Chapter 356 Earths Past, Poincars Return

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Earth, at the end of the 20th century, the country of Cathay has successively overcome various difficulties in technologies such as room-temperature superconductors, wireless energy transmission, and controllable nuclear fusion.

So overnight, the entire Sinian society ushered in an unprecedented energy revolution.

In the years that followed, the brilliant brilliance ignited by nuclear fusion greatly promoted the development and innovation of Sinian in many fields such as basic physics, engineering, materials science, and semiconductors.

As a result, various high and new technologies such as fusion energy aero engines, fluid-free propulsion engines, graphene chips, 6G communication networks, practical quantum computers, cheap anti-tumor drugs, brain-computer interfaces, etc. have been gradually developed.

The widespread use of these new things and new technologies has completely revolutionized the entire social system of Cathay and brought the dawn of a new era.

Therefore, in the following decades, Sinian Kingdom also logically completed multiple comprehensive upgrades of the entire industrial chain.

At the same time, during this period of time, nuclear fusion energy, an extremely cheap, sustainable, large-scale clean energy, was also promoted globally by the Sinian Kingdom, step by step, overthrowing the power of limited energy sources such as oil, coal, and natural gas.

Resource-based fossil fuel energy system.

During the entire process of the collapse of the old system and the erection of the new system, the whole world was inevitably filled with the strong smell of gunpowder and the "labor pains" filled with the smell of blood.

Because as the core of a civilization, the change of the energy system will inevitably involve the change of the world's highest 'discourse power' or...the sole hegemony.

Therefore, during this period, the huge old economic system that relied on the fossil energy system on a global scale, as well as the various countries built around the old system, inevitably had many conflicts with the Kingdom of Sinian involving all levels of society.

High-intensity disputes.

There are disputes in the industrial field, there are disputes in the economic field, there are disputes in the cultural field, there are disputes in the aerospace field, there are also disputes at the level of human race, gender, belief and philosophy.

There are even fierce disputes over ideologies and social systems, as well as the most direct and brutal hot wars in the air, sky, earth, and sea.

After all parties paid a huge price and suffered a large number of casualties, the final result was the tragic disintegration of the old-era overlord and its many vassal states.

The Kingdom of Cathay, on the other hand, established the United Earth Government, or the Alliance of Earth Civilizations, with itself as the main body and various countries around the world as the subsidiary, standing on the "remains" of many giants in the old era.

But at this time, as the early to mid-21st century approaches, extreme weather events such as sudden rises and falls in temperature, sudden increases and decreases in precipitation, heavy rains, floods, droughts, storms, etc. suddenly occurred around the world.

The frequent occurrence of these extreme weather has had an extremely serious impact on the world's economy, transportation, agriculture, industry and social development, as well as people's daily lives.

Especially after the growth of global crops has been seriously affected, it has directly led to a huge reduction in global food production, thus triggering worldwide food shortages and even regional famines.

Although it has not reached the situation at the end of ancient feudal society where people were hungry and could eat each other, there were still many human tragedies that occurred.

Before human society could take a breath, large-scale migration of plant species occurred all over the world, as well as the degradation of nature's regulatory power, the loss of a large amount of biodiversity in various natural areas, and even the destruction of the entire natural ecosystem.

Inexplicable imbalance and total collapse.

As the saying goes, if there is a major disaster, there must be a major epidemic.

Under the dual impact of severe climate anomalies and ecosystem collapse, even the transmission patterns of many diseases in nature have undergone significant changes.

Even many pathogens themselves have undergone various unknown mutations, which in turn has caused great harm to the health and life of the entire human society.

As a result, during the entire twenty years since the Alliance of Earth Civilizations was established, the mortality rate of the global population remained high.

Especially the mortality rate among middle-aged and elderly people is hitting new highs every year.

On the contrary, the birth rate of newborn babies is plummeting every year.

