Chapter 392 God of PUA, modify attributes

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Mu Cang casually swung a huge bright white blade and swept it away, turning hundreds of royal players who were unable to dodge into ashes.

After that, he raised his eyes and glanced at the majestic buildings thousands of meters away in front of him, whose surfaces were covered with electronic neon glow. He smiled slightly and raised his palms to the sky.

The next second, the sky roared.

A hot meteorite suddenly appeared in the sky. As Mu Cang waved his hand, it suddenly fell from the sky and hit the towering buildings in the distance.


There was a huge earthquake in the ground, and the entire building complex was suddenly hit by meteorites until it collapsed and shattered, turning into ashes.

Then, countless tons of crushed lime slag rumbled and covered the surrounding area.

"The players in this base should be almost dead."

Looking around at the vast ruins, Mu Cang turned around and flew into the air, heading towards the outskirts of the base.

There is no value here anymore. He is going to the next royal base to find a resurrection point so that he can study the rules of the game.

In fact, although Mu Cang is still unable to truly interfere with the underlying operating rules of the game.

But after all, after knowing so much and studying so much, Mu Cang was still able to reveal some of the abilities that this body already possesses but were obscured by the bright game.

For example, a weaker telekinetic field, a weaker hypnosis and consciousness interference ability, a weaker energy projection ability, a weaker advanced sensory ability, a weaker physical reaction interference ability, a weaker space interference ability, etc.

Although the magnitude of these abilities are currently very weak, at best they can kill through modern industrial civilization.

Not to mention evaporating the ocean and drying up the earth's surface, this little ability is far from even the low-level weaponry of penetrating the earth's crust and blasting through the atmosphere.

But just like the broken window effect, as long as there is a crack in the shielding of the brilliant game, as time goes by, this crack will inevitably become larger and larger, and the magnitude of Mu Cang's abilities will inevitably increase sharply, all the way to the level of overlord.

Up to level.

When the time comes, no profession, no level, no skills will be as good as the Galaxy Overlord's Star-Exploding Punch.

call out--

Mu Cang galloped thousands of meters in one step, passing over mountains of ruins.

But at this moment, his transcendental perception suddenly caught an extremely subtle spiritual fluctuation coming from below.


Mu Cang immediately turned upside down and kicked the air in front of him.


After a loud noise, he immediately stopped and floated in the sky, then looked down carefully.

With careful perception, Mu Cang felt that this wave was so weak that it was even several orders of magnitude weaker than the wave emitted by the mission NPC in Cangyan City.

If he had just entered the brilliant game, he would not have noticed such a weak fluctuation at all.

But after in-depth study of the operating rules hidden "behind" the game world, Mu Cang's transcendental perception became more sensitive to changes in various things and phenomena in the game.

Therefore, to Mu Cang at this time, this wisp of fluctuation was almost as clear as looking at the lines on the palm of his hand.

Out of curiosity, he turned around and flew towards the direction where the wave of waves came from.

call out--

The wind howled.

After flying a few hundred meters, a three-story silver-gray low building with a slightly cyberpunk style appearance and neon signs hanging below appeared in Mu Cang's field of vision.


Landed hard on the ground.

"here it is……"

Mu Cang looked up at the signboard, which read: [Old Li's Weapons Shop]

The second line of text: [Our store mainly sells super weapons]

Below this line of words there is a column of small words: [Excellence in workmanship, craftsmanship in mind, quality in conduct, innovation in innovation]


Mu Cang smiled and said, "It turns out to be a high-tech weapons shop."


Suddenly, transcendental perception jumped and 'told' him a ray of information:

[Using emotional stimulation methods to awaken the self-awareness and spiritual cognition of NPCs in the store may cause local instability in the brilliant game, and then allow further insights into the game's operating rules and basic structure of the game]

Obviously, after possessing a large amount of information about the rules and structure of the game, due to this spiritual fluctuation, transcendental perception secretly 'saw' a path to explore and interfere with the operation of the game more deeply.

"In this case, some NPCs in the brilliant game may be created using the soul consciousness of living people."

Mu Cang tilted his head slightly and looked at the electronic door in front of him, "To stimulate emotions? Is it to use the violent fluctuations of emotions as a trigger to activate the spirituality in the soul to wake up from slumber, so as to cause problems in the operation of the brilliant game.

