Chapter 1118 1118: Annexation of Gao Kingdom (5) [Ask for double monthly votes

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Shen Tang felt like his brain was in knots.

"Young beautiful scholar's way is to win people's favor, so your consummation ceremony will not be -" The mind quickly flashed into the mind of Yuan Liang, who had the same resemblance to Lio Jia, ah no, as the lord of these two people, she If you have to be honest, both of them are equally harmful! From this, it can be deduced that Liu Jia's consummation ceremony is probably related to benefiting oneself at the expense of others, so Shen Tang boldly hypothesized and carefully verified, "Could it be the consummation ceremony of a lurking third party? To steal the other party’s achievements at the moment of their consummation?”

This is called "taking advantage of others"!

If she guesses correctly, Liao Jia's way of being a scribe will really take "damage" to a new level! The evil is even greater than when Yuan Liang sabotaged the consummation ceremony of the first ascension, and both parties will fight to the death!

Liao Jia was surprised at first, and then showed a subtle and evil smile.

"He who knows me is my Lord!"

Some details are not correct, but it is generally correct.

Alas, in fact, the way to achieve perfection in the way of the scribes is somewhat related to one's own ability. Before knowing the content of the ceremony, Liao Jia had some guesses. To win people's favor must be related to the seven emotions and six desires.

What is favor?

Joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, desire.

What are the six desires?

Life, death, ears, eyes, mouth, nose.

No matter which way it is, the difficulty is definitely not small. Liu Jia did not dare to spread the speculation for fear of causing unnecessary panic among his colleagues. Although he did not intend to deceive his colleagues, he could not stand up to the disbelief of his colleagues. These wicked people in the Kangguo court The top officials are Qishan and Chu Yao! These people will scheme against their colleagues for their own benefit, especially Qi Yuanliang!

Liao Jia could only put the matter on hold for the time being.

Until he figured out the correct conditions for the perfect ceremony, he was really worried - what proportion of the population do literati and scribes account for? How many people among them have the way of scribes? Among those who have the way of scribes, how many people have it? Are you qualified to take a peek at the door to perfection?

How many of these people are 100% sure of achieving Consummation?

Shen Tang helplessly raised his forehead: "There's no need to boast."

To be honest, as the lord, she also felt guilty.

To use a simple and crude metaphor——

The way to become a scholar is to take the college entrance examination, and it is mandatory to have a score that reaches the admission limit of Qingbei. Candidate Liao Jia is a bit special, and is forced to become a gangster in the college entrance examination. If he wants to go to Qingbei, he can only do it without knowing it. Change the candidate's test paper to his own name, or hack into the college entrance examination system and change the scores of another candidate who met the standard to his own. No matter which way, he can reap the benefits and successfully enter Qingbei_(:з 』∠)_

As for that unlucky candidate?

Just repeat it for one year and then take the exam.

What are the exam questions for the second year? Are they difficult?

It’s all up to fate!

Listening to this metaphor really makes your blood pressure soar.

Shen Tang tried hard to get this metaphor out of her mind, otherwise she would not be able to help Liao Jia. Facing Liao Jia's expectant eyes, she smiled reluctantly: "Well, you're a little late."

Liao Jia felt a little regretful.

"Mei Jinghe has completed the ceremony?"

Shen Tang shook his head.

Lia Jia said: "That means it failed? It's a pity, but it's normal. Successful ceremonies rarely succeed in one go."

Shen Tang nodded and shook his head.

She clasped her cheeks with her fingers in embarrassment, and her erratic eyes were full of guilt: "Shaomei, well, it's a long story. I thought of beating Mei Jinghe, so I got three Zen positions with Wu Xian. The edict forced her to start the ceremony in advance. If you had come half a month earlier, you would still be able to take this trip in time."

Who knew there was still demand here in Liojia?

If she had known this, she would have changed her plan.

Secretly assisting Mei Jinghe to complete the ceremony 100%, and then letting Lio Jia pick up the fruits of victory when the other party thought it was successful. I believe that the blow after the great joy will be even more frustrating.

