Chapter 163: Blood is flowing, leaving no one behind

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Putting aside the reconnaissance team that safely returned to the security area where the regiment was stationed, Wang Chengzhu, who was responsible for the cover task, encountered the easiest battle since he traveled through the world of Bright Sword.

After turning on the potential burst buff state, the gunner's eyes emit bright yellow white light. They appear and disappear in the woods, like a pair of dancing fireflies.

It is different from the way female fireflies use their light-emitting organs to attract males and then eat them to replenish their nutrition after mating. Wang Chengzhu's eyes are gleaming, and when he blinks his eyelids and hides behind trees, it does not affect his ability to see the enemies within his attack range.

A move.

Potential Burst is an actively activated buff state skill. Its main function is to increase the hit rate and increase skill damage. Compared with the mysterious and mysterious hit rate, the entry of increasing skill damage is easier to understand.

The skills of the gunner are divided into two types. One is the penetration skill that ignores terrain and obstacles, such as M3 flamethrower, focused flamethrower, laser cannon and ion launcher, etc. The other is the trigger fuse with physical collision warhead.

Skills, such as FM31 grenade launcher, MSC-7, FM92 spike cannon, etc.

The usage status of the former in Bright Sword World is similar to that in the game. You need to lift the weapon and continue to guide it until the duration is over. The latter is used as a shoot-and-forget skill. The flight and collision detonation of the warhead comply with the physical laws of Bright Sword World.

Fire-and-forget may sound a bit high-end, but it is actually a common characteristic of most throw-and-launch weapons in the world. To achieve both fire-and-forget and effective killing, three-point accuracy, ballistic aiming, and guided flight are required.

At least two. Of course there is another option - to increase the lethality and range, that is, the direction of cloud burst bombs and cluster bombs.

Among Wang Chengzhu's current optional gunnery skills, only the FM92SW spike gun's split warhead carries the automatic enemy tracking function. Other physical collision warhead skills need to consider the smoothness of the ballistic trajectory.

The satellite positioning skill that is usually passively activated is used to mark the enemy's position. At this time, the MP value is consumed to activate the potential burst gain state, which assists Wang Chengzhu within the limit range, improves dynamic vision and ballistic trajectory calculation, and helps him seize the shooting window in complex environments.

Period. What you see is what you get in the ballistic trajectory, which increases the hit probability by 17%. In the world of bright swords with bold or suppressive firing patterns, it can be called a highly effective killing firepower point.

In the primeval forest in spring, dead branches and leaves are spread on the ground. The rash use of flamethrowers may cause large-scale wildfires. Influenced by the concept of "setting fire to the mountain and sitting at the bottom of the prison" that has been promoted for many years, Wang Chengzhu tied his own hands and temporarily combined two

Fire attribute skills have been moved out of the shortcut skill bar.

Even so, the anti-tank gun skill fired every six seconds and the morale of dozens of pursuers continued to drop. If Wang Chengzhu hadn't been moving around in a small area from where he fired, the second lieutenant of the puppet army would lie on the ground and fight.

Nishiminato's men cheered, the enemy had already fled in all directions just like when they were ambushed by the reconnaissance team.

"There is a man opposite, brothers, surround him and kill him."

Wang Chengzhu leaned his back on a birch tree with a breast diameter of two feet, breathing heavily. There were many shrubs and branches attached to his armor belt to confuse his vision, and he quickly and vigorously changed his body shape among several straw dummies.

He pretended that there were many people in the blocking position. But he still couldn't stand the overwhelming number of people on the other side. Stray bullets passed through the shadows of the trees and added three bullet holes to his half-worn military uniform.

Fortunately, the digitized body's injuries mainly depend on whether the HP value is healthy. Abnormal conditions such as bleeding and poisoning can be eliminated by using toys from the mysterious world.

The flesh and blood tissue was damaged, and a few bottles of HP potions erased the trauma. The damage to this military uniform was more irritating to Wang Chengzhu than being shot. Not to mention that since he traveled to the world of bright swords, he has never left his body unless he was washed and dried.

