Chapter 193 Collecting flying saucers and descending into the wasteland

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"This is the so-called tractor beam. High-density gravitons are condensed into a beam and emitted, which can generate a high-intensity gravitational field around the object being hit, thereby sucking the object into the launch point."

Feeling the beam of light covering his body, Mu Cang slowly looked up at the huge gray flying saucer as big as a city.

A layer of hard alloy walls simply blocked his vision.

In just an instant, Mu Cang saw the core control room deep inside the flying saucer.

In that pure white hall equipped with a large number of complex machinery, there are several gray aliens with big heads and small bodies. They are using a pair of pure black pointed arc-shaped eyes full of strong arrogance and scrutiny to see tens of thousands of people through the screen.

Look at him from afar.

"Haha, the classic image in American movies, the Gray Man."

Mu Cang slowly raised a finger and pointed it against the tractor beam.

"It's not polite to just shine a light on others."


The direction of the gravitational field in the tractor beam instantly changed direction and was pointed directly at the flying saucer.

Bang bang!

The gray flying saucer suddenly flashed.

The arrogant postures of the few gray people in the control room were shattered into nothing in an instant, and they fell into panic.

Before the Little Grays could panic for two seconds, the huge flying saucer they were in, with a mass of billions of tons, seemed to be grabbed out of thin air by an invisible hand, and it hurtled toward the moon at a high speed.

"Kaji wow?!"


"Qua Ga Haka!"

Before a few flustered and horrified Grays could exchange a few words, the flying saucer had already crossed tens of thousands of kilometers and rumbled towards Mu Cang, who was suspended above the moon.

At this time, something even stranger happened.

As the flying saucer gets closer, its size rapidly becomes smaller.

By the time it touched Mu Cang's palm, the flying saucer had turned into a silver-gray disc the size of a palm, with slightly raised centers at the top and bottom.

At first glance, it looks like a toy model of a highly imitated flying saucer.

After grabbing the flying saucer and opening the entrance to the dimensional pocket, Mu Cang threw it in.

The current dimensional pocket, which has a capacity of celestial bodies, has become a dimensional pocket with hundreds of millions of large, medium and small laboratories, tens of millions of human cloning scientists, countless bionics, robots, and biochemicals under his continuous management and construction.

A super giant scientific research institute dedicated to scientific research and engineering.

A series of Mu Cang's collections are also among them, which are being studied day and night by scientists and technician assistants who are loyal to him to death.

After doing this, he set his sights on the Blue Star 380,000 kilometers away.

Coincidentally, the continental plate that turns to this side of the moon happens to be the North American continent.

Different from other time and space.

In this time and space, the North American continent that appeared under the sweep of Mu Cang's spiritual thoughts was a wasteland that was bombed into ruins by thousands of nuclear bombs at least two centuries ago and has just regained some vitality.

Mu Cang casually grabbed Zhou Guanghu, who was lying in the moon soil, and his figure disappeared in an instant.


Da da da da da da!

The torrent of bullets passed by violently, smashing into pieces a tall, strong, bloated and deformed green-skinned man wearing crude iron armor.

The green flesh and blood was scattered in all directions, but it did not cause panic among the dozen green-skinned muscular weirdos around them. Instead, they were stimulated by the blood and stood up from the ditch one after another, holding the wheel stained with rust and oil with two thick hands.

The machine gun fiercely swept towards dozens of human armed forces standing in the trench a hundred meters away.

After seven or eight of their companions were reduced to a pulp, the remaining humans were so frightened that they quickly buried their heads and hid their entire bodies in the ditch, not daring to fight back at all.




When the dozen green-skinned weirdos saw this scene, they immediately grinned and roared with fangs.

But at this moment, a human-shaped light and shadow appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

He ignored the thousands of bullets that were fired at him and walked towards the Thomas Memorial Hall, which had mostly collapsed in the distance.

Those pitted holes and uneven trenches cannot stop the light and shadow from walking on flat ground.

After those green-skinned weirdos discovered the light man, they immediately hurriedly swept over with their rotating machine guns.

But as soon as they performed this behavior, their bodies froze, and their bodies collapsed in an instant, deforming and reorganizing into big white pigs that were fat and strong, suitable for making all kinds of delicacies.

The human armed forces more than 100 meters in the other direction were stunned and shouted: "My god of atoms, what on earth did I see? The super mutant turned into a pig!"

Ignoring the shouts and screams of these mortals, Mu Cang, whose body's blazing light gradually faded, walked slowly into the empty memorial hall.

Looking up at the famous gray and white statue in front of me - Abraham Lincoln, I felt emotional for a moment.

"It's amazing."

After looking at the statue, Mu Cang turned his gaze and slowly looked across the wide reflecting pool in front of the memorial hall at the tall, neat white obelisk on the grassy square in the distance.

Washington Monument.

Made of marble, the monument is square in shape, with a base width of 22 meters and a height of 169 meters.

A famous landmark building in the United States, a symbol of the United States in a sense.

He suddenly thought of a game he played a long time ago - "Fallout 3".

There is also a Washington Monument inside.

At that time, in order to complete the task of a certain NPC, he also controlled the protagonist Long Wande to climb an obelisk.

The scene in the game is so similar to now.

It’s the same Washington, but it’s also dilapidated.

It's just that one is an illusory game and the other is the real world.

I don’t know what the relationship is between the two.

"The world is like a game, there are always protagonists and supporting characters.

Everyone has imagined when they were young that they are the protagonist of this game, others are just supporting actors in their own performance, and the whole world is their own stage."

Mu Cang felt the thoughts slowly stirring in his heart and said leisurely:

"But when people grow up, they will recognize the reality.

Although people look at it from their own perspective, from the most basic optical perspective, the world is still the first perspective.

But I also realized that I was just a supporting role, just a dying weed on the edge of the background."

Suddenly, an extremely arrogant smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"However, I am different.

The fantasy of my youth will be realized by me.

I am the only protagonist!"

As soon as these words came out, Mu Cang felt that the concept that had been nurturing deep in his heart had grown stronger.

He can clearly feel it.

If the idea that transcends the wish of eternal life is born, the barrier that has been stuck at the peak of the Martial Saint Realm will be shattered in an instant.

The higher level of the four-dimensional martial arts realm of heaven and man will become a smooth road.


Mu Cang held Zhou Guanghu in his hand and slowly squatted down.

This chapter has been completed!
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