Chapter 1062 The chief is angry!

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Their rejection of this proposal was also expected by Qin Yuan, because this is indeed more dangerous, and foreign countries will face various tests. More importantly, it is the Golden Triangle area.

"Chief! In fact, I also know your concerns. Also, I am the chief instructor this time, and I am also responsible for everyone. But have you ever thought about why our training results are still not up to expectations for many teams?

the result of?"

The leader on the opposite side was suffocating when he heard this. What kind of medicine do you want to sell this kid? Why are you teaching yourself a lesson? Isn't this questioning?

Just as he was about to refute, he heard Qin Yuan on the other end of the phone say calmly: "Chief, according to the current situation, you can look at overseas countries. They have been training various teams for a long time. We don't train our own people."

You can send them to that kind of special training school and let others train you, and you will have a narrow escape from death."

What Qin Yuan said is also the key to the problem. Overseas special training schools have become very popular in recent years. Many schools have launched selections and various bidding competitions. They have also participated several times.

This kind of school is different from the traditional one.

It means sending different teams out to compete, judging the order according to the ranking of the competition, and obtaining honors within the school.

It is quite embarrassing to be able to enjoy a certain status in the world. They rarely have the opportunity to show their faces in such school competitions.

The leader on the other end of the phone has been silent. He doesn't know whether he should make this decision, and once this decision is made, how many people will come to him to apply for training abroad. Is that reliable?

"Chief, I know you are also very entangled and worried now, and I also understand your dilemma very well, but if you have time, you can come over here and take a look at the situation."

He was about to agree, but suddenly he thought, something is wrong, how did this boy command him? At first, he didn't even want to answer the phone. Unexpectedly, not only did he answer the phone now, but to be honest, he really wanted to go see it.


In the end, he was very helpless. He felt that Qin Yuan was also very capable and had completely tricked him without knowing it, making him willingly come here to check the situation.

"Okay, you kid is really good at it. I always say that you just like to make trouble. This time I will come and see. If you don't give me a good result, I won't be done with you by then.


"Chief, don't worry about this. I'm always sure of everything I do. You can come over first to see my training results for them, including the real situation here."

In this way, the chief here planned to go over to see the situation before deciding whether to agree, and Qin Yuan also began to make preparations.

In fact, there is no big preparation. The remaining team members are already very strong. They are among the best in any company.

Therefore, if the chief comes, he can ask any questions and he can face them at any time. Moreover, he does not want to do any fancy things, so he can directly conduct on-site assessment and on-site verification.

To put it bluntly, the chief is most worried about two issues. One is how dangerous it is to go abroad and whether safety can be guaranteed, and the other is what is the strength of these team members at present?

After all, this is a safety accident, but in his heart he also hopes that he can make such an attempt. Since it can be done to this extent abroad, it is not an issue at home. He also hopes that someone will have the courage to do this.

Qin Yuan stood on the playground and talked to everyone calmly, "In three hours, the commander-in-chief of the Southern Military Region will appear here. He wants to see your true situation and then decide whether to take you out. This

This is also my assessment of you."

Everyone was at a loss when they heard this. Is it a little too sudden to suddenly face the assessment from the head of the headquarters?

"Instructor Qin, we haven't made any preparations now. Can you tell us what items we will be assessed on? There are only three hours left and we can't adjust our condition. What should we do?"

"Yes, it sounds like this is very important. If the head of the headquarters fails the assessment, then we can't go out? We definitely want to go out and train well."

Listening to the people below talking about it, and these team members did not have the slightest fear, they were very determined to go out, which made Qin Yuan very happy.

The person who just spoke was called Ma Pengyu, and his personal ability was also very strong. Qin Yuan waved his hand and asked him to come out first.

Ma Pengyu was a little confused, Qin Yuan greeted him with a smile, and when he was close to Ma Pengyu, he quickly punched Ma Pengyu directly in the face.

However, Ma Pengyu's body reaction speed is also relatively fast. He quickly punches the flower in the back, and then punches it the next second. It is almost a subconscious behavior.

In just a few seconds, the two of them passed two moves. Everyone was confused by this sudden assessment. Qin Yuan patted him on the shoulder, very satisfied with his performance.

"My training for you these days has not allowed you to eat well or sleep well. I have kept you in a state of alert at all times. You have already been prepared. You feel mentally unprepared, but your body is very honest.

, you see if I attack at will, I will react immediately."

Although everyone has practiced this kind of physical reaction, it is almost instinctive, but judging from the speed and strength just now, it has indeed improved a lot than before.

Even Ma Pengyu didn't expect that he could react so quickly, "Instructor Qin, I didn't expect that I was so fast. Is this the result of training?"

"Otherwise, what do you think this is? This is the result of your hard work during this period, so relax. What you have to face is an unexpected situation. I don't like that kind of advance arrangement."

In other words, there is no difference between training arranged in advance and training arranged deliberately. They will be sent to perform tasks in various areas on the border in the future. Those tasks are full of dangers and unknowns. It is impossible to predict such a thing in advance.


Wang Ming has been following the training from beginning to end. He has also seen the growth of these team members, and he admires Qin Yuan more and more. With a good instructor, he can really lead a good team.

From more than 300 people to now about to complete the selection of two teams, only they know what they have experienced along the way, especially in the snowy mountains, which is the most difficult.

At this moment, on the other side of the plane, the head of the Southern Military Region, Zheng Fang, looked at the information on the remaining team members, which Qin Yuan had compiled and uploaded quickly.

