276: Wrong way (Part 1) [Please vote]

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 Beep beep!

A familiar sound came from the window.

Shen Tang was sleeping lightly, and when the sound of a blue bird flapping its wings approached, she suddenly opened her eyes, stood up, grabbed her cloak and put it on her shoulders, took off her fork and let the blue bird in outside the window.

Shen Tang frowned when he saw it was Kang Shi's letter.

"That's it, what's the purpose of Ji Shou's letter?"

Shen Tang leaned out of the window and looked at the position of the bright moon, roughly estimating the current time. Based on her understanding of Kang Shi, if there was nothing important, she would not bother her.

Shen Tang opened the letter.

Read ten lines in one glance.

Military workshop, mineral veins, five thousand feather arrows...

For a time, countless shocked "fuck" words surged out of her mind like a volcano erupting. In desperation, she didn't even have time to put on her shoes, kicked open the door, and headed straight for the chicken coop and kennel. Kick them all awake with two or three kicks.

The yellow dog barks and the rooster crows.

After she finished doing this, she picked up the gong and kicked it from room to room. At the same time, she beat the gong to shout out all the bandits who were snoring loudly. The atmosphere team was the fastest to wake up - Gong Shuwu trained a few of them, and often "Sneak attack" and gathering in the middle of the night.

They are used to it if it happens suddenly.

In a certain atmosphere group, a carp stood up straight.

He hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Lord!"

Shen Tang didn't have time to say anything else, so he just gave the order in a hurry.

"We have a mission. The big fat sheep is here! Let them get up as quickly as possible. Anyone who dares not to cooperate will be chopped up and fed to the dogs!"

The atmosphere team responded: "Wei!"

He turned around and kicked the sleeping bandits up one by one - in fact, it didn't matter how hard he kicked, Shen Tang made a lot of noise, and most of them were woken up no matter how fast they slept. He said fiercely: "Get up, get up, all of them gather!"

The sound of the atmosphere group, in the ears of the bandits, was almost as good as the death charm of King Yama!

After a while, the neatly dressed bandits crawled out of their beds one by one - because the bandits were worried about wasting time getting up and dressing the next day, delaying the gathering speed and then being stabbed by a knife, most of them were fully dressed and fell asleep.

As long as the atmosphere team shouts, no matter whether there is a goddess in the dream, glory, wealth, high officials and great salary, they will get up immediately.

It was cold at the moment, and as soon as I left the bed, the heat around my body was swept away by the cold air, making everyone shiver from the cold.

Even so, no one dares to complain.

After these days of high-pressure experience, their edges and tempers were violently smoothed out, and their brains were also a little numb. All they needed to do was give an order from the atmosphere team, and before their brains could react, their hands and feet began to move reflexively...

In just a few minutes, everyone had gathered and lined up. Looking at the more than 400 bandits who still had sleepiness on their faces, Shen Tang asked, "Are they all here?"

The atmosphere team listed the number of people one by one.

Not a single one is left, they are all here!

Shen Tang nodded with satisfaction and used his skills to spread his voice into the ears of each bandit: "I just received a tip that a big fat sheep appeared on the hill next door. You all copy the guy and follow me. If we can capture it successfully, in the future, I'll give you two meals a day, more meat! More vegetables! And - in this battle, a head will cost fifty cents! A prisoner will get a hundred cents!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the bandits became excited!

The atmosphere team did not forget to verbally suppress them when they were pushing them every day. The more they heard it, the more they believed it - they were a group of bandits who committed many evil deeds. Their lives were lower than those of common people. They did not deserve to be human beings, and they did not even deserve to eat. That's a waste of food. These rubbish should be punished even if they are still alive. If they are dead, they should be sent to hell to be fried in a frying pan...

As the lord, Shen Tang should have killed them all, but the lord did not do so. Instead, he was kind and gave them food and a chance to change their ways.

Shouldn't they give up their hearts and souls to repay?

Training is to learn how to be a human being!

If they can't even survive the training, it means that they are hopelessly rotten, and they are not worthy of being human in this life, and they deserve to die! If they die early, they can be reincarnated early!

The brainwashing skills of the atmosphere group are unparalleled.

Every day, the bandits were arranged to repent and recall the bad things they had done before eating, and then thank the lord after eating. It was the lord who allowed them, a group of scum, to have enough food in the troubled times when food was more expensive than gold, and allowed them to live to see the second world. The sun of the day!

The effect in the first four days was not very good, but starting from the fifth day, one after another bandits began to cry while eating, wiping their tears and sniffing their noses. Their true feelings made those who heard it sad and those who saw it shed tears...

Shen Tang: "..."

In all conscience, this really wasn't her idea.

