Chapter 49 Bombardment of Truck Convoy

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 Chapter 49 Bombardment of Truck Convoy

Moon soldiers wearing combat uniforms began to appear in the artillery mirror.

Chen Ziyun observed carefully, there were sixteen of them!

The Lunar Army was equipped with ten submachine guns, a light machine gun, and a grenade launcher.

The sixteen little devils formed a search formation and continued to advance along the road.

"Chen Tuanfu, those little devils are very strange. Their weapons and equipment are completely different from other moon troops."

"And they are more vigilant than ordinary little devils. They will not search any area repeatedly."

"Fortunately, if they have artillery and infantry training nearby, they will definitely be discovered immediately."

Zhou Wenbo also saw the little devil. He raised his telescope and reported immediately.

Chen Ziyun is basically certain that it must be the Yamamoto Special Agent Team!

"Ma is contacting various ministries and getting ready for battle."

"What's the difference between those little devils in Bulong? We won't be polite if we put the fat on our lips."

"If you don't train, then you won't fight. Now if a kid hits the muzzle of the gun, if you don't say anything, just hit him!"

Chen Ziyun gave way to the artillery mirror and said with a serious expression on his face.

The signal soldiers in the observation post immediately picked up the microphone and began to convey combat orders to each company.

Chen Ziyun did not delay. Zhou Wenbo was commanding the observation post, and now he needed to return to the town to command the artillery unit.

More than a dozen little devils continued to advance forward, acting very cautiously and keeping a distance from each other.

The three observation posts of the observation team are all locked and paying close attention to the surrounding situation.

The Second Artillery Company, which is mainly required to carry out combat strikes, has begun to readjust.

The Bofors Mountain cannons were misaligned with the road.

Each gun leg was immediately put to work, and ammunition boxes were quickly transported one by one.

While the Chaoshan Orogenic Cannon can fire a single grenade, the Bofors Mountain Cannon can fire many types of shells.

The shells that the Bofors Mountain Cannon can fire include armor-piercing shells, mine shells, and high-explosive shells!

And it is very capable of launching smoke grenades, illumination bombs, incendiary bombs, shrapnel and other special ammunition.

Of course, it is 40 years old now, and Bofors cannons and shells are imported.

Therefore, even if Wei Junru, who serves as the commander-in-chief of the first theater and deputy commander-in-chief of the second theater at the same time, cannot obtain enough artillery shells.

Deploying six mountain cannons and six hundred rounds of artillery shells was already Wei Junru's limit.

Among the 600 rounds of artillery shells, 550 rounds of non-propelled grenades and 50 rounds of non-armor-breaking shells.

As for other types of ammunition, let alone Wei Junru, I'm afraid there aren't many even if the logistics department doesn't have them.

Chen Ziyun looked at the grenades that were eating the food, feeling full of emotion in his heart.

I wonder if there are shrapnel shells. After a while, the artillery fire will be launched and fired towards the Yamamoto special agent team. That will be called fun.

It was very noisy, and they didn't even have many rounds of armor-piercing shells, not to mention shrapnel shells.

The first artillery company, the second artillery company, and the guard company immediately entered combat status.

Chen Ziyun observed through the telescope and was very satisfied with the performance of the officers and soldiers.

Until now, those artillery units have basically been unable to show the results of their training.

It is very strange that the six Bofors Mountain Cannons do not have detailed shooting parameter tables, which will affect their combat effectiveness.

Please tell me they have a detailed shooting parameter table. Chen Ziyun is confident that relying on those six mountain cannons, he can severely damage the Yamamoto special agent team!

At 4:10, news came from Zhou Wenbo Observation Post.

The vanguard of the Japs has passed, and the sixteen Yue troops are gradually advancing towards Yangcun.

Chen Ziyun raised the telescope to observe, but because of the distance, he could not see very clearly.

But a few minutes later, he could see that trucks began to appear on the road.

The backs of those trucks were completely closed, and it was impossible to tell how many people were inside.

At 4:30, Zhou Wenbo reported that fifteen trucks had appeared on the road.

And the artillery observation post has begun to provide relevant data.

"Chen Tuanfu, those little devils are obviously heading for Yangcun, we can't fight them!"

"They are all in the carriage. Please launch an intensive bombardment. Even if we cannot kill them all, we can still kill most of their troops."

Second Company Commander Li Yang quickly came to Chen Ziyun and asked with an anxious expression on his face.

Looking at his expression, I wanted to launch a bombardment immediately!

"Hehehe, give me the fat in your mouth, I won't make a fuss if you don't eat it!"

"Send the order, the first artillery company and the guard company will provide cover, and the second artillery company will launch the bombardment!"

"Target the Lunar Army truck, quickly bombard it, and strive to annihilate it!"

Chen Ziyun put down the telescope, with a serious expression on his face, and gave the order directly.

As the order was conveyed, the Second Artillery Company launched into action.

One cannon leg began to set up the fat boy and determine the direction.

The gun's sight cursor moves to the corresponding charging sight, and then the sight is rotated to determine the distance.

The left leg of the second artillery leg rotates the high and low angle wheel, and the right leg moves the high and low angle wheel to center the high and low horizontal bubbles to determine the shooting angle.

The seventh artillery leg took out the warhead and gave it to the fifth artillery leg to install the fuze.

The sixth cannon leg took the empty barrel handed over by the eighth cannon leg and loaded the No. 3 powder bag according to the order.

Immediately afterwards, the ninth artillery leg handed the loaded gun barrel to the fifth artillery leg.

The fifth leg assembles the warhead and barrel and hands it to the fourth leg for loading.

Chen Ziyun had already planned a benchmark run, and Bofors Mountain Cannon No. 18 took the lead in firing.

With a "boom" sound, the gun body vibrated, smoke filled the air, and dust flew up.

A grenade detached from the barrel and spun towards the target at high speed.

The observation post immediately observed the impact point of the bomb, and then quickly contacted the Second Artillery Company.

Immediately afterwards, the company commander Li Yangdong gave the order to verify the firing.

The artillery started firing, and shells were fired one after another.

Six Bofors Mountain Cannons roared simultaneously.

After confirming that everything was correct, the six Bofors Mountain Cannons began to fire!

A total of thirty-seven shells were fired at the truck on the road.

Explosions continued for a while, and a moving truck was directly hit by a shell.

With a "boom", the truck was instantly detonated.

Some trucks were also hit by shelling, and the driver was obviously injured. The truck directly hit the rocks on the side.

Of course, there are also shells that deviate and miss the target range.

There was a report at the observation post, precise shooting of Zhu Yuan, and six Bofors Mountain Cannons for another bombardment.

The grenades were fired again. This time, the little Japanese truck on the road was completely immobilized.

The barrels of the six Bofors guns became hot from eighty rounds.

"Regiment Chen, the main observation post of the observation team reports that all the trucks of the Lunar Army have been destroyed!"

"No one escaped from the car, and all of them were dead."

At five o'clock, a messenger came to Chen Ziyun and reported immediately.

When Chen Ziyun heard the report, his face no longer felt happy, but became solemn.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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