Chapter 38 Loopholes in rules turn into real power

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 Chapter 38 Loopholes in rules turn into real power

At eight o'clock in the morning on February 19th, we passed by the headquarters of the second theater commander and the deputy commander's headquarters for constant "discussions."

Chu Yunfei's 358th regiment was established and had previously decided to come east.

The 358th Regiment still maintains its strengthened regiment organization, with the east part having jurisdiction over the 1st Battalion, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Battalion and 4th Battalion.

The regiment is directly under the First Artillery Company, the Second Artillery Company, and the Guard Company.

Chu Yunfei serves as the regimental commander of the school, Fang Ligong serves as the chief of staff of the lieutenant colonel, Liang Guoping serves as the regiment affiliated with the lieutenant colonel, and Chen Ziyun serves as the regimental affiliated with the major.

Of course, normally speaking, the two regiment subordinates are assuming their duties and do not have any real power.

However, after adjustments, the 358th Regiment has two artillery companies and one guard company directly under its control.

According to the regulations, the Major Regiment can manage the troops directly under the training regiment with the authorization of the regiment commander!

The 358th Regiment has not strengthened its regiment. Currently, it has three companies directly under the regiment.

Wei Junru and Chu Yunfei directly exploited the loophole in the rules to make a fuss.

So after the establishment of the 358th Regiment was finalized, Chu Yunfei immediately sent the order.

The regiment is directly affiliated with the First Artillery Company, the Second Artillery Company, and the Guard Company, all of which are under the management of Major Chen Ziyun attached to the regiment.

As for Liang Guoping, the lieutenant colonel affiliated with the regiment, is he directly responsible for the recruitment and training of new recruits in the regiment?

At ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Ziyun came to the regiment headquarters and began to discuss with Chu Yunfei and Fang Ligong the establishment of troops directly under the regiment.

At this time, Wei Junru had already sent a message, clearly requesting Chen Ziyun to be rewarded with six Bofors Mountain Cannons and 600 rounds of artillery shells!

So based on those foundations, Chen Ziyun put forward his own suggestions.

Six Jin-made Type 13 75MM mountain guns were organized into an artillery battery, with Sun Xiong, the former commander of the second artillery platoon, serving as the company commander.

Six Bofors 75MM mountain guns were organized into the second artillery company, and Li Yang, the former artillery platoon commander, served as the company commander.

Didn't Chen Ziyun interfere with the establishment of the security company? Otherwise, Chu Yunfei would inevitably be worried.

Chu Yunfei personally finalized the establishment of the guard platoon. There are three guard platoons and one machine gun platoon in the east!

Each guard platoon is equipped with thirty newly-made submachine guns and eight newly-made shell guns.

The machine gun platoon is equipped with three newly-made light machine guns and three moon-type 50MM grenade launchers!

Chu Yu, the former platoon commander of the ammunition platoon of the first company, was promoted to the commander of the guard company.

At the same time, Sun Xiong, Li Yang, Chu Yu, and Chu Yunfei directly reported to the Chief Officer Department and were promoted to the rank of lieutenant.

The establishment of the three companies directly under the regiment has been finalized, but the soldiers and related weapons are not fully in place.

Chu Yunfei personally approved the order and asked Chen Ziyun to select soldiers from outside the entire regiment and quickly organize three companies.

In addition, Chu Yunfei arranged for his adjutant Sun Ming to assist Chen Ziyun in handling that matter.

At one o'clock in the morning on December 2, the 358th Regiment began to set off and assemble towards the designated area.

Zhao Yinfu, commander-in-chief of the Seventh Group Army, currently plans to relocate the 358th Regiment to the Eighth Route Defense Area.

That's not Yan Laoxi's intention, so as not to cause the Jinsui Army to get into trouble.

Chen Ziyun originally wanted to select personnel quickly, but he happened to have the ability to read pearls with Donghui Eyes.

But if the troops left overnight, he could put the matter on hold for the time being.

Maybe at that time, the capital of Jin Province was too far away from the First Army Headquarters.