When asked what was going on, the No. 25 atmosphere team said that this was what they had discussed. They were originally bandits, and they lived a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife. Their whole life was like a puddle of mud. When they were trained by Gong Shuwu , they also greeted Gong Shuwu more than a million times in their hearts, but now looking back, they realize that they are so inhuman.

It was Gong Shuwu and the Lord who saved them.

Gave them a new life.

Let them turn from bandits to innocent people.

They feel that these bandits should also learn to be grateful. Instead of waiting for the bandits to realize this later, it is better to let these bandits start to be grateful and reflect now, so that they can obtain salvation earlier!

in short--

You must inhale the four words "loyalty to the lord" on your cigarette! Now that you can make meritorious deeds, get money, and get extra meals, how can you not be excited?

Shen Tang: "..."

For a while, I couldn't tell what was wrong, and the bandits stopped jumping up and down, practicing calmly, and stopped talking about singing whatever songs they went to on any hilltop. As outsiders, we should respect their logic and customs.

All kinds of factors combined, and in just a few days, these bandits began to look decent and look the same.

As mentioned before, the Ha Yin bandits are closely related to the local powerful and have been "subsidized" to some extent. This is reflected in the fact that their equipment is not bad. Although it is not very good, they can also wear simple white cloth armor. Protect vital points.

However, not everyone can get it.

Shen Tang asked the bandits with better equipment and stronger defense to be in the front, armed with machetes and wood to escape, while the bandits behind were armed with guns, swords, and spears... She jumped onto the back of the motorcycle mule, waved her little hand, and said excitedly: "Set off!"

In order not to waste time, Shen Tang directly used the spirit of speech to assist with acceleration - this was the first time she used it after learning it, and there were not many people, so she was enough. It was obviously a cold day, and the bandits did not have enough sleep, which affected their physical and mental health. They all suffered, but with the addition of Yan Ling, they felt a manic fire igniting from within their bodies, and their whole bodies were filled with endless energy!

The chill is dissipated and the spirit is particularly uplifted.

They only felt a gentle force pushing their backs. Their steps were light as if the wind was blowing. Every step they took was on soft silk. Their bodies were as light as feathers. It seemed that the stronger the strength, the faster they could run. Just a few will make it float.

I jogged all the way without losing my breath.

That feeling is so subtle!

The atmosphere group's perception is clearer than that of the bandits, as if they had stripped naked and soaked in the warm hot springs on a cold day, and the pores all over their bodies were moaning and opening. Where is this speed?

It is clearly an ultimate enjoyment!

It's intoxicating!

They ran wildly after Shen Tang.

The steps are neat and consistent, and the formation is loose and unbroken.

While Shen Tang was thinking about the windfall he was about to receive, Captain Yang and Kang Shi also made new progress.

Kang Shi said: "Someone is coming."

Captain Yang asked: "We or the enemy?"

Kang Shi: "It's the enemy."

Our own people did not come so quickly.

After speaking, he added: "Much better than the dozens of thieves before. It seems that they are ready to kill us."

Kang Shi said and let out a sigh.

His face darkened visibly.

Captain Yang hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?"

Kang Shi: "They are led by brave warriors. The one at the head - judging by his breath, is most likely a fifth-level doctor!"

When Captain Yang heard this, his eyelids jumped fiercely.

Most brave warriors will join the military for the convenience of promotion. A fifth-level doctor can also get a relatively low military position, which is rare in the outside world. It is not easy for an ordinary small local family to win over a fifth-level doctor...

The highest level on my side is level four.


There are two.

In Kangshi, he was also a literary scholar.

Captain Yang made some calculations in his mind and did not panic.

"Then it will be troublesome for Ji Shou." Captain Yang only regretted that he could not help now, "I wish you a long-term literary fortune."

I secretly added something in my heart.

[I also wish you all good luck in martial arts.]

Follow the prosperity of martial arts, but see that the wind has not yet been restored.

Although it is not easy to live in this world, and Captain Yang is not a "loving soldiers like sons" character, the soldiers outside are all Paoze who have followed him all the way, and he naturally hopes that they can save their lives from the battle of Xiaocheng.

Live as long as you can.

Kang Shi seemed to see his worry.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Yang, don't underestimate Kang."

Although his way of being a scholar is "you will lose every time you bet", no one can beat him at the gambling table, but under the gambling table, there are not many people who want to beat him in the entire northwest of the continent. Scholars look down on each other.

, Kang Shi was quite confident in himself.

Captain Yang felt relieved.

He was silently counting the time in his mind, as to when Qi Yuanliang and Zhao Dayi would arrive - the enemy had sent out brave warriors, and it was impossible not to expose our side. Once exposed, they would alert the snake, and those people would move as quickly as possible.

Military workshop...

How can you let a duck that has reached its beak fly away?

He opened the car curtain and glanced at the moonlight outside.

I wish I could roll up my sleeves and go do it myself!