The underwear and jacket. The scars under nearly ten patches evoked the bloody and brave moments in the memory of the original owner of the body.

"Now that you all know, I won't act in this drama." Wang Chengzhu didn't quite understand that the officer opposite was just emboldening his subordinates, thinking that his hiding place was seen through. Coupled with the troops who were very short of supplies, it was hard to

It is easy to add new holes to the purchased military uniforms.

The double stimulation temporarily suppressed a nerve called "reason and calmness" in Wang Chengzhu's head. He freed up his left hand to take off his armed belt and upper body clothes, revealing a strong wheat-colored torso in his upper body. His shoulders, chest, abdomen and other parts were scattered with

The knotted scars left by several knife and gunshot wounds were more intimidating than before when the military appearance was so neat.

Relying on the sacred blessing potion he had taken before the war, Wang Chengzhu grabbed the bayonet-equipped rifle with his left hand and leapt out of the small earth dam he had piled up randomly. He ran and jumped continuously among the shadows of the trees, quickly heading towards one side of the U-shaped encirclement.


"He jumped out!"


"Don't let him get away!"

Wang Chengzhu left his position for only two or three breaths before he was discovered and shouted out to move. Although this group of improvised mixed pursuers had poor combat effectiveness and could turn like the wind, they could survive until the third year of the total war.

Yes, obviously his eyesight and work attitude are on the passing level.

To Wang Chengzhu, who was running, the shout seemed to be very close at hand. However, when traveling on complex terrain, his attention was entirely on his feet. As he jumped, he glanced at the horizontal horizon with dynamic vision and realized that the puppet soldiers who were aiming their guns were still far away.

It's more than ten meters.

"Be careful when sailing." Wang Chengzhu thought. After landing, he checked the enemy position distribution marked by satellite positioning. It was determined that the encirclement of dozens of people was relatively sparse, and the distance between the two people was more than one meter. Plus the woods

It blocks the field of vision and the enemies that need to be dealt with are not completely impossible to fight in close combat.

Quickly bypassing five or six trees, Wang Chengzhu was closer to the enemy. When he stopped briefly again to observe the enemy's situation, he found that he was completely surrounded by a shrinking line of people. Under the command of the enemy officer, he began

When the encirclement becomes densely populated, some people will fall two steps behind to form a second layer of encirclement.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Success or failure depends on this one move, fight with them." Having said that, Wang Chengzhu took a shiny Remy Aid before running again, and used the auction house

The alchemy potion he bought was blessed by the gods. I believe that the thirty seconds of transparent invincibility can help him quickly and effectively engage the enemy.

The next time unfolded as Wang Chengzhu expected. His body was temporarily between illusion and solidity, like a running phantom approaching the encirclement of pursuers.

A puppet soldier noticed that a shirtless Wang Chengzhu was approaching him. He raised his gun from a distance of about two to three meters and fired. Let alone shooting with a rifle at the shoulder, a quick waist shot from this distance would not be so easy to miss the target.

However, the aborigines of the Bright Sword World did not know that a collection of abnormal phenomena called the System had appeared. The bullet fired by the Min-26 rifle passed through Wang Chengzhu and was embedded in the poplar trunk behind the transparent body.

The puppet soldier, who was lowering his head to pull the bolt of his gun and continuing to load the rifle, looked up amidst the shouts of his colleagues not far away. He found that Wang Chengzhu, who should have been shot and fell to the ground, was actually standing in front of him intact. Only then

I remembered that after the shooting, I didn't see any blood spray.

With a "pop" sound, the rifle bayonet in Wang Chengzhu's hand was forcefully thrust into the chest of the puppet soldier who fired the gun. After twisting and stirring, he pulled it out. The clothes on the chest of the puppet soldier were quickly wetted with bright red liquid. As Wang Chengzhu held it,

With their weapons drawn, the first puppet soldier who fired at Wang Chengzhu at close range lay softly on his back, like a sack of flour that had been cut open.

