Chapter 247: Redemption and Release on Bail Awaiting Trial

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Bail pending trial is a method that originated in the British Isles. In the process of judicial practice, criminal suspects who have not yet been closed after the period of custody, who pose little harm to society, or who are ill or who are pregnant or breastfeeding, are released from custody by means of a guarantor or a deposit guarantee.

coercive measures. Although the bailed person is temporarily freed from prison and exempted from the dilemma of restricted personal freedom caused by detention, he is still subject to restrictive measures such as being unable to leave the city where he is and being able to come and go at any time. Broadly speaking, he has just moved to a larger school.

It's just a prison.

The result of redeeming a person is similar to that of being released on bail pending trial, but the process is not exactly the same. Communicate with relevant personnel through favors or property, and obtain the freedom of a slave or prisoner through redemption.

The former is similar to a pledge in a pawn shop, and the latter is similar to a bidding in an auction house. However, in the world of Liangjian, there are limited places with order. In some big cities with a permanent population of one million, there is a system similar to bail pending trial.

In towns and villages that lack official restraint, the only two options are to pay some polishing money to make people suffer less in prison, or to spend a lot of money to buy them out completely.

When Wang Chengzhu learned that the contact person who was imprisoned was just because he was in a hurry, he bumped into the wife of the deputy captain of the town security team, and was imprisoned with a bag charge of disturbing public order, he suffered a big cognitive shock.

I heard that in the old society there were hidden rules of extortion such as "thieves blossoming"[1], but I didn't expect that there were anecdotes about people who mistakenly entered the police station and were imprisoned. It was really insightful. Wang Chengzhu has been possessed by his consciousness in the world of Liangjian.

Most of the people I came into contact with during the month were comrades in command and service and fellow villagers in the base area. This was the first time I encountered this magical wonder of the world. Although the original owner of the body had experienced similar experiences in the past, under the control of subjective consciousness and self-protection reaction, most of them blackmailed and forced

The memory of the robbery incident has been blurred.

Regardless of lamenting the fate of the liaison officer, Wang Chengzhu's thoughts flashed in the flash of lightning, and he made the decision to redeem the person's freedom as soon as possible.

"Sir, please do me a favor, please help me, my brother, and let me take this person back intact." Wang Chengzhu lowered his posture and said kind words, while taking out three pieces of raw meat from his inner pocket.

The silver ingot was placed in the warden's hand.

Seeing that the benefits were obtained, the warden showed a smile on his face and hinted: "There are many people in this town who cause trouble and are imprisoned. Maybe the deputy captain will forget about this person in two days. However, there are so many people in this cell.

With two eyes, if you are locked up for one day and then released, it is easy for people to gossip." As he said that he was afraid that Wang Chengzhu, a big fat pig, wouldn't understand, he covered the silver ingot with his left sleeve and rubbed his thumb and index finger on his right hand.

Wang Chengzhu understood, took a bulging furoshiki from the hands of his companions, put it on the table and untied it, revealing more than ten large pieces of dried meat and two bottles of rum inside. With a smile on his face: "Haha, this is a condolence."

This is just a small gift from you military masters, but it is not a sign of respect. My brothers did not suffer much, all because of your mercy."

The warden felt that the knocking was enough, so he put the silver ingot into his pocket and slapped the table.

After a while, a short, fat warden wearing a black soap coat came in.

The warden pointed to the furoshiki on the table and said to the short and fat warden: "Put it away and add some food for the brothers who are on duty in the second half of the night." After that, he got up and left the hut. Wang Chengzhu and others followed the warden toward him.

Walk to the cell.

This chapter has been completed!
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