Unexpectedly, he actually completed it in a short period of time. The chief and the secretary next to him said: "Do you believe that this guy is the only one in the entire military region who can do this to such a degree and quickly complete the selection in a short period of time? This selection has already taken a long time."

It’s almost over.”

It was not easy for the secretary to refute the chief, but to be honest, he felt that Palm looked too high on Qin Yuan. In his opinion, wasn't selection and elimination a very simple matter?

The secretary's little idea was discovered by the chief. He was not angry at the side, but explained patiently.

"Don't underestimate this kind of elimination. These soldiers are not fools. Do you think they will not report it if there is an unfair situation?"

And he very much believes in the ability of the willing. More importantly, he feels that this guy is getting more and more interesting. Everything seems to be executed according to his ideas. He has also referred to foreign training before.

The special forces members trained by our training team are indeed very strong. It mainly depends on their sense of training and their courage to do it. Looking at the country, no one dares to have the courage to train like this.

Thinking of this, he picked up the tea cup next to him and took a sip of water. "Obviously, before, I most wanted someone to have such an idea, to lead domestic soldiers to train to the level of special operations, and to make each company stronger.


But now Qin Yuan has put forward this hypothesis and made this application, but he rejected it immediately. So it seems that it is not that the soldiers and team members lack courage, but that they are the chiefs and leaders.

Listening to the leader next to him who was reflecting on himself, the secretary felt emotional in his heart. To be honest, this Qin Yuan is really a legend. This leader rarely praises others. In addition to compliments, he can also be so admired.

Three hours later, a jeep drove into the playground here. The soldiers here were already ready to welcome it. When the leader got off the car, he was looking around and did not see Qin Yuan.

At this time, a man in his 30s quickly ran up to the chief and gave a standard military salute, "Reporting to the chief, on behalf of the Third Company of the Border Patrol, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the chief."

"Stop making such nonsense, where is Qin Yuan? Why didn't this boy come out to greet me?"

The man who made the report was the company commander in charge on this side named Zhao Dahu. Now he was in a state of confusion and didn't know whether he should tell the truth or not, but Qin Yuan just said it and asked him to tell the truth.

I only saw him hesitating, and the chief next to him was a little unhappy.

"I see that you have been a veteran for so many years. Don't you know how to answer? And when answering questions, just answer whatever I ask you without any hesitation."

Being told this, Zhao Dahu could only tell the story. "Report to the leader, Qin, instructor Qin, that he was eating in the cafeteria."

There was no way, this was indeed the truth. He had asked before if he wanted everyone to go out to greet the chief, but Qin Yuan said no and said that they would have dinner first.

As expected, the commander next to him turned pale when he heard this. He must be unhappy in his heart. What on earth is Qin Yuan doing? He was the one who called him here, and now he let go of the pigeon inexplicably and ran to eat with such arrogance.

Leave it here for yourself.

Zhao Dahu saw that the leader's face was wrong and said quickly: "Instructor Qin and the others are actually working hard. They just completed the snow mountain training two days ago and arrived last night, so they may want to relax now."

Before the chief spoke, the secretary next to him was already very unhappy. The chief had spoken so highly of that Qin Yuan before, but he didn't expect it to turn out like this now.

"We don't care about that. Don't forget the identity of the leader and who he is. If you don't come out to greet him now, let him come over immediately."

The secretary must have been protecting the head of the family first. He has come all the way here, and now that he has done this, isn't he kidding?

Zhao Dahu is so ugly now that he is caught in the middle. What can he say over there in the courtyard? That guy is very talkative, and he can't say anything. Moreover, he has already warned him before, and they don't pay attention to him at all.

But the secretary in front of me seemed to have an attitude that he couldn't let go of. It looked like he was really going to turn into a sandwich biscuit.

Just when Zhao Dahu was in trouble, the chief stood up and said, "I want to see what kind of medicine this guy is selling in his gourd. Didn't he go to the cafeteria to eat? I want to see if he can eat with peace of mind."

While Zhao Dahu was still looking confused, the leader turned around and asked him to assemble the team first. As long as there were no people standing guard, all of them should be called over. Their movements must be gentle and they must not be discovered.

He didn't hesitate at all and hurried to gather. When the team ran over, he was thinking that it was over now. Looking at the leader's appearance, he must be really angry, and he didn't know what would happen.

A squad leader next to him ran over and looked at the people on the entire playground. "Company commander, what's going on? Why are you conducting emergency training again?"

"You kid, stop talking and don't get angry. Didn't you see that it was an order from the Supreme Master? Everyone must obey the order. Even I can't speak!"

Seeing that his company commander was not joking, he hurried over to assemble the team. After a while, everyone had gathered. The leader turned around and looked, and there were quite a few people in the team.

"Chief, in addition to patrolling today, we also have soldiers standing guard. Two squads of soldiers have gone out, and the others are already here. Have you seen enough? If not, there are people from the second company in the next camp."

"Then let me ask you something, do you think you guys can handle the people Qin Yuan brought in the cafeteria? If there are not enough people, you can second them."

When asked this, Zhao Dahu must have said that there is no problem. First of all, the number of people here is larger than that of theirs, and the people of theirs are already very tired after so many days of training. In any case,

He has an absolute advantage here.

If you give in at this time, you will not be looked down upon by the chief, so if he agrees wholeheartedly, there will be absolutely no problem.

"Okay, then I'll see what you do. Remember to conduct a surprise drill. Isn't this guy trying to fool me? I'm going to see if he can handle it and capture him alive! If anyone catches him,

He and I have a special reward."

This chapter has been completed!
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