What's even more terrible is that many scientists working on human genome deciphering and research projects within the Alliance of Earth Civilization's Supreme Academy of Sciences have discovered that the most important gene loss slowing mechanism in the Y chromosome of human cells, the palindromic sequence, has inexplicably lost its effectiveness.

This means that the Y chromosome, which has no homologous recombination ability, will continue to lose its own genes in the process of reproduction and genetic replication in each generation, and it cannot be alleviated at all. In the end, it will only become smaller and smaller or even disappear completely.

With full of fear and uneasiness, scientists later compared the genetic status of newborns born every year in the twenty years since the establishment of the Earth Alliance.

After a large amount of data research and comparison, they were horrified to find that the Y chromosome's "shrinking" from generation to generation, or the rate of intergenerational "shrinking", was continuing to accelerate for no reason.

Later, after summarizing a large amount of relevant data and conducting detailed calculations and simulations, the anxious scientists came to a conclusion that made them fearful and speechless:

If twenty-five years is taken as one generation, then it will only take two centuries and eight generations for the Y chromosome to completely disappear from all human cells.

Although the only important factors that really determine whether a human is male are SRY, Sox9 and other key genes in the Y chromosome, the rest only exist to stabilize the chromosome structure.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, it is completely possible to transfer and splice all these key genes into the X chromosome structure, and the expression and presentation of genes will not be delayed.

But a theory is just a theory after all.

It is too difficult to achieve this effect.

If the Earth Alliance fails to develop strong enough gene editing technology capabilities and capabilities in the past two hundred years to ensure the safe transfer of all key male genes on different chromosomes on the planet, as well as the subsequent perfect splicing,

And the expression of the most important genetic traits.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! So in two hundred years, unless all humans on the earth can suddenly evolve into parthenogenetic species, or humans find other new ways of reproduction, otherwise

Humanity on earth will... become extinct.

With a heavy heart, the scientists jointly submitted this thick research report to many senior officials of the Earth Alliance.

The senior executives, who were already exhausted physically and mentally due to many affairs and problems inside and outside the alliance and on the earth, were immediately stunned and frightened by this research report from the Supreme Academy of Sciences.

Y chromosome disappears? Two hundred years?

Is this a science fiction movie? mankind so full of disasters?!

They hurriedly began to organize high-end scientific conferences, inviting a large number of top scholars closely related to the topic and even experts in unrelated fields to jointly discuss this serious issue.

Specific solutions or reliable solutions.

Unfortunately, after many meetings and discussions, everyone found that... there was no concrete plan or reliable ideas at all.

Because with the current technical level of the Earth Alliance, there is basically no particularly effective and reliable way to solve this problem.

At this very moment, many astronomers and astrophysicists from the Supreme Academy of Sciences also reported a major discovery to the top leaders of the alliance.

This discovery is:

After integrating a large amount of observational data and conducting detailed simulation calculations, many scientists have determined that the core of the sun has begun to age rapidly for unknown reasons.

In other words, the sun that shines on mankind is about to undergo a brief runaway thermonuclear fusion that will only occur in the red giant stage billions of years later...that is, a helium flash.

The so-called helium flash is a sign that a star has entered its old age and is also its final glory in the main sequence star stage.

Essentially, the hydrogen element in the core of the star is burned out, and then the helium element, which is heavier than hydrogen, will fall into the core of the sun under the influence of gravity, replacing the original hydrogen element.

At the same time, the nucleation of helium is much more violent than that of hydrogen, and the energy released is also greater.

In order to maintain the balance of gravity and pressure during this process, the volume of the sun will expand rapidly.

After the helium flash, the activity on the surface of the sun will become more intense and more intense radiation will be released.

The most important thing is that the extremely inflated sun may even engulf the entire earth's orbit.

As for the earth's civilization and all human beings involved in this... they may be evaporated in a very short time.