It's a pity, it's a pity that Liao Jia came late.

Liao Jia: "..."

What made Liao Jia even more shocked was that the evening banquet was held for Ning Yan to perfect her career as a scholar. She suddenly became listless and the flowers on her temples wilted. He was so shocked that he looked dejected and poured wine into his mouth. It was standard. Drinking to drown his sorrows.

People who don't know about it think that Liao Jia is dissatisfied with Ning Yan.

In order to put an end to this misunderstanding, Shen Tang ended up as the lord to smooth things over. She did not reveal how Liao Jia's way of being a scribe could be perfected. She only said that his consummation ceremony was related to Mei Jinghe. Shaomei knew that Mei Jinghe's ceremony was destroyed, and she also missed the point. A precious opportunity, so I felt depressed instead of having any objections to Tunan.

Everyone showed sympathy for Liao Jia.

It's such a pity that Liao Jia arrived at such an unlucky time.

Ning Yan worriedly said: "Is it necessary for Mei Jinghe to do it?"

In some special circumstances, the consummation rituals of the two scribes will indeed overlap. They will either help each other and consummate together, or they will go tit-for-tat and choose one of the two to advance. Mei Meng is an enemy of Kang State, and the two sides have conflicting positions. If the situation behind is okay, If it were the former, wouldn't Liao Jia's consummation ceremony be shackles by others?

If Mei Meng doesn’t cooperate, will she never be able to achieve perfection?

Ning Yan was worried about this, and Luan Xin was also worried when he heard this. He subconsciously leaned forward slightly and kept looking towards Shen Tang from the corner of his eye.

I was afraid that Shen Tang or Lio Jia would give bad news.

Shen Tang hesitated for a moment: "Well, it doesn't have to be Mei Meng, but if you can choose, it's better to choose her as much as possible."

It’s good for Liao Jia and good for everyone.

You can't let Lia Jia deceive your colleagues, right?

The perfect way of being a scribe requires the right time, place and right people. Once you fail, the assessment content will be changed and the difficulty will be raised to a higher level. Even your parents will not give up the precious perfect spot and take the exam again. Shen Tang I don't want Liao Jia to attack his own people. If he wants to cause trouble, he will cause trouble to his enemies.

Ning Yan heard a strange meaning and was as sharp as she was. She vaguely guessed the truth and said carefully: "It's just that Mei Jinghe should have fled back to Qi State at this time. We don't know her second time." The content of the ceremony, and I don’t know when she will start the second consummation ceremony... This matter is really difficult to deal with."

Shen Tang also sighed.

I was filled with slander in my heart.

You said that Liao Jia has "seized people's favor", so why does it have to be stipulated that only the fresh and hot way of perfect scribes can be taken away? It is not good to take other ways of perfect scribes that have been released?

Shen Tang can still catch one for him.

For example, Wei Lou, the old man.

Make the most of one thing.

The ministers exchanged cups, some of them drunk, and Ning Yan, as the protagonist, was toasted in turn - even though her colleagues were saying congratulations, they felt a little sour in their hearts. The perfection of the scribes is something that many people will never be able to achieve in their lifetime. High, I cried with envy.

Ning Yan has a good drinking capacity and will not refuse anyone who comes.

She was not completely passive. When someone drank to her, she would make them dance. Even if she couldn't dance, she would sing a ditty and recite two poems. Civil servants were more reserved, while military generals were very forthright.

Qian Yong placed the wine cup on the table.

He swung his clothes, stuffed them around his waist, stretched out his hands, shook his head and twisted his waist, and then left. Other colleagues drew their swords, played them, composed music, and sang with their hands on the table. All the tunes were played on the spot.

Everyone applauded.

Wei Shou glanced at his mouth, threw away his chopsticks, turned over and left the court, and then made a deft leap like a tiger. The cheers from the sidelines were even louder. Wei Shou invited a fight: "Uncle Qianhe, let's compete."

