Chapter 118 This will always be your home

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 Chapter 118 There will always be my home

On the stage of the celebration, Pearson held the microphone and said a lot.

In ordinary months, he didn't speak so harshly, nor did he smile so harshly.

I will be completely relaxed tomorrow too.

He was extremely excited to be able to lead his favorite club to win the championship.

And the club is negotiating with him to renew his contract.

I believe he will do even greater things in the Premier League in the new season!

Relegation is not the foundation, breakthrough is not the goal!

They will definitely create greater miracles!

Listening to Pearson's words, Xia Xing felt extremely excited.

Can you think about it for a second, ugh...

I wish Leicester City all the best in the future.

When we meet in the east, maybe we are on the wrong foot.

The celebration that night lasted until late at night. When Xia Xing returned home, the siblings had already rested.

Xia Xing walked softly, returned to the room and lay down on the bed.

During that whole day of celebration, there was no football.

Enter the "virtual arena" and play football!

Enter the system again, and there is a new character in the system.

SS-level Baggio!

On the night of winning the FA Cup final, Xia Xing had already received a system prompt.

[Task: 1. Win the double crown this season; 2. Score a goal in the cup final. 】

【Mission goal accomplished!】

[The mission reward has arrived - Roberto Baggio card, SS level! 】

After getting the Baggio card, Xia Xing was in a good mood.

Baggio is also one of Xia Xing's idols. Baggio's elegant playing style has always been admired by Xia Xing.

Now I have the opportunity to play football with my idol, it feels really good.

Five hours later, Xia Xing breathed a long sigh of relief after returning to reality from the "virtual arena".

Although the fatigue did not come out, the summer trip was still very hard.

Bu Nao, also very satisfied.

Standing in front of the window and looking out the window, there were fans cheering on the street not far away.

For the fans, they will spend that summer in excitement and anticipation.

An unprecedented double crown and the first FA Cup championship in team history made them extremely excited.

And the expectations for the Premier League in the Eastern Season have given Leicester City fans a lot to talk about.

How does it feel to play in the Premier League in the new season?

They can feel it right away!

It feels great to watch the team compete in the Premier League at home!

Xia Xing felt very satisfied.

It's great to be able to live up to the support of the fans and bring them joy during the year of loan.

The next day, Xia Xing got up unusually late.

It’s also considered a short vacation for yourself.

After getting up, I saw Aliona and Li De in the living room.

When Li De saw Xia Xing, he curled his lips and said, "That guy of mine had a great time yesterday morning."

Xia Xing shrugged: "The team's celebration is later. He invited us, but we didn't go."

"It's a bit inconvenient," Aliona walked out of the kitchen with a smile, "Prepare some breakfast for me. It's not as delicious as the one I made, but it's still delicious. Let's eat."


Milk, bread, bacon, sausages, French fries, although they are not the old style, they are enough to make you enjoy eating during the summer.

There will be nothing to do in the summer tomorrow, and the two siblings will be very leisurely.

Go shopping with Aliona on Midsummer Tour.

Aliona accompanied Xia Xing to buy a bunch of ingredients, and Xia Xing accompanied Aliona to buy a bunch of clothes.

Of course, Xia Xing will pay for it.

Aliona protested strongly, but Xia Xing firmly refused to comply.

"Just take it as part of next year's rent."

"What? Do I want to stay in Leicester City?"

"What's the future for Bulian? Anyway, he wants to keep his room. Is that okay?"

"Oh, that's it, okay."

"When he is free in the summer, he really wants to come back and review his failed university courses."

"Am I really a good student? He thought that after I became a big star, I forgot that I was not a student."

"What's wrong with Keke? He needs to learn more to give him more protection in the future."

"Not bad."

After returning home, Xia Xing gave Li De his gift.

That gift is not light, it is a great server.

As a technical geek, Li De has always wanted to buy a better server, but it was too expensive and he was reluctant to buy it.

That summer trip was handled directly by him.

At midnight, Xia Xing played games with Li De for a long time, and it was fun to listen to Li De complain about his poor skills...

In the evening, Xia Xing once again cooked Chinese cuisine for the siblings.

Eight dishes and one soup, quite hearty.

Looking at the food on the table, Aliona suddenly blushed: "Xia, do I want to leave?"

Xia Xing nodded: "Well, he has already said hello to the club. He will go to the club tomorrow and then return to Manchester."

Li De interrupted: "Have I decided on my future?"

Xia Xing shook his head: "Actually, not really. He wants to talk to the new Manchester United coach and listen to his opinions before considering the future. After all, his future direction does not mean that he can completely decide it himself."

Li De wanted to say something, but Aliona shook her head gently and did not let him continue.

Sister, why don’t I say something about Liudong?

Brother, he doesn’t want to kidnap xia with his feelings, xia deserves a better future.

That night, the three of them chatted for a long time.

Both Aliona and Li De drank a lot of wine, and Xia Xing also drank some as an exception.

While chatting relaxedly with his siblings, Xia Xing suddenly felt a strong sense of sadness.

Even if Fu Qiu leaves Leicester City, it is not that sad.

Because he begged to leave home.

Ever since his parents died, he has never felt like home again.

He was extremely satisfied with one year of happiness.

I really hope that can continue.

Can you please continue walking on the road ahead?

The drunk Li De put his arm around Xia Xing's shoulders: "I'll think about the future myself. His sister said not to kidnap me emotionally. But if I change my mind, as a repayment for being a Leicester City fan, he promised me

, just beg me to come back, and he will officially give his sister to me as his girlfriend, how about that?"

Xia Xing was both crying and laughing.

Can you look at Aliona? At this time, she did not retort as usual.

She looked at Xia Xing with a peach-like face, her bright eyes seemed to be saying something.

Xia Xing understands.

After spending that year together, Xia Xing and Aliona were already in love.

That girl is cheerful, smart and kind. She is really a very good girl.

And unlike ordinary British girls, she has a lot of elegance and restraint.

There is even the graceful beauty of some oriental girls.

That also made Xia Xing very excited.

But if your own future is uncertain, you can't give anything to the wrong party.

Some words cannot be said.

Looking at Xia Xing, whose face was also slightly red, Aliona smiled.

She approached Xia Xing and hugged him tightly again.

In that year, Xia Xing had been hugged by her countless times.

That hug in Bu Nao seemed a little different from the past.

Aliona whispered softly into Xia Xing's ear.

"Xia, that will always be my home.

"They will never be my family.

"I wish you all the best in the future."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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