Haha, interesting, but... the most stimulating way to stimulate a person's spirit is to hurt him, to hurt him completely."

"As for the specific method of injury..."

He pondered quietly, "Let's use the Vasak cross-examination method."

After pondering, Mu Cang stepped forward to open the door and walked into the store with a scrutinizing gaze.


As soon as he entered the door, he saw in the relatively spacious central hall of the store. There was a man with a dignified appearance wearing thick goggles. He had a naked and fat upper body covered with scattered metal components. There were two pairs of mechanical slender arms on each shoulder.

A bald, strong man was standing beside a square table made of silicon crystal, concentrating on playing with an unidentified machine that emitted a blue light and had been mostly disassembled.

When the bald man saw a customer coming into the shop, his eyes immediately lit up and he grinned brightly and said: "Welcome, I am a super-skilled man who has served the Royal Guild Pixiu Military Base for a full thousand years.

Weapons blacksmith Lao Li Tou."

Mu Cang did not reply immediately, but looked him up and down quietly.

To the naked eye, Lao Li is just an ordinary NPC.

But the spiritual fluctuations that can be sensed by transcendental perception at all times are emanating from his body irregularly.

Mu Cang walked to Lao Li with his hands behind his back and suddenly asked: "Are you selling weapons here?"

"Haha, we don't sell ordinary cold weapons or hot weapons here. I sell super weapons with various functional plug-ins attached."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Lao Li raised his hand and took off his goggles and said with a hearty smile, "I can buy light hunters, mineral collectors, ice swordsmen, and interstellar knights here.

Deep space explorer, space miner, interstellar snitch, storm blader, interstellar explorer, star sea postman, star magistrate, gun butcher... a total of 135 professions, all development directions, all trend routes, all within 100 levels

Conventional super weapons."

"Oh, it's quite complete, not bad."

Mu Cang looked at the super weapon vending machines neatly arranged on both sides of the store, and asked casually, "By the way, who did you learn this weapon forging skill from?"

"This is it."

Lao Li smiled proudly, "If you want to talk about this, you can talk about it."

"Oh, then I'm all ears." Mu Cang smiled lightly.

"Hey, my master is Master Titanium Bone, the number one super weapon craftsman in the Star Sea. He is the person with the strongest skills in forging super weapons among billions of galaxies and countless planets in the entire universe! So as his apprentice, old Charlie, I am the one who is responsible for this whole process.

The person with the best super weapon forging skills in the commercial and living area of ​​the base!"

"Master Titanium Bones?"

Mu Cang seemed to have thought of something, and said, "I once met a fat man with a steel face and mechanical prosthetics on Cangyan Star. This fat man was a bit arrogant. He said that he was also the apprentice of Master Titanium Bone, the number one craftsman in Xinghai.

I don’t know if you... recognize this person."

Lao Li frowned and thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, maybe I've been away from the school for too long, and I've forgotten many people and things, so I don't have much impression of the person you mentioned...


"All right."

Mu Cang raised his eyebrows slightly and asked again, "So, what is your name?"

Lao Li shrugged his shoulders and said matter-of-factly: "As you said, what else can you call me? My name is Lao Li. You can also call me Lao Li Tou."

"I mean...your name, name! word!"

Mu Cang narrowed his eyes slightly and added an accent on the words 'name' and 'character', "There's no way your parents would have named you Lao Li when you were born."

"Uh..." Lao Li was stunned for a moment, then smiled heartily and said, "Everyone calls me Lao Li Tou."

Upon hearing this specious answer, Mu Cang did not ask any more questions, but just raised the corners of his mouth slightly and looked down at the dazzling array of weapons hanging on the surrounding walls.

After a few seconds, he turned around and looked at Lao Li's ridiculous movements, which had been fiddling a few centimeters above the unknown machine without touching the surface of the machine at all, and asked again: "What are you selling?"

All the super weapons are forged by yourself, right?"

"Of course." Lao Li nodded again as he was busy.

"This one too?"

Mu Cang suddenly pointed at the unknown machine emitting blue light on the crystal square table, "It doesn't look like a sword, nor an axe, nor an armor or a gun, and you've been playing around with it without actually touching it once.

