Chapter 313: Washing the mind, occupying Nestl

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Leviathan's true body is suspended in the vast void outside the huge painful hell.

'Beneath' it, on the outer layer of the intricate maze of hell, is a huge square that is tens of thousands of times wider than the entire Eurasian continent.

The square is surrounded on all sides by majestic stone walls as tall as rolling mountains.

On these huge and continuous walls, large swathes of strange and abnormal symbols and patterns are engraved irregularly.

Just one look at these twisted and weird symbols will make ordinary people fall into a horrible nightmare and be unable to extricate themselves.

And in the boundless dome above this huge hell square, there are millions of darkness, flames, and blood lights that are closely intertwined but always separated. The circulation and cleansing constantly give people a terrifying and shocking atmosphere.

In this vast, strange and extremely dark sky, there are countless more ferocious-looking skeleton dragons that are constantly flapping their giant wings of gray bones and swooping back and forth.

While flying, these evil creatures exuding dangerous auras continued to make eerie roars and creepy laughter.

Below these evil beasts, the vast square is surrounded by scarlet spiers that are as tall as mountains. The tops of the towers are crackling with balls of pale white flames.

Under the illumination of these clusters of cold firelight, the sharp stones that covered the periphery of the square continued to flash with rays of light as if they were real blades.

Once these twinkling blades of light were born, they shot out in all directions and traveled thousands of miles.

However, they do not hurt people or damage objects.

They will only give the person who is illuminated a horrible pain, like being beheaded and cut off with a thousand cuts.

Just like many places in the human world sprinkle a large amount of perfume to maintain an elegant atmosphere, these sharp-edged lights flying and piercing around the square are the "perfume" of the devils and the "thing" that adjusts the atmosphere.

Their existence ensures that every monk who comes here can fully enjoy the extreme pain of being chopped alive by Ling Chi every minute.

Of course, if some weak-willed mortals come here, they may be chopped to death by the blade in a few seconds, turning into a mutilated corpse.

Crossing the perimeter and entering deeper areas of the square, you can see many petrified skeletons flowing with hot magma.

The streams of magma spurting out from the seven orifices of the skeleton seemed to be alive. While flowing and burning all the time, they were also screaming and howling, as if they were constantly recounting their pain.

They are all innocent souls bound here, constantly suffering from the flames, wailing constantly, conveying their despair and deeper despair to the outside world.

Cross this steaming area and enter deeper into the square.

When you get here, you will see more "living" sculptures than the skeletons just now.

These sculptures have various shapes and shapes, and their postures and gestures are also different.

Some were brutally pierced by sharp spears and sharp blades, some had their faces covered in red molten iron, some were haunted by evil spirits and their bodies were swollen, some were killed by evil spells and were rotten all over, and some were pierced by icicles sliding up and down.

Some had poisonous maggots drilling holes all over their bodies, and some had their waists and intestines pierced by thick wheels...

These 'sculptures' are being tortured by various sadistic techniques all the time but cannot move. Their eyes are full of pain, fear and helplessness.

They all stared closely at the fake bodies of Nail Head and Mu Cang, as if asking them for help and begging them to free themselves.

Of course, Nailhead will not pay attention to these guys. Instead, he will hate iron and think that they don't understand enjoyment.

Of course, Mu Cang didn't have the time to care about these wandering souls.

The two of them passed the silent group of 'sculptures' and continued walking deeper into the square.

After a long time, we finally reached the center of the square after crossing a long distance.

There, a pitch-black ancient palace, hundreds or thousands of times taller than Mount Everest, stood quietly on the ground.

Seen from a distance, this ancient devil's palace, filled with boundless darkness and profound evil, seems to contain all the evil in the world. The sight of it makes people feel depressed and frightened.

At the top of the palace, which towers into the sky, is the lower end of Leviathan's body.

The huge pointed awl penetrated deeply into the palace.

At the same time, Nailhead and Mu Cang were not the only ones who arrived here.

There were thousands of hellish monks with different appearances present, as well as an even larger number of curse disciples.

No one chatted or spoke to anyone, and everyone maintained a suffocating silence.

Suddenly, the door in front of the Demon Palace, which was higher than the mountain, slowly opened.

The sound of opening the door was like an earthquake.

Rumble, rumble!

Seeing that the door had been opened, the many monks waiting outside immediately walked into the hall in groups with the curse disciples.