Four seconds have passed since Wang Chengzhu started charging after taking the medicine, and started poking, stirring and pulling. The blessing of the gods lasts for thirty seconds, but the cooling time between uses takes thirty minutes. Wang Chengzhu turned around and rushed towards the man who warned and exposed his position.

Another puppet soldier tried to knock down a few more enemy soldiers when he was in the best physical condition.

Wang Chengzhu leaned his bare back on the rough bark of the tree, breathing in the fresh air in the forest that had a strong smell of blood.

In thirty seconds, he knocked down six puppet soldiers and one armed man wearing civilian uniforms by running continuously. Even though there was an invincible transparent state potion to protect the body from trauma, the physical fatigue caused by strenuous exercise and the tension between life and death

The intense stimulation made him mentally exhausted, which made Wang Chengzhu a little overwhelmed.

After closing his eyes slightly to calm his breathing, Wang Chengzhu unexpectedly discovered that more than half of the fatigue bar below the functional area had disappeared.

"Ah, is it possible that it's similar to the Pixel Warrior challenge? Killing the enemy consumes fatigue points." Wang Chengzhu frowned, clicked on the consumables tab in the inventory, and took a bottle of Demon Realm Anti-Fatigue Secret with 50 recovery points.

Medicine, "Well, as expected, the physical and mental fatigue has improved as the fatigue value has increased. It seems that the fatigue value consumed in the system space every night requires the body to pay the price with sleep."

After quickly calming down his breathing rhythm, Wang Chengzhu took a bottle of heaven's healing potion, glanced at the gradually closing circle not far away, and prepared to continue his attack.

After a gunshot, that direction fell into a quiet situation, which made the second lieutenant of the puppet army feel depressed. Several times in a row, his puppet army brothers did not call out in response, so he knew that he had encountered a hard problem.

Regret flashed through his mind, and the second lieutenant platoon leader issued an order to the puppet soldiers around him, asking to form a combat team of at least two people to deal with the unknown attacker.

The order to shrink the front and retreat for help was not issued in time. The morale of the pursuers, who suffered a loss of more than a dozen people, gradually fell to the bottom after learning that one of them had been attacked repeatedly. After receiving the order from the platoon leader to report to the group for warmth, they gathered

The puppet troops and armed personnel who worked together to reduce the risk of being attacked encountered another danger.

Wang Chengzhu did not know that the pursuers guarding him had changed his siege strategy. He only judged from the surprise encounter that the enemy was no longer searching a small area alone. After eliminating the two armed men who were accompanying him, Wang Chengzhu activated the wrist terminal and called up

Infrared photo of the area.

After careful inspection, Wang Chengzhu concluded a pattern: "After he stabbed seven people in a row, the enemies began to gather together."

As a result, the difficulty of defeating each one suddenly increased. Wang Chengzhu looked at the six or seven groups of red and yellow dots on the wrist terminal screen, distributed on the blue-green terrain map, and narrowed the encirclement toward his location.

"Since you don't give me a chance to defeat each one, just gather together and wait to be covered by firepower!" Wang Chengzhu thought fiercely, and then called up the satellite adjustment device to mark the impact point of the ray towards the largest group of people.

A white light flashed in the sky, shooting down towards the marked area. Nine thinner laser beams moved and rotated around the white light beam. The small group of pursuers shrouded in white light were temporarily blinded, like headless flies.

Usually stumbling around hiding in the woods.

The health points of enemies attacked by Wang Chengzhu's digitized body are also converted into HP slots. Facing satellite ray skill attacks, in addition to being blinded, the red part of the HP slot quickly decreases and disappears.

The HP slots of the pursuers were emptied one by one, and the satellite ray skill continued to last for twelve seconds. The automatic enemy detection function drove the light beam to move towards the small group of pursuers nearby...

This chapter has been completed!
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