Good guys, this is the preparation for the dance battle.

Everyone at the banquet consciously divided into two camps.

You play the gongs and I play the drums, and the atmosphere is lively.

Gongxi Qiu saw two big men dancing and sweating profusely. They danced like tigers and tigers with every step, sometimes like dragons and tigers, sometimes like luan and phoenix flying. The figures reflected in the candlelight were like wild beasts testing each other on the ground. Attack contains explosive power.

After looking at it for a while, I felt itchy.

He shouted: "I'm coming too!"

There was nothing light and slender about the dance of the generals in the military camp. The dance steps were wide and open, and the rhythm was enthusiastic and unrestrained. The main purpose was to show momentum and power. Jimo Qiu wanted to stop him, but Gong Xiqiu had already disappeared. Everyone was having a good time, and Shen Tang didn't shout. stop.

The central area was noisy, so she quietly came to Liao Jia's side and said comfortingly: "Don't be discouraged, young beauty. We are now a big family and have a big business. The power of a country can't find a qualified scapegoat? There is really no one who meets the requirements. After the battle in Gaoguo is over, we will look at the situation and go to Mei Jinghe's house to intercept Hu."

By the way, let's give Qi Guo some color.

Shen Tang counted the time in his mind.

At this moment, Cui Hui and Miao Ne should have been on their way to Qi State. Under the candlelight, her eyes flashed with creepy calculations: "Well, Mei Jinghe is indeed suitable."

Liao Jia nodded: "Thank you, Lord."

He also wanted to try his luck.

Mei Jinghe missed it, and Lio Jia planned to take a long vacation for himself and look for suitable candidates in other areas. Compared with other colleagues, Liao Jia's scribe's way was too useless. For so many years, he could only pray for good in disgust and bring harm to his unlucky master. On the battlefield, there is almost no place for him to be useful on the frontal battlefield. Liu Jia is not that obsessed with military merit, but he is not the first in literature and the second in military affairs. As a literary scholar, he does not want to lose to anyone, let alone the newcomers who join the officialdom in the future. pull down.

He is not alone in this trouble.

The same goes for Chu Yao.

It's not easy to get a clue, no matter how difficult it is, you have to give it a try.

Shen Tang patted him on the shoulder: "Would you like to play too?"

As he spoke, he looked at the noisy crowd.

All generals are extroverted.

Even if their limbs are as stiff as if they were in plaster, having the same hands and feet does not prevent them from dancing wildly and making them stand out. Gong Xiqiu is like a fish in water in this situation, like a big snake that can twist. If Jimo Qiu happens again, Play the flute to him, and the taste will come up immediately. Most civil servants are reserved, but there is also one who is accidentally dragged out to play.

Shen Tang was so noisy that his head hurt, but he didn't stop him.

Occasionally, you need to release your natural instincts and relieve stress.

The demons in Kang State were dancing wildly, and the Gao State envoy was restless. The food was tasteless and was like chewing wax. The excitement at the banquet had nothing to do with them. They only felt that the noise was irritating to their eyes. They asked to see Shen Tang again, but Shen Tang seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He looked at them intently. That look seemed to reveal the biggest secret in their hearts.

"If I dare to ask, I wonder what Mr. Shen is considering?"

"There's nothing to consider." Shen Tang's response didn't give any face at all, and he looked at the envoy's sudden change of expression playfully, "I thought that your family could be passed down for many generations and had already figured out the essence of human relations and sophistication, but I didn't want to——Tsk, It's seven points determined by nature and three points determined by ability. At this point, shouldn't you be the one asking me to give you a way out? Why are you so confused that you still want to bargain with me? You need chips when you go to the negotiation table! It cannot be taken away by others. Chips are called chips, chips that can be taken away are called fat!"

"The country of Gao is already a turtle in a urn, let alone you?"

"The soldiers and horses have not moved yet, but the food and grass go first." The envoy from Gaoguo's back was wet with sweat, but he still forced his mouth to say, "Jun Shen's time to found the country is still short. If this battle is delayed for one more day, the food and grass will..."