I'm curious, what are you playing with?"

"Uh...I..." Lao Li was stunned for a moment, and his outstretched hand froze in the air.

"What? No more modifications?" Mu Cang tilted his head and looked at him with a smile, "What kind of weapon do you want to modify it into?"

Lao Li lowered his head and looked at the irregular-shaped shimmering machine on the square table, then looked at his hands, and said a little confused: "I want to modify it into...Modify it into...what?"

He scratched his head and looked confused: "Strange, I...can't remember."

"How long have you been standing here playing with this thing?" Mu Cang asked calmly.


Lao Li said blankly, "I seem to have been standing here all the time..."

"A thousand years?" Mu Cang raised his eyebrows slightly.

" seems..."

"Do you have a wife?" Mu Cang interrupted him and asked.


Lao Li was refreshed, his expression changed instantly, and he said with a smile: "I have a wife and a son."

Mu Cang nodded: "Well, then where are they?"

"My home is in Lianhu Town, and I have to send money back every month."

"Oh, where is Lianhu Town?"

"Lianhu Town, Lianhu Town is...Lianhu Town is right...right..." Old Li thought hard.

Mu Cang smiled gently: "Which planet is Lianhu Town on? Which city is it on? Do you still remember it?"

Lao Li frowned, raised his head, and said hesitantly: "I...I couldn't remember it for a moment. Uh,'s because I'm too tired."

"Well, okay." Mu Cang crossed his arms with a noncommittal expression, "You should love your wife and son very much, right?"

"of course."

Speaking of this, tenderness appeared on Lao Li's rough face, "Isn't it just for them that I work so hard? As a man, I work hard all my life for my wife and children, hehehehe."

Speaking of this, he smiled sheepishly.

"Very good." Mu Cang nodded and suddenly asked, "So what is your wife's name, and what is your son's name...?"

"Oh, my wife's name is... her name is... her name is..."

Lao Li suddenly froze, with confusion in his eyes.

"Where's your son's name?" Mu Cang continued to ask.

"I...I...I can't remember." Lao Li looked at Mu Cang and replied blankly.

"Your surname is Li, so you should remember your father's name."


Lao Li shook his head slowly without saying a word, but the confused and frightened look in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Suddenly he looked up helplessly, looked at Mu Cang and said: "That's it, I, my wife and children are still waiting for me to send money to them. If there is no money, they will not be able to survive and they will starve to death."

,So I……"

"Oh, yes, they need money to live."

Listening to the other party's somewhat confused words, Mu Cang walked to him with his hands behind his back and sighed, "So do you still remember the last time you went out to send money...when was it?"


At some point, Lao Li knelt down, covered his head and said blankly, "I... don't really remember."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "So, have you ever walked out of the door of this store? Even once?" Mu Cang said calmly as he looked at the various weapons hanging on the wall.

"...It seems...I seem to..."

Lao Li raised his head and murmured, "It seems that I have this store. It seems that I have never been out."

"Yes, you have never been out, you have never been out, so how will your wife and son live for the past thousand years? Have they... already starved to death?" Mu Cang

said softly.

This sentence was very gentle, but it made Lao Li's whole body tremble and his hands and feet tremble.

At this time, Mu Cang suddenly turned around, stared into Lao Li's eyes, and said slowly: "You have been staying in this small shop, working all the time, pretending to work, and pretending to play with the pieces on the table.

I don’t even know what kind of machine it is.”

"Actually, you don't have a name at all!"

"You don't have a wife or a son at all!"

Mu Cang said in a low tone: "You don't have parents, brothers or sisters either."

"You don't even have a home, not even a small, warm home of your own."

"You haven't even gone out and seen what the outside world is like."


Lao Li frowned tightly, raised his head and stared blankly at the door, wondering what he was thinking.

Mu Cang approached him and said in a deep voice: "You have been here, pretending to be working in the shop. You said that you are the apprentice of the first craftsman in Xinghai, but you have been forging for a whole thousand years and you have not been able to make anything.

A weapon!"

As soon as these words came out, Lao Li's body went limp as if he had been struck by lightning, and he collapsed on the ground.

His eyes were filled with extreme confusion, and he stammered: "It's not like this, it's impossible, how is it possible... I... what on earth... am I...?!"