Lieutenant General Commander Yoshio Shinozuka stood in front of the huge sand table, his face was gloomy and his eyes were red.

At this time, Yoshio Shinozuka was like an angry tiger, with murderous intent all over his body.

His ferocious gaze was directed at the Major General of the Fourth Field Brigade, Yoshio Zaijima, who was so frightened that Yoshio Zaijima could not help but lower his head and his body was trembling slightly.

"Bagaya Road, isn't that the third most elite regiment in the empire?"

"In the battle of Cangyunling, Captain Sakata Nobutsuru of the Major Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Ura Tommo of the Regiment, Major Yokoyama of the Second Battalion, and Major Izai of the Third Battalion were all shattered."

"The Major Captain of the First Battalion, Hachiro Eguchi, had a caesarean section. The entire regiment suffered close to 3,000 casualties. The regiment flag was seized, and the entire regiment was completely disabled!"

"Even the most incompetent independent mixed brigade will not pay such heavy casualties!"

"The Imperial Association Army and the Security Army in the North China battlefield would not have suffered such a large number of officer casualties in combat."

Yoshio Shinozuka roared loudly, waved his fist and hit the sand table hard.

News of the defeat of the Third Regiment had been conveyed to the North China Front, and Lieutenant General Commander Tada Shun personally called and scolded them.

Can Tada Shun scold him on the phone for more than ten minutes, which the arrogant Yoshio Shinozuka couldn't accept.

Yoshio Shinozuka was known as a military scholar in the Lunar Army. He graduated first in the Military Academy and fifth in the Army University.

Then he went to Germany to study military affairs. He was very capable and served as the principal of the non-commissioned officer school and the division commander of the 10th Division.

In that battle, in the opinion of Yoshio Shinozuka, whether the Third Regiment could capture and annihilate the command structure of the Eighth Route Division Headquarters.

But now that the third regiment has been completely disabled and the regiment flag has been captured, he cannot accept such a loss.

"Commander Ge Dong, according to the report of the 3rd Regiment, the 358th Regiment has very powerful artillery."

"They are absolutely no artillery experts. They have a super high hit rate and adopt the most advanced artillery tactics."

"Is that mysterious artillery the main culprit that caused the Third Regiment to pay such heavy losses?"

"Commander Ge Dong, please give him a chance. He is willing to command the Fourth Regiment to find them quickly and annihilate them!"

"Please, Commander Gedong!"

Zaijima Yoshio rushed to explain and bowed deeply at first.

"No, he didn't give me a chance, and the base camp won't give me another chance."

"Sir, I should be glad that it is now 40 years instead of 37 years!"

"In response to the message forwarded by the Front Army Headquarters, starting immediately, the Fourth Field Brigade will be cancelled, and the Fourth Regiment will be deployed outside the customs."

"The designation of the Third Regiment has been revoked, and Major General Yoshio Ueshima has revoked his rank and been assigned to the reserve force. This order takes effect immediately!"

Yoshio Shinozuka took a deep breath, picked up a telegram and handed it directly to Yoshio Zaijima.

Yoshio Zaijima took the message and looked at it carefully, his body shaking a few times.

For Yoshio Shima, it was a mistake to be directly revoked from his military rank and put into the reserve force. It was simply the greatest shame.

"Hi, Commander Gedong." Zaijima Yoshio saluted. He took the message and walked out in despair.

After Yoshio Zaijima left, Yoshio Shinozuka picked up the baton.

"Mr. Nanshan, contact the second class. He needs the details of Chu Yunfei, the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army, and Li Yunlong, the 8th New Regiment!"

"In addition, let the second section activate all intelligence networks to find out the detailed organization of all enemy artillery units in the Cangyunling area!"

"The removal of Yoshio Tashima will be a start, and the flag of the third regiment will be seized, which will cause great fluctuations."

"How about Bulong? They all want to find them and completely annihilate them to wash away the shame!"

Yoshio Shinozuka had a serious expression on his face as he gave direct orders.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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