Chapter 532 The delusion of chaos, whipping reality

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The observation or observation behavior of chaotic computing is not just about what is seen, but what the objective world is transformed into.?

What is the meaning of this statement?

Very simple.

That is, when chaotic computing observes the objective world, it not only obtains a certain state of the objective world, but also destroys the intrinsic state of the observed target.

In other words, under the power of chaotic calculation, Mu Cang's subjective behavior called "capturing the answer".

It can be said that it has clearly and even profoundly interfered with the original natural state of the infinite objective world.

As a result, the real world, which was originally evolving harmoniously and naturally, was seriously disturbed and destroyed.?

If we talk about it in detail.

That is, when the result of Mu Cang's request is weakly related to himself, the result information he obtains will tend to be more inclined to the true nature of the incident.

If the fruit Mu Cang seeks is strongly related to himself, then the result information he obtains will tend to be beneficial to his own truth.

As a result, the phenomena, events or things deduced by it will undergo significant changes, and the direction of evolution will be extremely inclined to Mu Cang himself.

Note that it is a 'tendency', which is approximately equal to, not completely equal to.

Therefore, whenever Mu Cang deduces something, as long as chaos calculation is involved, the events or things he deduces will inevitably undergo various changes, big or small.

There are often no strict rules to follow for the direction and extent of this change.

In other words, Mu Cang's use of this magical ability cannot be said to be like an arm and a finger.

It can even be said that this ability... He himself used it in a confused manner.

Perhaps this is also caused by the a priori and transcendent nature of the chaotic computing power.

After all, Mu Cang is just an [experience] thing.

Not only Him, but all intelligent beings and almost all phenomena are only [experience] things.

It is a ‘thing’ that can be summarized, studied, summarized and counted.

At the same time, Mu Cang also discovered the fragmented information emitted by Chaos Calculation.

In fact, all along, when He was operating to destroy delusion and chaos, the intelligent universe would also be operating along with it.

Because the intelligent universe is the presentation of His entire thinking system.

Therefore, what really occupies the main force of deduction has always been the intelligent universe and a part of the delusion-breaking consciousness, rather than chaotic calculations.

"If you can observe it, you can intervene."

Mu Cang himself said this sentence countless times.

However, he has never realized the true role of chaos calculation.

The so-called not knowing the true face of Mount Lu is just because I am in this mountain.

This can also be regarded as a kind of intellectual disability.

Therefore, Mu Cang failed to deduce the answers to many questions clearly many times, but it was not because he could not figure it out clearly, but because he could not perfectly 'capture' the results he wanted.

Generally speaking, as Mu Cang learns more about a certain phenomenon, event or thing.

Then the result of chaos calculation forcing this phenomenon, event or thing to appear will be more and more inclined to Him.

After thoroughly understanding the characteristics of chaotic calculation, Mu Cang suddenly understood.

The real answer or main reason for all the mysteries and confusions I have experienced along the way... should be caused by chaotic calculations.

In other words, it was because he used chaos calculations too many times that he inadvertently 'created' many mysteries that even he himself could not understand.

For example, in the brilliant game, Mu Cang was able to use the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow plug-in that was created based on various loopholes in the game's rules.

Let the "Speed ​​Run Strategy" of the order of magnitude True Aleph be born and loaded into the storage column that is obviously only a limited number of levels. (See Chapter 407 for details)

I would like to ask, in a 'container' whose volume is completely smaller than true infinity, in a dazzling game that is completely smaller than true infinity, how can infinity be born? How can it be possible to hold infinity?

This completely illogical situation is exactly the result of chaotic calculations.

It is it that indescribably creates the great infinity amidst the insignificant limitations.

In other words, that chaotic calculation...has the terrifying power of being able to reach from the "unreasonable" level from a limited level to an infinite level.

"So in the future, if I want to advance to the realm of real infinity, the core key..."

Mu Cang thought quietly, "Maybe it will fall on this chaotic calculation...or it will fall on the unknown ability born from the fusion of chaos and delusion."

He had a vague intuition that his guess might be correct.

The reason is simple.

Since chaos calculation can turn the "Speed ​​Run Guide" into Aleph's zero order of magnitude, then why can't he also be upgraded to the level of real infinity.