Shen Tang waved his hand: "That's you."

She smiled and sat upright: "Kang has no shortage of food and grass."

Then he said despairing words: "Don't say that if you delay it for another three to five months, or another three to five years, the impact will not be big, but if you want to bargain with me and ask for my land and my people, the impact will be very bad." .Under the heaven, is it not the land of the king! You want to occupy my things, and you still think it’s for my own good?”

Haha, are you okay with your brain?

Shen Tang threw the empty wine cup in her hand not far away from the messenger. The wine cup shattered and the fragments flew. Her eyes were filled with darkness that was darker than the night, and she could see people as if they were falling with just one glance. Bingjiao: "On the day when my cavalry conquers the high country, what belongs to me will only belong to me. If you want to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, you are welcome, and don't think about anything else. Messenger, do you still have any doubts?"

The messenger's body was stiff and he did not dare to move.

An aura like a mountain was pressing on my shoulders.

He was sure that if he said something that did not suit Shen Tang's wishes, the momentum would be completely suppressed and his internal organs would be strangled into pulp. Under the shadow of death that followed him, the envoy from the High Kingdom tried his best to squeeze out the ugliest thing in his life. smile.

"Ming, understand, no doubt!"

Shen Tang was satisfied: "Well, that's good."

Look, wouldn’t it be convenient to communicate like this?

The Gao Kingdom mission left on the second day, bringing back the worst news. Shen Tang didn't care at all how gloomy those aristocratic families were. She just followed the plan, dispatched soldiers and generals, and three groups of troops approached the border of Gao Kingdom. This battle , she won’t stop until she says stop!

In response to this, Zhang Wenwu was inspired.

During the truce between the two armies, they couldn't hold it any longer.

They have obviously won the battle, but they have to rest and recuperate in place, and watch the enemy's remnants flee back to rest and recuperate. The feeling is really worse than killing themselves. They can tolerate their colleagues taking more military honors than themselves, but they cannot tolerate running away when their military merits are too high. Return to base camp.

When it comes to starting a war, one becomes more active than the other. They become red-faced and thick-necked. How can there be any harmony like that night of happy fighting and dancing?

You step on my foot and I'll spray you in the face.

There is only one core——

My colleagues are all noobs, I/I are the best at fighting!

Shen Tang: "..."

In Kang State, warlikeness is also a virtue.

The movement of the army was too loud and could not be concealed from Wu Xian.

He suddenly sent someone over to ask for a meeting with Shen Tang.

Shen Tang took the time to meet Wu Xian. It had been just over a month since the last meeting. Wu Xian seemed to have aged by more than ten years, and his back was not as straight as his youthful self. There was a sense of decadence all over his body, and his image was also a lot more sloppy. Shen Tang Tang sighed and said: "It's bitter cold in the army, but it's not as graceful and rich as Brother Zhaode's palace. If you find it uncomfortable to live there, I will ask my subordinates to find another place for Brother Zhaode to live in."

Wu Xian did not talk nonsense with Shen Tang.

Before Shen Tang came, he had made psychological preparations for a long time, and it was not as difficult as he imagined to say some words: "It's not for this reason, but I just want to ask for something. I have my concubine Mi and her two sons and two daughters... I hope Shen Jun can take care of the friendship back then. Spare their lives."

"Sixth year after the disaster, I saved my farm by growing bean sprouts"

Author: Song of Thorns

Warm and healing essay on farming.

PS: The new book of Thorns is going to be on the shelves on May Day. Time flies so fast. The pigeons have all opened new books, woo woo hoo. Shiitake’s new book is still in labor...sigh.

PPS: WB has started to draw keyboards. If you are interested, you can participate (the keyboards are given for free, but you have to pay for postage. Is it supposed to be Daryou’s sugar cubes this time?)

PPPS: It will double starting at the end of the month, please vote for me.

This chapter has been completed!
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