A dim aura deep in the virtual intelligence of Lao Li's NPC body flashed suddenly!

His spirituality was activated by Mu Cang.

Pieces of memorized information emerged quickly in Lao Li's mind.

This also made his eyes become more energetic and deeper.

Old Li looked at Mu Cang and murmured: "I remembered, I am not Old Li, my name is... Leng Yanwu, I am the founder of the Eastern Empire of Pangu Star! I am... the founder of the Royal Guild



The operation of the brilliant game in this area suddenly fell into instability.

The scene in the entire store suddenly blurred, and at the same time, an extremely strong turbulent flow of imaginary matter suddenly erupted.

The intensity of the explosion of this imaginary material flow was even more intense than when the previous resurrection point was destroyed.


Feeling the deep streams of imaginary matter sliding past his side, Mu Cang's eyes flickered, and his transcendental perception suddenly jumped up and swept in all directions.


Under the unabashed and unscrupulous sweep of transcendental perception, the distortion of the surrounding game scenes becomes even more severe.

The floors and walls inside the store have all become illusory.

Instead, there is a vast expanse of empty, dark void and turbid currents.

It's as if this place has suddenly traveled to the thirty-third outer heaven.

Mu Cang even looked up and could 'see' that the sky outside the shop was no longer a blue sky and white sun, but an endless, dark and infinite void.

" the true appearance of this world!"


Mu Cang's eyes flashed, "I saw the... deepest part of "Brilliant Game"!"

In the strange vision brought by transcendental perception, there are many imaginary substances, quasi-particles, four-dimensional pure energy, and five-dimensional pure energy that are similar to electronic programs, but are far more complex and subtle than that, covering and superimposing each other.

The knotted and assembled 'circuit' configuration lingers and curls up in everything around the universe.

The air, fire, gravel, broken soil, Lao Li... everything has traces of these 'lines'. It can even be said that all these things... are composed of these 'lines'.

As for the so-called quasiparticles, they are not the kind of physical particles such as electrons, photons, etc. that ordinary people understand and recognize.

They are generated from the interaction between a large number of elementary particles, and they are physical phenomena that show the characteristics of particles as they are born and destroyed.

For example, phonons are the most common quasiparticles in solids.

In crystals, atoms are regularly arranged to form a three-dimensional lattice structure. They oscillate collectively like being linked by springs, and then carry heat and sound through the material.

Phonons are the quasiparticles corresponding to this oscillation mode.

In solid materials, electrons determine the conductivity of the material, and phonons determine the speed of sound propagation in the material.

Just as photons are quantized electromagnetic waves, phonons can also be regarded as quantized sound waves.

"This is... the underlying operating logic circuit of "Brilliant Game"! It actually... uses quasi-particles, a physical phenomenon without entities, as the architectural substrate, intertwining imaginary matter and four- and five-dimensional pure energy in extremely complex rules and sequences.

Overlay on top of it, and finally encapsulated to form countless unit circuits with countless logical operation rules."

Mu Cang murmured, "So Coo... can actually 'sculpt' insubstantial physical phenomena. Haha, dimensional artist, you are really amazing."


Transcendental perception is like a pair of hands from a higher dimension, touching and caressing these obscure and weird logical operation unit lines under his will.

With the touch, these logical lines are also changing rapidly, and at the same time, the surrounding things are also changing.

Taking advantage of this drastic change that violated the rules of the game, Mu Cang tried to use his transcendental perception to interfere with himself and the rules running 'behind' the player interface.


At this moment, a strange force emerged from the dark and boundless void around him, tightly wrapping the awakened Lao Li...or Leng Yanwu, and began to quickly eliminate the sparkle, wisdom and aura in his eyes.

But in an instant, this power disappeared, and Lao Li's eyes became lively again.

At the same time, the illusory and chaotic scene around him also returned to normal.

He looked up at Mu Cang beside him and said with a hearty smile:

"Welcome, I am Old Li Tou, a super-skilled super weapon forger who has served the Royal Guild Pixiu Military Base for a full thousand years."

"Interesting, has the NPC's spirituality been suppressed again?"

Mu Cang chuckled lightly and looked at his player interface.

Most of the content there has not changed, only the column of skill points... has changed to 10086 points.

This chapter has been completed!
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