There was no unnecessary red tape. After everyone entered the empty hall, the end of the Leviathan's pointed cone hanging above the space in the hall immediately twisted and deformed. It suddenly expanded and transformed into tens of thousands of centipede-like flesh and blood tentacles that slowly dropped to the bottom.


At the same time, every curser was brought under a tentacle of flesh and blood by the monks.

They correspond to each other, one at a time.

Gulu gulu——

After a weird squirming sound, smaller tentacles appeared on the surface of all the tentacles, like tentacles composed of blood vessels, bones, tendons and mucous membranes.

At the ends of these tentacles, there are actually various rough and bloody surgical instruments growing.

Knives, tweezers, hammers, screwdrivers, scissors, pliers, needles, hooks... everything is available.

Then, the full-form flesh and blood tentacles unfolded, all fell at the same time, and all the surgical instruments were brutally inserted into the heads of the tens of thousands of poor cursers below.

Among them was the thin prosthetic body that looked ordinary and 'carefully' made by Mu Cang.


Various instruments quickly tore apart the flesh of the cursers and violently drained their blood.

"The temptation brought by the senses is just an illusion..."

Chaotic sounds suddenly echoed through the entire hall.

This is the voice of Leviathan, which seems to be talking to itself and announcing.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Only pain is a living hell..."

The needle is injected with turbid and evil devil's blood, twisting the soul and body of the curser.

"Only pain is the real eternity..."


Accompanied by the weird sucking sound of the needle, Leviathan immediately began to devour all the memories of tens of thousands of curse disciples through thousands of flesh and blood tentacles.


At this time, Mu Cang, who was hidden inside the fleshy fake body, said with a joking smile, "Since you think pain is the real eternity, let me experience... what is eternal pain."


The next second, the sixty-eight billion years of lonely memories contained in the false soul were like a bolt of lightning as black as the starry sky, suddenly rushing into Leviathan's body along the long tentacles of flesh and blood.

In this majestic and vast torrent of memory, a ray of scarlet and black light faintly emerged.


It's like a dark door has opened in his majestic spiritual consciousness.

Leviathan instantly felt as if he had passed through that door and fallen into an extremely narrow prison.

There is no sound or light inside the prison, no physical objects, no life, living or dead.

Only himself.

At the same time, Leviathan's body was also tightly restrained and unable to move, let alone touch or collide with the walls of this prison.

Even his invisible thoughts were strangely imprisoned, unable to carry out any specific imaginative activities.

"Oh, is it the memory of being imprisoned? Indeed, the pain caused by losing freedom is not as painful as the physical damage."

Leviathan's will said curiously, "And the five senses and imagination are also blocked. Is it done through drugs or magic? This kind of technology has actually been developed in the human world today."

As a master of the art of torture, Leviathan instantly understood the pain that this memory from the curser could cause... what it would be.

"Loneliness, loneliness, boredom, boredom, despair...Interesting, so interesting, I have never experienced such extreme pain."

Curiosity aroused, Leviathan began to happily enjoy loneliness and the pain of extreme boredom.

One day, one month, one year.

Leviathan's mind is much stronger than that of Elis, so a year and a half of futile torture can't do anything to him, but can actually make him enjoy it a bit.

Even this extremely rare type of pain makes Leviathan a little bit happy.

So he continued to immerse himself in it and continued to enjoy it.

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years.

During this time, Leviathan was relatively enjoying it at first.

Complete silence, complete nothingness, complete loneliness.

All these gave him a very new feeling of despair.

However, as time passed, Leviathan finally began to get bored.

His body was restrained and unable to move.

Can't see, hear, smell, or touch.

We can only be immersed in absolute ‘great nothingness’.

Even the nothingness that originally brought him every trace of novel and painful feelings began to evolve into a despair that transcended pain.

Two thousand years, five thousand years, ten thousand years.

Leviathan felt very lonely and bored.

I feel lonely to the point of being confused and dizzy, bored to the point of confusion, and unable to concentrate on thinking or even imagining.

Leviathan was extremely confused: "Why does this curser's memory last so long? How can humans have such a long lifespan? What is going on? How long will it take to get through this memory?"

Confusion is useless, because of his innate devilish characteristics, he cannot 'return' to the outside world before he has 'enjoyed' these memories.

Twenty thousand years, fifty thousand years, one hundred thousand years.

Leviathan is close to madness.

This extreme loneliness and boredom made him unbearable.

Leviathan tried to escape from this situation, but in the end... he found that there was no way to escape.

