment, he began to actively make operational adjustments.

The commander's department here personally directs this battle.

He planned to use the 48th Independent Brigade to continuously develop towards the north, thereby expanding the area controlled by the Shanxi-Sui Army.

There were huge craters everywhere, and some high ground was bombed beyond recognition.

"You are also ready to respond and mobilize all your troops to support their withdrawal."

He was so shocked that he hurried to the division headquarters and quickly reported to the division commander.

"And according to the latest news we have received, a division directly under the North China Front Army of Hebei Province has also begun to mobilize."

"Chu Yunfei and Chen Ziyun are rare generals. They will definitely become great talents in the future."

In 1938, their garrison-based mixed brigade was reorganized into the 27th Division, which was also the early three-armed field division of the Japanese army.

At first, Yan Laoxi arranged Chu Yunfei's troops here just to clear the relationship and prevent the Jinsui Army from being retaliated by the Japanese army.

When he learned that Li Yunlong had once again joined forces with Chu Yunfei and Chen Ziyun, he immediately eliminated the little devil's observation group.

Brigadier Chen did not want to see the independent detachment end up like this.

The 33rd Army of the Seventh Group Army, attached to the 23rd Artillery Regiment, built in-depth defense positions behind Lancheng and Jingle City to support the operation.

It’s six o’clock in the morning on December 27th. Because it is winter, the surroundings are still dark.

"Anyway, they fought really beautifully in this battle."

"The committee said that our Shanxi-Sui Army was not actively fighting, and even threatened to join forces with the Eighth Route Army to deal with us."

After careful consideration, Yan Laoxi decided to actively launch defenses in Jingle City and Lan City.

"But they have forgotten that our Jinsui Army also fought tough battles in the Battle of Xinkou and the Battle of Taiyuan!"

Shun Tada and Yukio Kasahara issued combat orders to the First Army Headquarters overnight, with very serious expressions on their faces.

When each unit arrived at the designated location, they began to enter the defensive positions that had been set up long ago.

"If we continue to let them stay in the area west of Xin County, once they are encircled and attacked, the consequences will be disastrous."

The independent detachment in this battle has always been responsible for the fierce attacks of the Japanese and puppet troops, and their overall casualties were not small.

If the 48th Independent Brigade completely abandons its position at this time, it will be almost impossible for Li Yunlong's independent detachment to move safely.

After all, if such a victory had been achieved by the Eighth Route Army, then the Eighth Route Army would have more prestige in Jin Province.

However, as Chu Yunfei's troops continued to obtain astonishing results, his troops were also rapidly expanded. Yan Laoxi arranged them here for ulterior motives.

Not counting the mountain artillery directly assigned to each battalion for combat, there are a total of forty-four artillery pieces in the four artillery positions.

If they continue to fight at this moment, they will definitely suffer a devastating blow.

"This time they have stirred up a hornet's nest. The little devils will definitely take revenge crazily."

Chu Yunfei, commander of the 48th Independent Brigade, also serves as the security commander of the Jinglan area. They are assigned to the first guerrilla column to carry out defensive operations.

The 358th Regiment advanced to Jingle City, and all took over the defense and garrison tasks here.

They are equipped with sixteen Jin-made Type 17 mountain guns and four Jin-made Type 18 field guns.

The division headquarters' radio began to generate power and report one after another.

Kenanpo, headquarters of the Second Theater Command Commander.

"Can Zhao Yinfu's Seventh Army withstand the wrath of the Japs?"

Because there was not enough time, the tank gun on it could not be disassembled and had to be blown up.

The independent 9th Brigade and the 16th Brigade also gathered more than 4,000 troops. They advanced from the flanks and cooperated with the 27th Division to fight.

Here in Lancheng, the 11th Reserve Regiment has five battalions and six battalions building defensive positions at the front, while the first battalion sets up deep defense positions at the back and is also a reserve team.

Yan Laoxi pointed to Lancheng and other areas on the map and said with a serious expression on his face.

They will not evacuate for the time being, but need to wait for combat orders from above.

The 27th Division was formerly a garrison-based mixed brigade. It was they who caused the all-out war in 1937.

The 358th Regiment, the 11th Reserve Regiment, the 24th Artillery Regiment, and the field artillery battalion directly under the brigade headquarters, with the machine gun battalion at the forefront, directly responsible for front-line defense.

If the Japanese and puppet troops fail to find Chu Yunfei's troops, they are likely to launch a combat attack on the Seventh Army.

"I immediately contacted the general headquarters and completely gave up development in Jingle City."

"Teacher, tell me what they should do."

With the 24th Artillery Regiment arriving to join the battle, the 48th Independent Brigade currently has a lot of artillery support.

Three squadrons of Japanese bombers were dispatched repeatedly throughout the morning for bombing raids.