At the same time, other scholars from the Supreme Academy of Sciences also seriously pointed out that after integrating a large amount of data, including data on changes in the human Y chromosome, data on changes in the earth's internal and external magnetic fields, data on changes in the solar magnetic field, and changes in the frequency of solar light.

They speculate that the various disasters that have occurred on Earth in the past two decades, including abnormalities in the human Y chromosome, are most likely related to the extremely rapid aging at the core of the hot sun that is hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

In other words, it is the sun that has quietly undergone drastic changes, and its abnormal stellar magnetic field and light radiation have caused all of this.

"The experiences of earth civilization in the last era feel... very similar to the background story of the movie "The Wandering Earth".

Although the country of China in the movie is indeed not as powerful as the country of Cathay, it can actually unify the world.

Well, then these humans in Cathay should have experienced certain events before they became the Hungry Gods.

Otherwise, with their technical level which is far behind the most rudimentary interstellar civilization, no matter how hard they try, it will be impossible to solve this kind of civilization disaster involving the internal changes of the sun."

Mu Cang thought long and hard as he flipped through the sea of ​​information compiled from all the memories of the Hungry God Clan, " will take only a few years to develop a general-purpose controllable nuclear fusion technology, and it will be available in the mid-21st century."

Global unification has been roughly completed... This does seem a bit too fast."

This suddenly reminded him of an anime he had watched in his previous life... "Leap to the Top".

What impressed Mu Cang most about that anime was that in its plot setting, human civilization on earth was able to master the technology of super-light space navigation in the early 21st century.

Simply outrageous.

By the way, in this vast sea of ​​information, Mu Cang has definitely discovered that the Hungry God clan was the human civilization on earth in the Orion spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy in the last cosmic epoch before the birth of this universe.

That period of time is no longer known to have passed hundreds of billions, trillions or even longer.

"Well, after all, it is the earth's civilization in the last era. Its nature is very different from that of parallel time and space, so no matter what happens, it is possible."

Mu Cang, who was as huge as a cosmic giant, sat firmly in the boundless void, thinking quietly, "But... why did earth civilization also appear in the last era? And culture, race, history, and even various entertainment elements

...Movies, animations, games, and music are all so similar or even the same, why is that? Could it be... Poincaré's return?"

The so-called Poincaré regression or Poincaré recurrence is essentially a mathematical theorem rather than a physical law that needs to be verified.

As far as the Poincaré regression theorem itself is concerned, it has little to do with whether the universe can be reproduced.

The important reason that allows them to be connected is that certain physical laws and rules of the objective reality universe happen to meet the conditions for the establishment of Poincaré's regression theorem.

However, similar phenomena do exist in the field of physics, and they have also been given the name 'Poincaré'.

That is to say: a limited closed isolated material motion system that is not affected by external forces must undergo periodic cyclic internal motion.

This is called the [Initial State Recurrence Theorem], also known as Poincaré's Regression Theory.

In addition, M theory also predicts phenomena similar to Poincaré regression:

M theory believes that the universe can emerge spontaneously from nothingness.

Even if the universe continues its current trend of infinite cooling and rarefaction, it will be diluted to the point where all baryonic matter falls into black holes and is converted into Hawking radiation.

In the future space that is extremely far away and close to the quantum vacuum, a quantum-scale universe can randomly emerge again and explode into a new universe.

And M theory believes that this kind of emergence can occur any number of times.

At the same time, in any given limited large-scale universe, the combination of matter, energy, and information is limited.

Then based on the previous conclusions and applying the speculation of the Poincaré regression phenomenon, a new summary conclusion can be derived:

That is, if the real universe where Mu Cang lives obeys the M theory and the initial state recurrence theorem, then it can happen, and any number of Poincaré regressions can occur.

And after it happens enough times, the speed of light can be the same in the universe between two times, chemical bonds can be re-established according to the distance between atoms, the Milky Way can reappear, and human civilization... can also be born again.

This chapter has been completed!
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