His senses and body were tightly bound, his thoughts and imagination were tightly imprisoned, and he was unable to do anything at all.

I can only passively and helplessly endure this loneliness.

"How long will it take?!"

Two hundred thousand years, half a million years, one million years.

The void years, which are nearly two hundred times as long as the history of human civilization, have almost completely polished off Leviathan's entire mind.

He could only recall his past over and over again, recalling those beautiful memories in which he toyed with millions of people and tortured millions of sentient beings.

Leviathan saw his 'former' subordinates and slaves, saw his 'former' glory and power, and saw his 'former' territory, the magnificent hell of pain.

But these...have left him at this moment.

Now he is just a poor imprisoned man.

Leviathan used to be a being full of 'energy' and 'enthusiasm', but now it can only endure endless loneliness and despair.

Is it painful?

Of course it's painful.

Although Leviathan is an existence that pursues all kinds of extreme pain.

But when this pain itself has been experienced for too long, it has become too boring, boring or even nihilistic.

Then pain has become something terrifying beyond itself——


An absolute void that cannot be filled with any memories, feelings or desires.

Two million years, five million years, ten million years.

The hole in the depths of the soul is getting bigger and bigger, and Leviathan's rationality and intelligence are getting thinner and thinner.

He even felt that his body no longer belonged to him, and that his soul no longer belonged to him.

Leviathan has... begun to lose himself.

He couldn't even distinguish between himself... and this prison of nothingness.

Leviathan feels that his life is meaningless and has no value at all.

He tried his best to recall that he seemed to be in the memory of someone else named "The Curse".


No, no, no, no.

Leviathan felt as if he was this memory, and he was this prison.

He couldn't tell the difference anymore.

Leviathan even felt that his immortal body and spirit were slowly collapsing.

But he actually had some expectations.

He looks forward to the end of his life.

Because Leviathan... can no longer bear this terrifying emptiness and nothingness.

Twenty million years, fifty million years, one hundred million years.

During this long period of billions of years, Leviathan gradually began to lose all his knowledge and consciousness.

His thoughts gradually disappeared, and his memory became vague and illusory.

Leviathan doesn't know who he is or what experiences he has had.

He could only feel endless loneliness and despair.

The purpose of his birth into the world seems to be to endure this eternal loneliness and nothingness.

He is just a tiny particle... dominated by absolute emptiness.

Two hundred million years, five hundred million years, one billion years.

Leviathan no longer has any reaction or awareness.

Both the knowledge of oneself and the outside world have completely disappeared.

He couldn't feel the passage of time.

No, he no longer has the concept of 'feeling'.

There is no longer even ‘him’…or in other words, there is no longer the concept of ‘self’.

Almost like an empty shell, an empty shell that contains nothing.

Two billion years, five billion years, ten billion years.

The empty shell named ‘Leviathan’ has also gradually been consumed by the vast years.

Only a few 'residues' are left, still hanging quietly in the prison of nothingness.

Twenty billion years, thirty billion years, fifty billion years.

Finally, 68 billion years of nothingness finally came to an end.

And in this empty prison of nothingness, there is nothing.

No thinking, no consciousness, no memory... everything is empty.

Hua Hua Hua——

Nothingness collapses, the void disappears.

Over the painful hell, Leviathan suddenly stopped all movements.

His body still exists, and so does his soul, which is powerful enough to destroy the entire world.

But the spiritual will and thinking consciousness contained in the soul have disappeared.

At this moment, deep in Leviathan's soul, a ray of blood-red and black light suddenly appeared.

"Hehehehe, hahahahahaha."

Accompanied by extremely joyful laughter, the blood-black light slowly dispersed, revealing Mu Cang's vague and invisible figure.

As soon as he appeared, it instantly expanded and cracked, creating countless dense black chains.

Whoosh whoosh!!

Thousands of chains shot through the air, like ferocious poisonous snakes that opened their mouths to spit out messages, piercing the void in all directions, piercing into every structure of Leviathan's soul, both inside and outside.


In an instant, Leviathan's body began to tremble violently.

The tens of thousands of transforming curse disciples in the Ancient Demon Hall instantly exploded into blood, and the thousands of monks also retreated in horror, not knowing why the Lord God of Hell was angry.

Little did they know that Leviathan, which had ruled the painful hell for countless thousands of years, had been completely taken over by an even more terrifying existence...

This chapter has been completed!
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