It should be possible, it's not too difficult, just lift it up to him with a 'whoosh'.

It's a pity, that's what I think.

But when He used this chaotic calculation, he always used it in a confused manner.

So...this matter still needs to be studied carefully.

Otherwise, he would not have really reached the realm of real infinity, but he couldn't hold it, and finally died directly in that realm. This would be a bit too funny.

In addition to the case of the brilliant game, there are many things related to chaos computing.

In other words, it is related to Mu Cang's use of chaos.

For example, the main reason for the failure of the Holy Emperor Augustus of Westram to ascend to another dimension countless thousands of years ago... was actually Mu Cang countless thousands of years later.

To be precise, Mu Cang deduced in later generations and believed that the corridor system established by the Westem Federation only had ten trillion.

Therefore, it led to Augustus's ascension and ultimate failure.

At that time, Mu Cang was still surprised. Only ten trillion...are they really enough for the Holy Emperor to ascend to the dimension?

In fact, you can just imagine, how could the Holy Emperor, who was rigorous by nature, fight an unprepared battle?

The actual total number of corridor systems established by the Holy Emperor at that time... was simply as many as one billion, not ten trillion.

Originally, his dimension-enhancement plan was almost certain.

But just because Mu Cang used chaos calculations countless thousands of years later, and took it for granted that the corridor system established by the Westem Federation... only had ten trillion.

Therefore, when the Holy Emperor Augustus was ascending to the dimension countless thousands of years ago, most of the tunnel system suddenly collapsed and became inoperable, ultimately leading to the failure of his success. (See Chapter 420 for details.)

The failure of the Holy Emperor led to the evaporation and destruction of countless galaxies.

More importantly, after he failed to ascend the dimension and transformed into a large firecracker explosion, he also intensified the evil power of the profound blood contained in the core of the Holy God's territory.

This caused it to suddenly form a dark tide, which eventually swept across most of the Yuangu River, turning the countless billions of interstellar civilizations and intelligent races in the starry sky into what Mu Cang had seen when he was just starting out.

In other words, the Profound Pupil or the Great Eye is completely innocent.

He basically didn't do anything because He wasn't even born yet.

The Demonic Eye cultists born in countless galaxies are essentially the product of the blood of the underworld that was naturally born over time after being intensified by the self-destruction of the Holy Emperor.

At the same time, the blood of the Profound One that Augustus obtained was also the product of the "smearing" of the Profound Eyes over the course of time, and was not a deliberate act on his part.

Metaphorically, the Profound Eye is like a stone thrown into a river.

The moment it breaks the water surface, it will produce infinite ripples, running in all directions, tracing back to the past and chasing the future.

There are also many ancient river lords in the ancient sea, and this is the reason why they have different opinions on the exact time of the complete fall and destruction of the Westram Federation. (See Chapter 417 for details)

It is because Mu Cang's series of 'I think' and 'I guess' in the future time and space directly disrupted the development of various events in the past time and space, and the entire cause and effect process of these events was completely chaotic and even impossible to correspond to normally.

In addition, the reason why the Holy Emperor is so talented and can increase his combat power by a hundred billion times in ten thousand years is because Mu Cang has a certain imaginary 'filter' for him. (See Chapter 387 for details)

After countless thousands of years, when Mu Cang in later generations used chaos calculations, he took it for granted and believed that the various talents of Holy Emperor Augustus would be so good that they would explode.

Therefore, Augustus' talent inexplicably skyrocketed that of countless humans at the same time, and he eventually became a peerless powerhouse who defeated the Hungry God clan.

Even the obscure life experience of Augustus may have been caused by Mu Cang.

It was something He did without even realizing it.

Furthermore, there is Aknusem who was completely dead in the big explosion caused by the failure of the Holy Emperor to ascend the dimension.

The reason why he was able to inexplicably cross infinite time and space after his death appeared in the Youzhu battlefield deep in the Golden Palm Civilization Zone in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way, and still retained a broken body. (See Chapter 232 for details.)

The reason is also because of Mu Cang.

Because, without the appearance of Aknussem, Mu Cang would not have been able to realize that the path of the four-dimensional heavenly beings was a crooked and wrong path.