Unlike Kang Shi, who was fully prepared, the fifth-level doctor was a little disapproving - he couldn't be blamed for underestimating the enemy, it was just that the information he was given made him unable to be vigilant, and there was even a feeling that his "sword" was used by others.

The anger of killing a chicken.

A mere team of common people and merchants, and a group of guards with some martial arts skills, are they worthy of taking action on their own?

Just send a second-class officer and bring more people. It was hard to say these words, so he could only swallow them. He asked the people following him: "Did you see clearly, are they these common people?"

"Yes, it's them."

The fifth-level doctor sneered.

He said disdainfully: "Follow me down and kill them all!"

Having said that, he secretly channeled martial energy into his feet.

In the dark night, an inconspicuous gray-yellow martial energy rushed out from the dense forest. The fifth-level doctor transformed into a huge mace in mid-air and aimed at a patrolling guard.

The pocket is smashed down!


He shouted loudly, this stick can open the head of the guard, and the guard's blood and flesh will be splashed on the spot, and he will die on the spot! The other bandits will take the opportunity to kill them, and they will kill more than a dozen people, chopping melons and vegetables, and in a few breaths, they can be sent to see the King of Hell.



This is just what he thought!

We encountered Waterloo at the first step!

The expected bloody scene did not happen!

Without any warning, the guard's body lit up with a striking light of Wen Qi. His mace hit the seemingly flimsy Wen Qi, but it only made circles of ripples instead of crushing it with one blow!

Let alone sending people to see the King of Hell.

When the fifth-level doctor saw this, he was horrified!

There are actually literary scholars among the caravan!

Before he could think about it, the sound of bandits rushing out of the dense forest behind him and shouting for death could be heard. The guard who was targeted by the fifth-level doctor did not turn around and run away, but dodged sideways. With a flash of martial energy in his hand, he condensed a thick-backed weapon.


He held the knife in both hands, raised it high, and without evading it, he shouted loudly and slashed at the fifth-level doctor's face.

The fifth-level doctor became more and more horrified.

This is... a brave warrior???

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen rays of martial energy lit up in the dark night, and more than a dozen guards transformed into weapons that they could use, either shields, knives, guns, or spears...


Collide with the bandits coming up to kill you!

The fifth-level doctor snorted coldly.

Use the mace to swipe away the incoming machete.

At this time, a chill came from behind.

Without even thinking, he ducked sideways.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see clearly the person who was attacking him.

Good guy, he’s also a fourth-class guy!

The fifth-level doctor cursed in his heart.

This TN is not a merchant caravan at all!

How can any merchant afford to hire a dozen brave warriors?

Two of them or four will not be updated?

The two fourth-class doctors were entangled with the fifth-class doctor, and the other bandits were left to the remaining "guards" to deal with. Kang Shi quickly glanced at the situation, stamped his right foot, and whispered: "Stars everywhere!"

The criss-crossing words stretched out from under his feet, looking like a giant chessboard at first glance.

It was at the same time that this chessboard appeared that the fifth-level doctor and the bandits felt their feet sink, their legs seemed to be stuck in an invisible quagmire, and their center of gravity became unstable for a moment.

However, the fifth-level doctor escaped in the blink of an eye.

Dodge the combined attack of two four-level warriors!

The lower the level of brave warriors, the difference between them is not very big. When a fifth-level doctor faces two fourth-level doctors, the advantage is not insurmountable, but if he wants to break away from the entanglement of the two in a short time, or kill them,

It's not easy either.

Not to mention there was Kang Shi watching from one side.

At the foot of the mountain——

Zhao Feng and his party, who came in a hurry, felt the weak aura fluctuations coming from the distance. Qishan used his hands to build a tent, and could vaguely see the light of the collision of martial energy and cultural energy.

Qishan said: "The fight started."

They hurriedly hurriedly, but it was still a little late.

Zhao Feng glanced at the mountain wall and mountain road, and said to Qi Shan in a deep voice: "Mr. Qi, you lead the people to go slowly, Feng goes first!"

Qishan nodded: "Okay!"

The war horse and Zhao Feng's minds were united, and they suddenly accelerated and galloped, stepped on a huge boulder on the edge of the mountain road, and leaped to the top. When he was about to fall, Zhao Feng was lucky enough to slap the horse's back with a palm, and used the force to jump to the top.

High, stepping on the mountain wall, a few people jumped up and disappeared.

The war horse turned into martial energy and merged into Zhao Fengwu's Bold Tiger Talisman.

In a few breaths, Zhao Feng quickly approached the melee position.



Hey, the involution of the annual pass is too scary.

PS: I have seen the controversy over the congratulatory message "Martial Arts Prosperity" before. It has nothing to do with neon. It comes from Xie Tiao's "Reward for Virtue", which is the sentence in the article "Follow the prosperity of martial arts, and see the end of the wind."


This chapter has been completed!
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