Brigadier Chen didn't pay much attention at first, but when he learned that the observation group consisted of hundreds of little Japanese officers, there was also a major general and several assistant officers.

So far, the strength they can fight is only the strength of a reinforced company.

The independent detachment, the 48th Independent Brigade, is the one hated by the little devils on the North China Front.

Brigadier Chen found the division commander and said with a serious expression on his face.

But Yan Laoxi never thought that he would let Chu Yunfei and Chen Ziyun go to the Eighth Route Independent Detachment for exchange and study.

In order to completely annihilate them this time, the 27th Division quickly set off from Hebei Province and quickly went to Jin Province to join the battle.

"The third brigade was formed independently, and all the Japanese and puppet troops in Xin County gathered their main forces."

The three regiments of the independent detachment are all units that Brigadier Chen attaches great importance to, and they can all develop into the main field regiments.

"Let them see if the Jinsui Army can fight a tough battle with the Japs!"

Even if they cannot hold on here, they still have the energy to kill the little Japanese here, so that they will not be able to continue attacking the Jinsui Army.

"It's so rare to pull a tooth out of a tiger's mouth!"

"After this battle, I want to see if I, Yan Baichuan, am worthy of the elders of the Three Jin Dynasties!"

Yan Laoxi made a decision, and the commander's department began to issue combat orders one after another.

The cavalry battalion is controlled by Chu Yunfei and directly serves as the general reserve for combat operations.

"This division has already appeared in the Jizhong area, and they will advance along the Zhengtai Railway to fight here in Shanxi Province at any time."

A large number of light and heavy machine guns are deployed directly near the artillery positions.

"The main force of the 9th Independent Mixed Brigade is assembled to the west of Taiyuan, and the main force of the 16th Independent Mixed Brigade is assembled in the southwest of Taiyuan."

Now that they have achieved such results in northwestern Shanxi, Brigadier Chen is happy but also very worried.

Commander Yan Laoxi was standing in front of the map. He was wearing reading glasses and carefully looking at the Jingle City and Lancheng areas on the map.

"Qingbo, if they can be used by me and loyal to the Jinsui Army wholeheartedly, then I can sit back and relax."

The New Second Regiment, the Independent Regiment, and the New First Regiment all suffered heavy casualties.

The 24th Artillery Regiment has two mountain artillery battalions and one field artillery company, with a total of twenty artillery pieces.

Brigadier Chen quickly pointed to the location of Jingle City on the map and said with a worried expression on his face.

"Then what do you mean, do you want the 48th Independent Brigade to continue to defend Lancheng and Jingle City and fight the Japanese army?"

"The little devil has been arrogant in negotiations time and time again, thinking that our Jinsui Army is a soft persimmon."

"Let them move overnight, gradually move closer to southeastern Shanxi, and return to your brigade's establishment."

After all, up to now, four young Japanese with the rank of major general have been completely killed by Li Yunlong's troops and Chu Yunfei's troops.

After Yan Laoxi heard the report, he still looked at the map with a thoughtful expression on his face.

It was at this time that Brigadier Chen had already received a report from Li Yunlong in the southeastern Shanxi region.

He didn't know what happened until he got the report.

"In addition, the Eighth Route Independent Detachment in Jingle City has also begun to move. Please see if we need to arrange for the 48th Independent Brigade to evacuate quickly."

"They have strong fighting power, but facing so many little devils, I'm afraid they won't have any advantage."

In addition, Li Yuanchun and Chen Ziyun also met immediately. Chen Ziyun will unified command the artillery unit in the name of the infantry artillery commander of the 48th Independent Brigade.

This mountain cannon has mainly improved its range and can shoot more than 7,000 meters.

Under it are the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd garrison infantry regiments, and directly under it are the engineering, search, mountain artillery, and baggage regiments.

"Sir Yan, almost all the Japanese troops near Taiyuan have been mobilized."

"The independent mixed third brigade, the independent mixed ninth brigade, and the independent mixed 16th brigade have all assembled a certain number of troops."

"The overall combat effectiveness of the Japanese and puppet troops in Xin County is very strong, and they are also equipped with large-caliber mountain artillery."

Yan Laoxi stopped talking. He stood in front of the map with a calm expression on his face.

As Li Yunlong's troops moved, the 48th Independent Brigade was actively deployed here.

The Jin-made 18-type 88MM field gun is the Taiyuan Arsenal's Suluotong 88MM field gun, with a range of more than 10,000 meters.

"This time the little devils are serious about it. If they leave, the Seventh Army will have to bear all the anger."

A large number of Japanese and puppet troops will conduct a search and blockade, and they will surely be able to discover the independent detachment and quickly annihilate them.

In this way, he can have an explanation to his fellow villagers in Sanjin.

At this time, bombers arrived over the battlefield one after another.

At 12 noon on the 27th, the Little Japanese Air Force stopped bombing.