He, naturally, would not be able to create the "Full-Dimensional Cave Heaven Method" and then move towards the true path of dimensionality.

Then Mu Cang, who has been on the wrong path for a long time, will surely face an extremely tragic ending when faced with the advent of Xiu, the King of Gluttony, and Yuan Zhoubeng, the creator of the Hungry God Clan.

In addition, there is also the reason why Mu Cang failed to succeed in the civilization experiment or the spiritual sublimation experiment of all living beings. (See Chapter 399 for details)

It is also because the various spiritual methods deduced by Mu Cang through chaotic calculations... are actually the most suitable for himself, and may not be suitable for other intelligent beings.

For example, if the "Haoyang Xuanqiong World-Suppressing Method" is given to others to practice, it may be difficult to practice it until death to achieve spiritual realization.

This is the biggest reason why Mu Cang was able to realize spirituality, condense the delusion of love, and then remain smooth on the road to spiritual sublimation.

It was the reason why He was able to advance to the divine level by simply devouring the memories of all living beings in a small galaxy, and gained the power of transformation that countless immortals never had.

It is also the crucial reason why He is different from countless peers and obtains the absolute uniqueness of infinite time and space.

All of these are due to that "noble" thing that may completely transcend the scope of all phenomena in the boundless sea... chaotic calculations.

In addition, that is essentially just a tiny, low-dimensional weed called Kong Konger.

The reason why it can ignore the restrictions of clusters and clusters is that it can completely defy logic and cross the boundless Manhai through low-level Manhai tributaries, appearing in the vast fantasy realm corresponding to the main time and space of the String clan cluster. (See Chapter 283 for details)

Also, the reason why Nakong Konger was able to create the miraculous regret medicine and create the prototype of the so-called "Deception of Heaven and Slander the World" may also be due to the role of chaotic calculation.

It was Mu Cang who inadvertently interfered with Kong Konger's life in the past through chaotic calculations in the future time and space countless thousands of years later.

In addition, the reason why the era of real destruction of Xian Qin is so erratic may also be related to chaotic calculation.

It was Mu Cang's various deductions in later generations that led to the destruction of Xian Qin in this era and then in that era. It is always vague and cannot be determined. (See Chapter 485 for details)

In short, all the abnormal situations that Mu Cang experienced in the past were actually due to his use of chaotic calculations in the time and space of later generations.

"All of this took a long time..."

He sighed quietly, "It turns out that I am the real 'culprit'."

While he was sighing, the chaos calculation and delusion-breaking divine sense had been perfectly integrated and successfully transformed to give birth to a new ability.

The name of this ability is... Chaos Delusion.

At the first moment when Chaos Delusion was born, Mu Cang suddenly understood the content and effect of this ability:

That is, in the objective misty chaos that contains infinite probability and improbability, he arrogantly implements and perfectly realizes his own subjective delusion.

In short, it is an unrestricted whipping of reality and an absolute definition of the result.

Is it very buggy?

It is indeed very buggy, Mu Cang thinks so too.

Through this ability, if He wants to safely and perfectly ascend to the infinite realm, it should be very easy, just a thought will do.

It's a pity that this kind of terrifying effect, which can be called a bug, can only be achieved after the delusion of chaos is truly 'awakened'.

Yes, the delusion of chaos that has just been born is still in an unawakened dormant state.

If he wants to truly awaken, Mu Cang must gather the three infinite foundations.

This was also the message that Mu Cang naturally knew after the birth of Chaos.

As for the so-called three infinite foundations.

The first item is that Mu Cang must have a strong enough strength level.

The second item is that Mu Cang must possess a sufficient number of divine miracles.

The word 'enough' in these two terms is not very clear.

Therefore, Mu Cang can only take one step at a time to see what level of strength he has reached and how many miracles he has reached, so that he can truly meet these two requirements of the infinite foundation.

But the third item is that Mu Cang must practice the "Haoyang Xuanqiong World-Suppressing Method" to the end of the eighth level.

Step into the 'middle' stage that is one level higher than the highest level of divinity, but lower than the infinite level of divinity.

This chapter has been completed!
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