Chapter 150 The soul of the Ronin returns to Kudanban

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After Wang Chengzhu, the deputy company commander and others had dinner, they gathered together for a brief combat meeting. With Wang Chengzhu's guaranteed map, the action plan was quickly determined.

The deputy company commander who served as the commander of this mission dutifully consulted every combatant who came. After the soldiers expressed their opinions, the inspection operation plan was perfected bit by bit.

In the end, everyone unanimously decided that except for the sentry who was on duty, everyone went to bed quickly. They got up at three in the morning and set out at four in the morning to enter the Nachakou Mine at dawn.

March 29, 1940, the 21st day of the second lunar month.

In the northern Shanxi region in late March, the lowest daily temperature occurs at five or six o'clock. To judge others, this time period is when the sentry's mental state is the most numb. With Comrade Wang Chengzhu's "keen" observation ability, we strive to use

With minimal movement, light and dark sentries and mobile patrols were removed.

Wang Chengzhu led four soldiers into the mine and went to the housing area for inspection and search. The deputy company commander and six other soldiers responded nearby. If the operation went smoothly, it was completed in half an hour. The responders were on the road outside the mining camp.

, prepare some "surprises" for the camp guards who may pursue you.

During the development of the new regiment's eastward march, it continued to train many combat experts with the strategy of fighting to support the war. There were many homespun methods to deal with the pursuing troops. They used local materials to make stumbling vines and dug out flat roads to make people stumbling.

Methods such as small deep pits for feet are most suitable for reconnaissance troops who usually do not carry firearms.

In the world of Bright Sword, nighttime light pollution in pre-modern areas is almost non-existent. Soldiers sprinkled with realgar lime and then slept in their clothes. The deputy company commander gave a pocket watch to the sentry who was left standing guard, and then went to sleep in the hole in the ground where the campfire was extinguished.


The cold spring night, after changing several sentries, became even more bone-chilling. Fortunately, time passed quickly, and when it was time to prepare for action, the soldiers crawled out of their nests, rubbing their sleepy eyes.

In the marching pot that was used as a hot water bottle in their arms, the boiling water they poured before going to bed was still warm. The soldiers made do with the hard-dough biscuits they received from the canteen when they set off.

On the way to the mine camp, Wang Chengzhu, who was relatively familiar with the defense situation, led the way. As a maker of hand-drawn simple maps, he had no worries about the two masters, and the comrades safely gave him the responsibility of leading the way.

This chapter has been completed!
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