Aerial bombs began to be dropped directly.

Yan Laoxi took a deep breath and spoke directly with a serious expression on his face.

Chen Ziyun unified the command of the 24th Artillery Regiment, the 358th Regiment Artillery Battalion, and the field artillery battalion directly under the brigade headquarters.

Chu Qingbo came to Yan Laoxi, and he began to report.

However, they directly launched combat operations and completely annihilated a battlefield observation group of little Japanese.

The 11th Reserve Regiment and the 12th Reserve Regiment were responsible for the defense of Lancheng.

But now he finally understood why the little devil had such a large-scale transfer.

Time passed bit by bit, and the two artillery regiments were dispatched urgently and marched quickly towards the front line.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the 24th Artillery Regiment, under the command of regiment commander Li Yuanchun, quickly arrived at Lancheng and other areas.

"Contact the First Army Headquarters and let them unify the command of all departments to carry out operations. They must not be allowed to escape again."

The deputy commander-in-chief was shocked when the general headquarters received the news and learned about the results obtained by the independent detachment.

Chu Qingbo hurriedly analyzed it with a solemn expression on his face.

The Type 95 tank is equipped with two Type 91 light machine guns, and now the machine gun battalion has a large number of light machine guns.

"I also analyzed whether the Japs were preparing to continue large-scale raids. It turned out that it was Li Yunlong who achieved the results."

"It's just that until now, I still can't figure out their thoughts."

From south to north, the first artillery position and the second artillery position respectively deploy eight Jin-made 17-type mountain guns.

Sun Yu's machine gun battalion was directly responsible for guarding the artillery positions at this time.

Chen Ziyun and Li Yuanchun communicated, and the two set up four artillery positions behind the infantry position!

"This time, we want them to know whether the Jinsui Army is a soft persimmon."

The third artillery position deployed six Liao-made field guns, six Japanese-style field guns, and four Jin-made field guns.

The 23rd Artillery Regiment is under the command of the Seventh Army, and the 24th Artillery Regiment strengthens the operations of the 48th Independent Brigade.

Immediately afterwards, he began to issue combat orders.

The Jinsui Army would even become a laughing stock, but this battle was the result of the joint efforts of the Jinsui Army and the Eighth Route Army.

"What's more, with Chu Yunfei and Chen Ziyun, together they have the courage to destroy everything."

The fourth artillery position deploys six Bofors mountain guns and six Type 94 mountain guns.

"No one will be held responsible now, but these two forces must be completely resolved, and they cannot be allowed to develop."

As for the Japanese and puppet troops that were annihilated by them, they were countless.

At the same time, Chu Yunfei personally commanded these troops. He arranged guard communication battalions to quickly establish contact with various ministries.

And the little Japanese troops began to set off from different areas in great numbers, heading straight for Jingle City and Lan City!

Lancheng is the main attack direction of the Japs. The 27th Division started directly from Taiyuan and quickly advanced directly towards Lancheng.

Here in Jingle City, the 358th Regiment's second and third battalions built defensive positions on the front line, and the fourth battalion was responsible for the defense of the junction between Lan City and Jingle City.

It is worth mentioning that the Jin-made 17-type 75MM mountain cannon is an upgraded version of the Jin-made 13-type mountain cannon.

All of a sudden, all departments of the Jinsui Army mobilized quickly, and they quickly made combat deployments.

Li Yunlong's independent detachment began to receive transfer orders. On the one hand, Li Yunlong greeted Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong, and on the other hand, he quickly directed the transfer of the troops.

Chu Yunfei kept issuing orders, and all departments were ready for battle.

And if the 48th Independent Brigade evacuates Jingle City and Lancheng, then the 7th Group Army of the Shanxi-Sui Army will bear the brunt.

After a long silence, Yan Laoxi pointed in the direction of Lan City and Jingle City, and seemed to have made a decision.

The observation group composed of hundreds of Japanese military officers was annihilated, and Yan Laoxi was still very happy in his heart.

Especially the 2nd Battalion of the New 1st Regiment. They continued to fight and were successively attacked by the Yamamoto Special Forces and other units.

"You said it would be easy to move them, but after they move, who will deal with the little devils?"

Teacher Liu came to the map with a very calm expression on his face.

A large number of aerial bombs fell on various positions in Lancheng and Jingle City. The two counties were also bombed, leaving ruins everywhere.

"Division commander, they have achieved victory, but the losses of each regiment are not small."

And they also have non-combat troops such as communication teams, field hospitals, and health teams.

There are 18,000 people in the entire division. If non-combatants are included, the entire division is close to 20,000 people.

The 27th Division's combat effectiveness is not weak. It once participated in the Battle of Hankou with the 11th Army.

Then it was directly subordinate to the North China Front Army and has been responsible for garrison duties in the occupied areas.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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