Chapter 160 Proton Control, Mr. Incredible

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 Mu Cang, who has packed all the memory information of Xu Yuan, is naturally very familiar with this pyramid-shaped alien spacecraft.

But out of curiosity and interest in it and the alien group that created it, which had never appeared in the original work, Mu Cang stayed in this pyramid for several hours.

During these few hours, he has been conducting extremely detailed exploration and research on this pyramid.

During this period of time, the news of the complete destruction of the Mist Demon clan also spread throughout the Lighthouse Country.

All the people in the lighthouse rejoiced. Commander Tom even made a public appearance in Alaska and held a press conference to officially announce that the lighthouse country was out of the state of war. At the same time, he also solemnly thanked Mu Cang for his contribution and called him the savior of the lighthouse.


Facing this announcement, the people of Lighthouse looked confused.

They only knew they had won, but they did not understand how they won.

Perhaps he knew everyone's doubts, so at the press conference, Tom specially played the satellite continuous footage of how Mu Cang killed all the fog demons in one glance.

At this point, the people and the media suddenly realized it, and the public sentiment became boiling.

It is different from the increasingly lively outside world.

In that pyramid suspended in the desolate Gobi desert, Mu Cang finally stopped exploring and researching.

After some research, he discovered.

Different from the mercury tribe's nanotechnology that has reached its peak, the unknown alien group that built this spacecraft has to explore the microscopic realm much more deeply.

This makes this pyramid so strong that even Xuyuan, who claims to be the King of Blue Star, cannot destroy or even harm it.

Even if it is as strong as Mu Cang, if you want to destroy it, you can only do it by using the power of your own body.

As primitive people, the Aurora clan naturally didn't know why the pyramid was so hard, and they just used it as a durable aircraft.

But Mu Cang, who has subatomic level spiritual perception, carefully explored the pyramid and found...

It actually uses femtometer-level materials.

Femtometer, also known as Fermi.

One femtometer is equivalent to 10^-1 meter.

Convertedly, femtometer is one million times smaller than the already tiny nanometer scale that people generally know.

Having reached this microscopic level of interference force, it is possible to precisely manipulate atomic nuclei.

It should be noted that the nucleus of an atom is only one hundred billionth of the volume of an atom.

Even though the mercury civilization has gone very far in research in the microscopic field, the entire nanoscale material technology tree has been developed, and it has even begun to get involved in the deeper picometer scale.

But there is still an extremely long distance between femtometres.

Facing the pyramid civilization, the mercury tribe, which can easily destroy the blue star civilization, is as low-level as primitive humans in terms of technological level.

The pyramid is built using a large amount of hydrogen isotope - protium's spiritual crystal nuclei as the basic material, and is made layer by layer.

The number of layers is as many as five digits, and they are all tightly fitted together.

Spirit crystal nucleus?

That's right, it's a protium atomic nucleus that is hundreds of billions times smaller than spirit crystal titanium and spirit crystal carbyne.

That is, spiritual crystalline protons.

Lian Mu Cang found it incredible that this technology, which utilizes spiritual energy down to the level of atomic nuclei, was incredible.

The gap between the two technologies at the micro scale is too big.

In comparison, his techniques for preparing spiritual crystalline matter appear extremely crude.

But in the face of this situation, Mu Cang is not worried but happy, which means that his material technology system will soon be iteratively updated.

But this also means that the density of materials used to build the pyramid is terrifying.

But this seemingly huge pyramid, like a hill, is not as huge as imagined in terms of overall mass.

According to Mu Cang's investigation, its total mass is estimated to be around 100 million tons.

The reason why it is so light is mainly because this pyramid, from the shell to the layers, is made up of a layer of spiritual crystalline protons that is much thinner than a single layer of atoms.

But the seemingly thin spiritual crystal proton layer has tens of thousands of layers superimposed on the microscopic level, so although it is very thin, its strength is invincible in the solar system.

Even the outermost shell layer, which is in direct contact with the outside world, is carefully covered with a thin, multi-textured electromagnetic energy structure layer to increase the friction coefficient so that life forms at the macro level will not slip.

"It's so beautiful."

Mu Cang looked at the crystal rhombuses around him, smiled, and his body disappeared in an instant like light smoke.

At the same time, a space vortex suddenly appeared at the top of the external pyramid, sucking it in with force, and disappeared into the Gobi Desert.

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Thousands of miles away.

At the ruins of the former capital, Mu Cang slowly opened his eyes. He sensed an extremely filthy and dirty power wave that suddenly expanded dozens of times in a short period of time. It was him who kicked the Aurora King into the core of the earth.

at the same time.

"This evil force full of crazy and chaotic emotions..."

Mu Cang asked with deep eyes, "Is it the Juan clan of some deep space evil god?"

He thought of the [original devil] in the original system.

Mu Cang suddenly turned his head and looked to the northeast. That direction was the northernmost tip of the Lighthouse Country - Alaska.

The spiritual power surged and shot out in that direction.

In an instant, he traveled thousands of miles and found a... gray palace?!

No, it looks like a spare building, the area and scale are more than one size smaller.

At this time, a press conference was being held on the large lawn outside the gate of the Little Gray Palace.

The target that Mu Cang found was Commander Tom, who was speaking loudly at the press conference.


The moonlight is bright and the air is cool.

But there was a lot of excitement and excitement on the lawn outside Little Gray Palace in Alaska.

Hundreds of people holding various signs in Beacon, as well as cameras from various TV stations and media platforms in Beacon were arranged neatly, all pointed directly at the stage, holding microphones and shouting loudly and so on.

Commander Tom.

"...God bless the Lighthouse Country!"

"We won this war, we defeated the devil!"

"The lighthouse dream never fades!"

"GMU is a hero beyond human beings, a superman born to save the lighthouse!"

"gmu is sent by God..."


Suddenly, with overwhelming momentum, a god-like figure surrounded by golden light appeared on the stage.


Tom stared blankly at Mu Cang who suddenly appeared, then suddenly turned red and held a microphone in front of Mu Cang, saying in an extremely excited tone:

"Oh, my angel, my Superman! Mr. Superman, who saved the entire Lighthouse Country, you came just in time. Can you talk to all the people of our lovely Lighthouse Country?"

As he spoke, he excitedly stretched out his fingers and pointed downward.

Hundreds of people below also cheered excitedly:


These excited shouts did not move Mu Cang at all.

He still looked coldly towards the audience.

This chapter has been completed!
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